Timeline (2023, second quarter) - Daniel Larson Wiki - lolcow.city

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Revision as of 15:16, 13 December 2023

A complete record of Daniel Larson's (or his relatives) life from April to June of 2023. No detail is too small to be added.



  • Daniel yells rascal profanity at a lack man .[1]
  • Daniel's pending transactions for concert tickets start to process.[2]
  • Daniel stays another night in the motel.
  • YouTuber Kusari announces, via his YouTube community page, as well as the Daniel Larson subreddit, that he is working on a part 2 to his documentary on Daniel Larson that will cover the Travel Arc.


  • Daniel announces, "my finances are skyrocketing through the roof," and that he has made $5,000 in a week.[3]
  • Daniel stays another night in a motel thanks to cameo.


  • Daniel announces that he was able to get a motel room.[4]
  • Daniel announces on his community page that he is considering hosting a sex party and that he is feeling, "bullish," and horny.


  • Daniel attends a Flo Rida concert in Greeley Colorado.[5]



  • Reddit user Bhumaz2 posts a compilation of texts between Daniel and "Grace". Daniel responds with a TikTok claiming it destroyed his reputation.
  • Daniel announces he is attending the Greeley Stampede and that he will be seeing Flo Rida and Lee Brice. According to the schedule, they would take place on Friday and Saturday. Daniel was in attendance both days.


  • The cost of a Cameo from Daniel exceeds $800.
  • Daniel posts, "I just had to change the price of the cameos due to the current situation and legal crap."[6]
  • Daniel gives the Denver County Police Bob's phone number.[7]
  • Daniel posts a picture of his lunch, then soon after posts about how the police had shown up and that he was almost arrested.[8] [9][10]


  • Daniel estimates that he owes Bob $15,000.[11]
  • Daniel claims to have $4,000 in medical debt from his hospital stays in Vegas and New York.[12]
  • Daniel does a photo shoot with Bob for the release of "Merry Go Round".[13]


  • Daniel announces that he got the copyright code for "Merry Go Round" and that it will be released on June 30, 2023.[14]
  • Daniel announces that he is earning enough revenue from Cameo to pay for studio sessions.[15]



  • Daniel claims that Bob's house was broken into and blames, "...someone from the Reddit." and, "someone from the fan base."




  • Daniel creates an account on Cameo.


  • Daniel creates a new TikTok account, @daniellarsonden12.


  • Daniel's TikTok account is banned after threatening to, "...buy a gun and start killing people." in a post.


  • Daniel gets forcibly kicked out of an ice cream parlor in Colorado and apparently punches an employee in the face.





  • Daniel claims to have woken up to a $100 citation for Trespassing. He shows what appears to be a ticket on camera so this is probably truthful.


  • Daniel returns to TikTok after his phone had been stolen.



  • Text messages of Daniel are leaked.



  • Daniel uploads videos of items he has received from fans including socks, toothbrushes, and deodorant. These items are the same as those that had been previously given to Daniel during John Jam's prior encounter with him.



  • Daniel is confronted by Ryan and is allegedly stalked. Daniel claims Ryan made, "death threats."
  • Daniel claims Ryan is part of the Illuminati.


  • Daniel makes a response to trolls who were claiming that there were riots breaking out over him.





  • Daniel uploads a YouTube video in which he states that he believes that there will be a multi-year long civil war between the Daniel Larson subreddit and Discord.


  • Daniel uploads videos of himself playing a piano.



  • Daniel claims he was attacked by a woman with a machete.


  • In the comments on one of his community posts, a commenter asks how the hospital was. In his response, Daniel claimed that the staff had treated him poorly.
  • Daniel posts another TikTok, this time a selfie in what looks like a hospital room or an urgent care.
  • Daniel posts a TikTok video of a still image in which his feet were wrapped in white towels next to a foot soaking tub.


  • In a series of several TikTok posts, Daniel shows photos of his feet.The bottom of his feet show thickened, yellowed, crust-like skin, as well as showing visible signs of trench foot.
  • Daniel posts multiple TikTok videos, one of which showing him pictured with a brand new pair of socks he purchased. Commenters pointed out that the brand of sock he purchased cost $40 per pair.
  • Daniel does a five second long test stream on YouTube.


  • Daniel makes multiple posts on his YouTube community tab, along with his TikTok, claiming that Bob has told him that their friendship is broken beyond repair, and that they were never friends in the first place. In a video posted to his TikTok, Daniel is seen telling someone, who is believed to be Bob, that he is a piece of shit. It is unclear if this is actually Bob, or if it is a troll pretending to be him.



