Miss P - Daniel Larson Wiki - lolcow.city

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(→‎Overview: partial addition of context before i go to seep)
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Daniel, after the Miss P situation, would move in with [[Reva]], despite claiming to have something set up by the [[Shields Foundation]].
Daniel, after the Miss P situation, would move in with [[Reva]], despite claiming to have something set up by the [[Shields Foundation]].

== The Freakout ==
== October 16th incident and transcript==
Daniel's massive freakout on the 16th of October 2022 started with Daniel recoding a video like usual, the video begins with Miss P walking in with someone, smiling and saying "good morning, what's up?" after this the video cuts to Daniel saying "its nothing to be like, discussed"
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NfsSoXJrYo&ab_channel=DanielLarsonCurator The video]

and then him claiming he tried to call his case manager and she would not cooperate, Miss P then asked something that sounded like "What is she going to Cooperate with you?" Daniel responded saying he can't get security and can't set up his stuff without her and his skilled company, Miss P asked him "what do you want to setup?" Daniel responded Saying it's popularity stuff, and stuff for his safety that he talked about at the meetings, Miss P Said "But then you give out our address or what?" which daniel responded by claiming he never gave out his address, and when questioned about the pizzas and the stuff ordered to the house including sex toys, he said it's because he's so popular that if he just walks out and goes somewhere, people find out easily and share his adress, this is clearly a lie, Danie has been known to share his current location in many occasions, usually doxxing himself in hopes he got money or food or met fans, but repeatedly had problems, like when he decides to post about where he currently is at, no matter if it's a place to sleep or eat, he announces it and people quickly contact the stabilishment
=== TLDR ===
Miss P lets in two men and a woman from the [[Shields Foundation]], and woman 1 and Daniel start conversing. She questions him about his online activities and trolls, to the point it upsets Daniel and he starts kicking things. He then runs upstairs and locks himself into the bathroom. 

