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In this call, Daniel explains that lawyer has lacked communication since August. Lil Sippy informs him about a new document which states that Daniel may be moved to Springfield by December, and gives him advice to try his best to act competent for a plea deal, which may speed up his release and promises to send him some photos. Daniel, under delusion, also expresses frustration about his family's lack of support and worries that a felony conviction would limit his ability to travel and maintain his (albeit, imaginary) relationship with Grace VanderWaal.
In this call, Daniel explains that lawyer has lacked communication since August. Lil Sippy informs him about a new document which states that Daniel may be moved to Springfield by December, and gives him advice to try his best to act competent for a plea deal, which may speed up his release and promises to send him some photos. Daniel, under delusion, also expresses frustration about his family's lack of support and worries that a felony conviction would limit his ability to travel and maintain his (albeit, imaginary) relationship with Grace VanderWaal.
===== Video =====

===== Transcript =====
===== Transcript =====

Revision as of 15:04, 18 November 2024

On April 30, 2024, Daniel was arrested after making several terroristic threats against establishments such as the White House. This marked the first fully offline arc in Daniel Larson history. Almost all knowledge of what Daniel has been up to since his arrest has come from communications from jail – emails, letters and phone calls – while he awaits his hearings.

List of calls

May 2024

All calls from this month were to Clark.

May 1

On May 2, Flexburger uploaded a call between Clark and Daniel, though it is likely that the call took place sometime on May 1, evidenced by previously leaked audio.[1][2] In this call, Daniel drops the bombshell that he has been charged with 7 counts of interstate communication of threats, and is now deemed a flight risk.

Full call between Clark and Daniel.

Automated voice: ...call, please hang up and follow facility instructions to register this number as a private number. To consent to this recorded call, press 1. To disconnect... *Clark presses 1* Automated voice: Thank you for using [REDACTED]. You may start the conversation now.

Daniel: Hello?

Clark: Dan? Jesus Christ, Daniel!

Daniel: Hey, can you hear me?

Clark: Yeah, I can hear you. How are you bud?

Daniel: Oh my God, um... I'm doing okay. *Clark stutters* Daniel: Um, the feds pretty much got me.

Clark: The feds got you?

Daniel: Like... yeah. This time the feds got me, and Bob told me that it wasn't going to happen and he didn't believe me. And, I went to probation yesterday and sure enough, the feds were there and they charged me with seven counts of, um, threats- from threats that I made.

Clark: Seven counts of threats?!

Daniel: Yup, under- under federal court.

Clark: Holy shit!

Daniel: Yeah.

Clark: So this... shit! Uh...

Daniel: And... and not only that, the feds apparently are looking into Bob for his finances and the feds are also, on top of that, now looking into my bank statements to see the real amount he was giving me.

Clark: So they think Bob was also committing fraud as well?

Daniel: They think that he's committing fraud.

Clark: Shit! Holy sh-

[video cuts]

Daniel: ...money through his bank account or is he giving you cash and you're putting it into your bank, and I said both.

Clark: Shit! And why, why did they take you up to [REDACTED]? Are you in [REDACTED] or [REDACTED]?

Daniel: I am in flippin' [REDACTED] of all places.

Clark: What the hell? Yeah I- because I missed your call last night because I didn't have my, uh, debit card or my credit card with me and I was like, alright, I'll just have to wait till tomorrow. Everyone said that...

Daniel: Right. Don't worry. Don't worry about that. It's okay.

Clark: OK.

Daniel: Um, I did also talk to the public defender. Um, I have court on Monday.

Clark: OK.

Daniel: OK, and it IS federal court...

Clark: *gasps, whispers* Fuck...

Daniel: ...they were saying that I was a flight risk and all the garbage that they're gonna say, but, it's okay.

Clark: Yeah.

Daniel: But they're looking at trying to put me in, um, like, basically higher security housing.

Clark: Geez!

Daniel: So, it would basically be basic housing, you know, just like *unintelligible*.

[video cuts]

Daniel: Um, they're saying that yes, I would be facing prison time if convicted but my public defender was saying that with me being homeless five years and being out in the cold, whether to point till I feel like I'm gonna die, and I'm panicking. When I panic, I say things that I don't mean-

Clark: True.

Daniel: ...and I didn't mean the threats, I don't know how to make explosive stuff like that, they said that, well, you know, that is true, you know that is- I DEF shouldn't have said. So...

Clark: Wow, that is- that is, that's perfect to say. I would listen to your public defender because he's 100% right. There's no way you could actually make a bomb or do anything that you said.

Daniel: Right, and I don't have a violent history, like, anything like that.

Clark: Exactly.

Daniel: My- the main concern the judge said is that it's one step away from doing so, and that's their concern if I get back out. And they're also concerned that if I get back out I will go back on social media and continue to make threats.

Clark: Holy crap...

Daniel: And... right. And that's what the judge said, and you know what? I'm okay doing a little bit of time, you know? I would rather show I'm gonna be good, you know than, create more issues, right?

Clark: Oh yeah, I agree. I mean, you're-

Daniel: Umm...

Clark: You did well with your 27 days, so.

Daniel: Right.

[video cuts again]

Daniel: ...call you.

Clark: OK.

Daniel: OK, I'm gonna get Grace's number, I'm gonna get Tina's. My public defender also said that they were gonna reach out to Grace.

Clark: OK.

Daniel: So they might reach out to you, they might reach out to Grace, but I did tell them that yes, we are engaged, and they're going to try to reach out to her.

Clark: OK. *inhales, sighs*

Daniel: Um, because they've wanted to let her know that like, I'm okay, and you know, they wanted to see what she wants as well.

Clark: So, are the- are the, are the charges like threats against the government or something like those?

Daniel: It's... I guess they're considering- they're calling it interstate threats.

Clark: OK.

Daniel: They're saying that it's threats and interstate threats.

Clark: Geez...

Daniel: They're not calling it like, terrorist threats, they're not saying anything like that. But they are saying, their biggest concern is apparently DDRC, they had to fully evacuate.

Clark: *chuckles in shock* Geez!

Daniel: And they're saying that that was a big concern. So...

Clark: Oh, after like, comments you made one time they had to evacuate like the whole building or something?

Daniel: Yup, and they brought in bomb-sniffing dogs.

Clark: *chuckling* Jesus Christ!

Daniel: Because like DDRC gets, took it so-

[video cuts, Clark inhales]

Daniel: Which I mean, proves kind of how stupid they are, you know, because they know me so well that like, they know I'm not gonna do that, but *chuckles* kind of ridiculous as you can see!

Clark: *chuckles* Yeah, like why would they even waste their time? They know who you are!

Daniel: Right. Right. Like, they know who I am, I don't know why they're gonna waste their time and then... and not only that, the FBI is saying things about you, um, and not only you, but now a Discord server that I know you're not even in! *coughs*

Clark: Wh- what were they... Jesus Christ, this is a whole mess now!

Daniel: Yeah, so the feds are just trying to get me, you know, like they're- they're trying to call me crazy when this is like, no, because this is what I did and it hap-

[video cuts]

Clark: I agree! Why would you lie, and- I mean, was it MacDou- MacDougall that, MacDougall that picked you up or was it different secret service?

Daniel: Believe it or not, it was MacDougall, MacDougall and he did actually say that like, in the end, he doesn't really care that I did the threats against him, which yes, is a concern and I shouldn't have done it, you know. But he said in the end, that he cares and still- you know, 'cause if he cared, he wouldn't cut contact. *laughs* It's kind of ridiculous, if you ask me!

Clark: Yeah, it's like, I guess he's trying to do his job, but then he knows you so well, he knows the threats aren't- shouldn't be considered real.

Daniel: Right. He knows, he knows that they're not real threats, and then he knows as well, you know like... his concern as well was like, he asked me to stop the first time and I didn't.

Clark: True.

Daniel: And I guess that is his point.

Clark: And he did ask, he did ask me to stop saying that I was an actual lawyer before, because I was still a law student and he did get mad about that. That was a thing that started the whole thing for me.

Daniel: Well, yeah, and I mean, you first got contact, right? It was under crazy circumstances.

Clark: Yeah.

Daniel: Like, you were lying for safety.

Clark: True.

Daniel: At this point, I feel like people need to announce the truth of what's really going on.

Clark: Oh no- I, I agree. It's all gonna come out anyway in the trial, so.

Daniel: Right, and I mean Tina, cuz I mean Daniel MacDougall- Dougall, also told me about, um... Tina's... um, comment, and said like, "Didn't Tina say don't contact Grace anymore?" and I'm sitting there going like, that's months ago, years ago, and since then, Tina is now understanding of what's going on.

Clark: Geez, so yeah, that Instagram comment from a while ago?

Daniel: But anyways, what I' m gonna do is I'm gonna call you back tomorrow...

Clark: OK.

Daniel: OK, um, we might need to figure out a way to put money on my books.

Clark: OK, I can help with that.

[call ends]

May 6

From a video posted by Larsonleak raw on the 12th of May, also featuring Kusari, a phone call from the 6th of May was leaked. This call is the most serious out of all of them. The calls contents contain Clark initiating a serious talk, revealing everything to Daniel, admitting his entire identity was fake.

This occurred after management was interrogated by the police due to their involvement with Daniel. Clark elaborates that due to Daniel, he had lost 2 (and possibly) jobs due to him, and that this call to Daniel was, "the most important call of his life.”

Full call between Clark and Daniel.

Automated voice: ...and follow facility instructions to register this number as a private number. To consent to this recorded call, press 1.

Daniel: Hello?

Clark: (firmly) OK Daniel, I need you to listen completely for the next 10 minutes and I need to talk to you, okay? I need you to not interrupt me and I need you to be fucking serious right here cuz this is probably this- the only time, it's one of the most important things I'm ever gonna tell you.

Daniel: OK.

Clark: All of this has been it's... it's fake, man. I mean, I'm not Clark, I'm not a lawyer, I don't work for Interscope. Grace doesn't want to talk to you, there is- Grace, the only reason Grace knows you is 'cause she thinks either a predator and creep, and the only time you've ever talked to Tina was 'cause she was telling you to back away. I mean, it hurts to say, UCLA was fake, Interscope was fake, every single thing we did, it was fake. *Daniel sighs, and can be heard breathing heavily* I mean- None of that was real, Daniel. I mean... and I can't keep leading you on here, and- and, to be honest, you do need to learn your lesson, and I- I know we've acted like friends for the past, what, 9 months, but really, you're sick, you're a sick guy, man. And I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, then I would see you send those [REDACTED] to 15 year old Sky Brown, say your things, you- you need... you need to get some help, and I've been recording everything, I've- we even worked with MacDougall for a while, and it... I... and I'm done. *stutters a bit* Like, I'm- I... like, it's over man. There isn't anything else to say. I've been lying to you, I've been faking fucking everything, um, Grace doesn't even know who, if she knows who you are, she thinks you're a weirdo, and... yeah. *sighs* I mean, and I get some circumstances, but at the same time, you really are a menace to the streets of Colorado.

[video cuts a bit]

Clark: I'm a 20 year old kid from St. Louis in community college, and I know literally nothing, so. Um, I am gonna say, I won't be answering any more calls anymore. This is probably the last time we'll ever talk.

Daniel: Right. No, I... I understand.

Clark: But you don't. That's the thing, Daniel. You keep convincing yourself, Grace and all that, it's not- she doesn't want you, like, she- I've never talked to her in her life. How do you think all our calls end up on the internet too? Like, I- I mean, you're fucked and I- I... it's, it's over, you know? I'm sorry, not really at the same time, because this has been the fucking weirdest 10 months of my life, and I've had to been talking to a pretty much pedophile for that whole time while also hurting my image, I even got fired for my fucking job in real life for this, Daniel. So *clears throat*

[video cuts]

Daniel: I mean, you do have a point.

Clark: *to person in background* No, I'm in the middle of the most important call of my life right now.

Daniel: *unintelligible* I mean, uh, to be honest, I kind of knew that you were trolling, and that's why I kept qrestioning (questioning) everything.

[Call lasts for another 16 minutes, mostly Daniel giving muffled responses and Clark repeating himself, who hangs up.]

May 9

Also featured in the aforementioned video, Daniel called Clark on May 9, 2024. Clark reluctantly agreed to do this after former members of Daniels management convinced him to do so. In this call, Daniel seeks to fix his friendship with Clark and rebuild, while Clark maintains a serious tone and tells him to take responsibility. They both admit their past mistakes, although Daniel does not seem to truly understand his wrongdoings.

Considering Clark's unwillingness to speak with Daniel after this call, this was speculated to be the final time Daniel would have contact with outside world. However, he returned in September with a new call.

This was the final call to take place in Clear Creek County Jail.


Automated Voice: ...recorded and may be monitored. If you believe this should be a private call, please hang up and follow facility instructions to register this number as a private number. To consent to this recorded call, press 1. *Clark presses 1* To disconnect... Thank you for using [REDACTED]. You may start the conversation now.

Daniel: Hello?

Clark: Hi Daniel. OK, so pu-

Daniel: Hi. I- Sorry, before you say anything, I wanna tell you that I am extremely sorry and I want to try to fix our friendship.

Clark: I mean, it's not just- I feel like you have a lot of people to say sorry to mostly. Not just me, more like Bob, and the di- the restaurants and all the people that... even Grace in a way for tormenting her and her family for the past couple years.

Daniel: I- I agree and I will take the blame, but I want to fix everything, you know? We all make mistakes and, you know, we all make mistakes and it's how we move forward. Right, and it's how we make progress.

Clark: I agree and I know that Bob's been talking to you recently, so I hope you said sorry to him and everything, 'cause I'm surprise he's even still talking to you after what everything that went down.

Daniel: I- I understand. And you know, with- with Grace I also understand what you said about it.

Clark: And.. that starts with me being honest too, and I regret even all the fake Graces and all that, yeah, that wasn't right to do for Grace too, 'cause I don't know her in real life and I know she was probably not happy with people pretending to be her for the past couple years, so that does start with us too. But, the way you took it was a little too far in some ways, and I mean, and I do think-

Daniel: *interrupts* I-I-I do agree.

Clark: Yeah.

Daniel: You know, I... we've been in contact for so long now, you know what I mean, I- I want us to be friends.

Clark: I mean, you do understand everything I told you though in the last call, like all of this has been pretty much made up. I know it's for you to- to know but you gotta realize that before the trial, before they think you're crazy.

Daniel: Right, and, you know, I- I agree.

Clark: I mean, and...

Daniel: And, *stammers* I do have to say that I do kind of know what, well I do know what my public defender is going to ask tomorrow, but I don't know if they're going to approve it this time or the next court date, but I do know that we're making progress in the right direction.

Clark: OK, well I think this was a good conversation, but everything starts with a couple sorries here and there. Do you have anything that you wanna say to like, everybody out there? Like, 'cause I'm getting people are gonna get these phone calls through that so I- you should, if you wanna explain yourself to everybody on, on Reddit...

Daniel: Right.. you know, what I want- what I want is, I want an apology to the entire fanbase, and not only to the fanbase, but I want, you know, an apology going out about the leaking of the phone calls, stuff like that.

Clark: And just, everything. Even Sky Brown. *chuckles*

Daniel: Just like, literally everything at this point. You know, I mean, if we go into detail, it's gonna be way too much right now.

Clark: True.

Daniel: You know what I mean? And we're on a timed phone call with, you know, money going through. I'm to a point to where, like, I wanna try to fix this with everything, and I want the real truth to be heard.

Clark: And the truth will be heard Daniel. So like, we.. I gotta go, but we'll...

[call ends]

September 2024

September 7

Daniel had attempted to call Clark twice, on June 30 and at the end of August, both of which he had missed. This is the first call that takes place in FCI Englewood.

On the morning of September 7, 2024, Daniel called Clark from the federal prison, and had their first conversation in nearly four months. Daniel's emotional tone sounds vulnerable and agitated as he talks about his situation, saying that he has been put in protective custody for the last few months, and may be transferred to a psychiatric facility in a different state.

This call reveals the unsurprising fact that no matter how much sense people try to knock into Daniel, it never works, as he still thinking about Grace despite being told in the second May call that she does not want anything to do with him.


Clark: Dang, Daniel! How you doin'?

Daniel: Absolutely terrible. *sighs* *Clark chuckles* So, um... so, my lawyer, my public defender, OK, is with the public defender's office, OK- a federal public defender's office out of uh, Denver, Colorado. And, his name is Jared [REDACTED]. He is saying I'm incompetent and I'm going to get transferred to a psychiatric facility. He's naming five different ones, one in South Carolina which doesn't make sense. I'm being told I would be moving to either South Carolina or Missouri, New York City, or New York, somewhere in New York, San Diego or Seattle.

Clark: What the hell? Missouri?

Daniel: Bob doesn't- Bob doesn't want me leaving the state, ok...

[video cuts]

Daniel: There's no time frame on when I'm going to get trans- transferred. The um, paperwork got submitted to the court over two months ago, so I'm just sitting and just waiting right now.

Clark: It's terrible!

Daniel: And I have a legal phone call with my lawyer today and I am being told by Bob, and I'm also thinking that, like why am I just sitting here? Like, they either need to get me transferred or at this point, get me time served and get me out.

Clark: I agree.

Daniel: Because like- because I mean threats? It's not I acted on them. I was homeless and I was demanding help. So where- wh-wh-where is the- where is the actual issue there? There isn't!

