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| This section documents the events that have occurred thus far during Daniel Larson's travels following his departure from [[Las Vegas Arc|Las Vegas]]. This arc is ongoing, so edits/additions can and should be made as the arc progresses. Daniel's first stop: Phoenix, Arizona
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| == Arizona ==
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| === Phoenix ===
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| [[File:Sausage Pic.png|thumb|241x241px|Daniel posted this picture shortly before leaving for Phoenix, Arizona]]
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| Daniel arrived in Phoenix, Arizona on March 18th during an unspecified timeframe after taking a bus from Las Vegas, Nevada. The first video that was uploaded after his arrival was a Cashapp shoutout after receiving donations from his viewers. Throughout the day, Daniel would upload more shoutouts following donations, including one thanking "Ariana Grande" for a $70 donation. Daniel also uploaded multiple videos where he is seen rapping to the camera about his travels and his new location. In these videos, he can be heard rapping random statements such as "I stand up here next to the sphinx" and "I can't wait to taste the cat in the witches brew". Daniel would then proceed to make a video stating he is no longer taking [ Latuda], a medication that is used to treat schizophrenia. Daniel addressed this by stating, "I had to take myself off of the Latuda again because it was making my speech blurred and it was making me more confused to where I couldn't think".
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| Daniel would go on to make a video stating that he needed "20 more dollars" before he could "be headed to Tucson (Arizona)." He would post again later that day, showing himself in what appears to be a train, monorail or subway (though it is not clear what mode of transportation he took). In the video, it appears to be nighttime and Daniel does not specify where the train is heading. It is assumed he was still in Phoenix, Arizona during these posts. Around the same time, Daniel would post on his Youtube community tab (Daniel Larson NYC) that he "just booked my bus ticket to Tuscan for tomorrow morning", Tuscan referring to Tucson, Arizona. One account by the name of Noah S. commented "What are you gonna do in Tucson?". Daniel would reply, stating simply, "Transfer". Another person commented "I thought you were going to New York". Daniel would reply stating, "I am". In another community post that night, Daniel would comment that after going to Tucson, he will be going to Houston.
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| === Tucson ===
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| [[File:Tucson, Arizona fan interation.png|thumb|183x183px|During his stay in Tucson, Daniel posted this photo with three women.]]
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| [[File:Daniel Larson Tucson Fan Interaction 1-3.png|left|thumb|173x173px|Daniel takes a selfie with two fans]]
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| Daniel arrived in Tucson Arizona on March 19th, after taking a bus from Phoenix that morning. Similar to his trip to Phoenix, Daniel did not plan on staying there long, indicating that he would be traveling to El Paso, Texas, following his arrival. After arriving to Tucson, Daniel updated his views on his current financial situation. According to him, he had $50 in his savings account and -$40 in his checking account. Daniel would then request more donations to secure $150 to travel to El Paso, Texas. Daniel would later upload a series of videos where he can be seen eating [ cookies and cream ice cream] while displaying the box it came in. His rambling continued, saying, "These are amazing, if you haven't tried them you should try them". Daniel would then make a video saying, "Oh my god, with all this cookie dough it's so messy, I literally look like I did something naughty", due to the white ice cream being smeared across his lip and face.
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| While in Tucson, Daniel interacted with many strangers, who we can assume are viewers of Daniel. Daniel would post various selfies throughout his time in Tucson with these strangers. A few hours after his first post with these strangers, Daniel posted a video in which he is dancing with 5 men, who also appear to be fans of Daniel. Daniel would then post photos of his food at a restaurant onto his Youtube community page (Daniel Larson NYC), stating, "My dinner tonight fully free and on a fan". More photos and videos streamed in from Daniel of 3 different strangers he had connected with. These strangers could be heard talking to Daniel, asking him what he needs like snacks, lotion and shampoo. They do not purchase any of the items on camera, but it can be assumed they did after the recording stopped. Also, an unknown fan bought Daniel a tent, which he would carry around with him.
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| ===Benson===
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| On March 21st, Daniel uploads a video where he is walking down the side of a road, and he explains some things that happened recently. Below is the video and a quote from the video.
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| <blockquote>"I'm currently in Arizona, in a small town. Can't say the name of the town, mainly for safety. I was going to go to El Paso, but I'm going to have to cancel that. Yesterday I was receiving death threats over going to El Paso, so I'm not going to El Paso until I can get security."</blockquote>[[File:Daniel Veterans Memorial.png|thumb|314x314px|The subreddit found Daniel based off this video]]Although Daniel never stated the town he was in, the subreddit was able to find where he was based off of a video he recording just before the one mentioned above, where Daniel is at a veteran's memorial. Members of the reddit found the memorial on google maps, and it was in Benson, Arizona, only about 50 miles away from Tucson. Daniel uploaded more videos in this town as he was walking through it, and in a lot of the videos it was hard to hear Daniel due to the wind, so some of the information he was trying to give to his viewers was lost. Below is another quote from one of the videos. Please note that the video ended abruptly, so the last sentence is not a full sentence.
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| <blockquote>"So, I'm currently on the layover from one bus to another. Apparently the bus got in at 10:00 last night so I didn't get a-"</blockquote>
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| ==Texas==
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| ===El Paso ===
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| Early in the morning, on March 22nd, Daniel posted a video in which he is in a parking garage. He explains that he got on the wrong bus, and instead of going to Roswell, New Mexico like he intended, he ended up in El Paso, Texas. He reveals more information, which is shown below.