  • Daniel is kicked out of The American Dream Mall by the police.


  • Daniel travels to East Rutherford, New Jersey.
  • Daniel goes to The American Dream Mall.


  • Daniel states that the, "four reich," is coming and is being led by Kanye556. He likely means the 'fourth reich', the modern-day equivalent to Nazism during World War II.
  • Daniel creates a new TikTok page, daniellarson098. Daniel posts pictures of himself at a children's theme park in the American Dream Mall.
  • Daniel makes a TikTok in which he says that it makes sense that WorldofTshirts is, "a Jew". He then states, in another TikTok, that he apologizes to the Jewish community as well as Grace for all of his previous videos.
  • Daniel posts a screenshot of his supposed mother's YouTube comment and confirms it is indeed his real mother. A troll claims to be his mother reaching out to him and trying to get him to go back home to Colorado. She is proven to be a troll by the subreddit almost immediately.
  • Daniel posts more selfies to his TikTok page. The cut on the bridge of his nose appeared to be picked at. Selfies that show this cut in greater detail are marked as sensitive/graphic content by TikTok, and to view them you must agree to see them.


  • Daniel posts two videos of himself walking through a lobby. One of which includes a parody of Shawn Mendes's Treat You Better by controversial YouTuber RuckaRuckaAli with the original lyrics changed to, "I don't like the Jews," in a fake German accent. Note that today is Easter Sunday, but is also still considered Passover, a very important Jewish holiday. It is unclear if this song choice was prompted by trolls, a coincidence, or purposely chosen by Daniel.


  • Daniel posts multiple videos apologizing to various people for his wrongdoings, including Bob and Grace. He apologizes for stalking Grace up to this point and to Bob for assaulting him.
  • Daniel proposed a fan meetup at Pronto Pizza by announcing his presence there and inviting fans to show up.
  • Daniel posts a video with a screenshot of Grace's real, verified Twitter account with the caption, "real," and a screenshot of a supposed catfish that he captioned "fake."
  • Daniel creates the @daniellarson73 account on TikTok. He posts his first post at around 1:44 pm, and it is a simple selfie with music.


  • Daniel's TikTok account is permanently banned. The following message appears when trying to access the page: "Couldn't find this account." The reason for the ban can be assumed to be his gun threats towards Michael Quinn and Joshua Block.
  • Daniel claims that WorldOfTshirts and Michael Quinn sabotaged his Broadway audition, and followed him around New York City.
  • Daniel announces he will end his obsession with the VanderWaal family in order to focus on his career.


  • Daniel finds a hotel to stay in for the night, presumably paid for by a fan.
  • Daniel announces that he has an upcoming job interview.
  • Daniel doxxes himself by posting a photo of his discharge papers from the hospital. He captioned the Tiktok, "you all think this is a game." It is unclear what he was trying to express by posting this, as the discharge papers mention no relevant information.
  • Daniel discovered that someone (u/LtVander) took a photo of him and uploaded it to Reddit. In response, he took multiple photos of random people and uploaded them to Tiktok. The first instance of him doing this was ironically paired with the caption, "I got spotted and the troll took a photo of me without my permission." After posting this, he posted the screenshot of the Reddit post with the caption, "proof [that] someone leaked my location." Following this, he posted a second photo of random people with no caption.
  • Daniel, while on a spree of posting various screenshots, posts a screenshot from a Reddit post by u/cumfart9001. It is a photo of the troll that met up with Daniel on 4/5/23 and posted a selfie with him with the text, "with Daniel currently." The caption for this post is, "this is murk."
  • Daniel states that he will be getting a cease and desist for anybody who mentions Worldoftshirts. He claims it is becoming an issue and that people are harassing him about.
  • Daniel silently films and uploads two TikToks of a small orchestra performing in what seems to be a mall or lobby of some kind.
  • Daniel claims to have an audition on Broadway soon, and that he will be in Times Square soon.
  • Daniel uploads a photo of some random people with a caption that read, "I just got spotted in this photo the guy is in the gray t-shirt."
  • Daniel asks his fans to stop talking about Worldoftshirts and Michael Quinn. He claims that he has filed a police report on them. He claims that he used a, "...one time e-mail," as well as a, "fake address," in order to send in this police report to prevent doxxing.
  • Daniel uploads a video of a man whom he claims hit him.
  • Daniel states that he is in contact with the 'real' Grace and her 'friend,' as she has sent him video verification. She informs Daniel that she is currently in Kansas (the true location of her home and birth place). She tells Daniel that she is aware of what is going on and encourages him to leave NYC immediately as it is not safe for him to be there. She also said that she would help him if she could but unfortunately she was unavailable.
  • Daniel claims that he spent $380 of his Social Security money for the month.
  • Daniel records multiple TikToks of different statues in the area along with selfies with these statues. He also uploaded photos of the plaques with information about each sculpture. None of these have any captions nor hashtags.
  • Daniel goes to the New York World Trade Center. He spends most of his time in the Westfield Mall.
  • Daniel goes to the 9/11 memorial in New York City. He uploads a TikTok video with cheerful music along with a photo of the memorial.