Clark: You're right! They just- I mean they took advantage of a... I mean, I really don't understand either. I mean, has MacDougall even tried to talk to you since then, or MacDougall?

Daniel: No, no. He hasn't. And he also told me, he promised me that Grace and I would be having the wedding.

Clark: Fuck... well I don't even...

Daniel: Like he's- he's promised me stuff now that is just not even happening, and then he was trying to accuse me of things, that... it's like, there's absolutely zero evidence of.

Clark: Yeah, like the... child, uh- p-

Daniel: The child molesting thing, which there's absolutely no evidence, so that never even got, that never even went through, because they just don't have evidence.

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: And then, um, also they were trying to accuse Bob of raping me!

Clark: What the hell?

Daniel: Yeah! They were trying to straight up accuse Bob and then lie to me just to get Bob arrested for sex crimes! Like, if you are gonna continue to do that, there's gonna be further issues!

Clark: Ooooh...

Daniek: 'Cause it's- it's straight up, like, not okay. You know, especially if it- if they're saying it happened to me and I absolutely know that- that is false information that they're saying is just ridiculous!

Clark: I mean they're just- I mean, I'm surprised they didn't, uh, haven't arrested ME and other people and tried to accuse me of things.

Daniel: Right!

Clark: Why did that- so you got, I'm get- so all of July you were in the SHU, right?

Daniel: I was in the SHU, yes, all of July. Pretty much.

Clark: What... what, what happened? Did someone try and fight you, you said?

Daniel: Somebody was trying to fight me, people were calling into the jail apparently, like to the actual like, facility. Sending threats to me, and so I was getting pretty much attacked for people calling in, and I'm like, "Guys, like, I'm famous. It's not my problem." Like, there's nothing I can do.

Clark: Dang, so then they put you in protective custody?

Daniel: They- I've been in protective custody on 22 hour lockdown, for over two months now.

Clark: Sheesh!

Daniel: Like, going on three months.

Clark: What do you do all day?

Daniel: Either sleep, or just read books. And people are still saying I don't know how to read books, when I do. So that's another thing that's pissing me off, is like, people are accusing me of not knowing how to read, and they don't even know if I can or can't.

Clark: What, no-

Daniel: So they don't even have a say.

Clark: The cops were saying that, or like the inmates? Or just-

Daniel: Everybody.

Clark: Geez, yeah that's-

Daniel: And then, other.. I guess other people inside the jail, inmates and CO's keep coming up to me, like joking around about Grace, saying, oh, I'm in contact with her now, I'm dating her.

Clark: Geez!

Daniel: And, all that's doing is, that's creating- that's getting me angry. You know, it's like, OK, like, do you have their number? 'Cause I have their number!

Clark: Ooooh...

Daniel: I'm not like, I don't have it, you know, straight on me, but it's in my legal discovery. It's just blocked out. You know what I mean? Like, I have more than enough proof right now and I'm pretty sure you don't. You know, and it's- they're just creating all these random arguments with me.

Clark: I mean, they can look you up and see that you're in there for like, huge charges. Those people are probably in there for like, ped- like the jail you're in has a lot of pedophiles and stuff, like that Subway guy?

Daniel: Right, but the thing is my charges are not that big.

Clark: Exactly.

Daniel: ...if you really think about it. They're samll compared to a lot of these other people.

Clark: True.

[video cuts]

Clark: It's true.

Daniel: You know, I'm just- I'm basically right now just serving time. That's all it is.

Clark: And what books have you been reading? Did you get it from a commissary or something?

Daniel: No, there's a library here.

Clark: Hmmm.

Daniel: I got a bunch of- I guess, like, two or three books. I've been reading like, fairy tale stuff, vampire stuff.

Clark: Oh, that's good.

Daniel: But, um, anyways, apparently Bob- Bob is all pissed off about what's going on with Grace. He's like, OK, so we know that Grace is involved. Why is she not helping? Like, why is she not getting you out? You know, like she's a millionaire, she should be able to just, you know, get you right now and get you on the record deal. Why is she not helping? He's pissed off and... I probably shouldn't say this because I don't wanna piss YOU off, but Bob is at the same time, kind of upset at YOU...

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: ....you got me in contact with the other person who claimed to be Grace, right? We know that, you got me in contact with the person claiming to be Tina and the person claiming to be Grace. I don't know right now if that is- if that was real or fake, but what I do know is when they told me that they were in contact with the FBI, okay, one thing I can confirm is that what they were saying is true in my legal discovery.

Clark: That's true- yeah your legal discovery, we haven't- I haven't been able to see that, but what else?

Daniel: Right, but my legal discovery straight up has conversations with the verified Tina, Grace's mother, where it's straight up talking about being in contact with me and saying, "Grace is not dating you, she's not aware of you", but what I find weird is that there's a straight up letter that got sent to the homeless shelter, where it straight up is from the real Dave, and Dave as we know, was wanting the relationship and the wedding all along. He has no problem with it, as we know, right?

Clark: Yeah, I mean, assumming so, yeah.

Daniel: Right, and so, the thing is, he is the one that apparently sent the letter, and now they're all saying, including Grace, that none of that ever happened.

Clark: Geez!

Daniel: And there's like, literal proof, like it came from their address, so who here is lying?

Clark: Uh, I- it's all confusing, and then..

[video cuts]

Daniel: ...or whoever this Grace is, which is from my understanding, the real Grace... is in my legal discovery, which straight up- it's the same stuff that you were saying when I was in contact with you prior to- prior to my arrest. So I'm being... the information I'm being given, right, is making me sound crazy. And it's-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel (continuing): It's pissing everybody off, you see what I mean?

Clark: Yeah, I mean and they keep pushing back your trial.

Daniel: And they k- Right, and they keep pushing back my trial, so who is doing that? You know, like at this point I don't know why I'm just- why I'm not just out, you know and they get me housing, you know like- like, wherever I'm supposed to go, you know? *coughs*

Clark: I mean, like, Biden did drop out of the race, so it is Kamala now and I don't know if you heard, apparently there were like Venezuelan gangs coming to Aurora, Colorado and like, taking over apartments and stuff, I was like-

Daniel *interrupting*: Yeah yeah, no, I heard about that, that's... true, that's what's going on. Um, I mean, what could also be going on too is I mean, all the shootings and stuff.

Clark: Yeah.

Daniel: They could be just saying threats are just one step away from the actual doing. The thing is, I'm not- I'm not that type of person.

Clark: Yeah.

Daniel: I don't, I'm not gonna just act on it, I was demanding help and I even have proof in my legal discovery of me demanding help, going to hospitals. Nobody ever once did anything, now they're doing kind of the same thing, but just holding me here. When... when is- when are things going to progress actually get better? I don't see it happening anytime soon.

Clark: And I'm guessing, do they not have tablets in this one like that other?

Daniel: No. But anyways, I gotta go, our time's almost up.

Clark: OK.

Daniel: I'll have to call you back.

Clark: Um, one more thing. Try and write down some lyrics, 'cause next time we call, maybe you can like sing over the phone or something.

Daniel: I don't know, we'll figure something out, OK?

Clark: OK.

Daniel: Alright, bye.

Clark: Alright, bye.

October 2024

October 7 (1)

On October 7, 2024, Lil Sippy received two calls from Daniel. He posted one of them on YouTube already, and plans to post more Larson calls soon. [3] This is the first phone call that does not feature Clark.

In this call, Daniel explains that lawyer has lacked communication since August. Lil Sippy informs him about a new document which states that Daniel may be moved to Springfield by December, and gives him advice to try his best to act competent for a plea deal, which may speed up his release and promises to send him some photos. Daniel, under delusion, also expresses frustration about his family's lack of support and worries that a felony conviction would limit his ability to travel and maintain his (albeit, imaginary) relationship with Grace VanderWaal.

First Call Transcript

Automated voice: ...call. This call is from Daniel Larson. This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. To accept this call, press 5. *Lil Sippy presses 5* You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: Hi, Daniel!

Daniel: Hello, this is Daniel Larson.

Lil Sippy: What's going on Daniel, how you doing man?

Daniel: Hi, um... I'm doing OK, my- my lawyer hasn't been getting back to me at all. I haven't spoken to him since early August.

Lil Sippy: OK, I got- um, I saw, I was looking on PACER and the prosecution has filed a new uh, thing in your case, a new document in your case that says you'll probably be in Springfield by uh, December.

Daniel: Yes, that is correct.

[video cuts]

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: Um, and also, my lawyer for some reason has been, like the last time I talked to him, which was early August, right? He told me that I was never in contact with the VanderWaals or the label which is false.

Lil Sippy: You said-

Daniel: Because I was in contact with Grace before, and her mother.

Lil Sippy: So you said that there's... you- something in your discovery for your legal cases confirmed that you were talking to the VanderWaals or something?

Daniel: Yes.

Lil Sippy: OK, yup.

Daniel: Um, it's- it's confirmed and there's even conversations in my legal discovery over social media where Tina HAS admitted to talking with me which is true, where she's told me to stop listening to the trolls. The issue is, well, I was homeless right? I had to make my own living. I had to try to survive, and it became a survival thing where I was trying to like, literally stay alive and my family, my OWN family, was manipulating financials, they were telling me to cut ties with Tina and I accidentally blocked the real Tina, not the impersonators, I accidentally blocked the real Tina and I lost contact altogether. When I tried to regain contact, I couldn't. You see what I mean?

Lil Sippy: Yeah, what- what people-

Daniel: So...

Lil Sippy: So, what?

Daniel: The big issue is, so Tina wanted me to cut ties with Grace and stop talking to the impersonators, and only talk to Grace. And what Grace was doing was she was getting me in contact with her management, behind Grace- or behind Tina's back, and so Grace got me in contact with EVERYBODY, you see what I mean?

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: And then, somewhere along the line when Tina found out, because I reported it to Tina that Grace was actually in contact. Once Tina, Grace's mother, found out, then... Tina started having full-time contact with me.

Lil Sippy: Wow, OK.

Daniel: And then, they were saying that I needed to have, I needed to have five songs, an EP before I can get the label deal, which is supposed to be $35 million, or $36 million. It was supposed to be record-breaking, I think record-breaking record deal for 2023, but my family kept saying it was fake and wasn't real. And I tried to get help, that's why I was going on the M1 holds, OK?

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: The M1 holds were calling- everybody at the hospitals were calling my family, telling them they needed to get me housing. They refused, and I was put right back on the streets...

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: While all this was going on, law enforcement got involved and started telling me I was not in contact with Tina and to block Tina again, and it became like a- it became a war of who I was in contact with. And so, I made the threats which is why I'm here in prison, in jail. I made the threats to try and put an end to everything and drag everybody into the situation so I can handle things legally.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I know there, th- uh, you were emailing me last night talking about when you're going to have a trial. You do understand that you have to like, they've, they've said you're incompetend to stand trial and they'll probably hold you until you're competent. You gotta kinda put on an a- if I were you, I'd kind of try to put on an act and you know, act as normal as possible to try the, um... for the psychiatrist to say that you're competent so you can just go ahead and take a plea deal and get out because-

Daniel: *interrupts* Yes, which is actually weird because I... nobody's telling me why I'm incompetent. Like, nobody has been telling me anything, they've been saying that I've been doing things very well and I shouldn't even be in custody. That's the word from the jail, that's the psychiatry here at the jail.

Lil Sippy: Do you have any- do you have any idea how long you'll be in Springfield? Are they going to hold you indefinitely until they say you're competent or what?

Daniel: That's what my lawyer is shooting for... is, he's saying that they're gonna try to make me compentent. I never even what Grace was even saying behind the scenes, if that makes sense. So I don't know, I- I figured that Tina was going to try to-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: I figured that Tina was going to try to stop Grace from having contact with me.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: And, I don't- I don't know why, you know?

Lil Sippy: Well just, just as- you should probably just not mention Grace or Tina to any of the psychiatrists because I don't think that's really going to help your case trying to get-

Daniel: I don't think it's helping either.

Lil Sippy: Yeah...

Daniel:Like, I- I asked my lawyer for verification on if it was really the real Tina.

Lil Sippy: And he said no?

Daniel: And- and he said no...

Lil Sippy: Oh, OK.

Daniel: ...which is weird because it's confirmed that yes, it was actually THEM, and I'm not saying that there was a fake involved but what I'm saying is that I was definitely at one point in contact, you see what I'm saying?

Lil Sippy: Yeah, so-

Daniel: And, and that's what I needed to clarify. Now that I've clarified that, no I'm concerned about how I can make things better, and everybody else is just going backwards.

[video cuts]]

Lil Sippy: ...say on the the phone, 'cause they could get you in trouble. I'm gonna send you that- the, have you got the most recent document that was filed in your case? The prosecutions document, I got it packed up and I was gonna send it to you if you haven't already seen it.

Daniel: I- I do not. I- I do have my legal discovery from before I got arrested, but everything after, like conversations and everything after I got arrested, I don't have information on, so I don't know what is being said, now that I'm arrested.

Lil Sippy: OK, so you don't have any of the new documents that have been filed. I'm gonna- I- I already have the one packed up to- to uh, send to you, the... the most recent one filed by the prosecution that kind of details the timeline of when you're gonna go to Springfield, but what I want for you is I want you to get out and I don't want you to sit in Springfield indefinitely. So, you know, there's the old saying, you fake it till you make it, you just gotta- you know, realize what make you sound crazy and not say that, and just fake, you know, fake it until you can be found competent and then you know, just take a plea deal and- you've already sat for a long time, they'll probably just give you time served.

Daniel: Right, and my big fear is, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to plead guilty, because the thing is, if I plead guilty, then I don't think I can be with Grace. I think that's, that's what...

Lil Sippy: Well, if you- why do you think that? If you plead guilty, you might be able to get just time served. You might just might be able to get out, but you have to be found competent before you can plead guilty is what I'm saying.

Daniel: Right, and *coughs* I'm not saying I'm gonna be facing a long time or anything, but I would plead guilty to a felony because I'm in the feds. You see what I'm saying?

Lil Sippy: Yeah, but how does that- how does it affect-

Daniel: And, Grace- Grace wants me to travel with her. She goes to London all the time, she goes to Paris, and there are certain countries if I have a felony, I cannot go to, and Grace has friends in those countries.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, there's certain countries. Yeah, I think you can go to London, I think the only main country you can't go with no felony is, uh, is like Canada, um...

Daniel: And Canada is a big one, I think her label's out of Canada, Columbia Records.

Lil Sippy: So, if you uh...

Daniel: I think it's out of Canada.

Lil Sippy: So if you do...

Daniel: But there would be conflict there.

Lil Sippy: So if you do end up, um, like, being found competent, you're going to try to go to trial, and- and beat the uh- get a not guilty verdict on the allegations?

Daniel: That's what we're trying, and my lawyer has told me that we're trying to get a not guilty. He's- he, he thinks I'm a victim of the case.

Lil Sippy: OK. So...

Daniel: As far as trying to make everything work with the VanderWaals, that's what I'm concerned about now. Because I told my lawyer, I'm not going to plead guilty and I'm not gonna even make a decision until I know what's going on with Grace, and unfortunately, the way things are going with my family, and the way things are going in my life at this time, I'm thinking about just cutting ties for my safety, with my family for the time being.

Lil Sippy: With, with Bob, with Bob and them?

Daniel: Um... yeah, because Bob is not helping when I was on the streets, I don't believe he will help once I get out, I don't think he cares about my career, um, same thing with my biological dad, and I think as far as my career goes, and legal stuff when it comes to my publicity, I think that the VanderWaals are can-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: ...the VanderWaals and her label could definitely help with that and keep me safe, and I know how publicifity (publicity)...

Lil Sippy: OK, you just gotta- you gotta that there's, there's a lot of trolls who pretend to be Bob, so, you know, are you actually talking to the real Bob, or are you just talking to the trolls that wanna mess with you and pretend to be Bob.

Daniel: I'm talking to the real Bob.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: Um, it's verified with my lawyer and I even, um, know his a-home address, so.

Lil Sippy: And he's not trying to help you?

Daniel: He's not. Like, he's- he thought that Grace was fake all along, and that I was never in contact.

Lil Sippy: OK. Are you still friends with Clark?

Daniel: I'm- I'm trying to be friends with Clark, but he's flip-flopping on a lot of information.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I guess the feds are investigating him too and came to his work. I wouldn't care if the feds investigate me, they already are, but, yeah I guess he's being scaredy, but- yeah, I, so I...

Daniel: But, yeah, but I don't care about the feds too, I'm not scared of them. Like I said, I'm more scared from a legal perspective of trying to make everything work, because I made the threats because I wanted things to work, and I was aware of all the drama and the trolls, and I needed security, because I should have had security all along, especially bodyguards. Fans were like, actually coming up to me in person, so, so, what am I gonna do once I get out? *laughs*

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I know you've been dealing with a lot of harassment. Yeah, lot of harassment, but, um, you don't have any, any- any re- idea when you'll be out?

Daniel: I don't. My lawyer is saying, last I heard, that I'm going for four months and if I get found competent, then I'm going to trial.

Lil Sippy: OK good.

Daniel: So, he said my trial could be sometime next year, but this is the first time I've heard of Tina trying to stop Grace, and I would like to know more information on that, but I am concerned that things aren't gonna work out, because I also know that most of Grace's songs are about me. I've been listening to a lot of her songs, so.

Lil Sippy: OK, yeah. Well I-

Daniel: But anyways, I gotta go, um...

