Social Media Accounts - Daniel Larson Wiki -

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|'''Daniel is not in control of this account. Run by a user named "Ox"''' Banned for racial slurs on stream. Was said to be deactivated on 8/2/2022 but as of 2023 the account appears to be only offline & not deactivated.
|'''Daniel is not in control of this account. Run by a user named "Ox"''' Banned for racial slurs on stream. Was said to be deactivated on 8/2/2022 but at some point was reactivated and the account now appears to be only offline.

Revision as of 16:24, 6 March 2023

Daniel has, and has had many social media accounts. Here, we aim to make an accurate list of his past and current accounts.


User Name First Video Updload Deactivated Notes
daniellarsonnyc 3/1/2023 No Daniel is not in NYC (yet)
lovedaniellarsonforever 3/1/2023 No Daniel seems to have abandoned this account for daniellarsonnyc
daniellarsonlv 2/23/2023 Yes (3/1/23) Daniel makes his first appearance after being missing since 2/16/2023
daniellarsonalone 2/11/2023 No This is the account Daniel was posting on before he went missing
daniellarsonca 1/09/2023 No Username references Daniel's California adventures
daniellarsonstardom 11/02/2022 No On January 30th 2023 Daniel started posting on this account again, after being active on daniellarsonca
daniellarsonihaert ? Banned ~01/05/22 Unsure when exactly the account was banned, so I put a tilde in front of my estimated ban date.
daniellarson62 10/31/2022 Yes (Banned)
daniellarsonsafe 10/18/2022 Yes Bio reads: "please check out Daniel Larson on Spotify and Pandora!"
famousdaniellarson 9/25/2022 Banned 10/16/22 First Video Upload date is the first video that doesn't have a "@jehovahswitnesslarson" watermark.

Bio reads: " Backup: FatherLarson TTV: DaniellarsonTV"

jehovahswitnesslarson 8/16/2022 Banned Bio reads: ""
daniellarsontwitch 7/27/2022 Banned 8/11/2022
daniellarsonluck 7/26/2022 No Bio reads: "Please check out my iHeartRadio and Spotify Thank you. This account is a sos"
daniellarsonsong 6/29/2022 Banned Bio reads: "I'm a singer-songwriter actor and fashion model.".
welcomebackdaniellarson 6/12/2022 No Bio reads: "I am currently signed to Colorado records and Sony records. Not Columbia records"
daniellarsoncountry 6/??/2022 Formerly private Collection of videos saved by Daniel Larson Archive. Made public again on 6/29/2022
daniellarson303 5/3/2022 No
daniellarsonstarfinder 5/??/2022 banned Documents his journey to walk from Denver to Colorado Springs
daniellarsonhomeless 4/24/2022 No
daniellarsonsos 5/??/2022 Banned 6/??/2022
daniellarsongrace01 ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave
professionaldaniellarson ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave
daniellarsontwinepeaks ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave
daniellarsonislam ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave
daniellarsontoday ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave
daniellovesgrace ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave
daniellarsonlive ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave
daniellarsonliveshow 3/2/2022 No Bio Reads "this is my new temporary account"
danielandgracepregnancy ? 4/??/2022 Account removed in April banwave
daniellarsonsports1 ? Banned
daniellarsonfame01 ? Banned
daniellarsonunited ? Banned
daniellarson0001 1/8/2022 No
itsjustmedaniellarson 12/8/2021 No
daniellarsonishere 7/??/2021 Banned Heavy fog
daniellarson828 1/27/2022 No
dlrentertainment 3/14/2022 No
daniellarson_surfinderr 4/20/2022 No
daniel_larson_recordz 4/7/2022 No
the_real_larson 12/23/2021 ?? First appearances of the "green shirt". 2/25/22 video: claimed he never dated Grace
daniellarsonhotmess 10/22/2021 No
uservtzdsx0d9f 10/25/2021 No Account appears to be hacked
daniellarsonwork 11/11/2021 ?
cleardaniellarson88 11/??/2021 ?
daniellarsoninsocal 8/2?/2021 Banned This account was used during the California arc and was banned, apparently within 48 hours.

Bio read: "I am a singer/song riter moved to Los Angels. Second acount since i'm baned"

forgivedaniellarson 5/13/2021 ?? Claimed that he was going to take a break, big things were coming and to stay tuned
daniellarsonrec ?? banned 5/12/2021
savedaniellarson ?? Banned
daniellarsonumg ?? Banned 5/10/2021 Hacked and nude selfie used as his profile picture. Name was changed to daniellarsonfarts
ohitsmedaniellarson ?? Banned 5/9/2021 Banned for moaning video
itsmedaniellarson ?? Banned 5/7/2021 Banned for stripping on TikTok Live
daniellarsonfans ?? Banned 5/6/2021 Banned for stripping on TikTok LIve
daniellars20 9/19/2019 No Earliest known occurrence of Daniel on TikTok


User Name First Video Upload Deactivated Notes
daniellarson2023 02/23/2023 No
daniellarsonalone 02/12/2023 No
daniellarson9540 02/09/2023 No Account is where the Planet Fitness incident was posted
Daniel Larson Records 01/05/2023 Yes Daniel is fully in control of this account.
Daniel Larson new start 6/11/2022 No Daniel is partially in control of this account
Daniel Larson 10/29/2020 No Daniel is not in control of this account
Daniel Larson 9/25/2019 No Earliest known occurrence of Daniel on YouTube


User Name First Video Upload Deactivated Notes
dlrrecords.360 7/5/2022 No


User Name First Tweet Deactivated Notes
DanielLarsonsos 6/1/2022 Banned


User Name First Stream Deactivated Notes
DaniellarsonTV 7/7/2022 No Daniel is not in control of this account. Run by a user named "Ox" Banned for racial slurs on stream. Was said to be deactivated on 8/2/2022 but at some point was reactivated and the account now appears to be only offline.


User Name First Upload Deactivated Notes
Bigdartist 7/7/2021 No
Mansinger Before 7/1/2021 No
830141777 6/21/2021 No Possible Daniel had zero access to account and was exclusively ran by managers