Sightings and Fan Interactions - Daniel Larson Wiki -

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Puzzleheaded-Yak (@u/Puzzleheaded-Yak8588/)

On April 5th, 2023, a user on the r/Daniellarson subreddit posted a run-in and a second run-in with Daniel Larson in a store. Another perspective of the interaction was also uploaded.

The first video starts with the cameraman walking up to Daniel, to which he responds "I asked you to leave!", while the cameraman says his name and says that Daniel knows him, Daniel saying he is on the call with the cops and "his security". The cameraman then asks if he smokes Crack or Tweak, to which Daniel denies doing either.

The second video starts with them weaving around the isles, calling out Daniel's name, until the cameraman finds him and asks him if he is smoking crack. Daniel then says "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. If you do not leave I will-" and the video cuts off, but we can presume that Daniel Larson finished that with "-have to call the cops".

The third video shows the first video from another perspective, extending it. The video shows the cameraman and the cameraman from the first two videos hiding behind shelf, leaving Daniel completely confused to where they went.


Anthony Montoya (@bigbodybenzgobigbodyburr)

On January 5th, Daniel uploaded a TikTok where he was seen doing the Whip and Nae Nae with Anthony near or on Sunset Boulevard. Roughly 10 minutes later, Daniel would post a video on TikTok saying "There's my boy!" while walking past Anthony a second time. Daniel has claimed that Anthony engages in sexual activities with women, but that is unconfirmed.

The-Entire_USSR (/u/The-Entire_USSR)

On January 4th, The-Entire_USSR would follow Daniel into a Veggie Grill on Sunset Boulevard, handing out flyers to people nearby.

Mark Riemers (

On January 4th, Reddit user /u/letsjustfkingdoit asked Daniel to autograph a picture of himself which was handed out by /u/The-Entire_USSR. Daniel would accept this request and signed it saying, "two MaRK". Mark has since uploaded a video of it to the Reddit, and has since framed the autograph and sharpie touched by Mr. Larson himself.



Unknown User

On December 16th, Daniel was spotted in a strip club in California. There is nothing else notable than Daniel staring at the stripper, mesmerized. The video can be found here.



On August 4th, TikTok user short_bus_records uploaded a video interacting with Daniel at a mall. In the video Daniel explains that "Daniel Larson" and "Daniel Larson New Start" are not his YouTube accounts. He was then asked for a comment "for the press" to which he said "Daniel Larson for President 2036". The user than asked Daniel for a hug to which he said "no thank you", even looking in disgust when the person filming reached out their hand for a handshake.



On July 6th, reddit user /u/Monkeyman56783 interviewed Daniel about his music career. There are two parts on YouTube: Part 1, Part 2


Brink (briiiink)

On June 25th TikTok user briiiink began uploading videos of him and Daniel hanging out, getting food, and answering some questions. Notable videos include thisone where briiiink is teaching Daniel how to model which currently has 500k views. Also, a video where he is asked about his court cases and his cashapp. The collection of TikTok videos can be found here. This is the second time recorded that Brink and Daniel have interacted. Brink and his friends hung out with Daniel for several days, buying him food, and a blanket. Brink continued to livestream and post videos about their interactions. On June 29th Brink uploaded this videoabout their day getting pizza with Daniel. Notably Daniel talks about being homeless and how it gets cold at night.


On June 3rd TikTok user vitalvr0 uploads a video where he runs into Daniel just as he is entering a bathroom in Denver. (link)


Brink (briiiink)

On May 25th The YouTube user Brink uploaded a vlog where in it he goes and meets Daniel. Daniel lets them know that they are "doing the autographs tomorrow" and that pictures will cost money.