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I'm gonna esnd you- I'm gonna send you that paperwork. I already sent you some pictures of Billie Eilish, Bhad Bhabie, and Flo Milli, and actually, today the pictures of Grace and JoJo, and Emma came so I'm gonna get those to you too, and uh- uh, you still on 23 and 1, on PC?

Daniel: Yeah, I'm still in PC.

Lil Sippy: OK, you gonna call back?

Daniel: I'm gonna call back, yeah.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: Alright, bye.

Lil Sippy: Bye

*Daniel hangs up*

October 7 (2)

On October 8, 2024, Lil Sippy released the second call, which occurred the day before. Both the first and second calls took place on the same day. It can be viewed below. From this call, Daniel has become more delusional despite being institutionalized, claiming that Trump has asked him to become vice president, that Grace's songs were about him, among other delusions.

Second Call Transcript

*Lil Sippy's phone rings and he accepts*

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison. You will not be charged for this call. This call is from Daniel Larson. This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. To accept this call, press 5. *Lil Sippy presses 5* You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: Hello?

Daniel: Hello?

Lil Sippy: What's up?

Daniel: Hey, so- um, I called back.

Lil Sippy: Hey! Yeah.

Daniel: Anyways, um, what I was going to also- 'cause my lawyer, like I said, is not getting back to me at all, so I don't know what's really going on with the case or anything like that. Um, but... *sighs* my... I guess family friend, his name is Bob, who I've talked about on my media a lot. He was paying for a bunch of hotel rooms, right? And when... *sighs* So like, he's manipulating, right, a lot of my finances which is why I was homeless, and... um, he was also trying to control like, everything I did, um, as far as the type of music, um... I wanted to do, uhh- which I did... like... the types of songs that I want to do but like, some lyrics he wouldn't want me to put in, whatever. And it kind of... all this issues that I'm in is partially because of him. *chuckles* Like, um, it's been confirmed that I am the victim in the case, and um, at this point, I'm waiting on further information as to like what's going to happen with the case. I don't know why Tina is so angry, or upset, at Grace trying to admit that like, she's in love with me and how she's been in contact... um, which yes, I did make the threats and I admit to that. I've already admitted to it so it's no big deal, but I wanted to make it clear that yes, I was in contact and I want to make sure that like...

[video cuts]

Daniel: ...because I've already talked to Clark about it, um, because it is causing issues. And, um... I've stopped contact with trolls and I wanna make that clear. Anybody who's trolling, I have to cut ties. Uh...

Lil Sippy: Yeah, what- what have the trolls been trying to say? Is- are the trolls just basically saying that you're not in contact with Grace, she doesn't want you, and all that?

Daniel: Yeah, they've been trying to say that I'm not in contact, including like, law enforcement. Law enforcement, including my lawyer has been trying to turn me against Grace.

Lil Sippy: Wow.

Daniel: Yeah, so my own public defender is on purpose trying to turn me against Grace, and trying to say that I'm not in contact when I've been fighting my case, like arguing over the phone with my public defender like, "Look, I HAVE been in contact and I don't care what you're saying because my legal discovery proves." And I'm going based off my legal discovery, and it's actually shocking that I hear that Grace was live and that Tina told her stop, because she needs to get it heard. You know, Grace, if she cares about me, she needs to speak up.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I understand. Um, so- so with PC, do you get, uh, I don't know, one hour out of the cell a day, are you on 23 and 1?

Daniel: No, so, um... *sighs* I'm gonna be honest about this, I'm out, like anytime, but there's no time frame.

Lil Sippy: Oh.

Daniel: So like, no- like... I could be out today at this time, and tomorrow I might not get out at all, I could be out all day or I could be out just morning for like an hour, or afternoon for an hour, or even 30 minutes.

Lil Sippy: Do they have- do they- do you get-

Daniel: Last week, I was on lockdown for 100 hours straight without getting out.

Lil Sippy: Do... do they have, uh, tablets or anything for you?

Daniel: They have tablets, but you have to buy them, so I went ahead and bought it for $150.

Lil Sippy: OK, that's good.

Daniel: So at least, AT LEAST I have that, which I had to lie about to my family just to get them to put money on my books for it, because they wouldn't do it otherwise. Um- but, I been at least having that, but like-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: Like I said, I was on, last week, every single day last week, on lockdown all day long. I never once got out of my six foot cell. All week.

Lil Sippy: You, uh- you, you got a, do you have a cellie though?

Daniel: I have a cellie, and he's great. Um, it's- he sleeps during the day, so I'm kind of by myself, but...

Lil Sippy: Does he know you're famous?

Daniel: He does, yes.

Lil Sippy: Oh, OK.

Daniel: And he also knows that, like he apparently knows uh... Grace because he watched America's Got Talent.

Lil Sippy: Oh, wow.

Daniel: One of the bigger issues that's been going on here at the jail is a lot of these correction officers, they follow me on social media.

Lil Sippy: Wow.

Daniel: So there's issues going on at the jail just because I'm so famous, and people don't want to admit that I'm famous. That's another thing.

Lil Sippy: What are- what are the issues?

Daniel: Well apparently, the um- there was camera footage from inside the jail, from inside the jail unit leaked on the internet...

Lil Sippy: Wow.

Daniel: ...and my lawyer adm- like, my public defender admitted to like, actually... this- like watching the livestream. Like, he didn't care. Like he was like, hey, I'm watching your livestream right now of you in jail, and I'm like, what the fuck?

Lil Sippy: That is.

Daniel: Like, you're not caring about my case, and you're just watching the live stream? Like what?

Lil Sippy: That's crazy.

Daniel: And then, um, apparently what I- so what I do know is Grace ordered the psych eval.

Lil Sippy: Wow. It wasn't the judge?

Daniel: So, Grace is the one who ordered it. It wasn't the judge. Grace apparently... well, Tina got notified that I got arrested. *chuckles* So...

Lil Sippy: So Grace is involved in the court case now?

Daniel: She's apparently choosing to be involved and her mother, I guess now trying to take a step back, like, oh, we shouldn't involved, it's too much, but the thing is, they've kind of exposed themselves for being in contact.

Lil Sippy: Huh.

Daniel: And, my own family is like, well, we want things to work out, we- we want you to be with Grace, we didn't know you were, we thought you were lying, and now I'm kind of the monkey in the middle.

Lil Sippy: I understand that.

Daniel: It's very crazy, and... like, I could see that Grace- well, Tina is upset that I made the threats, but I couldn't just let things escalate further.

Lil Sippy: You had to make the threats to get uh, attention and help?

Daniel: *sighs* Not- not attention, but I had to...}

Lil Sippy: Call attention to your problems?

Daniel: Y- y... yeah, and I guess, put a stop to everything, to where it's like, really- you know like, I'm gonna sacrifice my life for this relationship to work. Because I'm tired of all the drama and trolls, I need to know the truth so we can make things work. That's my mind was thinking.

Lil Sippy: Well, that- the- the rel- Grace is, uh, your relationship with Grace, is that important to you?

Daniel: That- it's that important, that like, I would sacrifice my career for it and I don't think that Tina sees that.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: Um, and that was my mindset, and...

Lil Sippy: So why does- why does Tina hate you so much? What is her problem?

Daniel: Well, *sighs* Grace and I, right? Even though she was 18, we always, um... Grace would call me at work while she was on the job. OK, Grace would call me, um, I don't know what was going on, I don't know how it was affecting her job or what. I know that there were issues with the label, *sighs* um... just, you know, because I couldn't verify I was in contact. There was a lot of things going on as far as verifying it was really them.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: Um, Grace would say that like, she couldn't verify because the label wouldn't let her and then she was like, well the label doesn't want me to be in contact but I'm choosing to be in contact anyways, because I love you. And she would also speak in like, an actual British accent, which she admits-

Lil Sippy: Is she British?

Daniel: She admits in one of her songs.

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Lil Sippy: Oh, wow. OK.

Daniel: Yeah, so like, I knew that 'cause I was listening to her music long before I was even in jail, knowing things because she was leaking it- like leaking information in all of her songs. Um...

Lil Sippy: You said her songs were about you?

Daniel: Her songs, like, like if you really listen to it, Lion's Den, Daniel and the Lion's Den, if you know the bible?

Lil Sippy: Yeah. It's not about the Bible, it's about you??

Daniel: And... it's apparently about me and um, Grace also told me because when I was younger, I had a leaked... well there was like a video I didn't know that was recorded while I was in the restroom, in the shower, and it got leaked online...

Lil Sippy: From the jail?

Daniel: And, Grace is- no just at my own house.

Lil Sippy: Oh, OK.

Daniel: Um, foster. And it got leaked on the internet, and from my understanding, Grace made the music video which she was trying to make it clear that yes, I was in contact and knew about it. And then, Grace also was like, you know, was like, I want a man who can shower. She wanted to make sure I showered, so I do believe that Grace was a big factor in a lot of it, and a lot of my publicity, and um... I'm not 100% sure if it was an impersonator, but I know that like, it got to a point where she was demanding, just pretty much, me go live anytime really, just because we needed the publicity so I could get off the streets. Um, and then...

[video cuts]

Daniel: ...which didn't help my mental health.

Lil Sippy: So what was it that you emailed me about, um, you said something like Joe Biden wants you to be vice president or, so he can *unintelligible*?

Daniel: Yeah, so apparently, I- *groans* I'm still learning this, but one of the correction officers came up to me at the jail and talked to me about how uh, Donald Trump wanted me to be his vice president, because if he becomes president and I'm vice president, he can make it legal for me to be vice president at my age.

Lil Sippy: Wow, so, so-

Daniel: Similar to what he's doing with his felony thing that he had. He can make it legal.

Lil Sippy: Has... so is that, has it hit the news? Is that on the news that he wants you as vice president?

Daniel: I don't know, but I've had one of the correction officers come up to me talking about it, how they heard about it on the news.

Lil Sippy: Wow.

Daniel: And I said, I denied it. I didn't want to because I knew that it would be too much at the time 'cause this was back in 2023 when he was first starting his campaign.

Lil Sippy: You think you could handle... do you think you could handle being vice president now?

Daniel: *sighs* I... if I knew a lot of information, yes, but the thing is, I've learned over time, just with my current case that I'm facing, I don't always know a lot of information, so I have to investigate things myself. I have to make a lot of guesses whether it's right or wrong, wrong.

Lil Sippy: But being vice president would get you out of jail, wouldn't it?

Daniel: It would get me out of jail.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, OK.

Daniel: But, the thing is I just... I can't, you know, like- *sighs

Lil Sippy: As far as...

Daniel: I'm kind of in a situation where I'm kind of, you know, finding out that almost everything was true, but anyways, *sighs again* time's almost up. I will try to call to call you when I can. Uh..

Lil Sippy: Maybe tomorrow? You think you'll be able to call me tomorrow?

Daniel: Yeah, I can.

Lil Sippy: OK, thank you. Yeah, uh, um, I'll get those uh, pictures sent off to you. Who are you gonna vote for this year though? Trump or Kamala?

Daniel: I.. I'm not voting because I am in custody. I can't They're not doing it.

Lil Sippy: OK, um, but yeah. Talk to you soon, man. Stay calm.

Daniel: Alright. Alrigh-

[time runs out and call terminates]

October 8 (1)

On October 9, 2024, Lil Sippy posted another call. This call is most notable for Daniel claiming to have been in contact with Chief Keef and Lil Durk. It was recorded on October 8, 2024 and can be viewed below:


Automated voice: This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. To accept this call, press 5. To block this call and all future calls, press 7. To reject- *Lil Sippy presses 5* You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: Hello!

Daniel: Uh, hello?

Lil Sippy: What's going on?

[echo can be heard on Daniel's end]

Daniel: Hey, so what did you find out?

Lil Sippy: Find out about what?

Daniel: Um, your email that you sent me this morning told me to call back, and um- that you found out new information.

Lil Sippy: About Grace?

Daniel: Yes.

Lil Sippy: That was- that wasn't this morning, that was the old email from yesterday morning, but I don't-

Daniel: Oh, OK.

Lil Sippy: I don't have new information on Grace, but I do have information that um, so basically, these- you know, you know that um, your music has been all over the radio, right?

Daniel: I did not know that it's all over the radio, no.

Lil Sippy: They've been play- it's not just the US, I guess they've been playing it even in, uh- like China and places like that. Um, but especially the one song, what's it, Roaring Thunder?

Daniel: Yeah, yeah. I- I know.

Lil Sippy: It's all over the radio, it's all in the clubs and stuff, uh, and basically these- I don't why, but I'm getting a lot of uh, feedback. It's- my voice is echoing on the phone for some reason, but... um, I don't know if you've ever heard of them, but there's these very famous rappers *coughs* called uh, Chief Keef and Lil Durk, and they just went on the Joe Rogan podcast, and they said- they basically said how much they want to, uh, collab with you...

Daniel: Oh, wow! Yeah, Lil Durk? Both went on a broadcast wanting a collaboration?

Lil Sippy: They wanna do uh, a collaboration, like an EP... Chief Keef and- yeah, have you ever heard of them?

Daniel: Yeah, I have.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I've actually- I used to have contact with him.

Lil Sippy: Really?

Daniel: So, that confirms things even more. That's crazy.

Lil Sippy: Well they said, they basically went on Joe Rogan, they said they wanna help you. Ever since King Von died, um, O'Block has been so poor and they want to collab with you to help save O'Block and at the same time, you know, Chief Keef is connected with Donald Trump. Chief Keef performs at Trump rallies, I don't why, I guess to try the younger vote.

Daniel: Yeah, that explains the Donald Trump situation, because Keef Chief, you're right, he performs at the Donald Trump rallies.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, so basically on the podcast, like they were saying that, um, they want to collab with you. They want to hop on a remix of Roaring Thunder, and they also want to do a collab album, but they can't get in contact with you to get the permission to do the remix and to get you on the collab album, and they-

Daniel: Because I'm in, I'm in jail. *chuckles*

Lil Sippy: Yeah, but I would think they would be able to get in contact with a manager or something, what label are you signed to?

Daniel: I- so right now, I was supposed to be signed with Columbia Records, but I'm in here on threats, and I also made threats towards their record label. *sighs* Uh..

Lil Sippy: So they dropped you as a client?

Daniel: Yeah, because I never actually signed a contract. Grace was signing, I guess, the contract on my behalf because I asked her to, but I didn't know if it was actually done yet or not, because I was told by Grace I didn't need to sign a contract since I was dating her. It's automatic.

Lil Sippy: But has- has Grace been in contact with Chief Keef and Lil Durk?

Daniel: I... I don't know. Since I've been arrested, I have not heard any information and my lawyer, like I said yesterday, has even told me that I'm not in contact rith (with) Grace, I'm not dating her. My lawyer's trying to turn me AGAINST what isn't going on, so I don't know. I didn't- I knew that my song Roaring Thunder was on the radio because I heard it one time on a Denver radio station, 101.1, which is like- (gets cut off)

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: It's an iHeartRadio variety station, I've heard it one time this year on there, and I also heard Grace on there, um, doing I guess something where she was talking about a collaboration.

Lil Sippy: OK, but you haven't talked to Grace since you've been in uh, been locked up this time?

Daniel: I have not spoken to Grace in... probably around a year, maybe more? I- I'm not sure, I'm still trying to get confirmation on who was who.

Lil Sippy: Do you think she's kinda over you at this point, or what do you think's going on?

Daniel: I- I don't know what's going on with my lawyer. Um, last I heard is he...

Lil Sippy: I'm talking about Grace. Is Grace still in love with you?

Daniel: Yeah! Yeah, so Grace was, um... back when I was in contact with her mother... Tina, Grace's mother, told me to stop contact with her daughter, and I said, do you realize that, um, Grace has been in contact with me all along? And Tina said, OK, well Grace is with me right now, let me check. So she checked with Grace and found out that it was actually true and then at that time, I've been in contact with Tina on and off ever since... until I got arrested.

Lil Sippy: Yeah they- Yeah they've been really putting uh, Grace's name through the dirt for... *coughs* I guess, 'cause they're jealous, they're- I think they're mad that you're famous and that Grace is in love with you and that they're not famous and they don't get any girls, but they've been really trying to make up bad rumors about Grace saying she's a white supremacist, and just crazy stuff, and it's all-

Daniel: *interrupting* Yeah, I know, I've heard a lot as well about like, other controversy going around that, but it's confirmed it's not true, so.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: But anyways, um, I appreciate you letting me know that. Do you what time, or like, estimated, like what month it says I'm supposed to get transferred to...

Lil Sippy: Yeah, December.

Daniel: It says November?

Lil Sippy: No, December.

Daniel: December, so

Lil Sippy: That's what- that's just the estimate, that's what the, um, what's it called? Like, the stuff that the, the documents the prosecution. So like, I guess the psych ward part of MCFP Springfield, *coughs* um, like, they only have a limited, finite uh, amount of beds for, so- and I guess they're full right now, and basically like, based on how many people are leaving right now, um, they estimate that like... You're on the waitlist, and they estimate that um, like your spot in the waitlist will, to be transferred will be in December, but it could be earlier, could be later, just depending on how many people get transferred out of Springfield's psych ward. It's actually like a prison, but- but it's a psych ward within a prison. Um... so, it could be earlier, it could be later, but the- the estimate that the prosecution gave was December.

Daniel: Right, OK. And, another thing is, so my lawyer, my public defender told me that I don't have to necessarily get on medication. If I don't want to, there's like other resources and classes I will take that will count towards my court. But...

