Travel Arc - Daniel Larson Wiki -
imported>Admin (→New Jersey/New York City: Quick and dirty additions to this section. Filling in some missing events. Should be expanded) |
imported>Admin (→New Jersey/New York City: Quick and dirty additions to this section. Filling in some missing events. Should be expanded) |
(No difference)
Revision as of 05:36, 21 May 2023
The subject or contents of "Travel Arc" cover an ongoing situation/topic that is subject to change. This article may contain outdated or missing information as of 2023-05-21 due to recent events. This template was added over a month ago, does it still apply? |
This section documents the events that have occurred thus far during Daniel Larson's travels following his departure from Las Vegas. This arc is ongoing, so edits/additions can and should be made as the arc progresses. Daniel's first stop: Phoenix, Arizona

Daniel arrived in Phoenix, Arizona on March 18th, 2023 during an unspecified timeframe after taking a bus from Las Vegas, Nevada. The first video that he uploaded after his arrival was a Cashapp shoutout after receiving donations from some of his viewers. Throughout the day, Daniel would upload more shoutouts regarding donations, including one thanking "Ariana Grande" for a $70 donation. Daniel also uploaded multiple videos of him rapping about his travels and his new location. In these videos, his rapping included random statements such as, "I stand up here next to the sphinx" and, "I can't wait to taste the cat in the witch's brew". Daniel would then proceed to make a video stating he is no longer taking Latuda, a medication that is commonly used to treat schizophrenia. Daniel addressed this by stating, "I had to take myself off of the Latuda again because it was making my speech blurred and it was making me more confused to where I couldn't think".
In another video, Daniel says that he needed, "20 more dollars" before he could, "be headed to Tucson (Arizona)." He would post again later that day, showing himself in what appears to be a train, monorail, or subway (though it is not clear what mode of transportation he took). In the video, it appears to be nighttime and Daniel does not specify where the train is headed. It is assumed he was still in Phoenix, Arizona during these posts. Around the same time, Daniel would post on his Youtube community tab (Daniel Larson NYC) that he had, "... just booked my bus ticket to Tuscan for tomorrow morning", ‘Tuscan’ referring to Tucson, Arizona. One account by the name of Noah S. commented, "What are you gonna do in Tucson?". Daniel simply replied, "Transfer". Another comment read, "I thought you were going to New York", to which Daniel replied, "I am". In another community post that night, Daniel claimed that after going to Tucson, his next destination would be Houston, Texas.

Daniel arrived in Tucson Arizona on March 19th, after taking a bus from Phoenix that morning. Similar to his trip to Phoenix, Daniel did not plan on staying there long, indicating that he would be traveling to El Paso, Texas. After arriving in Tucson, Daniel gave an update to fans regarding his finances. According to Daniel, he had $50 in his savings account and -$40 in his checking account. The -$40 in his checking account is likely due to an overdraft fee. Daniel further requested $150 from his viewers to travel to El Paso, Texas. Daniel would later upload a series of videos of himself eating cookies and cream ice cream while displaying the box it came in. In one of these videos, Daniel says, "These are amazing, if you haven't tried them you should try them". In another one of these videos, Daniel would say, "Oh my god, with all this cookie dough it's so messy, I literally look like I did something naughty", due to the white ice cream being smeared across his lips and face.
While in Tucson, Daniel interacted with many strangers, some of whom one can assume are viewers of Daniel. Daniel would post various selfies throughout his time in Tucson with these strangers. A few hours after his first post with these strangers, Daniel posted a video in which he is dancing with five younger men, who also appear to be fans of Daniel. On his Youtube community page (Daniel Larson NYC), Daniel claimed, "My dinner tonight [is] fully free and on a fan". On a few occasions, some strangers would purchase or give items to Daniel, supposedly out of kindness alone. In the videos that accompanied their acts of kindness (which were recorded by Daniel), these strangers could be heard talking to him, asking him things such as what he needed in terms of food, toiletries, etc. Although these strangers do not purchase any of the items on camera, it can be assumed they did after the recording stopped. Also, an unknown fan bought Daniel a tent, which he would then carry around with him.
On March 21st, Daniel uploaded a video in which he is walking down the side of a road. In this video, Daniel explains some things that happened to him recently. Below is that video and a quote from it is below the video.