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| Another thing that happened was someone called "Si". Daniel posted on his YouTube community page about a person named "Si" threating him while in El Paso, Daniel followed by making claims such as:<blockquote>"Si stop texting me"
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| "Si stop messaging me or I will fix you and your family on TikTok to the FBI and tell the fans to press charges"
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| "Okay I need police my location just got breached I'm getting death threats and kid nap threat's from Si"</blockquote>As of March 22nd we know nothing about who "Si" is or what he is saying to Daniel other than Daniel replying to a comment saying "He's a troll".
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| Another situation that happened in El Paso was when Daniel was inside of a restaurant. Daniel was doing fine, thanking donors and announcing his "20 song music album that will release in 2025", as well as saying that the following morning he would be going to Houston, Texas. But then, out of nowhere, he posted a video saying he was "dealing with the police". Daniel stated that someone called the police to the restaurant he was in, saying that it was one of his fans. He also clarified that his tab was "fully paid". Daniel made another video a bit after that though, stating that the police let him go. He could be seen walking down the street in this video. He even stated that he "did a $50 tip because of what happened." The next morning, Daniel uploads a video from inside a tent, presumably the same tent he was given in Tucson, which he had slept in that night. In the video he stated that he needed new shoes, and he showed the shoes he currently had on camera. A little later, he uploaded where he is boarding a bus, the one he would use to get to his next location
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| [[File:SIGHTINGS (1).jpg|thumb|Daniel Larson walking to the bus station from the bank ]]
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| The next day, on March 23rd, Daniel Larson was spotted in the downtown San Jacinto plaza park in El Paso, Texas near a JPMorgan Chase bank walking to the nearest bus station circa 12:30PM MST. When he got to the bus station, he was speaking to an old lady, probably asking for directions. That night, Daniel takes a bus to Big Spring, Texas.
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| === Big Spring ===
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| On March 24th, Daniel arrives in Big Spring, Texas. Early in the day, Daniel claims that he has lost his debit card, and spends the rest of the day searching for it.
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| On March 25th, Daniel uploads a video with his debit card, claiming it has been returned. He claims that it is no longer working. Daniel then posts multiple videos of his lunch that he purchased, including mozzarella sticks and a cheeseburger. Daniel uploads a picture of a man sleeping with the caption "Tell this guy to stop stalking me" on his Youtube community page.
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| Around 11 pm, Daniel uploads many videos talking about an emergency occurring on his Youtube community page; the emergency was that he was receiving dozens of comments from trolls. In the videos, Daniel claims that he is currently communicating on the phone with Ivan, who told Daniel that he is delusional and is not in contact with Tina Vanderwaal. Daniel claims that the conversation escalated to a fight because Ivan would not let Daniel speak, which led to Daniel telling "Ivan" to never contact him again. Daniel posts a video claiming he is calling the police. Daniel immediately uploads a video claiming that he received word from Ivan's wife, Paula, that Ivan holding Grace Vanderwaal at gun point and trying to make Grace date Ivan. In another video, Daniel claims that he is being told the same thing by someone claiming to be Grace. Daniel posts two videos claiming he was sent cease and desist letters by both LBI Records and Columbia records, and also states these letters confirm his prior employment with these companies. Daniel proceeded to post 47 videos over the course of an hour, talking about all of the information above. Throughout these videos, he switches back and forth about his association with Grace and Tina Vanderwaal multiple times, along with also switching back and forth on the legitimacy and current statues of the restraining order they have put in place on him. He also claims he was fired by his manager. In two videos, he mentions Michael Quinn and Worldoftshirts.
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| On March 26th, Daniel posts multiple videos of his breakfast, nacho cheese chips and an energy drink. He then uploads a video claiming "Gus Fring's" donations did not go through. Daniel updates his Youtube community page that he is in another crisis. Daniel's posts indicate that he was under the impression that he was communicating with "Grace", who was attempting to blackmail Daniel into giving her his social media passwords, through threats of physical violence. Daniel then leaves a comment that his debit card is working again, but missing around $60 dollars. He announces he is going to go get lunch. On the way, he posts multiple videos of a dog, complaining it might attack him. He also states that he "will fucking murder that dog" if it tries to bite him. Daniel then uploads a video of a company car, which ultimately causes fans to find his location. After announcing his location has been breached, Daniel states he is going to a new location.
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| A little bit later, Daniel uploads a video of someone off camera, holding a phone. The video documents a phone call with a person claiming to be the security from MGM who kicked him out. Daniel asks why he was kicked out and is told he was kicked out because he has scabies, is a pedophile, and likes children. Daniel claims that is not true. The caller then referenced the Pinterest boards. Daniel alleges this was taken care of legally and that his social media was hacked in 2021 and he won a court case. The caller then asked Daniel to donate him $10 to which Daniel claimed his management was in charge of his finances. The person who is holding the phone asked Daniel if he would take a picture for $5, to which Daniel responded "no". The video then cuts to Daniel frantically running towards the front door of the restaurant. He proceeds to film the vehicle that he claims the person from the beginning of the video entered. He shows a red pickup truck. 4 hours later, Daniel uploads a video alleging he took a bus and is now in Wichita, Kansas. This is impossible as Wichita, Kansas is a 17 hour bus ride. Later in the day, Daniel makes multiple posts to Tiktok and Youtube claiming that he has been stalked by a white pick up truck for the past few hours. In the videos, Walmart signs can be seen in the background. Daniel then announces that his location has been doxxed again.
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