Lil Sippy: But yeah, that's probably true, but don't you- if you get on medication, it would probably look better for you to be found competent.

Daniel: Right, I was on actually on medication, on and off when I was making a lot of the, a lot of the threats. So that was not like, the medication I was on is a big factor on why I made the threats, because it didn't...

Lil Sippy: *interrupts* So do you think... do you think that it's uhh, you were just on the wrong meds? Are you open to taking different meds?

Daniel: I don't think it was on the wrong meds, I think that, um... I think that like, there's certain medication where it's like, it tries to slow down my mind racing, the issue is if my mind slows down too much, then I just can't think at all, I can't even perform because I can't think. And then there's other medications where it's like a mood stablilizer, but the thing is, if I can't feel my feelings, you see what I mean? Then...

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I'm not happy.

Lil Sippy: What about- what about any- have they put you on any anti-psychotics?

Daniel: No, they haevn't, and um, I don't even know if my medication or my health will even work with those, because I've never been asked anything about it. Like, I've been, going to psychiatry at the...

Lil Sippy: OK, you might want to talk to them about, um, anti-psychotic medications. That might be able to- that might be a better fit than the mood stabilizers.

Daniel: OK. Alright, and then, also... I guess my lawyer, my public defender, nobody is telling me why I am getting transferred, like as far as the psych eval, I knew that. But like, as far as what's going to make me competent, nobody is telling me and like I said, nobody's talking with me about my case.

[Call lasts for another few minutes, mostly Daniel reiterating about Grace]

October 8 (2)

On October 9, 2024, Lil Sippy released his fourth call to Daniel, which was recorded the day before.

Lil Sippy shows Daniel the recording of the detective reading his search history, leaking some alarming searches. Daniel also explains meeting someone claiming to be Jakob VanderWaal, his concerns about Clark, and supposed music theft by World of T-Shirts.


Automated voice: You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: Hey Daniel!

Daniel: Hey, I got new information from uh, Griffin- Clark.

Lil Sippy: OK, what was that?

Daniel: So apparently, the, so there was a time where I met up with somebody who was in contact with him. When I met up with the guy in downtown Denver, who was staying at the Brown Palace, he accidentally told me that his name was Jakob VanderWaal, Grace's brother, and then immediately he said oops, and then told me some random name.

Lil Sippy: So was he Grace's brother?

Daniel: Yeah, somebody met up with me in downtown Denver back in 2023 claiming to be Grace's brother.

Lil Sippy: And they-

Daniel: But then told- then- all of a sudden told me that it wasn't like, oops, at- like, pretty much said the word 'oops' as if he forgot like that he shouldn't tell me.

Lil Sippy: So he was the real, um...

Daniel: I believe he was the real Jakob VanderWaal, but was told not to say it and he accidentally did.

Lil Sippy: But was he spying on you or something?

Daniel: He might've been spying.

Lil Sippy: Oh my god...

Daniel: And not only that, I still don't have any information from Clark or Griffin on the actual relationship, but I exposed him for, well I think I exposed him for hanging up calls on me, and um, whenever I say something that is true, he goes- he either hangs up on me or he doesn't answer the next day or tells me, hey I'm busy, I need you to call back the next day.

Lil Sippy: You said Clark does?

Daniel: Clark does. So it seems like he's doing things behind the scenes.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, he's- I wouldn't trust Clark. But, um, there's been a new video that I don't think is real it might be real, I don't think it is. But they basically said that someone suck into one of your court dates and recorded, uh, I guess someone was reading your search history off- they say it's your search history and it's got over 60 million views on TikTok. Uh, do you wanna hear it?

Daniel: Yeah, no. I've actually - so I am aware that people have been sneaking into court, I am more than aware of it.

Lil Sippy: But they said that... just let me show you, let me- let me have you listen to it, they say that this- that this is the detective reading off your search history.

Detective (from recording): So there's, um... "fucking Puerto Rican", there is (very disturbing searches)... HIV positive... choking... going onto page 5...

Daniel: OK... can you hear me???

Daniel: Yeeha, is that real or...

Daniel: I- so I do have insider information that is also pretty sketchy, I was supposed to have court two different times and both times I was told it got cancelled after I was already taken out. And my lawyer-

Lil Sippy: So do you think they've been having court without you?

Daniel: I believe they might have been having court without me, none of that is true and I don't know why they're saying that. I think my- I think...

Lil Sippy: Huh. Do you think's actually- do you think that's actually from a court date of yours or is that just fake?

Daniel: I- I don't know, but I do recognize the voice being...

Lil Sippy: Do you wanna hear the rest of it?

Daniel: I don't- I don't know, but if-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: It might be real, because I do know that one of the judges sounded similar, so I don't know but I do know that the actual court itself was leaked.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: But what I can say is like, people are like, hacking my email. I believe Daniel MacDougall was trying to get actual access to my email, and was trying to like, stop my relationship. I believe people are trying to stop my relationship with Grace, and people are, people are trying to hack account to do so.

Lil Sippy: *overtalking* I think they- I think um, what's the dude's name? He goes by World of T-Shirts, isn't his name like Joshua or something?

Daniel: Yes, and also I've heard things before I got arrested from him, saying that he was going to... do- I don't know, but what he said was that he was going to try to mess things up.

Lil Sippy: I think he's, um, I think he's trying to do something to basically steal your music, well it's obviously trying to steal your music, but I think he's trying to steal Grace through stealing your music. He just dropped this song and it sounds exactly like Roaring Thunder, I mean the cadence is exactly the same, you line them up on a DAW, they- you know, the cadence is, it's uncanny.

Daniel: Holy crap! So you're saying somebody might be impersonating me. No, that's right. No.

Lil Sippy: He's- he's not even impersonating you, he's taking your song and trying to take it as his own, and people have been accusing of that and he went on the No Jumper podcast with Adam22, and Adam22 brought up the allegations, and World of T-Shirts said he never even knew you! He's like, I haven't heard of Daniel Larson!

Daniel: Holy... what the fuck? That's *unintelligible*

Lil Sippy: But- but everyone knows that in the old deleted videos that you and him even met!

Daniel: I was with him, yes!

Lil Sippy: So...

Daniel: What the fuck?!

Lil Sippy: He's like, Daniel Larson, the name sounds familiar, I might have heard of him, but...

Daniel: No, this explains everything. Like, I'm a victim of everything! I shouldn't even be in custody altogether! No wonder my mental health was affected, because I knew something was up when it came to my music stuff.

Lil Sippy: It's crazy. *coughs*

Daniel: But, also what I needed to let you know is apparently, Clark aka Griffin said he was going to meet up with me when I get to Missouri because he lives two hours away. You know him?

Lil Sippy: Where does he live?

Daniel: I- apparently Missouri.

Lil Sippy: Oh, OK.

Daniel: And- and so if I go to Missouri, and I meet up with him, I don't know if that's a threat in a way, or not. But he's- he says that he's going to meet up with me.

Lil Sippy: Why would he be threatening you?

Daniel: Like I said, I don't know if it is or not. But like I said, I know that like, he said he's going to meet up with me.

Lil Sippy: Well, don't you think he's meaning he might try to get on your visiting list?

Daniel: That's what he's trying to do.

Lil Sippy: So why would that be a threat though?

Daniel: Because I like, I don't know if he's trustable or not, like, he's clearly, clearly *unintelligible* story.

Lil Sippy: *overtalking* I mean, I don't think Clark is trustable. Didn't he trick you into thinking you were going to college?

Daniel: Yes.

Lil Sippy: So, I wouldn't trust somebody like that.

Daniel: And now he's saying that the VanderWaals are fake, but yet everything he's saying is right with my legal discovery. So, there's- weird things going on.

Lil Sippy: I thought you said- I thought you said that your legal discovery bro, I thought you said your legal discovery confirmed that you were in contract with the VanderWaals, and it was all real!

Daniel: Yes, and Clark got me in contact. Clark aka Griffin got me in contact with the VanderWaals.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: That's how it all started.

Lil Sippy: Mkay. Well, just try to keep yourself calm. How have- how have you been getting along with the other guys on the tier?

Daniel: I've been doing fairly good. Um, I mean, I'm just super concerned about what's going on with my lawyer because, if I got arrest- well, if- if I got attacked or something, because he hasn't gotten back to me in months, it's more of like, I don't know if he would even care if I got, you know, assaulted or something, if he would even get notified. It's just a safety concern towards me.

Lil Sippy: You said that, um... they're not- but I thought you said that they're not even letting you call him.

Daniel: They're not even letting me, exactly. I actually talked to the case manager here at the jail who's the person supposed to be scheduling, and he moved the date out. I cannot call for more than two weeks now, because he's going on vacation.

Lil Sippy: So there's only special days that you can contact him?

Daniel: Yeah. Anyways, I gotta go, they're locking me down for the night.

Lil Sippy: Alright, have a good night. Um, you gonna call tomorrow?

Daniel: Um, but this is crazy information that you're giving me. I recognize the voice from being the court.

Lil Sippy: OK, you gonna call tomorrow?

Daniel: I'm gonna try to call tomorrow.

Lil Sippy: Alright, have a good night, bro.

Daniel: Alright, bye.

October 9

On October 9, 2024, Daniel called Clark once again. [4] Daniel appears to be more delusional, stating that Grace has been mentioning Clark indirectly in some of her songs. He also reveals the poor conditions in jail, which he relates to his struggles with being homeless. He also expresses concerns for the VanderWaal family, believing they were affected by the hurricane and still believing Grace likes him.


Automated voice: This call is from Daniel Larson. This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. To accept this call, press 5. To block- *Clark presses 5 You may begin speaking now.

Clark: Hello Daniel.

Daniel: Hey, so... um, anyways I wanna let you know. I talked to Bob today, and I told him about the pictures that were on the phone and the conversations.

Clark: OK, yeah.

Daniel: And I explained to him that I did it all just because I didn't know what was going on, and I was in the relationship with Grace, and was kind of altogether, I didn't know- what we could do to help the situation, so I just kind of framed everything with how... how I was doing it. I was called a pedophile, and looking at child p*rn. I was just, you kno, kind of framing everything, if that makes sense.

Clark: Yeah, no, that does- I mean, it makes sense. Everyone was pressuring you to do things.

Daniel: Right, which made me think I should go ahead and just explain what happened with the pictures, *coughs*

[video cuts]

Daniel: ...until I'm found competent.

Daniel: Oh! Uh, Daniel, I guess I did have a question too. Someone reached out and said that they used to like, take you to school or something and that one- your mom used to carry around a doll, like a baby doll with her. Is that true or is someone just making stuff up?

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: I don't know if that's true or not.

Clark: They said that your mom like, slapped you one time when you had a sunburn on your back, I don't know.

Daniel: That might be true, I..

Clark: Yeah, a long time ago, I don't know, something-

Daniel: It was a long time ago, I think it's- I think it might be true, I don't know who's saying that, but... that- I know my mother did use to do that a lot.

Clark: Geez, well anyway, I'm still trying to-

[video cuts]

Daniel: Grace is talking about you in songs too.

Clark: Probably, yeah. I think I've noticed that too.

Daniel: *chuckles* So I don't know what's going on, but yeah I've noticed that, and um, I also know how Grace was talking about, um, if things don't work with me, she was going to date Jacob Sartorius, which also, um-

[video cuts]

Clark: Have you been getting like, any decent food recently? Like from commissary or anything, or eating?

Daniel: *sighs* Nope, I've been getting just the normal meals, but it's not- it's nowhere near...

Clark: Dang, so basically it's just beans...

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: It's nowhere near enough, considering I've been homeless for five years.

Clark: Yeah, it's nothing like some-

Daniel: And, I have cuts all over me from when I was homeless, that just are not healing for some reason. I don't know what the issue is.

Clark: Probably 'cause you're in a cold, dark concrete room, yeah it's hard for you, like- do you- do they let you outside ever? For like, yard or anything?

Daniel: They did one time yesterday.

Clark: Oh OK, so you got to go outside. Did you just-

Daniel: I got to go outside.

Clark: Did you walk around?

Daniel: I did, yeah.

Clark: That's good at least! For the first time in what, four months, they let you outside?

Daniel: It was actually- yeah, it was nice to get fresh air. Anyways, also, um, I don't know what has- what happened since the hurricane, South Carolina? I don't know if the VanderWaals' house is even like, OK. I don't know how they're affected or anything, which is also concerning to me because I care. If I could help them out, I would, I just don't know how

Clark: Y- yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I mean, you are a very caring person, but sometimes you gotta worry about your situation and they definitely have enough money that they'd probably move to a different house. I'm guessing they're probably in Kansas City, because it's way far from the, uh, hurricane.

Daniel: Right... right, they have a house in New York, they have a house in Beverly Hills, or Hollywood Hills, right? And then they have a house in South Carolina, and they they have one in Kansas.

Clark: Yeah, yeah, yeah- something like that.

Daniel: Yeah.

Clark: So, they got- so I don't know, the hurricane is pretty bad right now, but they're probably good, I'm assuming. Grace has been active recently on social media, so.

Daniel: Yup- yeah, I'm aware that Grace has been completely active on social media talking about everything, so that's- that's good news. Um, at least she's still - at least she cares and is confirming, um, which... it's too bad; I can't really see it for myself, but at least I can confirm the relationship now.

Clark: That's true, I mean... you'll- eventually everything will come to light and you'll get, you'll get what-

Daniel: Eventually hopefully, *laughs*, hopefully eventually, yes!

Clark: *laughs*

Daniel: And also, Nick- apparently Nicholas, he was telling me that I am closer to meeting the VanderWaals than I think, so my guess is I might be possibly meeting them either when I'm in Missouri or even like before then, if I have a court date.

Clark: Is there anything that gets brought up that I should know about other than the pictures, I guess?

Daniel: Nope, he really didn't bring up anything, he keeps asking me like, if- if Donald Trump asked me to be in his campaign back last year in 2023.

Clark: Yeah, I noticed that, I don't know why.

Daniel: Right, like why don't I just say, I'm doing a campaign because it would get me out of- it would get me out of custody?

Clark: True, I think he's just- *Daniel sighs* I don't know what, if he's just a f-

Daniel: And I said like, dude like, it's a little bit late on that, *Clark chuckles* Daniel: and it's really super unrealistic at this point.

Clark: *coughs* Exactly, it's like, how are you gonna- I mean, maybe if you were out right now and everything, but right now we gotta work on other things before that.

Daniel: Right, and also it's- it's difficult, because if I go...

[video cuts]

Clark: Dude- yeah, that's-

Daniel: I just don't know. I'm losing to find out.

Clark: I mean, it makes not a lot of sense, but I mean in this situation, there's not much we can do, 'cause the law is just not really speeding things along like we want.

Daniel: Right. But anyways, I gotta- I gotta go, OK...

Clark: OK

Daniel: ...the phone's almost up, I will try to call you back if I get out later...

Clark: OK.

Daniel: ...or I'll call you tomorrow.

Clark: OK.

Daniel: As of right now, let's just go ahead and say that the relationship is real and we got enough confirmation. Alright?

Clark: Alright.

Daniel: Alright, bye.

Clark: Bye.

October 12

On October 14, 2024, Clark released a call between him and Daniel that took place two days prior. [5] This was the shortest call out of all of them, and mainly goes over Daniel's routine in jail and what he does in his time.


Clark: *clears throat*

Automated voice: Your card was charged successfully.

[video cuts to conversation]

Daniel: Hello?

Clark: What's up, Danny Boy?

Daniel: *chuckles* Hey, so... um...

[video cuts]

Daniel: ...kind of like...

Clark: Yeah, it's...

Daniel: So, yeah I'm sorry they shut off the phone. They were giving medication and you're not supposed to- well, you're supposed to either be in your cell or in line for the medication, and I was in line waiting but I was also on the phone, and they decided to shut off the phone as well.

Clark: *laughs* That's bullshit.

Daniel: Yeah. *chuckles* So it's kind of like, OK, I just decided that I was gonna just sit in the chair waiting *laughing, unintelligible* the line! I just got down and just hopped in line.

Clark: Oh, people talking in line?

Daniel: Yeah, yeah. I think it's kind of uncalled for.

Clark: *chuckles*

Daniel: Like, 'cause I understand like, if somebody's not, you know, doing meds, yeah. But it's like, I'm just waiting in line as well! You know, the line's like, two inches from me! Give me a break...

Clark: *chuckles

Daniel: But yeah. Um... um... and then, I wanna say, 6:30-ish is breakfast.

Clark: And then what do you do? Do you go to work there?

Daniel And then- nope. I just do cards, or I watch TV or I start making phone calls, trying to figure stuff out.

Clark: Oh, have you been calling anyone else?

Daniel: Um, Bob and the lawyer...

Clark: Smart, smart.

Daniel: The public defender's office. Yeah, yeah.

Clark: Yeah, Bob's kinda useless sometimes. Well, actually no, 'cause he helped us get in contact.

Daniel: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, um, he is kind of useless sometimes. You are right.

Clark: Uh...

Daniel: I do ag- um... I- I should out by now. I- I agree.

Clark: Yeah. Um, and make sure not to lose any money playing cards. Do they play with money?

Daniel: They- they don't, 'cause nobody can carry cash on them.

Clark: *tired* Oh, awesome.

Daniel: I have a pillow and a blanket and the blanket is actually, it's better than the homeless shelter's give! It's bigger and more thick. Yeah.

Clark: Geez! At least you're staying a- at least you have housing now, you know?

