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A: it was a very very violent place um and then I mean they had one room I guess to where its like um a brick room, they call it. Um and it had a window so i guess its um if somebody breaks a window they call the police I never did that i never broke a window, um i never brokw door or anything like that um but supposedly the school what they called time out rooms and I was like always i was always thrown in the time out rooms for like crying obsessive crying or u know not like stupid things not cooperating with the teacher i was put (inaudible) but like other clients, other students would actually like go into the room and the staff are afraid to use physical restraints to where they cross your arms, you probably seen people do this, seen it to where they have to like they have to get 4 staff that their jobs are to watch over those rooms and i seen it where they have to get 4 staff onto one person and their job is to because (inaudible) school their job is to try to stop the police from entering. So they tried their hardest not to call the police. So if it takes 5 staff to calm somebody down and a full 2-3 hours to do so they will try to do that... which is crazy and i seen it to where its that bad and they actually locked down the school so they like literally said okay we're not going out for recess right now because theres an incident outside so they do recess for the entire school in the gym. i mean it was that type of environment and i mean i didnt like it because i felt like i didnt even fit in ecause i was hanging out with i mean in a school like that 2 of the...probably of the most well behaved people in the school just doesnt feel right.   
A: it was a very very violent place um and then I mean they had one room I guess to where its like um a brick room, they call it. Um and it had a window so i guess its um if somebody breaks a window they call the police I never did that i never broke a window, um i never brokw door or anything like that um but supposedly the school what they called time out rooms and I was like always i was always thrown in the time out rooms for like crying obsessive crying or u know not like stupid things not cooperating with the teacher i was put (inaudible) but like other clients, other students would actually like go into the room and the staff are afraid to use physical restraints to where they cross your arms, you probably seen people do this, seen it to where they have to like they have to get 4 staff that their jobs are to watch over those rooms and i seen it where they have to get 4 staff onto one person and their job is to because (inaudible) school their job is to try to stop the police from entering. So they tried their hardest not to call the police. So if it takes 5 staff to calm somebody down and a full 2-3 hours to do so they will try to do that... which is crazy and i seen it to where its that bad and they actually locked down the school so they like literally said okay we're not going out for recess right now because theres an incident outside so they do recess for the entire school in the gym. i mean it was that type of environment and i mean i didnt like it because i felt like i didnt even fit in ecause i was hanging out with i mean in a school like that 2 of the...probably of the most well behaved people in the school just doesnt feel right.   
Q: How exactly did you and Bob meet? - In my opinion, the most important contribution I have made to the DLR lore. I finally clarified Bob's origin story. Prior to this, it was widely believed that Bob and Dan's grandmother were long-term partners. I.E. they had a sexual relationship. This was said to explain Bob's dedication despite their lack of a blood relationship. I knew there was no real proof of this and decided to confirm the truth. Bob just saw Dan as a kid who needed help and has tried to help him ever since. People always say they don't understand why Bon just doesnt abandon Dan. Personally, I think Bob just sees Dan as a young kid who just needs help. A real tragedy if you just think about it. 

== References ==
== References ==

Revision as of 18:57, 11 April 2024

The Spiddlekick Interview is an interview that took place on September 16th, 2022 between Daniel (who was paid $100 beforehand) and Kiwi Farms user Spiddlekick. While recorded in 2022, the footage for it was released in 2023, and compiled into one video on April 9th, 2024 by DLR Wiki editor KanamoriKamper.[1]

This video reveals crucial information about Daniel's childhood, his time in the Tennyson center, how him and Bob met, information surrounding the custody battle for him after being removed from his parents care by social services, and other fascinating information surrounding himself that was unknown prior.




Q: Did you enjoy your time at the Tennyson Center?

A: I mean... it was kind of day to day. Some days I did, other days it was annoying. I think one of the things I really didn't like was how I didn't go out in the world. It was all one location so if we did (inaudible) it was with a group of people...um...with like a leader, they call them staff...um...and I didn't really learn the normal skills that you would need in real life because we never needed them.

Q: I asked Dan what kind of classes he took at the Tennyson Center. I was intending for him to tell me what specific normal-type classes he took. Instead he describes the Non-academic things he does there-Hence the next clip. I also ask him how long he's been there.