"I'm currently in Arizona, in a small town. Can't say the name of the town, mainly for safety. I was going to go to El Paso, but I'm going to have to cancel that. Yesterday I was receiving death threats over going to El Paso, so I'm not going to El Paso until I can get security."

Although Daniel never stated the town he was in, users on the subreddit were able to find where he was based off of a video he had recorded prior to the one mentioned above. In the this prior video, Daniel is at a veteran's memorial, which members of the subreddit found on google maps. The memorial was in Benson, Arizona, approximately 50 miles southeast of Tucson. Daniel uploaded more videos in Benson as he was walking through it. In a lot of these videos however it is difficult to hear Daniel due to the wind, meaning that some of what he was trying to tell his viewers was lost. Below is a quote from one of these videos. Please note that the video ends abruptly, so the last sentence is incomplete.
"So, I'm currently on the layover from one bus to another. Apparently the bus got in at 10:00 last night so I didn't get a-"
El Paso
Early in the morning, on March 22nd, Daniel posted a video in which he is in a parking garage. He explains that he got on the wrong bus, and instead of going to Roswell, New Mexico as he had intended, he ended up in El Paso, Texas. In the below video, Daniel reveals more information.
One event of note involved an unknown individual referred to by Daniel only as, "Si". Daniel posted on his YouTube community page about a person named "Si" who was supposedly threatening him. Daniel followed up his cryptic messages with statements such as:
"Si stop texting me"
"Si stop messaging me or I will fix you and your family on TikTok to the FBI and tell the fans to press charges"
"Okay I need police my location just got breached I'm getting death threats and kid nap threat's from Si"
As of March 22nd we know nothing about who "Si" is or what he is saying to Daniel. One of the only leads is in a reply to a comment asking who "Si" was, to which Daniel responded, "He's a troll".
Another situation that happened in El Paso occurred when Daniel was inside of a restaurant. Daniel was doing fine, thanking donors and announcing his "20 song music album that will release in 2025", as well as announcing that the following morning he would be going to Houston, Texas. But then, out of nowhere, he posted a video saying he was, "dealing with the police". Daniel stated that someone called the police to the restaurant he was in. He attributed the call to a troll. Well aware of his notoriety for dining and dashing, Daniel clarified that his tab was, "fully paid". In a follow up video, Daniel claimed that the police let him go without incident. He could be seen walking down the street in this video. He even stated that he, "did a $50 tip because of what happened." The next morning, Daniel uploaded a video from inside a tent, presumably the same tent he was given in Tucson, which he had slept in that night. In the video he stated that he needed new shoes, to which he then turns the camera to reveal his well worn pair. A little later, he uploaded another video in which he is boarding a bus.

The next day, on March 23rd, Daniel Larson was spotted in the downtown San Jacinto Plaza Park in El Paso, Texas near a JPMorgan Chase bank walking to the nearest bus station circa 12:30PM MST. When he got to the bus station, he was seen speaking to an old lady, probably asking for directions. That night, Daniel took a bus to Big Spring, Texas.
Big Spring
On March 24th, Daniel arrived in Big Spring, Texas. Early on in the day, Daniel claimed that he had lost his debit card. He then proceeded to spend the rest of the day searching for it.
On March 25th, Daniel uploaded a video with his debit card, claiming to have found it. He subsequently claimed that it was no longer working. Daniel then proceeded to post multiple videos of his lunch that he had purchased, which consisted of mozzarella sticks and a cheeseburger. In a rather unusual upload later that day, Daniel posted a picture of a seemingly random man sleeping with the caption, "Tell this guy to stop stalking me" on his Youtube community page.
Around 11:00 PM of that same day, Daniel uploaded multiple videos talking about an, "emergency" occurring on his Youtube community page. The, "emergency" was that he was receiving dozens of comments from trolls. In several follow up videos, Daniel claimed that he was currently communicating over the phone with Ivan, who told Daniel that he is delusional and is not in contact with Tina Vanderwaal. Daniel claimed that the conversation became argumentative because Ivan would not him speak, which led to Daniel telling "Ivan" to never contact him again. Daniel later posted a video claiming he was calling the police. In a follow up video, Daniel claimed that he had received word from Ivan's wife, Paula, who informed him that Ivan was holding Grace Vanderwaal at gunpoint and trying to make her date him. In another video, Daniel stated that he was being told the same thing by someone claiming to be Grace. Daniel posted two videos claiming he was sent cease and desist letters by both LBI Records and Columbia Records, and also states that these letters confirmed his prior employment with these companies. Daniel proceeded to post 47 videos over the course of an hour, talking about all of the above information. Throughout these videos, he switched back and forth about his association with Grace and Tina Vanderwaal, and further discussed the legitimacy and current status of the restraining order which the Vanderwaals had filed against him. He also claimed he was fired by his manager at an unknown job. In two videos, he mentions Michael Quinn and Worldoftshirts.