Daniel: *laughs* LOL.

Clark: *laughs* I mean, in the best- in the worst way, but still.

Daniel: Right, how is Grace?

[video cuts]

Clark: Yeah, I mean, has anyone been- done anything to you in person? Like, said anything to you?

Daniel: Uh, the other cellmates are just going off about me and Grace, and going like, you know, just going around talking showing people photos and stuff off of the internet.

Clark: Geez, I mean, you could-

Daniel: Yeah, yeah, talking crap about it to the other inmates.

Clark: So you could get an iPad, but it would cost a lot?

Daniel: There's... no, there's only a limited number of iPads for each dorm, right, or each room I guess.

Clark: Geez. Aw, that sucks.

Daniel: Yeah.

[video cuts]

Clark: So, are they giving you any rec time or anything?

Daniel: Nope.

Clark: Geez! That's bullshit.

Daniel: Yeah. Right.

Clark: I mean, how are you supposed to walk around?

Daniel: Just walk around the unit, I guess. But, as far as the uh, I guess the court thing or rhatever (whatever) goes, or the release, I can *sighs* I don't even know, I can try and talk to the deputy and just say "Hey, I haven't even had a court date since I've been here. I don't think this is legal, you guys can't hold me this long without a court date.

Clark: Yeah, I mean, I think you- that's a smart idea.

Daniel: Because, I mean- *gets cut off*

[call suddenly terminates]

Automated voice: Thank you for using GTL.

October 23

On October 23, 2024, Daniel called Lil Sippy from jail. [6] Daniel reveals that he has run out of money and cannot send letters or emails, and Sippy gives Daniel advice for if he does get released. Daniel also claims that he will be focusing on his music and acting after being out, and not listening to the trolls.


Automated voice: You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: Hello?

Daniel: Hello? Hey-uh.

Lil Sippy: What's up?

Daniel: Um, hey, so I can talk for a little bit right now if you're available.

Lil Sippy: OK, yeah it's fine.

Daniel: OK, *sighs* so I haven't been able to check my emails because I'm completely out of money again, so I'm kind of waiting until I can get more, so I can't check the emails, I can't really send any mail, um, because I'm completely out. Um...

Lil Sippy: Well, what about the phone? How can- you can't... can you call on the phone though?

Daniel: Phone calls are free.

Lil Sippy: Oh, that's nice. Um, they don't have indigent packets or anything?

Daniel: I... I guess they do, but that's for people that don't get money and I do. So, yeah...

Lil Sippy: OK. Who's been putting money on your books? Bob?

Daniel: Yes.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: But, he's not gonna be able to do much more because he believes I should be out, and he's running out of money fast. But anyways, um, so... everything that you are saying about, um, Interscope Records sending me the- well, trying to get me on contact along with Columbia Records, Taylor Swift being involved, all of that is true because Clark- Clark was saying, aka Griffin, was saying exactly the same thing. My family, uh Bob, and my disability housing services that I was in, they never believed any of it. So if this is all real, then this is major because I shouldn't even be in custody.

Lil Sippy: *coughs* So, you're not gonna do the verse on the Taylor Swift song from jail?

Daniel: I... I can't unfortunately. I have to wait on all music until I'm out of custody.

Lil Sippy: Oh, why's that?

[video cuts]

Daniel: ...and that he was a big, big factor in everything.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: He got me in contact, and I think he even for a while was trying to date Grace behind my back. But, I don't...

Lil Sippy: How... h- that's what I don't understand! How dare he! Trying to steal YOUR girlfriend!

Daniel: I... I don't know. I don't know at all, but it really really kind of fucked up everything.

Clark: That's insane! So he was just trying to be your friend because he knows that Grace is in love with you, and he was trying to get it in with Grace that way?

Daniel: I... I guess, yeah. I think he saw the light that was Grace was in love with me, and he tried to use me to get to her.

Lil Sippy: That's insane.

Daniel: I think. I don't think anything really happened, I don't know, but I do know that there was a bunch of issues along that line.

Lil Sippy: Wow. *coughs* Any updates from Grace lately?

Daniel: I don't have her number. I don't have any of her contact, everything is on straight up hold.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: Like, like my lawyer just... I haven't spoken to my lawyer since I've last told you that I did, everything is fucked. So like, I haven't heard any new updates. All my updates are from you and you only. So that's how bad things are right now.

Lil Sippy: OK. Yeah, have you, uh... um, I'm trying to think. OK, you sent me- you sent me the one letter that I never, I don't think I got back to you on.

Daniel: Yeah.

Lil Sippy: It was: can I ask you a few questions? Is the clit the same hole females pee from? No, uh, they pee from their urethra. Is a gag reflex normal when you're about to cum? I don't think so, no. Is pre-cum thick and sticky like regular cum?

Daniel: Say that again? I'm have a really hard time hearing you.

Lil Sippy: Well, do you- don't you remember the letter you-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Lil Sippy: Do you remember the letter you sent with all the questions?

Daniel: Yeah, that was fully me. Other people are sending letters from, uh, the jail as well.

Lil Sippy: With your name on them?

Daniel: Yes.

Lil Sippy: And they- they weren't like authorized by you? You didn't tell them to write them?

Daniel: They- Well, they were helping write the letters but they just, like, I- they were sending letters behind my back as well. I don't know 100% what they were saying, um, other people have, like, I told them, "Hey, can you write my letter for me?", they would write it, and then they would just, you know, from there just send it. So, I don't know what everything-

Lil Sippy: Why did they- why don't you write your own letters?

Daniel: Just because, like, I'm.. don't have a lot of time. Like, I'm trying to get a hold of my lawyer, like I said, I haven't even heard from him. Um, I'm either you know, just really busy and... just things are not working at all. Like, I haven't heard anybody. I haven't heard anything from anybody.

Lil Sippy: *overtalking* OK, so the- the questions...

Daniel: So, I'm like, I've been filing reports, I've been doing like, nothing but like, trying to figure out even what's going on.

Lil Sippy: The questions in that letter weren't from you?

Daniel: No, I- I haven't received any of your letters other than just the one that had the picture of, or the three pictures or whatever, I think five something of Grace?

Lil Sippy: Yeah. OK, um...

Daniel: That was the only one I got.

Lil Sippy: So the update I have for you for your case is that your, -your judge is probably going to... the judge said that she's probably gonna dismiss your case if you're not moved to Springfield by the end of December.

Daniel: OK? Right.

Lil Sippy: Because there's a 4-month period that they're authorized to like, um, evaluate you? And it doesn't start until you've moved to Springfield, but basically, it-

Daniel: Right, and, and... well, I also have information on that. I was supposed to be moved before November.

Lil Sippy: Yeah you were, but they don't have like the bed date. They have- they don't have enough room for you in the psych part of MCFP Springfield, um...

Daniel: Right.

Lil Sippy: But their lawyer's basically saying that your trial rights are being violated. Um... yeah

Daniel: They are! My case should be dropped! I've been wanting to take my case to speedy trial already, and I've been told I can't!

Lil Sippy: Your lawyer...

Daniel: So my case should be fully dropped by now!

Lil Sippy: Yeah, your lawyer tried to argue to get it dropped right now, and the judge said that she's not gonna drop it right now, but if you still haven't been transferred by the end of the December, she will probably drop the case completely.

Daniel: OK, that's good news...

Lil Sippy: But then if you DO end up getting transferred before the end of the year, you have to be at Springfield for four months to get evaluated and the case won't dropped, so just hope that you don't get transferred.

Daniel: Right, I've been taking, I guess therapy here. Um, I just started a sign- I just signed up for therapy here at this jail too, which is supposed to count, uh, for therapy. So maybe I don't even have to get transferred, because I'm just doing therapy here.

Lil Sippy: Well, it's not really therapy that they're trying to do, they're trying to evaluate you to see if you're gonna, if you're likely to become competent anytime soon.

Daniel: Right. Right, and, I don't know what that entails. My, my-uh... public defender is saying all it is is just uh, therapy, but that's what he's saying.

Lil Sippy: Yeah. If, if- So you'll be there for like, four months, and then if the doctors don't think you're likely to, uh, become competent anytime soon, then they're gonna try to civilly commit you under Colorado state law.

Daniel: Right.

Lil Sippy: Yup, so my advice to you when you get out, just stay off the Internet as much as you can, or stay off- I guess, stay off- stay away from the people on Reddit, bro, because I've noticed-

Daniel: Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do, is just kind of lay low. I've already made that decision.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, the people- it's such a big dichotomy, big difference. You look at the TikTok people, the TikTok fans of you, they love you. You look on Reddit, they hate you.

Daniel: It's all hate. It's ALL hate.

Lil Sippy: So, and these are the-

Daniel: And then, also, one more thing. Grace is supposed to be looking at houses and uh, getting houses for us, or a house for us in Colorado. And she was supposed to do that back earlier this year. I don't have any updates, I don't know if she's even done that.

Lil Sippy: OK, well good for you, that I hope you move in with Grace. Um, if you do or if you don't, you know, I'm just saying it would be a good idea to just, *sighs* to not put any personal information on the internet like you were before. 'Cause you were kinda-

Daniel: Alright.

Lil Sippy: You know what I mean? You know what I'm trying to say?

Daniel: Yeah, no, I agree.

Lil Sippy: I'm just trying to help you because...

Daniel: I- I feel like I shouldn't even be transferred to the psychiatric place because I've already talked to psych here, and they said like, I don't even really want to be posting my life on social media, I just wanna do straight up music, and...

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: ...some acting, so I could get back into my acting stuff.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: But I don't wanna post my everyday life. I ended up doing that to stay alive while homeless. I don't wanna- I don't wanna just keep doing that because that's what the issue is.

Lil Sippy: Yeah. Definitely.

Daniel: And then, also apparently, there's deepfakes going around of me. That's a big scary thing too.

Lil Sippy: *coughs* Yep, there's deepfakes, there's um, you know, there was that- I think I just figured out that that, that recording of Bob was fake. Bob was never making money off of your like, Daniel Larson costumes, that was made by trolls.

Daniel: I- I think it is. I think it's all fake, and I think it was made to try to throw me off to get me arrested.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, so I feel like a lot of the threats came from anger, from trolls. And you were kind of enabling the trolls by posting everything online..

Daniel: Right.

Lil Sippy: ...and if you would've just not, if you would just stay silent on the internet... *coughs* or you could still post, just don't pay attention to the comments and stuff. Um, and don't post anything personal.

Daniel: OK.

Lil Sippy: You'd be fine, but you- you kind of post like, where, you know, what restaurant you're at, and then they call the restaurant and try to say that you're gonna run around naked or something? You know?

Daniel: Right! Well, pfft, yeah like, why would fans or, not really fans but haters of my fanbase, right? Call restaurants and tell them I'm gonna run through the restaurant nude, naked. Like, that- that makes no sense.

Lil Sippy: Well, I would suppose it's because they're jealous of your relationship with Grace, but I don't know.

Daniel: I think they are!

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I think they are jealous of my relationship with Grace, and they're just trying to create bigger issues.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: But anyways, *sighs* I just thought I would give you a call. Um, also can you send me, um, what we were talking about yesterday on the phone. Can you just... or??

Lil Sippy: The- you want the address and the phone number of the CEO of Interscope Records?

Daniel: Yeah, I need like, the actual, like, proof so I could show my lawyer.

Lil Sippy: OK, I can, uh... I can try to get you that guy's number. Um, I still have some more photos of Grace and JoJo, and Emma. I don't know what to send you, I know you wanted some Taylor Swift, and uh, Ariana Grande, but I'm probably just gonna send you the rest of the ones. I have a lot more of Grace and JoJo Siwa, and... uh, and Emma Watson, I'll just probably send those until we're out of those, if you want.

Daniel: OK. Alright. And then..

Lil Sippy: What do you do with the pictures? Do you put them up on your wall, or?

Daniel: I just, *sighs* I kind of put them up on my wall, stuff like that.

Lil Sippy: Then you can just, hang them on your wall with toothpaste, that's what I did when I was in jail, just put them, put them on the wall with toothpaste.

Daniel: Yeah, I gotta- I gotta go, I don't have much more time, there's a line for the phone, and I'm only out till 3 today.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: But, it's good to know that if I don't get transferred, then they'll drop the case by December?

Lil Sippy: Yeah, end of December, yeah.

Daniel: The end of December, 'cause that would be great if I could be with family.

Lil Sippy: Yeah. Bob and them? I would hope that.

Daniel: My family. Like, the first. Yeah, the first month, or the first Christmas at least in a couple months, or a couple years.

Lil Sippy: Definitely.

Daniel: That would be great because, I just haven't been with them at all. *other inmates can be heard yelling the background*

Lil Sippy: Yeah, so anyway, have a good day, and I'm hoping the best for you. That's the updates I have. Um, but yeah.

Daniel: OK. Alright, I appreciate it. Thank you.

Lil Sippy: You're welcome. Bye now.

Daniel: Bye.

October 24

Daniel and Lil Sippy had a brief phone conversation on October 24, 2024. [7] Lil Sippy was already on the phone with another caller when Daniel calls him.


*Lil Sippy is on the phone with another caller, when his phone beeps as Daniel calls from jail.

Lil Sippy (to other caller): Hey, I'm getting uh- I'm getting another call if you wanna call me back in like, 15 minutes? *answers Daniel's call*

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison. You will not be charged for this call. This call is from Daniel Larson. This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. To accept this call, press 5. To block this call... *Lil Sippy presses 5* Automated voice: You may begin speaking now.

Daniel: Hello?

Lil Sippy: What's up bro? What's going on?

Daniel: Hey! I don't have much time to talk, but, um, I was able to talk to Bob, um... and he is concerned about me possibly getting released. Uh, my case dropped, or whatever. He is saying that it would be best if I could try to get to where they drop it in November, so I'm not crite (quite) sure how we can try to figure out how we can you know, get that, but...

Lil Sippy: I don't think they're gonna drop it in November, honestly.

Daniel: I don't think- I don't think they will either, but he's concerned about if I drop the case, then I'm not getting the help with housing. I'll be right back on the streets, and case management here says I have to be sentenced to be able to get the resources, otherwise it's a court order.

Lil Sippy: There's other...

Daniel: So everything is kind of, he said, she said.

Lil Sippy: You don't have to be locked up to get affordable housing though.

Daniel: Right. Right. And, uh-

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I- so you said Bob is worried about the case getting dropped in November instead of December?

Daniel: Well, well he wants the case to get dropped in November. He says I'm innocent. Um, it's also a point to where he's pissed off at Tina, he's the complete opposite of the VanderWaals. He's pissed off at Tina for not moving with Grace- or Grace moving to Colorado, not owning up to their word, and I'm kind of the monkey in the middle, which is what led to this entire situation with me even being in custody.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: Uh, Bob was going to try to help get me housing, um, a long time ago.

Lil Sippy: Hey- where does Bob live? Where's Bob?

Daniel: He's in Denver.

Lil Sippy: Denver? So, *groans* it'll- has... he hasn't come to visit you at all?

Daniel: Nope. Um...

Lil Sippy: Have you tried to get him on your visiting list?

Daniel: Yeah, and he's also sick right now so he can't even visit. He's sick with something. I don't know what, but he's unable to even really do much right now.

Lil Sippy: Is he going to get better?

Daniel: Yeah, I know he's gonna get better. Um, we're trying to figure out what it even is, I don't think he's went to the doctor or anything. He says it's like a common cold, but he doesn't...

Lil Sippy: It's just, to me it just feels like you're gonna get moved to Springfield soon, so you would probably want to visit him. I don't know- do- if, when he gets better, will he be able to visit you in Springfield or is that too far of a drive?

Daniel: That's way too far of a drive, like, at that point, I don't even think he would be that much of a help anymore. He does not want me being transferred whatsoever. He says I'm innocent and he needs the case dropped. And he's blaming everything on Tina and Grace.

Lil Sippy: How- how do you know that you're talking to the real Bob and not a troll pretending to be Bob.

Daniel: Because I- I've, like I said, I've been with him in person.

Lil Sippy: OK. Um...

Daniel: Like... but he's just blaming 100% everything, I've shown him actual texts before I got arrested of what Grace was-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: He's a witness.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, um, OK. Yeah, I just looked it up and it looks like Denver to Springfield flight, I mean- I'm sorry, a drive is like 11 and a half hours?

Daniel: And he would never do that. He's not that type of person. He doesn't even care. Um, it's- it's a mess, I mean, like, my safety is being completely violated in here, it's already been violated, I've filed multiple reports. I don't even have shampoo anymore, I- well I haven't had shampoo in over a couple months. The- there's like, literally stuff inside the jail like, lights that are constantly out. Our sale is like, everything is just falling apart, so who knows. Like- like I said, things are just really, really up and down, more down than up. *chuckles* You know?

Lil Sippy: Did you get, did you get my email I sent you though?

Daniel: I did, um, I'm still waiting on Bob to even send me the money. He's complaining about it, so...

Lil Sippy: OK. Um, well, so...

Daniel: I can't even get enough money on my books to even pay fines right now, if I got any.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I'm trying, like I said to- I'm trying everything I can, but I'm just not being given a chance and I've never been given a chance, which sucks. Like, it's ridiculous.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I know, I know you were talking about before that you have to get all the numbers approved, but I feel like, um, if it's your lawyer's number, you shouldn't have to get it approved. You should probably just be able to call it without getting it approved. If it doesn't work, you could probably just put in a request slip to the CO saying, hey this is my lawyer's number.

