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Gatekeeping is defined as "the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something". Daniel Larson's trolls/managers are well-known for this act, especially today. The reasoning behind gatekeeping often can vary, but within the context of the Daniel Larson community, information is often gatekept as a way to make things secret. Due to the rampant doxxing of individuals within the Daniel Larson community by other trolls and rival management teams, gatekeeping has become a way to put the individuals behind the management of Daniel in secrecy as to protect their privacy.

Examples of gatekeeping

Lost media that gets leaked of Daniel has often been considered to be media that was originally gatekept. Some examples such as The Flexburger Leaks and the The 7/11 Incident are considered to be instances of private media that was not uncovered until later through leaks.

Such individuals who have been known to gatekeep are

Clark, with his phone conversations with Daniel along with text logs, as demonstrated through these leaks.

Dylan Clark, or Blark

LBI Entertainment, creating fake meetups and footage around the Olive Garden Incident

Warren, by not encouraging Daniel to go live to seal his location.


IWishIHadADad, who was known for charging money for questions asked to Daniel, resulting in a war.