On March 26th, Daniel posted multiple videos of his breakfast, which consisted of nacho cheese chips, and an energy drink. He then uploaded a video claiming, "Gus Fring's" donations did not go through. In an update posted to his Youtube community page, Daniel claimed that he was in the midst of yet another crisis. Daniel's posts indicated that he was communicating with "Grace", who was attempting to force Daniel to give her his social media passwords. Daniel claimed that the persuasion attempts eventually escalated to threats of physical violence. In a Youtube community comment, Daniel claimed that his debit card is working again, but his bank account was missing around $60. He later announced that he was going to go get lunch. On the way, he posted multiple videos of a dog, alleging that it might attack him. Perhaps out of paranoia, Daniel stated that he, "... will fucking murder that dog" if it tries to bite him. Daniel later uploaded a video of a company car, which allowed fans to find his location with relative ease. After announcing his location had been breached, Daniel announced that he would not be staying much longer.
A little bit later, Daniel uploaded a video of someone off-camera, holding a phone. The video documents a phone call with a person claiming to be the security from MGM who kicked him out. Daniel asks why he was kicked out. The supposed security figure states that it was because Daniel has scabies, is a pedophile, and likes children. Daniel claimed that these allegations were false. In response, the caller referenced the Pinterest boards. Daniel claimed that the matter was taken care of legally and that his social media was hacked in 2021. He also claimed to have won a court case that pertained to the issue as well. The caller then asked Daniel to donate $10 to them, to which Daniel responded that his management was in charge of his finances. The person who was holding the phone asked Daniel if he would take a picture for $5, to which Daniel responded, "No". The video then cut to Daniel frantically running toward the front door of the restaurant. He proceeded to film the vehicle that he claimed the person from the beginning of the video had entered, a red pickup truck. 4 hours later, Daniel uploaded a video alleging he had taken a bus and was now in Wichita, Kansas. This however is impossible as Wichita, Kansas is a 17-hour bus ride. Later on in the day, Daniel made multiple posts to TikTok and Youtube claiming that he had been stalked by a white pickup truck for the past few hours. In the videos, Walmart signs can be seen in the background. Daniel then announced that his location had been revealed again. In another video, Daniel claimed some of his fans were calling the Big Spring Walmart to have him kicked out. Daniel also claimed that an unknown man is waiting outside for him with a gun.
Daniel went live on TikTok, documenting his adventures around the city. Daniel began the live by hiding behind a shopping cart at Walmart. He claimed that the white pickup truck was in the parking lot, waiting for him. He claimed that he notified security of the situation. He also claimed that the owner of the truck strategically parked it to have a complete view of the parking lot. Daniel also alleged that before he had started his live stream, he tried to leave the store but the white pickup truck began to follow him, so he went back inside. Later on, an employee can be heard telling Daniel that he checked the parking lot and did not see a white pickup truck in it. Daniel exited the store and showed the parking lot in order to obtain, "evidence". The white pickup truck was not there, but a black pickup truck drove past Daniel and parked in front of the store, which made him suspicious. Out of paranoia, Daniel hid behind a vending machine. Eventually, Daniel decided to flee to a neighboring gas station and ran across the parking lot. While he was running, Daniel claimed that a white car sped through the parking lot, and he believed it was attempting to catch up to him. Daniel entered the gas station and asked the cashier to call the police because there were two cars stalking him and sending him death threats through the chat of his livestream. Another employee offers to make the phone call for Daniel. While this employee phoned the police, Daniel told them about his internet fame and went into detail about his alleged stalkers. After he described the vehicles in question, Daniel and the cashier went outside to look for them. After a brief search, both agree that the parking lot was clear. Daniel went back inside the store and continued to watch for the black pickup truck. Eventually, Daniel claimed that the white car had returned and showed an employee. The employees, having already tried their best to help him, asked Daniel to leave the store, to which he complies. Outside the store, multiple customers and employees assured Daniel that he was safe. For the rest of the live, Daniel walked down random streets, giving motivational speeches. He talked about his Autism, family history, similarities to Donald Trump, and his fanbase. Daniel apologized for, "messing up" and doxxing people in the past. He also acknowledged the Pinterest board incident, however he still claimed that he was hacked. During Daniel's monologue, he documented himself walking close to and trespassing on the edges of properties. In one yard, a dog barks at him. Clearly startled, Daniel yelled at the dog and immediately crossed the street, almost getting hit by a car in the process. Throughout the live stream, Daniel starts running, multiple times at random intervals. Each time he claimed to see or hear something suspicious. He eventually went to a Whataburger and asked if he can use an outlet so he can call an Uber. Daniel then immediately ended the live stream. The live stream was uploaded to Youtube by user Acid Gat.