Daniel: Right, um... just so... just to let you know, I do have to go on lockdown, there is one more thing. Um, can you send me like, the- in like a, um... Grace's or her mother's contact or something?

Lil Sippy: I can try to get that for you, yeah.

Daniel: OK, yeah, 'cause I can see, I don't know who I will ask, but I can see here at the jail if it's approved or not, and I'll be able to verify that.

Lil Sippy: Grace and- Grace and um, Tina's number approved or the lawyer's number?

Daniel: Yes, Grace and Tina, and I guess Columbia Records.

Lil Sippy: OK, I got- uh, I already got the Columbia Records info, try to find Tina's info for you if I can.

Daniel: OK, I- I gotta go, I gotta go they're putting me on lockdown.

Lil Sippy: Alright, have a good night bro.

Daniel: Alright, bye.

Lil Sippy: Bye.

October 26

Daniel and Lil Sippy had a phone conversation on October 26, 2024. [8] Daniel's delusions appear to be getting worse, as he claimed that Taylor Swift wanted him to come on her Eras Tour, but he declined.


Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison. You will not be charged for this call. This call is from Daniel Larson. This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. To accept this call, press 5. To bl- *Lil Sippy presses 5* Automated voice: You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: Hello?

Daniel: (Hel)-lo? Hey!

[video cuts]

Daniel: Right, I think that uh, Clark aka Griffin because he got me in contact with Grace originally, which um, somewhere along the line he-uh-e, started trolling.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: So, I believe that he was trying to, um, troll me to end up getting to Grace, so Grace could end up dating him instead of me.

Lil Sippy: I se- yeah, that makes sense.

Daniel: I could see, I could see that making sense.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: Uh, Tina has always been... I guess one day she's OK, one day she's another. I- I think she didn't quite believe or understand what was going on, as they wanted to help, but they didn't know how, and then Grace was already like, oh, let's move on with the relationship, and I think in the end, she was moving too quickly and I was moving to quickly.

Lil Sippy: Hm. I mean, that makes sense. It- yeah.

Daniel: If that makes sense, and then Tina wasn't even really notified, so she was notified last-minute, and they were like, oh, now we have to figure out what we're gonna do, and I don't think they even knew what to do.

Lil Sippy: Mhm, yeah.

Daniel: But I- um, and then, also, um, another strange thing Griffin did, I don't even know if this was really him or what. But when I was in contact with Tina and Grace somewhere along the line, I got my number leaked, my phone number.

Lil Sippy: Mhm.

Daniel: And, um... a bunch of underaged celebrities started messaging me. So I believe that Griffin aka Clark, was- was trying to something that they, he shouldn't have done and tried to get me into legal trouble. I don't know. But-

[video cuts]

Daniel: Yeah, they tried to get me in contact with Issy Simpson from America's Got Talent, um, Charlotte Summers from Britain's Got Talent, um, and a bunch of others including JoJo Siwa and Taylor Swift.

Lil Sippy: Well, JoJo Siwa's an adult.

Daniel: Well, JoJo Siwa is an adult, Taylor Swift's an adult, Ariana Grande is an adult, but that could also explain the collaboration Taylor Swift wants to do, 'cause she wanted me on her Eras Tour and I turned it down, because I was homeless. And I really shouldn't have done that, I straight up told her like, I can't confirm anything because you're not, you know, showing yourself on camera, you're not doing anything, and so I don't know if I can confirm who you are. *coughs*

Lil Sippy: Ye.

Daniel: And so I turned it down, and sure enough, I found out like a month later, her Eras Tour was actually a real thing and I was like "what the hell?"

Lil Sippy: That's crazy.

Daniel: So I was not given all the information and I was, there was some other weird stuff going on where it was like, um... which I guess isn't really a bad thing, but um, Darci um, wanted to be on Grace's tour at some point.

Lil Sippy: Oh, wow!

Daniel: Like Grace's uh, a rold (world) tour that Grace wanted to do or something.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I'm pretty sure-

Daniel: I don't know, but it was weird and there was a bunch of other celebrities that wanted to go, but they were all underaged and the tour wasn't supposed to be for like, another 2-3 years. So, it was all mixed up.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, if you would have accepted- if you would have went on tour with Taylor Swift though, I'm pretty sure they would've given you housing.

Daniel: Uh, if I- right. If I would have just agreed to the Taylor Swift tour, I'm pretty sure that they would've. But also, I- you know that video I told you about, Bob and the phone call where he's like saying, you know, fuck Daniel, I hate him. Um, I'll make sure I give him a little bit of money to him at a time, but not all.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: And he claimed it- he claimed it was photoshopped or AI.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I believe that that is actually real, and the reason I believe it is real is back in 2023, around the time that it says that Grace was in contact with me and Tina. Bob took me to the bank and told me to stay in the car while Bob went inside and transferred money into my account. He's never done that before, that was the only time he's ever done that, and surprisingly enough, that one time he didn't want me going in because he didn't want to see something or whatever, right? Or me to see something. And, um, it wasn't till that afternoon when I asked him while I was in the car like, "Hey, why didn't you let me go inside?", and he didn't say a thing. He was just- he was silent and I just shut my mouth completely. But he's never done that, he's always wanted me to go into the bank with him. So I believe he might have signed the contract on my behalf without my permission.

Lil Sippy: I don't know, Bob- it seems like Bob really cares about you a lot. I don't know if he would do something like that.

Daniel: And he, I don't- right, and I don't know 'cause I don't have evidence. That's the thing, I don't have evidence to say he did or didn't. But...

Lil Sippy: Didn't- don't you think if he was stealing from you, the feds doing all their investigation on you would have picked on that too, and he would have got in trouble?

Daniel: I think they would, and I think they also would've picked up on Griffin and they never did, so. But anyways, I'm getting locked down for the night. I will be out again tomorrow, and I will try to either call you depending on if I have time, or I'll call the label.

Lil Sippy: I'll... I'll..

Daniel: I'll send you an email instead, alright?

Lil Sippy: Alright, have a good night.

Daniel: You too. Bye.

Lil Sippy: Bye.

October 30

Daniel called Lil Sippy in the late morning hours of October 30, 2024. [9]

Daniel discusses the lack of communication with his public defender, as he said in every call since September. He shifted the conversation to Interscope and LBI, which Lil Sippy was not familiar with. He says he will not be transferred anytime soon, as he spoke with a caseworker, social worker, and nurse at the jail, who all confirmed he won't be transferred by December 31. Lil Sippy advises him to stop dwelling on Tina and Grace, and Daniel agrees, adding that Grace is an adult and can do anything she wants. They discuss the threats, to which Daniel attributes to being "terrified and confused while homeless", and how he was hanging out with Dylan Clark in a homeless shelter.


Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison. You will not be charged for this call. This call is from Daniel Larson. This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. To accept this call, press 5. *Lil Sippy presses 5* Automated voice: You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: Yo, what's up?

Daniel: *as his line connects* (Hel)-lo?

Lil Sippy: Hello?

Daniel: Hey, this is Daniel.

Lil Sippy: What's going on?

Daniel: Hey...

[video cuts]]

Daniel: ...CEO.

Lil Sippy: Nice. Were you able to get, uh, your lawyer's number approved?

Daniel: Not- well, it should be, I put it in the computer this morning for the phones. Um, it should be either tonight or tomorrow.

Lil Sippy: OK, cool.

Daniel: Um, do you know at all, like... I know Interscope Records was in contact with me previously and wanted to hire me. Do you know at all what's going on with Columbia Records at all? Because I was also in contact with them and Grace's entertainment management, LBI.

Lil Sippy: Most- you mean BMI?

Daniel: L, uh... LBI.

Lil Sippy: It's LBI? I haven't heard of LBI, I've heard of BMI, not LBI, but um...

Daniel: Weird, OK.

Lil Sippy: I can, hold on. Let me look up what is- let me try to look up what is LBI.

Daniel: LBI Entertainment.

Lil Sippy: *types into phone* LBI... Entertainment. Oh, it came up. OK, huh. Interesting.

Daniel: And they are Grace's management from my understanding, and I've been in contact with them for the past like, five years.

Lil Sippy: Oh, OK. Yeah, BMI is Broadcast Music Incorporation so I guess, I don't know, I was getting them mixed up. But, yeah, I don't think I've head anything about uh... Columbia besides what you told me, that it's Grace's label and stuff.

Daniel: OK.

Lil Sippy: And I guess Interscope and Columbia are fighting over you and you know, they- *gets interrupted*

Daniel: Yeah, I know that.

[video cuts]

Lil Sippy: Alright. Have you been talking to, uh, your lawyer or anything- anybody lately, or no?

Daniel: Nope... I haven't heard anything. But anyways, besides that, I mean, really no progress no nothing at the jail. It's the same it was last week and the week before, and the week before that.

Lil Sippy: You just gotta wait to go to Springfield. Once you get to Springfield, you know, you have four months to do there and then..

Daniel: Well, that's IF I get transferred, because if I don't by the end of Novem- or the end of December, right? End of December, then my case gets dropped, right?

Lil Sippy: Yeah, that's what the judge said, the judge said she'll probably drop your case at the end of December if you're not moved to Springfield by then. Well if you-

Daniel: OK, 'cause I was, I was talking to the jail and they don't have me next on the list either, and they don't know when the next bus is and I'm not even on that list.

Lil Sippy: But if you do end up- all I'm saying is if you do end up going to Springfield, you'll be there for, I think four months.

Daniel: Yeah. I do know that if I get transferred there I'll be there for four months. But there, I talked to the jail here, and I talked to the case worker and the social worker here at the jail, and they're all just saying that I'm not being transferred yet and I'm not anywhere close on the list.

Lil Sippy: I think in the court papers I was looking at, it said, uh, sometime in November is their estimate, so. It didn't say when or whatever.

Daniel: Well, I would have- I would have to see the nurse first because the nurse sees all people a week prior to them being transferred, and the nurse that like, I'm nowehere near on the list. So...

Lil Sippy: So maybe towards the end of November is what they mean, I don't know. It just says November on the-

Daniel: Well, the end of November is Thanksgiving.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: And they're not gonna be doing transfers at Thanksgiving. If anything, it would be the first or second week in December, or it would be this next bus and they don't even have the next bus on the list because of all the... I guess all the election stuff, they're delaying it, and I guess Boeing as well is having issues because the people that do transfers are Boeing.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, we'll just have to wait and see what happens, it's all we can do at this point.

Daniel: Yeah, so we're just playing this waiting game right now, and beside that I mean...

Lil Sippy: It sucks, but that's...

Daniel: It sucks.

Lil Sippy: ...that's all it is. I tried-

Daniel: Yup. I mean, at this point I think everybody prefers my case gets dropped, but we can't- we don't have any power over that,, so...

Lil Sippy: If it's so tough for you to deal with... if Tina's being such a, you know, idiot and making stuff so hard for you, why don't you just like, forget about Grace for now and just focus on yourself?

Daniel: I- *sighs* I agree, I mean, I think- I think me and Tina just got off on the wrong foot and because I was homeless, I just wasn't thinking straight. And um, I think if she was able to talk to me now, things would be completely different.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: Um, I mean, at this point, all it is is just a waiting game and see what happens.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I doubt that Grace will do anything um, to contact you while you're in jail.

Daniel: I mean, if- if she does, it's up to her.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: It's up to her. I mean, she's her own adult...

Lil Sippy: And she can give you- she can, yeah.

Daniel: She's her own person, so in the end it's up to her.

Lil Sippy: But people-...

Daniel: Tina doesn't want her to, she needs to realize that like, if she wants to talk to me, she can talk to me. It doesn't matter what Tina says, she's not-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: She's not a minor anymore.

Template:Lil Sippy: Yeah, but-

[video cuts]

Daniel: ...does.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, TikTok...

Daniel: It- I mean, at this point, I know what's going on. I know everything on what's going on, I understand it. I mean, I believe it's all just, a bunch of bullshit and I really should be released from custody.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: And I need to be able to be given a chance, but I- I just can't get back out without a safety regulation or something. I have to, you know, really try to figure out how things are gonna work once I get out. That's kind of where things are now.

Lil Sippy: You think you have problems controlling your anger?

Daniel: Not, not really. I mean, when I was homeless... I mean being out in like 20 degree weather, I mean of course I'm not gonna be doing that great. *sighs* I mean...

Lil Sippy: Yeah, but...

Daniel: My anger overall, I mean, I don't really have anger issues. I can take a lot of stress.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, but you don't think that sometimes you get angry and you do stuff without thinking, like make threats or something, that you-

Daniel: No, uh no, I made the threats because I was terrified and I was confused on why the record labels weren't paying me. And Bob kept telling me that I wasnever in contact with the record labels and I was never in contact with Grace, and I was being told that by the FBI too.

Lil Sippy: Do you trust Bob now?

Daniel: I... to be honest, I really don't. I only trust the facts that I have, the proof that I have.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: That's what I trust, because I am the only person that lived that situation, and I was the one that was actually receiving the texts, and was receiving the things that I know now. You see what I mean?

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I see what you mean. What was going...

Daniel: So, and so I made the threats, I made the threats to try to get help. I was on M1 holds, mental health holds.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I went to, um, homeless shelters and apparently the police are saying, another thing is the police in reports of my legal discovery, were saying that I was hanging out with D- Dylan Clark, or Daylen Clark, right?

Lil Sippy: Oh, yeah I remember.

Daniel: The guy in Boulder and how he made threats as well or whatever?

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I was- I was at a homeless shelter with him. I had no choice to, you know, be surrounding him. He was surrounding me because we were at the homeless shelter together and I'm getting judged by the police for that. That's ridiculous!

Lil Sippy: Yeah, it's messed up. You just gotta make sure your lawyer doesn't let them use that against you in court, um...

Daniel: Right, and the same thing, they're using the fact that like, I was in disability services already and using people in disability services to target me is absolutely ridiculous. That's targeting not only me, that's targeting them too. That's not OK.

Lil Sippy: That's crazy. Why- so why did you always on YouTube, why would you always respond-

Daniel: I -just to let you know, I gotta go. The call's about to break up and lunch is here.

Lil Sippy: Ok, alright, have a good-

Daniel: I'll try to talk to you here in a little bit, or um, in a couple days, alright?

Lil Sippy: Alright, just call me when you get the chance. Have a good lunch.

Daniel: Alright, you too. Bye

Lil Sippy: Alright, bye.

October 31

Lil Sippy and Daniel called again on Halloween. [10] Daniel believes Bob is ruining his life.


Automated voice: To block this call- *Lil Sippy presses 5* You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: What's good! Hello?

Daniel: Hey! I don't have long to talk, I only have about two minutes I can talk.

[video cuts]

Daniel: Yeah, and then also I tried to talk to Bob earlier today about me and my release, seeing if he can, or seeing if I can get out in November instead of December because if I get released in December, let's just say, then I'm not gonna have time before Christmas to get my new state ID and to get back on my feet, even though I have money in my bank account now because I've been in custody.

Lil Sippy: Yeah. *coughs*

Daniel: And Bob was trying to say on the phone that like, yeah I have money in my bank account but I'm still going to need help financially because it's not, um, it's not a lot of money, it's like one month of an apartment...

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: ...which he needs to realize, right? And I don't think a lot of people realize this, I don't even think my fanbase realizes this. When I was traveling across the United States, even though Bob paid for like, the big airplane tickets and stuff like that, I was paying, I was paying for the Greyhound tickets, I was paying for food, I was paying for hotels, I was paying the majority and I, uh- this year I've lost so much money that I've not been making because I've been in custody, it's no longer a joke. I was- if I was out right now, all year I would have probably been in like, the upper uh... six digits in my income by now, like no joke because that's how much I was making.

Lil Sippy: Oh wow. Like a mil- looks like, like hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Daniel: Yeah, hundreds of thousands of dollars because I was making, I was making like, back in 2022 when Bob wasn't even helping, I was making the most money.

Lil Sippy: *coughs* OK.

Daniel: And as soon as I asked Bob to try to help get me in an apartment, even one month and he denied it, we argued and he ended up saying he was going to pay for hotel rooms. Well,

Lil Sippy: Well, I mean Grace like, Grace has a lot of money, why don't you- you don't think Grace would pay for anything?

Daniel: Tina won't let her.

Lil Sippy: Oh man, Tina again. OK

Daniel: Tina just won't- Tina won't do anything and Tina won't let Grace help, it's been an issue.

Lil Sippy: It's crazy.

Daniel: The thing is, I'm to a point I am, my life is being destroyed by Bob at this point, and I don't think he realizes it.

Lil Sippy: Bob is destroying your life? I thought Bob was helping you.

Daniel: He was helping me previously but it's to a point that he's saying things that without enough information, and talking to people behind my back like my lawyer, and I'm already deemed incompetent, if you know what I mean.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I- I'm to a point I feel like nobody even cares, you know? People just want me and my career over and I would have been doing fine if Bob would've just, you know, got the apartment one month way back last year because when I started going from the street to the hotel, to the street to the hotel...

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

...my fans were confused, And it's similar to the news, right? When the fans are confused or the world is confused, they don't know what to believe and so eventually, people fall off the board, you know, people fall off the market.

Lil Sippy: Yeah. One sec..

Daniel: And you have to- you have to something built that the fans can believe, and right now Bob is completely destroying that reputation.

Lil Sippy: Bob is destroying a reputation? What has he been doing?