== Sources ==
It then cuts to him arguing with Miss P, woman 1, and man 1 while they call the police and he kicks the walls of the house. Daniel tries to recover and get them to listen to him, but they reject him, which was a misstep as it agitated him even more than he already was.
It then cuts to an upwards shot of Daniel where he is mostly seen talking to man 1 while hitting himself and things around him and accusing them of not listening or caring about him at that they have not done proper procedure, with them not calling his current [[management]]. Man 1 is trying to get him to calm down and convince him that they have his best interests in mind, but he rejects this because they called the police.
Daniel eventually, after lot of arguing, faces the camera and complains about them calling the police and not listening, saying that they won't listen to him.
He then re-enters the situation, where man 1 tells him that they called EMS instead of police, saying that they were worried about his head, saying he put his head through the wall multiple times. Daniel complains to them, and "explains" his nonsense procedures if anything happens. It then escalates to an argument.
It then cuts to another clip of Daniel laying down his phone. He proceeds to get sternly questioned by a female police officer. He tries to go on to her about him being a singer and songwriter, but she tells him she already knows who he is and steers the conversation back on track where they talk about "what happened last night", referring to what was previously written.
It then cuts to him sitting and putting his camera face-down on a table. The police officer from before tells who is probably Miss P that he wants to leave the house, and that they would give him some necessities and a citation and send him on his way. This records the audio of Daniel getting his stuff, while man 1 tells the unknown woman and another man that he doesn't have any food and shouldn't be sent on his own.
Nothing happens until Daniel grabs his phone and leaves the house. He climbs into the back of a car with the help of a social worker, where the social workers confirm his information and ask him questions before the video cuts to him walking down a street.
=== Transcript ===
Daniel's massive [[Meltdowns|meltdown]] on the 16th of October 2022 started with Daniel recoding a video, like how he normally does way too much.
The video begins with Daniel in the living room and Miss P greeting two men and a woman from the [[Shields Foundation]] walking into the house, smiling and greeting him. They have a short and immediately hostile interaction at the fault of Daniel.
<small>(Red is woman 1, blue is Miss P, black is Daniel)</small>
<blockquote><span style="color:red">What's up?</span>
it's nothing to be, like, discussed.
<span style="color:red">It's nothing to be discussed?</span>
I tried to call [[Reva]], my case manager, and she will not cooperate.
<span style="color:blue">Whatchu want her to cooperate and do? With?</span>
Well, she's supposed to be... -I can't get security
<span style="color:blue">Mhm</span>
And I can't get all my stuff set up without Reva and... my...  [[Shields Foundation|shield company]]. Working all together.
<span style="color:red">What do you want her to get set up?</span>
My- p- stuff for my safety! Popularity stuff that I've talked about at the meetings!
<span style="color:red">That's what you talked about at the meetings, but then you give the address out online? So what's your-</span>
I- I never- I never gave my address out online.
<span style="color:red">You never gave your address? You haven't shared your location on videos?</span>
<span style="color:red">Nothin'?</span>
<span style="color:red">So... people just randomly order stuff and send stuff to the house-</span>
It's- It's- listen to me! It's because I'm so popular...
<span style="color:red">Mhm</span>
That I get spotted in this own fucking neighborhood.
<span style="color:red">You get spotted in th-</span>
I- ''yeah!'' People... I- It's not my fault nowadays everybody could have a cellphone, okay? So all it takes is for me to go outside the front door, around the block through the school down here, let's say, and my location is fully breached because people are on their phones takin' photos of me. Because I'm ''that popular''.
<span style="color:red">So you're not doing anything on your settings? You're not sharing your location-</span>
I- I- I have already have all of my... uhm... ''*sigh*'' all of my notifications turned off, I have my phone... uhm, location tracking turned off- I have that off.
<span style="color:red">Uh huh</span>
If the police wanted to track me down for [[Pedophilia|any reason]], they can't because I have my location tracking turned off.
<span style="color:red">You got it turned off?</span>
I have-
<span style="color:red">So- so-</span>
I have everything that I can possibly do, I have, like, set already.
<span style="color:red">-What happened when you [[Daniel's acts of violence|broke the window]] upstairs?</span>
That- that happened, I have already discussed this. That happened the first week I was here.
The rest of the conversation is mostly uninteresting and redundant, until woman 1 (probably not Miss P) discovers he is recording ''[3:09]''. She asks why, and Daniel, agitated by her previous questioning, breaks after she tries to interrupt him.
<small>(Red is woman 1, blue is Miss P, green is man 1, black is Daniel)</small><blockquote><span style="color:red">It- it looks like you're recording, so it's like, why does everything need to be so public with you? That's what I'm trying to figure out. He-</span>
It's for my safety because-
<span style="color:red">You have to-</span>
Because you guys-
<span style="color:red">Sto-</span>
BECAUSE YOU GUYS WANT to kick me out onto the street!
<span style="color:red">-Nobody wants to kick you out! If she wanted to kick you out, she would've then put a 30 day notice for you. I'm pretty sure-</span>
<span style="color:red">-that you- you- broke the window! Miss P has been dealing with you!</span>
<span style="color:green">Robert's not been trying to kick you out, I know-</span>
<span style="color:red">I don't think-</span>
I- I- Have his number.
<span style="color:green">Okay! But Robert's not trying to kick you out. You don't have to record anything.</span>
I am required to, for my company, and for my protection.
<span style="color:blue">What company?</span></blockquote>Daniel then stands up at ''[3:46]'' in the video and, while it isn't caught on camera, seemingly kicks a metallic object.<blockquote><span style="color:green">Hey! Hey! You can't do that, Daniel, you can't bust someone's...</span></blockquote>Daniel proceeds to run away from the people, going upstairs as Miss P and woman 1 try to get him to calm down. You can then hear them talking about calling the police as Daniel flees into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it.
It then cuts to him facing his camera down at woman 1, while they both try to interrupt each other.
<small>(Red is woman 1, blue is Miss P, green is man 1, black is Daniel)</small><blockquote>Yes, y-
<span style="color:red">A-</span>
Hold on- Hold on! Listen to me!
<span style="color:red">You-</span>
''Hold on, listen to me!'' You said-
<span style="color:red">-now!</span>
<span style="color:red">You're terrifying him, and-</span>
LISTEN TO ME! Stop interrupting me!
<span style="color:red">It doesn't work like that!</span>
''Listen to me.'' You straight up-
<span style="color:red">We're-</span>
<span style="color:red">-deal with that!</span></blockquote>Daniel then turns around and starts kicking at what is either a wall or a door. He then drops his camera as we hear a second man tell him to stop, as everybody else is trying to get him to calm down.
He picks it back up and continues arguing.<blockquote>YOU STRAIGHT UP- YOU STRAIGHT UP
<span style="color:red">Get down from-</span>
<span style="color:red">No!</span></blockquote>You can then hear, and partially see him punch a wall as Miss P and woman 1 tell him to stop. You can see both men down there, and they begin to get more involved in telling him to stop.<blockquote>''LISTEN TO ME!''
'''''[He then turns the camera around and continues hitting the wall. You can now hear somebody call the police. Daniel's voice is audibly tired and rasping.]'''''
<span style="color:green">No! 'cause what you're doing right now is des-</span>
'''''[Daniel starts hitting the wall again]'''''
<span style="color:green">Hey! Chill out!</span>
You- You straight up- You str- Listen to me!
<span style="color:green">No!</span>
''[He punches the wall again]''
<span style="color:green">I called the po-po! It's over, you finna stop doing that-</span>
'''''[Daniel then starts kicking a closet door behind him with the heel of his foot.]'''''
<span style="color:green">Hey!</span>
<span style="color:green">We're not cooperating? You're not cooperating!</span></blockquote>He then turns the camera around and starts jumping and audibly seething with rage. It then cuts to a shot, this time facing towards Daniel, of him recording himself and running around. He now seemingly hit the depression stage of grief, as he is starting to use his "sad voice", than cannot really be described, more of heard. ''[5:19]''<blockquote>''You guys are not doing anything right! You guys are supposed to call my entertainment manager for security reasons...''
'''''[Daniel starts making long, exasperating sighs as man 1 inaudibly tries to talk to him]'''''
''You guys wanna blame me for everything! It's not my fault!''
<span style="color:green">We're gonna blame you for the holes you put into the walls!</span>
<span style="color:green">Yo, do you see your head?</span>
'''''[He then takes an overexaggerated breath inwards and starts kicking something metallic while making whimpering noises]'''''
<span style="color:green">Oh my god!</span>
''You guys wanna blame me for- for just the fact that I'm popular! You guys don't listen to me!''
'''''[You can hear Miss P calling 9-1-1 in the background]'''''
''You guys don't listen to me at all!''
'''''[He starts crying as man 1 tells the 9-1-1 operator he has mental issues]'''''
''You guys straight up don't listen to me!''
<span style="color:green">Man, we love you bro!</span>
<span style="color:green">Because! I- I- I-</span></blockquote>Daniel then puts the phone down and starts [[Daniel Larson's health|punching himself in the face]] repeatedly.<blockquote>''I- CLEARLY THAT I'M ANGRY NOW BECAUSE YOU GUYS JUST DON'T DO ANYTHING!''
<span style="color:green">I've been working on myself.</span> '''''[Lolwut?]'''''
<span style="color:green">I've been working on my- myself, and- listen to me! ''listen to me, 'cuz.''</span>
''YOU GUYS DON'T HELP AT ALL.''</blockquote>[6:39], someone else continue
=== Aftermath video ===
[21:50 of [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NfsSoXJrYo&ab_channel=DanielLarsonCurator this video]]
Daniel, after being kicked out of housing, talks about the police officer who got him to leave. He says she wrote every previous citation for him, hated him, and this time fined him for $1000 of damages. He says they refused to talk to his case manager [[Reva]], called his [[management]] fake, and said he was a liar. This, in addition to people showing up to the property he says, is what made Miss P fear for her safety and is what got him kicked out.
[someone continue off of 22:44]
<references />