On March 27th, at around 1:00 AM, Daniel went live on TikTok again. He filmed himself walking through the city, talking about his previous safety concerns. Daniel claims that he talked to some local business owners, and that they said all of the gunshots he thought that he had heard were cars and Fourth of July fireworks. It took Daniel a few minutes to realize that it was March. Daniel proceeded to talk about how many police officers there were and filmed them as they drove by. At some point, Daniel jogged over a bridge. Later on, Daniel stated that his Uber app was broken, so he would walk back to the gas station he had previously been at. Later while walking along a street, he filmed a police car doing a U-turn toward him. He claimed that the police car parked near him and the officers were watching him. Eventually one of the officers approached Daniel, who filmed the interaction. The police officer told Daniel that the station had received multiple calls about him. Daniel proceeded to tell the officer about his celebrity status and TikTok. In response, the officer told Daniel that after he had heard the calls, he researched Daniel and had been watching his live, and decided to find him. The officer also told Daniel that he was free to go at any time and was not under arrest. The interaction was a very positive one. After saying goodbye to the police officer, Daniel announced he was going back to the gas station to charge his phone and call an Uber. Daniel ended the live stream shortly before arriving at the gas station. Almost immediately after the live stream ended, the location of the gas station that Daniel went to, was posted on Reddit. In response, Daniel made a few posts telling fans to stop calling the gas station. The gas station was spammed with calls from fans. Some were attempting to make the staff aware of Daniel's reputation and presence, others simply requested to speak to Daniel. One person reportedly got a hold of Daniel, but the conversation was cut short after Daniel got mad at the caller for referring to him as, "Danny Boy" and, "Danderson". Eventually, gas station employees stopped answering the phone.
At some point on that same day, an account claiming to be Tina Vanderwaal left multiple comments on Daniel's Youtube community page, which caused him to have a breakdown. Later on in the day, Daniel uploaded multiple videos of him having a conversation with a fan at a gas station. This fan bought Daniel a Four Loko. Daniel later claimed that his location had been leaked and the gas station began receiving a lot of phone calls regarding him. After posting a screenshot with included his email, Daniel claimed that this, along with his YouTube page had been leaked and hacked. Daniel went live on TikTok and claimed he was running from an assassin in the same white pickup truck that had tailed him the night before. Daniel ended the live after announcing he had received a threatening text. Daniel immediately uploaded a picture of the text messages, which contained a stock image of a gun, and the messages, "I see you" and, "You can either come to the white truck to negotiate or else". The video was quickly removed from TikTok. Daniel claimed to have called the police in response to the text messages. Daniel also claimed that the police took him to the hospital, however, this has yet to be confirmed. Eventually, Daniel got on a bus and left Big Spring.
On March 28th, Daniel made it to Sweetwater, Texas, after a riding on a Greyhound bus for a total of 20 minutes and getting off at the first stop. Daniel claimed he saw a white pickup truck at the station. Daniel decided to stay at the station due to the presence of this truck, which he deemed to be, "a security threat". A few people managed to find Daniel's location, as the business name was in the background of a video he had posted. Multiple people attempted to get Daniel kicked out, even going as far as to calling the police to his location, but all to no avail. Daniel was offered $20 to mop the bathrooms of the truck stop, which he accepted. Later that day in an upload to TikTok, Daniel said he would be collaborating with Playboi Carti (the rapper) in Atlanta. Daniel left Sweetwater later on in the evening and headed to San Antonio.