Daniel: He's- like I said, he's been paying for the hotel rooms, he's been putting money on my books, he's now to a point where he's arguing about-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: Now to a point to where he's arguing about the amount that he's putting on my books and saying that like, he can't do it that much more, it- it's to a point I was doing better financially and being able to support myself when he wasn't helping at all, when he was just a friend.

Lil Sippy: Wow.

Daniel: And- and I feel like that financial aspect when he was paying for the hotel rooms and now to the point where he's saying, "I don't know if, you know, 'cause you're going to need financial help", no I don't, because if I was making enough in 2022 to be able to travel across the United States, I definitely had enough money to get on my feet.

Lil Sippy: So, I thought- but you're saying you're making money while you're in jail now, right?

Daniel: Only because of him and my music distribution. If was out this year, this entire year, I would've made probably... I want to say six to seven songs by now. I was already, um, in my bank account I had $100 saved and I only needed 100 more and I was averaging 100 in saving a week to be able to get into the recording studio. I only needed 200 more, that's only two weeks.

Lil Sippy: Well, that's just the studio. You gotta think about housing too, though.

Daniel: Right, but I was saying that like, I would've already had housing by now with the amount that I would have been making.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I've used the calculator in the jail, I've added everything up. The amount Bob was giving me versus what I can make and then the hotel rooms versus what I can make, and then the hotel rooms vs. the apartment, the apartment would have been a whole lot cheaper.

Lil Sippy: So... so it's Bob's fault that you're in jail too though, right?

Daniel: It's yes and no. I want to say that he's a big factor in my fan base falling apart because he was keeping me homeless at the time, and when my fans started seeing me on the streets vs the hotel back and forth, I was losing fans.

Lil Sippy: Yeah. So, if he would've just...

Daniel: That's a big factor in all the manipulation towards me.

Lil Sippy: So, if Bob would've just stepped up to the plate and given you enough money for housing, then...

Daniel: My fans probably would not have thought I was crazy and would not have manipulated me.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: When the fans saw that I was being on the street homeless and I was getting hotel rooms, everybody was asking me. Fans were coming up to me saying, "Where are you getting this money? Is Bob giving it to you?" and I said yes. And then at that point, it just got worse and then over time, fans were thinking I wasn't capable of anything and they didn't know that the money Bob was giving to me, a majority of it, I was saving behind Bob's back, and as soon as Bob found out, he would stop paying me. He would stop paying for hotels and then I would be back on the street, and then I would end up losing followers again.

Lil Sippy: And it all makes sense now, it does. You make a good argument for it all being, uh, Bob's fault. You know, I never looked at it from that angle before.

Daniel: Right, and in the end- in the end, Grace was just telling me like, "Hey, you need to do this, you need to do that. You need to get this done." I was trying to do that all along, and Bob and the FBI agents were telling me I was never in contact with Grace.

Lil Sippy: *overtalking* Well why do you think they were telling you that?

Daniel: I feel like if Bob would've known as well that if Grace was in contact all along and was able to verify it, Bob would have gotten the apartment.

Lil Sippy: What do you think their motives for telling you that uh, Grace- you were never in contact with Grace's... well, why would they tell you that?

Daniel: *sighs* I think it was because Tina, I think Tina just didn't really like me because I was homeless and she wanted somebody for Grace that could actually take care of her as well, and somebody mature.

Lil Sippy: But I don't think Grace really cares about any of that. Grace just, uh, I think it feels like she wants you. She doesn't care about somebody rich or what anything like that.

Daniel: I'm saying that from Tina's perspective.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, OK. Yeah.

Daniel: But, but yeah I- I think everything is messed up. I've been listening to the news and I've been seeing how um, uh, the entire trash America thing on TV right now on Fox News, trash America.

Lil Sippy: Oh, yeah.

Daniel: And Trump in the tri- pickup truck.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, Trump-

[video cuts]

Lil Sippy: ...that he was doing well. Yup.

Daniel: Yeah, well the crazy thing is I feel that way about America right now. I literally, I'm just to a point to where it's like, everybody in my life at the time, the VanderWaals should've stepped up, Bob should've just went and got the hotel, I mean the apartment, not the hotel room, but just went and got the apartment, paid one month, that's 30 days of my fans and getting spotted in public I could have saved up money for the next month. And instead I was paying for $100 to $200 for a hotel room a day, and an apartment is only $2000 a month.

Lil Sippy: Yeah. You can get cheaper apartments than that, but yeah.

Daniel: Right, you can get cheaper apartments, so I'm just saying that is extreme manipulation financially when it comes to my fanbase.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: And I don't think Bob realized. But anyways, I gotta go, they're locking us down.

Lil Sippy: Alright, have a good night man.

Daniel: Alright, bye.

Lil Sippy: Alright, bye.

November 2024

November 9

Daniel called Lil Sippy on November 9, 2024. Daniel claims that he is suing the US government. [11]


Automated voice: …hang up now. *Lil Sippy presses 5* You may begin speaking now.

Lil Sippy: Hello?

Daniel: Hello?

Lil Sippy: What’s going on?

Daniel: Hey! So, um, just curious, did the feds show up at your house or anything?

Lil Sippy: Yeah, they’ve- they were here, uh, I don’t know, a few weeks ago.

Daniel: OK, OK. Um, is everything OK?

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I just told them I’m not gonna make a statement, and they went away. That was it.

Daniel: Oh, ok- ok. Weird. Well…

Lil Sippy: You think it was about you?

Daniel: No, I- I just, I was told by somebody that apparently the feds showed up at your house.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, it was the Secret Service and uh…

Daniel: The Secret Service, OK.

Lil Sippy: I assumed that it was because of you, because I’m in contact with you, and you’ve made threats against the- or you’re accused of making threats against the president or whatever, the White House. Um, but I didn’t stick around to talk them, I just told them to go away. Who told you that?

Daniel: Uh, Griffin. Um, but I also found out new information.

Lil Sippy: Oh, what’s that?

Daniel: So I guess, uh- you can possibly, are you anywhere near a computer?

Lil Sippy: Um, not right now, but I can go inside and- well, I’m on my phone. If you need me to look something up for you, I can look it up on my phone.

Daniel: OK, well… so I guess on the BOP website, it says my current release date is the 25th.

Lil Sippy: I don’t think it says that, I can look it up though.

Daniel: Um, because I guess that’s- I’m not sure, but that’s what I’m being told by Griffin, and also, I talked to the release- uh, I guess the pre-release management here at the jail and they’ve also told me that um, it’s the 25th of this month if I’m not transferred.

Lil Sippy: Well, the BOP, the BOP website says, it still says unknown. It still says “release date unknown”. You might be getting transferred the 5th- I don’t know, if the jail told you that then that’s probably true, but the website still says “release date unknown”, and that’s because you haven’t been sentenced yet, right? Um

Daniel: Right, I was being told that the case is to get dropped if I’m not transferred by the 25th, and they’re dropping the case.

Lil Sippy: It’s not the 25th, the- the court documents say the judge said if you’re not transferred by the end of December, then she’ll probably dismiss the case. But um, yeah, you’ll probably get transferred. If they’re saying the 25th, then you’ll probably go the 25th, um, but you know Griffin lies to you a lot bro.

Daniel: No, I know. I know he does, but I also got crazy information.

Lil Sippy: What was that?

Daniel: It’s now, it’s now been over a week and Bob has not gotten back to me, and today’s the last commissary before the 25th.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: So I would not be able to get clothing, but I have everything already ready, I’ve talked to uh, pre-release and everything. They’re all ready. I will get a new state ID when I get released and everything.

Lil Sippy: What is Bob’s problem? Why is Bob not sending you money?

Daniel: The last time Bob sent me money was over two and a half weeks ago, maybe three.

Lil Sippy: What’s his problem? Is he sick or what?

Daniel: I have no clue. He told me to stop talking about Griffin and stop talking to you about him, and I- I stopped talking to both of- both you and Griffin about him, and then all of a sudden, he just stopped communication, and I called Griffin and I said, “hey what’s going on? I’m concerned about Bob?” because I have the right to be concerned, right?

Lil Sippy: That’s crazy. Yeah, definitely.

Daniel: And it’s now been over a week, and my public defender is also telling me that my like… I told-

[video cuts]

Daniel: This was way back in like, October. I told my public defender, I guess my release date is either in November or December, right?

Lil Sippy: Yup.

Daniel: At the time it was actually, Griffin was saying it was November. My public defender said, “OK, who’s telling you that? Where are you getting this information?” And I said, “I guess it’s posted online. Griffin aka Clark told me.”

Lil Sippy: Yeah, the BOP-

Daniel: And then at that point, um, I haven’t been told anything else, and I have been told that if Griffin was lying to me, he would already be arrested on conspiracy and that has not happened.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, so um… on the BOP site it still says unknown, and you might be getting trans- if they’re telling you you’re getting transferred on the- what did you say, the 25th, you’re probably getting transferred on the 25th right? But..

Daniel: I’m not, right, I’m not being transferred on the 25th. There’s no date as of right now on when I’m being transferred.

Lil Sippy: Oh, so there-

Daniel: There’s no bus, they’re saying that there’s- it’s probably gonna be like that for the next couple months. They’re saying that since the election, they’re not getting funding.

Lil Sippy: OK, so um…

Daniel: So, I guess- I don’t know, but they’re not getting funding. That’s all I know.

Lil Sippy: Well, remember I told you that the judge said that she’s probably gonna uh, dismiss the case if you’re still there by December 31st, so that would be nice.

Daniel: Right, Bob and I- the last conversation I had with Bob is, we’re trying to push it to this month.


Daniel: Because if I can get out this month, then I can get the apartment. Um, I talked to pre-trial services and pre-trial services, and I guess, uh, pre-release management, or pre-release, whatever it is who controls like, state IDs and stuff like that. They said that they- I can get that the day I leave here, and um, I can go like-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: It’s basically a valid ID so I can use it like the second I get it. It’s valid anywhere, so I would I guess be able to get a new like, actual state ID from the uh, DMV.

Lil Sippy: That would be nice!

Daniel: I would be able to do that within the like, the first week if I get out this month. If I get out in December, then I would probably have to wait until January.

Lil Sippy: Instead of a normal idea, it would be pretty cool if you and Bob could do like, Driver’s Ed together and you know, we need Daniel Larson on the road, right? We don’t want you to-

Daniel: Uh- no, I know, like I *sighs*, that’s kind of off subject, but I mean, yeah, I need to get on the road, I need to get a driver’s license.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I mean, at this point, Bob is holding up my career, he’s holding up my life. I’m like a slave to him as of this point, I’m a slave to the flippin’ jail. I don’t fucking know, but it’s ridiculous. And I have like, literal- like, I have actual bruises and cuts all over me, like- like all over my arms, all over my face, all over my back from when I was homeless. And the nurse here-

Lil Sippy: And it’s Bob’s fault!

Daniel: Pretty much, because he could have more than… more than easily enough gotten me one month of the apartment.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: And for me sleeping on the streets, I have cuts and bruises all over my body that just won’t go away, and even the nurse here at the jail says that um, while I’m in custody, they can’t do anything.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: It’s something I have to wait until I get out, but they’re not healing. It’s some type of skin issue and they don’t know what it is.

Lil Sippy: It might be scabies, but who knows.

Daniel: No, ‘cause there’s something I guess, I’ve been tested for all sorts of stuff already, and they’re saying that there’s nothing. It’s literally just from me being homeless.

Lil Sippy: Wow. Um, so…

Daniel: Like, literal like, cuts all over me that just haven’t healed. I’m not getting enough water, I’m not getting enough food.

Lil Sippy: Have you or your lawyer done any more investigation into what you were talking about, where you think that Griffin was only in contact with you to um, basically try to you know, steal Grace from you?

Daniel: No, no, no. I have not heard anything from my public defender and I was supposed to meet with him yesterday, but I told uh, the unit case manager to go ahead and just cancel because I’m supposed to be getting out on the 25th, and he said, “OK, I’ll look it up too”, and he also looked it up and sure enough, he said “OK, well yeah, we’ll go ahead and cancel, because you’re getting out soon.

Lil Sippy: Who said you’re getting out on the 25th?

Daniel: The unit case manager.

[video cuts]

Lil Sippy: OK, yeah so if- I guess if the unit case manager is saying that, then they know something that I don’t, ‘cause I thought that uh, you were-

Daniel: They know something is not right, because I also- this is weird. So I’m supposed to get drug tested here at the jail a week before I get transferred, OK? They do that for everybody who’s being transferred. They drug test them, OK? The thing is they do a blood draw and they do a urine test. Both of those were already done back in July, like two weeks after I got- I went to court, and uh, did the psych eval here.

Lil Sippy: Hmmm.

Daniel: But like, the two weeks after I did it here, I was told I’m being transferred, um, the next week and I never got transferred. Nobody came to my cell, nobody got me, and then ever since then, even psychiatric last week on Thursday it was, I talked to psychiatric here at this jail, right? And psychiatric even told me, well I guess if your public defender won’t speak to you and you’re being told you’re getting out on the 25th, if you’re not transferred then and your case is gonna get dropped if you’re not transferred, then it sounds like your case is getting dropped, it doesn’t sound like you’re being transferred, because why would they drop the case if you’re being transferred? You can’t be held in custody. And psych told me that and I agree with them.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, so- it’s very confusing, very confusing, they’ll just-.

Daniel: It’s very very confusing, because if they drop the case if I’m not transferred, why don’t they just drop the case now? That’s a clear sign that I’m not being transferred according to psychiatric.

Lil Sippy: Huh.

Daniel: By me telling them that I’m gonna be transferred and me sitting here, they’re saying that is making me look crazy.

Lil Sippy: Wow. So I guess all we can do now is just wait until the 25th.

Daniel: So, I’m being- I’m caught up in this crazy situation where I think- I think the court system is trying to play me, I think is what’s going on.

Lil Sippy: You know, there was a conspiracy theory floating around on TikTok saying that they- that people are thinking the government framed you for making threats just so you couldn’t win the 2024 election.

Daniel: I don’t want to believe that, I don’t wanna say that’s what it is, but I also kinda think that too, because I’ve been thinking ever since before the election that like, as soon as the election’s over, I’m guaranteeing that they’re just gonna go, “OK, well this guy’s no longer a threat, this guy’s telling the truth, he’s getting out.” And, and…

Lil Sippy: Yeah, are you expecting a pardon from Trump, or do you think you’ll be out before Trump even takes office?

Daniel: Well, if the public defend- or if the prosecutor, right is saying January, I mean- it’s- no, if the prosecutor is saying December and Trump is not in office until January, like the end of January, I’m gonna be out before. That’s the way I’m looking at. I’m outsmarting the courts, and they’re just making me look like a flippin’ idiot and at this point…

Lil Sippy: You definitely are. I think it’s obvious that you’re smarter than the prosecutor, the judge, and everybody at this point. They’re the ones making a fool out of themselves.

Daniel: Right, and it’s just- it’s not OK. I’ve- the paperwork you sent me as well, right?

Lil Sippy: Yup.

Daniel: Uh, the suing paperwork-

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: …already filled it out, I’ve added the United States government, so I went ahead and put down the United States so I can sue them. I could sue the criminal justice system, the feds, and I put down as well, uh, Bob. *Lil Sippy laughs* I haven’t sent it out yet, because I’m being told the 25th. But, if I’m not out by the 25th, because I’m not in communication with my public defender. He will not speak to me at all.

Lil Sippy: Oh my god..

Daniel: And that’s another thing, if he’s refusing to speak to me, psych is saying that that’s not normal.

Lil Sippy: It isn’t normal.

Daniel: The investigator with my case needs to talk to me. And all I’m doing right now is building a case against the criminal justice system and even psych knows it.

Lil Sippy: Do you think that- do you think that Bob, I’m sorry, do you think that your lawyer and his investigator might be you know, in conspiracy uh, in cahoots with Bob and Tina? And probably Griffin?

Daniel: Possibly. I also been thinking that since Bob went silent, he’s doing something behind my back, like getting the apartment or something and that’s- that to me seems like a sign I’m getting out very very soon.

Lil Sippy: Oh, so- so Bob will still um, get you housing when you get out?

Daniel: Uh, I never said that. I said that i’m thinking that because Bob’s going silent, he’s doing something, I don’t know what it is, but he might be getting me housing.

Lil Sippy: But wouldn’t it be a good thing for him to be getting you housing though? You’re t-

Daniel: It would be a good thing! I’m not sure why I’m not out now.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: I believe I should be out today, but that’s besides the point. If they’re just gonna drop the case and they’re just talking their heads off, why don’t they drop the case now?

Lil Sippy: So, with- OK.

Daniel: But anyways, I gotta go, alright? The phone’s about to cut out.

Lil Sippy: Alright, talk soon.

Daniel: Alright, bye.

Lil Sippy: Bye.

November 12

On November 12th, Clark called Daniel.[12] Daniel believes that he is being framed by Bob and the VanderWaals.


[transcript starts after 5 minutes into the call]

Daniel: …on, because you said that Grace blocked you, right?

Clark: Yeah, as of right now, but I’m still trying to-

Daniel: How long- how long ago did she block you?

Clark: I mean, I don’t know if I’m blocked, more than not I just not get any answers. It’s been maybe like, two weeks probably? Since Bob hasn’t been answering, it’s been around the same time.

Daniel: So around the same time.

Clark: Yeah.

Daniel: Eh- are you still leaking the phone calls or did that stop? Because I know that the leaking of the phone calls was a big problem.