A: I mean...they were fed up to where I mean once a week I was getting like a class, once a week I was meeting up with a therapist, once a month I would meet up with a med doctor, I would go to normal middle school and high school at the same location, and then they would (inaudible) what they call a cottage, which was like a group home involved as well all at one location. So I did that. Um...I mean it wasnt really worth really staying there at the location because they really dont help with anything , like the staff are just there and then you're (inaudible) everything as if you're already an adult which kind of...(muted). I lived at the Tennyson Center for like a year and a half.

Q: What kind of classes did you take at the Tennyson? I ask him to be specific. This is one of the favorite moments in the interview-I died laughing.

A: I was like basic so like third grade math...um...so third you know, fourth grade science, like the normal, y'know.

Q: What kind of activities would you participate in at the Tennyson Center? I find it funny how he says he would "rather be doing what he's doing now". I think it speaks to the ridiculousness of the situation. By all ways you can measure. Dan is functionally famous. Even more so today than he was at the time of this recording. However there's no chance people are willing to pay him, with any regularity, to talk to him.

A: On weekends they would do field trips on Saturday and Sunday. Um...and I mean that is like normal stuff that you would do in school, so it would be like going up to the mountains and hike for two hours. Um...there would be going to like the Denver zoo or the Denver aquarium. But I mean after you do all of that there's not much else you can really do, so it got boring like real quick after like a good two week (inaudible) because we were like doing the same stuff which is part of the reason why I don't like...if you know like what day program stuff is its like where...if you don't have a job and you're in disability services you can like...(inaudible) a group of people and do fun things. The reason why I don't do that anymore is because its the same thing over and over and over again. And I would rather have a job I would rather do my music or do what I'm doing now and actually talk with new people rather than the same thing every single day.

Q: Can you tell me about your teachers? Did any of them have a strong impact on you?

A: Yeah...um...one of my teachers I was doing so successful with that they literally...I worked with her for like a full 2 years so when I left after a year and a half and I was living with my grandmother in foster care at the time and I was going to school there still so during the day I would go to school at the school portion. I was doing so well with her that they literally put me there in class even though it was the wrong grade, they were actually like...um...she was willing to up my grade and give me the right type of economics of mathematics or history that like...basically she would be teaching like multiple grades which is like a (inaudible) or something like that.

Q: Do you have any particular stories where that teacher had an impact? - This is an odd one, I'm torn if Daniel is being truthful here. I think he's embellishing how well they got along of course, but the mention of people claiming (paraphrased) 'He has to have someone follow him around',. I don't know if this was just a current insecurity he had, that he doesn't want to be perceived as needing a helper, if this is what kids at school said to bully him, or if he's just lying and accidentally told the truth. Regardless, an interesting clip.

A: Yeah um... I mean she was the type of person I'm sure you've seen people on like the reddit Daniel Larson which is run by fans but its not run by me. I'm pretty sure you've seen a lot of comments, I have but it's like... Daniel Larson is always with somebody, he's never alone in school, he always has to have someone follow him around. That is not because I y'know wasn't capable, it was literally the type of friendship that we had. With me and the teachers. So it was like during the day we would just go everywhere together, which is I mean, a kind of friendship that cannot be broken. It was like how well we got along with people.

Q: Did you have a teacher that you didn't like/didn't like you? Any stories? - Dan also acknowledges that the Tennyson Center has since closed here (It is now closed and is in fact still open).

A: Yes um..there was one teacher that I literally couldnt even stand in class. It was like...like he was a history teacher and um I just didnt like him at all because it would be like i would walk into the class and im a happy guy im very talkative and his attitutde would be like ok class sit down. It would seem like he has his own mental health issues and he shouldn't be working at a mental health place, right. He definitely had a short temper and he was there the entire time I was there which is surprising enough because he is from what the entire school was a hated teacher in the school and I mean he did kick out half the student by the time the class ended so it's (inaudible) yeah, I was like one of them that he actually told me to leave his class and I like literally and its like why would he eve do that, when i tried to speak up about it because I go to school there as a y'know my own mentally health right my mental health issues of course they (inaudible) student, so it was like his real concerns werent actually being heard and i actually found out that the tennyson center closed and are no longer in service which i actually cried about a month ago that they have been shut down, do I don't know why they shut down but I was told that they were a company that was just y'know, locally owned, really really good company that just hired wrong people I guess.

Q: I ask Dan if there are any specific examples of a clash/fight with that particular teacher - Truth be told, I dislike how I asked that question. Even in the few minutes following actually asking it, I disliked it. I think I was trying too hard to lead Dan into saying something that I wanted. I really wanted Dan to tell me a scary story where he got into an actual scuffle/fight with that teacher.

A: Yeah I mean the way he would teach the class was like as if it was like so our classes were like 45 minutes long, which is like the normal classes you would get at a normal school. So it was like a normal day where you would go to class A then move to class B things like that. So you wouldnt have the same teacher. the bad thing about i didnt like the way he was teaching it because i was going to his class, we would start maybe after 10 minutes right so we only had 30 minutes left of class and he would just be y'know, he acted like everything was not his job. he would give you your paperwork and expect you to teach yourself (inaudible). I don't think we really clashed or anything, I think it was just like, I would go to class with memories of like the day previously i would be in a bad mood, he would already be in a bad mood yknow what im saying and those 2 bad moods did not really work so what would happen was i would do anything and anything i could just to get out of the class and his response was dont even come to my class which...what am i supposed to do.

Q: Do you have friends your own age at the Tennyson Center? - This clip contains an interesting parallel to Chris Chan. I recommend you watch it yourself first to see what it is he says.

A; Yeah I had um kind of cracy to say this but i literally had 2 i had about 3 friend, really close friends um and what i remember is like um i remember just like them being a lot smarter than me at the time so they were probably 3 of the smartest kids in the entire school so fr me to be hanging out with them and getting along great made me feel like i was it made me feel like i was higher rank than the rest of the school (inaudible) the good sides and bad side sometimes because i felt like by doing that i literally had power over the school hanging out with the 3 best kids of yknow the school including me (inaudible) just gained yknow like everyone else really kind of hated me at that point um

Q. Were you bullied at the school

A: I was probably one of the most bullied in the school, yeah so on the disney channel i think it was there as a tv show called danny phantom so one of the things everyone would do is mimic you know as a way of hating on me calling me Danny Phantom like hey danny phantom you know andactually say it like that to on purpose to piss me off (inaudible) say that, call me by my regular name and I mean like it was going viral in the school um so it was I was screwed basically that became one of the biggest things in the school, you call me danny phantom you were basically a bully um kind of like Quacko yknow if you say the word Quacko in the Daniel Larson fanbase, you were a troll its kind of like that. um but yeah um that was one of the big things that happened with that i was on the school bus getting bullied to the point where i would sit all the way in the back of the bus and anyone that sat back there with me would literally try to kick me because i mean i guess theres nothing you can do on a school bus, the driver was driving, if there was a fight the fight would happen every single day after a mile after we leave the school the school bus would pull over along the sid eof the road and um call the police every single day so there were days where I was 5 hours delayed and didnt get home until 8 or 9 oclock and the school gets out at like 2:30 so for me to get home after dinner and then its like, what are we doing for dinner or kind of jacked up.

Q: Was the Tennyson Center a violent place?

A: it was a very very violent place um and then I mean they had one room I guess to where its like um a brick room, they call it. Um and it had a window so i guess its um if somebody breaks a window they call the police I never did that i never broke a window, um i never brokw door or anything like that um but supposedly the school what they called time out rooms and I was like always i was always thrown in the time out rooms for like crying obsessive crying or u know not like stupid things not cooperating with the teacher i was put (inaudible) but like other clients, other students would actually like go into the room and the staff are afraid to use physical restraints to where they cross your arms, you probably seen people do this, seen it to where they have to like they have to get 4 staff that their jobs are to watch over those rooms and i seen it where they have to get 4 staff onto one person and their job is to because (inaudible) school their job is to try to stop the police from entering. So they tried their hardest not to call the police. So if it takes 5 staff to calm somebody down and a full 2-3 hours to do so they will try to do that... which is crazy and i seen it to where its that bad and they actually locked down the school so they like literally said okay we're not going out for recess right now because theres an incident outside so they do recess for the entire school in the gym. i mean it was that type of environment and i mean i didnt like it because i felt like i didnt even fit in ecause i was hanging out with i mean in a school like that 2 of the...probably of the most well behaved people in the school just doesnt feel right.

Q: How exactly did you and Bob meet? - In my opinion, the most important contribution I have made to the DLR lore. I finally clarified Bob's origin story. Prior to this, it was widely believed that Bob and Dan's grandmother were long-term partners. I.E. they had a sexual relationship. This was said to explain Bob's dedication despite their lack of a blood relationship. I knew there was no real proof of this and decided to confirm the truth. Bob just saw Dan as a kid who needed help and has tried to help him ever since. People always say they don't understand why Bon just doesnt abandon Dan. Personally, I think Bob just sees Dan as a young kid who just needs help. A real tragedy if you just think about it.