San Antonio
Daniel arrived in San Antonio on March 29th. He went live on TikTok while sleeping at the Greyhound station. During the live stream, an employee awoke Daniel from his slumber and proceeded to kick him out of the building. This was apparently due to the business receiving many calls regarding him. Daniel uploaded multiple videos of him walking around the city, while simultaneously shouting out people for Cash-app donations. In one video, he shouted out Jeffrey Epstein.
Daniel arrived in Houston later on in the day on March 29th. On March 30th, Daniel uploaded a video of himself being kicked out of the Greyhound bus station. Later, Daniel posted videos of himself inside of that same bus station. As soon as staff were alerted to his presence, Daniel was kicked out again. In one video, an employee could be heard telling Daniel that he was being kicked out for calling the police to the location during his first visit. Daniel claimed he had received a death threat, which was what had prompted the 911 call. Later, Daniel posted a video from a business that was identified as Bonchon and was soon kicked out after the business received multiple calls about him. Daniel apparently called the police over being doxxed and waited outside. In one video, he claimed the business had received a bomb threat from one of the trolls, however all of the customers in the background were still dining, and Daniel was the only one outside. After being kicked out, Daniel went live on TikTok, back at Bonchon, where he was again kicked out. Daniel then posted a video of him talking to the police, in which he screamed at them to, "call in dispatch". At the end of the video, Daniel flipped them off. In a video posted immediately afterwards, Daniel filmed an almost empty sidewalk, with the only exception being a pedestrian walking their dog. In the video he seemingly out of nowhere screams, "Bitch..... I told you I was getting doxxed!". The police were too far away to be seen, but it is believed that he was screaming at them in the video. Later on, Daniel posted a video claiming that during his last conversation with the police, he had received a warning that any more calls would result in an arrest and that his internet presence was crazy. Daniel announced that he was, "about ready to press charges on the police department". Later, Daniel visited a restaurant in which he refused to pay for his meal, resulting in him being kicked out. Daniel later returned to the restaurant and announced that he refused to be threatened with jail and was back to call the police. Later, Daniel uploaded a picture of a receipt from Pour Behavior on his TikTok. The receipt showed that he had purchased $15 Garlic Pasta and $16 Texas-sized nachos with chicken that cost an additional $6. After the restaurant threatened to kick Daniel out for not being able to pay, a fan came to his aid and covered the cost of the bill.
Daniel remained in Houston on the 31st of March and spent his time in a Dave and Busters, which he was eventually kicked out of due to calls from trolls, who located him. That night, he started a live stream while walking through the park next to the zoo. He began getting phone calls from multiple numbers. One of these callers made death and rape threats against him, claimed to be the tickle monster, and later, Murk. Daniel became suspicious of a person following him with a flashlight, so he broke out into a run and asked a fellow pedestrian to call the police. He pulled up texts to show proof of the threats and ended the live.
New Jersey/New York City
Daniel’s new managers, including IWishIHadADad, aided him in purchasing a plane ticket to New York City. Daniel’s motivation for this venture was to meet up with Tina and Grace Vanderwaal, whom he had been told requested his presence for an investigation. He also wished to meet Grace in person. The news of Daniel's flight spread around, and while he claimed his flight would be taking place on April 4th, the community inferred that it would be happening on the 3rd. It turned out that Daniel's previous statement had been an attempt to throw off the trolls. At around 2:00 PM, Daniel is believed to have passed security. His plane had a transfer at the Charlotte Airport in North Carolina. His flight was due to land in Newark, New Jersey, where he planned to take a train from Penn Station into New York City.

At 7:57 PM, April 3rd, Daniel shared photos of himself inside of an airplane to Daniel Larson HQ. However, the validity of these photos are questionable. The headrests appear different in two of five pictures, and Daniel looked much cleaner here than he had only a few days prior.
Around noon on April 4th, Daniel uploaded multiple videos confirming his arrival to, "New York". It is unclear if he had meant to say Newark. Daniel uploaded multiple videos of him talking about his number and location being leaked. He posted an unsupported claim that the fire alarms were pulled at the airport as, "an attack", though whether he meant against himself remains unknown. Daniel then uploaded multiple videos from a subway or train car, where he is seen punching and kicking his surroundings while freaking out about his information being leaked. Later, a fan posted a video on TikTok of Daniel in their car, with the caption, "IN THE BIG APPLE". Reddit user u/Specialist_Sand8761 posted photos of himself and Daniel, taking credit for driving Daniel from the airport to Jersey City, where he dropped him off at the train station. The user also revealed that Daniel was actively on the phone with Olivia Vanderwaal, or more accurately, the troll impersonator spawned from the 3 Days War. Specialist_Sand8761 was subsequently attacked on Reddit for having supported Daniel.
Many fans began to spot Daniel, and noted his whereabouts. At around 6:00 PM EST, Daniel was spotted at Exchange Place in Jersey City. He took a train to the World Trade Center and later revealed his location, Beats Karaoke in Brooklyn, to the Olivia Vanderwaal troll.
Throughout the 5th of April, Daniel was continuously spotted and doxxed all over New York City. Some of those locating him however had benevolent intentions. Fans would find and meet up with him, paying for meals, giving gifts, and even paying for a room for him to sleep in on the 4th-5th. On the night of the 5th, the Bodega Incident occurred, in which Daniel was removed from a store after being harassed by “Zocmonkey” on TikTok, which led to an altercation between himself and the store owner. He checked himself into a hospital for a black eye and concussion, but no major injuries were sustained.
On April 6th, Daniel announced he was considering leaving New York state and heading to Kansas, as a Grace Vaderwaal troll had informed him that she was there. That same night, Daniel got a motel to sleep in which he claimed had armed security.

During Daniel’s time in New York, fans urged him and World of T-Shirts to meet up. Some fans attempted to lure Daniel to Josh’s location, discussing who would win in a fight between the two. Some even got Daniel to visit Michael Quinn’s apartment. Joshua and Daniel were hostile towards each other, making multiple videos denouncing any potential meet up. Michael Quinn threatened Daniel with a security force, and Daniel, in turn, made many TikToks threatening Josh and Michael. Along with him saying he would call the National Guard, Daniel also threatened to kill them with a gun. The gun threat eventually led to the banning of Daniel’s TikTok account. Daniel blamed Michael for ruining his finances, banning his account, and his overall misfortunes.
Following the Bodega Incident, Daniel has sported a large cut across his nose which he frequently picks at, causing it to bleed.
Fans joked that Daniel was entering his “anti-Semitic arc” after posting two offensive TikTok videos. In one of these videos, a song from the perspective of Hitler plays, and in the other Daniel hails Hitler. Daniel also posted a video claiming that Joshua Block is Jewish.
On April 11th, Daniel posted multiple videos on TikTok. Fans were able to determine that he was at the American Dream mall from the background of the videos.
On April 12th, Daniel posted on Youtube that he was asked to leave the mall by, "twenty troopers" who took him to a train station. The same day he ate a pizza, and drank what is believed to be beer. Daniel also asked for donations as his, "financials are looking too good". It is safe to assume that he didn't have enough money to cover his tab. Later that day he could be seen visiting the Borough of Manhattan Community College.
There was a decent stretch of time where no notable events happened while Daniel was in New York, he mostly spent his day going live and asking for donations. However on April 24th, 2023, Daniel went to a hospital to treat his Trench Foot. The next day, April 25th, Daniel was supposedly attacked by a woman wielding a machete for not buying her cigarettes.
On May 8th, 2023, Daniel and Michael Quinn meet for the first time over lunch, which leads to Daniel and World Of T-Shirts meeting on May 10th.
On May 17th, 2023, Daniel needs to catch bus down to Orlando where he planned to "generate income" at Disney World however he misses said bus and a meltdown ensues. During which he destroys his headphones.
On May 18th, Youtuber "John Jam" follows Daniel around the One World Trade Center trolling him [1] This leads to Daniel getting very upset and distraught.
On May 19th, Daniel is tricked into thinking that Justin Bieber bought him the ticket he needs to get down to Disney, surprisingly this wasn't true.
Return Home
On May 20th, 2023, nearly two months into Daniel's travel arc, he finally secured a plane ride out of New York City. This came after being deceived multiple times with false promises of transportation to various destinations across America, including a supposedly all-expenses-paid trip to Disney World courtesy of "Justin Bieber." Daniel documented the flight with TikTok slideshows. Upon landing, presumably in Denver, Colorado, he shared a video where he gave a heart-felt, "Finally, I'm back home," blowing a kiss to the camera. Later that night, Daniel posted photos of drinks, claiming to be enjoying dinner with Bob at Olive Garden.