Clark: No, I- I have not, but I have- I did see the call that Nicholas put out the other day because you keep calling me Gri- like it’s Clark aka Griffin or Griffin aka Clark, I hear.

Daniel: Well, yeah, but your name is Griffin, yeah.

Clark: Yeah, I know.

Daniel: It’s because- it’s because when, looking at it from a legal perspective, right? They need to know, if you know what I mean, so they don’t call me crazy.

Clark: Yeah, oh yeah, no, I agree.

Daniel: I- I feel like I’m being, I’m feeling like this entire situation, the reason why I made the threats, I felt- I feel like Bob was, on purpose, in conversation with the VanderWaals. I believe he’s lied to me. I believe he’s in contact at this point all along, right? And he lied to me saying he wasn’t, and I believe that he pretty much chose as well as the VanderWaals to keep me homeless until I said something, which was the threats, right? And so I would get arrested by the feds. You see what I mean?

Clark: Yeah, I don’t get why he would do that, though.

Daniel: So the courts could get me housing because the VanderWaals do not have charges against me for the threats I made, and we already know that Tina promised me that she would help.

Clark: Ohh OK. That is true, and MacDougall promised, I guess, you things- .

Daniel: Well, MacDougall promised but he was trying to falsely incriminate me. He was calling me a pedo and all this crazy stuff without even the proof, and I- I don’t know if… there is a conversation I guess in my legal discovery where I did say that I was (talking) to somebody claiming to be Tina, but I don’t think it was really Tina and at that point of the day, I didn’t eat in like, a week.

Clark: Yeah, yeah, no.

Daniel: So, I like, literally was not even thinking straight. I just read the message and I just responded like immediately, I was in the car with Bob that day.

Clark: Yeah, no, that- that’s-

[video cuts]

Daniel: I also told, on the phone call to Nicholas that I was going to sue Bob, which probably if he got word of that, it probably pissed him off. But-

Clark: Yeah, that- that’s what the title of the v- I think, of Nicholas’ video is, that you wanna sue Bob.

Daniel: Yeah, the thing is I’m not going to do that when I get out. I mean, uh, if I don’t get out.

Clark: Yeah, yeah.

Daniel: If I get out, then I’m not going to sue. If I go ‘cause I’m transferred and I’m if not out by December, then I will sue because I feel like there’s a bunch of illegal activity. And I’m in the monkey in the middle, so.

Clark: In- yeah, and it’s- there’s someone also, there’s a Roblox game that’s like about you right now that has like thousands of players on it, and they’re raising money on there and they’re selling like shirts and stuff, but I’m pretty sure they’re just taking the money for themselves.

Daniel: Yeah, and NIcholas told that was you, but if you are in contact or were in contact with the VanderWaals which we already know, they said, it’s clear that it’s not you. (unintelligible) like Bob or you know, it’s just like a planned thing to raise money, and this entire thing was, you know, publicity scene for me.

Clark: No, it’s not me. No, no, I’m in-

Daniel: But the thing is, I don’t know. I’m just the monkey in the middle, like I said and I’m pretty much framed in all this. It’s ridiculous.

Clark: It is a whole situation, so for now I guess, we just have to keep waiting and hopefully, for now I would say, just stop talking about Bob so that maybe he’ll call you again, you know? So you can get money again.

Daniel: I hope, I mean, today’s the last day I can get money for commissary. I mean, they keep pushing it out, so I’m fine right now, but today I think is the last day. So he really needs to get a hold of me today, because I’m trying to get new clothing in commissary. I have- I don’t have to put up with all the jail stuff. I can just, you know, get new clothing and be done. I get out, and then I have clothing.

Clark: Yeah, and get your- and have your tablet.

Daniel: Yeah, I gotta go, alright?

Clark: OK.

Daniel: If you- keep trying to get a hold of Grace, and like, literally, try- just try to tell Tina like, I’m sorry and I really need to talk to her to apologize and really try to talk to her.

Clark: OK. OK.

Daniel: If that’s even possible. If she says no, just ask her like, the reason and just get back to me so I know. (unintelligible) telling me.

Clark: OK, I’ll try. Yeah, stay positive for now, you got it.

Daniel: Alright, bye.

Clark: *weird noise*

November 15

On November 15th, Lil Sippy called Daniel on his birthday.[13] Daniel is clearly frustrated about spending his 26th birthday in jail, suspects that he is being profited from his name, believing Clark is responsible for it.


[transcript starts 1 minute into the call]

Daniel: They’re concerned now because of what has happened. They’re concerned about complications, legal complications.

Lil Sippy: I’m pretty sure I told you what was going on with your case though, didn’t I?

Daniel: Legal complications after the fact, like if I got arrested, I mean, if I got released, right, what would happen after. Like, how it would affect Grace.

Lil Sippy: Oh, ok. So you said Gr-

Daniel: Which is kind of fucked up if they know for a fact they’d been involved.

Lil Sippy: So you said Griffin is in contact with Grace’s PR manager?

Daniel: Yes, and he’s been in contact with them way since I- before I even got arrested. I used to be in contact with them, but I was told they were impersonators, but now I’ve confirmed that they’re not.

Lil Sippy: Wow. So- so if you’ve been- OK. So if you’ve been in contact with Griffin, then you know the news with your family, right?

Daniel: I know the news with my mother, yes.

Lil Sippy: OK.

Daniel: I don’t know anything about Bob, I don’t know if something has happened to him or what, but he’s to a point to where, like I said, he’s not getting back to me, it’s been two weeks. I’ve missed now, three commissaries, and um, yesterday my, uh, $200 tablet that I can only get one a year, and it’s the only thing I have that keeps, you know, me busy in my cell just broke, so I’m like, completely fucked. Um…

Lil Sippy: Is that the tablet you used to send the CorrLinks message?

Daniel: Um, no, but it is- it’s where I can rent movies for my cell, it’s like literally where most of the action in- well 99.9% of the action inside the jail is through. So without that, I’m kind of fucked up but that’s my point

Lil Sippy: OK, well I know you need money on your books, um, I had an idea. I don’t know if you’re open to it, but we- I was thinking I could help you sell autographs and then we could but the money on your books like that. That’s the only reason- that’s only thing I can think of to help you, uh, get money.

Daniel: We can see, that is a good idea. I thought about doing it inside the jail too. Just going up to other inmates and trying to sell autographs, but…

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: …thing is, it’s hard to do. Um…

Lil Sippy: Well, it might be hard to do in the jail if they’re not fans, but you got other fans outside. Yeah

Daniel: Right, and it’s gonna be- it’s, there’s a whole trust thing involved too because people in the past, we kind of already know that, I’m not sure-

[video cuts]

Lil Sippy: …he’s doing all this, selling and stuff.

Daniel: Well, Griffin’s the one doing it, that means the VanderWaals are doing it too.

Lil Sippy: Oh, OK.

Daniel: But- and I also can’t get a hold of Griffin today. Whenever Bob doesn’t answer, Griffin starts acting all weird, so I believe Griffin is working with Bob too.

Lil Sippy: So- and they’re both profiting off your name?

Daniel: I think everybody is. I think Tina, Grace, I don’t know what’s the entire motive of it, but I’m sitting in here, they’re not getting me out and in the meantime, they’re just doing whatever they want. It’s ridiculous, but I did talk to Griffin, like I said, yesterday and he said that he wants to try to move forward with me and Grace. No matter what Tina says, but…

Lil Sippy: Weren’t you saying that Griffin was trying to just get in contact with you just to steal Grace from you though?

Daniel: I cannot confirm that. I cannot confirm it at all.

Lil Sippy: But you had your suspicions.

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: So, I can’t confirm any of that, so I don’t know. People are saying that, like other people are coming up to me and you know, saying that, but the thing is I can’t confirm anything. I don’t have any proof.

Lil Sippy: OK, but y-

Daniel: Like, I’m sitting in jail with all the people saying things, I have no proof to prove otherwise other than the phone numbers and stuff that I’ve gotten. Addresses and the conversations. That’s all I have. I don’t have proof of anybody profiting or even if that is, I know it’s real, I don’t know if they’re actually selling it.

Lil Sippy: Yeah.

Daniel: You see what I mean? I don’t know if what they’re saying is lies or if it’s 100% true, Griffin told me yesterday that my mother might have passed away on Halloween, but Bob’s not getting back to me.

Lil Sippy: No, she-

Daniel: So now I’m to a point- I don’t know if Griffin is lying, and it’s really Bob passed away or what? Like, I’m to a point I just don’t believe anything. The only thing I believe is the numbers with Grace and the fact that Griffin is in contact with the PR. That’s all I can trust right now.

Lil Sippy: Why do you- how- why do you believe that Griffin’s in contact with Grace’s PR though?

Daniel: Because I used to be in contact with Grace’s PR along with Griffin.

Lil Sippy; OK. Well…

Daniel: And Griffin told me to actually, before I got arrested, he told me to just hop on a plane, violate probation along with Grace and just go to their house in South Carolina, and I said I’m not gonna do that. But the thing is, they wanted me to violate probation to go on tour with Grace, and Grace has been saying that for years. So the fact that she’s been saying to go ahead and violate probation and all that, Grace is really the one that I believe at this point, especially since all of my addresses and all of the stuff that I’ve been getting all the information. Griffin, I’m not sure if you knew this, but Griffin also admitted on the phone that um, Tina right? He admitted that Tina promised to help me out and I would never get arrested again. He admitted that.

Lil Sippy: Oh, yeah.

Daniel: And here I am in jail, so they’re clearly lying up a storm, and I’m the monkey in the middle. So I don’t know what’s going on, I still haven’t figured out my Colorado state ID that got stolen, because the guy who stole it looked like Jacob Sartorius, the Disney Channel star. Like no joke, he looked 100% like him and Griffin also looks 100% like him.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, I don't know. It’s just- one thing…

Daniel: It’s weird as hell.

Lil Sippy: One thing that I thought was really weird about Griffin when I took a step back and started to think about it was when Griffin told you that the feds showed up at my house, I never told anyone, not on the internet, not anybody.

Daniel: Which means he’s the one that did it, and then not only that, not only that, he’s the one who did that in my opinion, but then he told me that the feds showed up at his house.

Lil Sippy: Or he’s a fed. He- I thought the feds showed up at his work is what I heard, but I don’t know.

Daniel: I don’t know, but he said people have- the feds have definitely shown up along with the Secret Service.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, that’s crazy, um..

Daniel: And Grace also told me way back in like, January that the feds also showed up at her house and her work.

Lil Sippy: Have you- you still haven’t talked to her since you’ve been in jail?

Daniel: I haven’t talked to her since I’ve been in jail, last I heard was Grace didn’t like Jacob Sartorius, they had some type of internet beef or something, industry beef where they just hated each other, but then the week before I got arrested, she’s like, oh, oh I love Jacob now. Now I don’t know who I’m gonna date.

Lil Sippy: So you think that uh, Griffin might be Jacob Sartorius undercover or in disguise?

Daniel: Possibly, that’s what I believe and I’ve been trying to expose him for years because Grace made it clear that she wants to be with me. Even in my legal discovery I have pictures of Grace, um, that she sent me where it’s kind of weird, but she spelled my name on the paper on top of the picture like Photoshop, but she put my name in all capitals, DANIEL LARSON.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, wow, OK.

Daniel: And she- which means, right, from a legal perspective, that can stand in court.

Lil Sippy: OK, so were you close with your mom though?

Daniel: I used to be and not anymore because I’ve been in and out of jail.

Lil Sippy: OK, yes-

Daniel: For crimes I’ve never actually fully committed but it’s ridiculous.

Lil Sippy: Crimes that apparently the government framed you for to stop you from winning the election is what I heard, but, um…

Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.

Daniel: I- I don’t know. The thing is I can’t even run for president, and you know that. I can’t run for president until 2036. So even if that’s their only cause right now is “oh, let’s put him in jail so he can’t vote”, maybe I don’t fucking know but I can see that ‘cause I- I already made it clear in 2022 that I was a Trump supporter.

Lil Sippy: Yeah. I don’t know- OK, yeah I don’t know, I just- I don’t know if that’s true or not. I’m just saying what, the- conspiracy theories are.

Daniel: I don’t know if it’s true either. But yeah, no I- I, there’s conspiracy I know.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, so then I’m just telling you what the conspiracy theories are. Um…

Daniel: But anyways, Griffin told me that he wants to try to get me out of jail by Christmas. I told him if I can get Grace to agree to the relationship and get me out by the 25th like he previously said, that would be best, because he keeps flip-flopping everything but…

Lil Sippy: Well, I- I don’t think Griffin has any control over when you get out.

Daniel: I don’t think he does either, and I think the people that does is if Grace comes forward and says, yeah we’ve been behind everything this entire family. Bob has been behind everything, Grace has been behind everything, I have, Tina has, the label has. The only way that’s gonna clear up is if everybody just comes forward and admits it, they won’t be able to do anything because everybody’s behind it.

Lil Sippy: Yeah, Grace and Tina have a lot of power huh? Yeah.

Daniel: Right. If one person comes forward and says it, they’re just gonna arrest that person for like, conspiracy or something, right? But if everybody comes forward at this point and just admits it and says, “Look, we’ve been in contact with everybody and this is what’s going on”, then the odds of them dropping the case are almost 100%. I don’t know why at this point why my lawyer hasn’t said, “well, Daniel was being coerced by the feds into being homeless, into making the threats, and due to his mental illness…”

Lil Sippy: Yeah. So is there anything you need- is there anything you need me to do to try to get that process speeded up or?

Daniel: I don’t know, because I looked online and it should only be 30 days. It should be- it should not be four months, it should be 30 days of outpatient counseling for coercion. It doesn’t mean I’m gonna be transferred to the psychiatric place. That’s another crazy thing I found out as well. The competency evaluation has nothing to do with mental health. The judge ordered a mental health evaluation, not a competency evaluation. And I told my lawyer that, and he got pissed

Lil Sippy: OK, well just let- I thought you said that Grace ordered it, not the judge.

Daniel: Well, Grace ordered it, told the prosecutor and then the judge put it on paper to make it final. He’s the one who officially ordered it

Lil Sippy: OK. Hey, isn’t today your birthday?

Daniel: Today is my birthday, yeah, and I was told by Grace back in January I would be living with her, so I’m pissed but that’s besides the point.

Lil Sippy: Well, happy birthday. I sent you a card, I don’t know if you got it, but yet, but i sent a card.

Daniel: I haven’t gotten it yet, but everything is just a big fat lie at this point. I don’t fucking know, I’m just- I’m sitting in jail on my fucking birthday. This is now the 15th birthday I’ve spent behind bars. I’m just to a point I’m pissed off, so.

Lil Sippy: Are you still getting out, like you said, on the 25th or…

Daniel: I don’t know. I don’t know. Last I heard here at the jail, it still says I’m in a holdover status.

Lil Sippy: OK, and what- * mutes the mic, sneezes, unmutes *

Daniel: Meaning that the holdover doesn’t mean I’m being transferred, the holdover is we’re waiting until somebody comes forward and says something, which is bullshit but that’s besides the point. Anyways, I have to go, OK? Alright, the phone’s about to cut out

Lil Sippy: Alright, uh are you gonna call early in the morning like this now?

Daniel: Um, until tomorrow and then it switches back till the afternoon.

Lil Sippy: OK, alright, talk soon. Bye.

Daniel :Alright, bye.

November 16

On November 16, 2024, Daniel called Clark. During the phone call, Daniel gets into an argument with a fellow inmate. [14]


[12:45 into the call]

Daniel: I’m trying to drop an album in January-February, but I’m behind schedule on that. I’ve told both public defenders I’m behind schedule for the album this year, so I’m already fighting for two albums next year. I’ve already started that. Um, it sounds like the relationship with Grace is real. Um, but yeah I- * talking to other inmate * What? I can’t, I can’t allow that.

Other Inmate: Fucking * unintelligible*

Daniel: I’m not, I’m not- I’m not gonna fight with you. I’m not-

Other Inmate: *unintelligible *

Daniel: Yeah.

Other Inmate: And you’re on the fucking phone

Daniel: I AM on the fucking phone and you- you want- do you want me to fight you? Because like, literally I’m not gonna have this game. I’m on the phone with somebody. I’m on the phone with somebody! Relax! You’re a fucking joke! *other inmate says something * You’re trelve (twelve) years old for getting upset at me for being on the fucking phone! What the hell! *chuckles *

Clark: Jeez! That was scary.

Daniel: I know, like what the fuck?

List of letters

October 2024

October 3 Letter

On October 3, 2024, Lil Sippy received a letter from Daniel.

This letter is notable for its first page being completely normal, and its second being bizarrely sexual. It is unknown if this letter is completely legitimate, but calls with Daniel and Lil Sippy point to it being real.

October 21 Email

On October 21, 2024, Daniel emailed Lil Sippy from jail, with the subject being "case dropped." [15] The email contains nothing of note, and is mostly just delusional ramblings.

November 2024

November 16 Email Replies

On November 16, 2024, Daniel sent a reply to Lil Sippy about voting, saying: [16]

Shortly after, under delusion that Grace is cheating on him for Clark, Daniel replied to another email from Lil Sippy.

November 17 Email

On November 17, 2024, Daniel sent another email to Lil Sippy from jail, with the subject being "issue". Like the October email, it is mostly delusional ramblings about Grace and Tina trying to help him get out, and how he is not getting transferred to Springfield. [17]

External Links

Second Jail Arc
The Players: The Events:
