Social Media Accounts - Daniel Larson Wiki -

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Revision as of 13:24, 21 December 2023

Daniel has had many social media accounts. Here, we aim to make an accurate list of his past and current accounts.


(See: Daniel's TikTok Accounts)

User Name First Video Upload Status Notes
daniellarsonwork24 12/15/2023 Banned 12/21/2023 if you text him on messages on TikTok he will block you no matter what this is because he thinks most accounts that DM him are trolls.
daniellarson_2024 12/2/2023 Banned 12/12/2023 A Reddit user captured some posts before the deletion
daniellarsonfreedom 10/08/2023 Banned 12/1/2023
daniellarsonmodel 09/03/2023 Inactive
daniel.larsongoated 7/30/2023 Inactive
daniellarsonden12 5/28/2023 Inactive
daniellarsonnyc13 (wiki) 5/12/2023 Banned


Banned due to admissions of pedophilia on his most recent video.
daniellarson00663300 4/21/2023 Inactive Daniel's phone was apparently stolen shortly before his meetup with Joshua Block and Michael Quinn.
daniellarson688 4/15/2023 Banned


daniellarson258 4/15/2023 Banned


daniellarsonrecordstv 4/13/2023 Banned


daniellarson098 4/11/2023 Banned


Banned because the Daniel Larson subreddit reported it. His account was likely banned because he told his viewers to, "...dox the Reddit mods."
daniellarson73 4/8/2023 Banned


daniellarsonworkbackup 3/31/2023 Banned 4/7/23 Banned after he threatened worldoftshirts and Michael Quinn on 4/7/23: "I have a gun."
daniellarsonnyc 3/1/2023 Banned Created before traveling to NYC.
lovedaniellarsonforever 3/1/2023 Inactive Daniel seems to have abandoned this account for daniellarsonnyc.
daniellarsonlv 2/23/2023 Banned 3/1/23 Daniel makes his first appearance after being missing since 2/16/2023.
daniellarsonalone 2/11/2023 Inactive This is the account Daniel was posting on before he went missing.
daniellarsonca 1/09/2023 Inactive Username references Daniel's California adventures.
daniellarsonstardom 11/02/2022 Inactive On January 30, 2023, Daniel started posting on this account again, after being active on daniellarsonca.
daniellarsonihaert ? Banned ~01/05/22 Unsure when exactly the account was banned.
daniellarson62 10/31/2022 Banned
daniellarsonsafe 10/18/2022 Yes Bio reads: "please [sic] check out Daniel Larson on Spotify and Pandora!"
famousdaniellarson 9/25/2022 Banned 10/16/22 First Video Upload date is the first video that doesn't have a "@jehovahswitnesslarson" watermark.

Bio read: " Backup: FatherLarson TTV: DaniellarsonTV."

jehovahswitnesslarson 8/16/2022 Banned Bio read: ""
daniellarsontwitch 7/27/2022 Banned 8/11/2022
daniellarsonluck 7/26/2022 Inactive Bio reads: "Please check out my iHeartRadio and Spotify Thank [sic] you. This account is a [sic] sos."
daniellarsonsong 6/29/2022 Banned Bio read: "I'm a singer-songwriter[,] actor[,] and fashion model."
welcomebackdaniellarson 6/12/2022 Inactive Bio reads: "I am currently signed to Colorado records and Sony records. Not Columbia records."
daniellarsoncountry 6/??/2022 Banned Collection of videos saved by Daniel Larson Archive. At one point was private but made public again on 6/29/2022.
daniellarson303 (wiki) 5/3/2022 Inactive
daniellarsonstarfinder 5/8/2022 Inactive Documents his journey to walk from Denver to Colorado Springs.
daniellarsonhomeless 4/24/2022 Inactive
daniellarsonsos 5/??/2022 Banned 6/??/2022
daniellarsongrace01 ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave.
daniellarsontwinepeaks ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave.
daniellarsonislam ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave.
daniellarsontoday ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave.
daniellovesgrace ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave.
daniellarsonlive ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave.
danielandgracepregnancy ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave.
daniellarsonsports1 ? Banned
daniellarsonfame01 ? Banned
daniellarsonunited ? Banned
daniellarson_surfinderr 4/20/2022 Banned
daniel_larson_recordz 4/7/2022 Banned
dlrentertainment 3/14/2022 Inactive - No Videos
daniellarsonliveshow (wiki) 3/2/2022 Inactive Bio Reads "this [sic] is my new temporary account."
daniellarson828 1/27/2022 Inactive
daniellarson0001 (wiki) 1/8/2022 Inactive
the_real_larson 12/23/2021 Banned First appearances of the 'green shirt.' In a 2/25/22 video, he claimed that he had never dated Grace.
itsjustmedaniellarson 12/8/2021 Banned
daniellarsonwork (wiki) 11/11/2021 Inactive
cleardaniellarson88 11/??/2021 Banned
proffesionaldaniellarson 10/??/2021 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave.
uservtzdsx0d9f (wiki) 10/25/2021 Inactive Used to be named daniellarsonsex [1]
daniellarsonhotmess (wiki) 10/22/2021 Inactive
daniellarsoninsocal 8/2?/2021 Banned This account was used during the California arc and was banned, apparently within 48 hours.

The bio read: "I am a singer/song riter moved to Los Angels . Second acount since i'm baned."

daniellarsonishere 7/??/2021 Inactive Not under Daniels Control. Former heavy fog.
forgivedaniellarson 5/13/2021 Banned Claimed that he was going to take a break, big things were coming, and to stay tuned.
daniellarsonrec ?? banned 5/12/2021
savedaniellarson ?? Banned
daniellarsonumg 5/11/2021 Inactive At one point the profile picture was changed to a nude selfie and the name changed to daniellarsonfarts. It has since seemingly recovered.
ohitsmedaniellarson ?? Banned 5/9/2021 Banned for moaning video.
itsmedaniellarson ?? Banned 5/7/2021 Banned for stripping on TikTok Live.
daniellarsonfans ?? Banned 5/6/2021 Banned for stripping on TikTok LIve.
daniellars20 (wiki) 9/19/2019 Inactive Earliest known presence of Daniel on TikTok.


(see Daniel's YouTube Channels)

User Name First Video Upload Status Notes
Daniel Larson 24 Active
Daniel Larson 101 10/14/2023 Inactive Thought to have been locked by management; status unconfirmed.
Daniel Larson management team 10/08/2023 Inactive Renamed from "Daniel Larson Heart"

Appears to be run by managers, not confirmed.

Daniel Larson 2024 10/04/2023 Banned Terminated due to impersonation
DanielLarson-ob2jw (wiki page) 05/12/2023 Inactive lost after Daniel broke his phone
DanielLarson-ln1jf 04/08/2023 Inactive
DanielLarson-dn9rk 04/02/2023 Inactive Likely lost when Daniel switched phones, not yet deactivated.
DanielLarson-vd4qi 03/31/2023 Inactive
DanielLarson-vk3ki 03/28/2023 Inactive
daniellarson-tg8mu 03/02/2023 Inactive
daniellarson2023 02/23/2023 Inactive
daniellarsonalone 02/12/2023 Inactive
daniellarson9540 02/09/2023 Inactive Account where the Planet Fitness incident was posted.
Daniel Larson Records 01/05/2023 Banned Daniel is fully in control of this account.
Daniel Larson new start 6/11/2022 Banned Oxis logged back in to livestream, account got banned due to gay porn being shown
Daniel Larson 10/29/2020 Active Daniel is not in control of this account.
Daniel Larson 9/25/2019 Inactive Earliest known occurrence of Daniel on YouTube.


User Name First Video Upload Deactivated Notes
daniellarsonnyc13 5/20/2023 Yes Was controlled by an unknown manager or troll.
dlrrecords.360 7/5/2022 No


Account Handle Joined Status Bio Following Followers Notes
@DanielL26324766 March 2019 Inactive I am a singer-songwriter and a special Olympics athlete. 2,932 693
@DanielL00993192 June 2019 Inactive #Share I am a actor. #Share a singer/songwriter. #Share a model. #Share and a marathoner. 4,253 906 Tweets
@daniel_larson October 2019 Inactive I am a public figure, Model, singer/songwriter, and a actor. I am represented by southwest Model and Talent agency. #share #dm #support #fun #awesome #music #pop 4,648 516
@DanielL07587071 February 2020 Inactive my name is Daniel Larson. I am represented by Southwest model and talent agency. I am a fashion model, singer/songwriter, actor and a athlete. #share #follow 4,688 583
@DanielL85968118 July 2020 Inactive I am a professional performer and fashion model represented by #southwestmodelandtalentagency 3,203 97
@DanielL81345614 August 2020 Active I am a professional singer-songwriter and fashion model. 499 242
@larson_daniel October 2020 Inactive I am a professional singer-songwriter, actor and fashion model represented by Atlantic records. 75 62
@DanielL94025564 November 2020 Inactive I am a professional singer-songwriter actor and fashion model. 120 11
@DanielL84464172 April 2021 Banned/Deleted I am a singer-songwriter actor and fashion model 42 631
@DLRrecords01 October 2021 Inactive I am a celebrity singer songwriter actor and fashion model on many contracts 406 629
@Daniellarson828 February 2022 Inactive I am a singer songwriter movie star and model and I am with clombia records 10 1
@DanielLarsonsos June 2022 Banned I'm a singer songwriter actor and fashion model 50 93
@daniellars60224 May 2023 Active currently homeless 59 203


User Name First Stream Deactivated Notes
DaniellarsonTV 7/7/2022 No Daniel is not in control of this account. It is run by a user named "Ox." The account was banned for racial slurs on stream. Was said to be deactivated on 8/2/2022 but at some point it was reactivated and the account now appears to be only offline.


(See: Daniel's Likee Accounts)

Likee ID Account Name Joined Status Bio Sex/Age Location Following Followers Likes
830141777 daniel larson June 2021 Inactive 23 United States 1 771 4.22K
bigdartist Bigdartist July 2021 Inactive I am a singer songwriter actor and fashion model Male/23 Denver, United States 72 385 1.31K
mansinger man July 2021 Inactive I am a singer songwriter actor and fashion model. a public figure Male/23 Aurora, United States 1.27K 355 2.19K
dlrrecords Daniel Larson November 2021 Inactive I'm a celebrity singer-songwriter actor and fashion model and politician Male/23 11 65 126