  • The April 5th bodega incident occurs, leading to Daniel having to go to the hospital with minor injuries.
  • Daniel posts a TikTok stating that he was told that if anyone approaches him asking to take photos of or with him, he is required to sue them for a, "fan interaction." This same infraction is applicable to any photos of Daniel that somebody may take of him.
  • Daniel's TikTok account was taken over seemingly temporarily via a possible troll that had met up with Daniel in real life, confirmed by TikToks posted by this person. It is unclear what this person's intentions are. One of the two TikTok videos he had posted is a still image of him alongside Daniel with the text, "with Daniel currently."
  • Daniel posts TikTok videos of the road he is being driven on with clear views of street signs as well as the skyline.
  • Daniel arrives at his destination and posts a TikTok of himself in front of a random building. In the hashtags of this TikTok, he includes, "dlr records," "dlr entertainment," and, "gracevanderwaal."
  • In the comment section of one of his TikToks, he posts, "I just got in extreme trouble with bob," with no further explanation.
  • Daniel claims that he cannot pay for his meal because he used all his money for, "security."
  • Daniel begs his fans to stop pretending to be security, whether it be digital or in person.
  • Daniel makes multiple TikToks stating it is, "code black," or, "code Justin." He claims that his current management told him that he's not allowed to go live due to safety concerns.
  • Daniel makes multiple TikToks claiming he needs $50.
  • Daniel asks 'fans' to stop doxxing his location.
  • A discord call with Daniel and his current managers is leaked. Daniel punches a bodega owner for kicking him out, which leads to Daniel getting punched in the eye and a scrape on his knee.
  • It is also revealed by Daniel that he punched a security guard earlier in the day for putting their hands on him.
  • Daniel calls the police and EMS.
  • Daniel states that he is afraid that he might have a concussion.
  • Daniel admits to owning the Pinterest account.


  • Daniel continues to ask for his 'fans' to stop revealing his location and reminded them that he is ready and willing to press charges on those who do.
  • Sometime that day, Daniel is convinced by trolls that he will be opening for Kanye West at Coachella.
  • Daniel is spotted in Exchange Place, where he will take a train to the World Trade Center.
  • Daniel is driven from Newark to Jersey City.
  • Daniel states that he will be suing Uber as he is, "having issues," with it.
  • Daniel repeatedly asks for 'fans' to stop leaking his location and phone number, as he is continuously getting calls. He states that people are calling him and impersonating police officers. He also states that if one wants to contact him, they must be able to 'verify' themselves in some way. It is unclear what Daniel means by this.
  • Daniel states in a later TikTok as he is leaving the train that he needs to wait for, "somebody to send out security."
  • Daniel kicks the wall/window of the train and is then not allowed to get off of the train due to, according to him, "people setting off fire alarms in the airport." This is also known as the NYC train incident.
  • Daniel creates multiple TikToks, seemingly from inside of a train in a state of distress. He repeatedly asks his 'fans' to stop calling his phone, as his phone number was "leaked."
  • Daniel lands in Newark, New Jersey.
  • YouTuber Jett uploads part one of The Madness of Daniel Larson.


  • Daniel arrives at the airport, passes security, and is slated to land in New Jersey at midnight.


  • Daniel talks in the Q&A discord, where he says he is getting a sandwich and received $48 in donation.
  • Daniel's new managers supposedly purchase a same day ticket from Houston to New York City for Daniel.
  • Daniel's discord account is hacked/taken over by some of his managers.
  • Daniel claims to be at a Motel 6, but this could have been a purposeful misdirection.
  • Daniel announced, “...high alert,” as he’s in the IAH Marriott (confirmed by hotel host) conference room. Daniel does not have a room at the Marriott.


  • Daniel goes to a McDonald's.
  • Daniel engages in several phone calls with a user who convinces him to join a Q&A hosted via Discord.