Revision as of 18:05, 20 April 2023

Remember DOXXING is punishable by law!

Miss P was Daniel's caretaker from August 31st until October 16th of 2022 when Daniel was kicked out by Miss P after Daniel had a freakout over Oxis' Discord.[1]


Miss P was apparently not treated very well by Daniel and the trolling community despite literally doing nothing wrong. She would have to endure the collateral damage of Daniel's trolling, having to deal with things like receiving sex toys in the mail[2] and constant calls. Miss P would later, according to Daniel, would put a restraining order on him[3] because of his mistreatment of her.

Daniel, after the Miss P situation, would move in with Reva, despite claiming to have something set up by the Shields Foundation.

October 16th incident and transcript

The video


Miss P lets in two men and a woman from the Shields Foundation, and woman 1 and Daniel start conversing. She questions him about his online activities and trolls, to the point it upsets Daniel and he starts kicking things. He then runs upstairs and locks himself into the bathroom.

It then cuts to him arguing with Miss P, woman 1, and man 1 while they call the police and he kicks the walls of the house. Daniel tries to recover and get them to listen to him, but they reject him, which was a misstep as it agitated him even more than he already was.

It then cuts to an upwards shot of Daniel where he is mostly seen talking to man 1 while hitting himself and things around him and accusing them of not listening or caring about him at that they have not done proper procedure, with them not calling his current management. Man 1 is trying to get him to calm down and convince him that they have his best interests in mind, but he rejects this because they called the police.

Daniel eventually, after lot of arguing, faces the camera and complains about them calling the police and not listening, saying that they won't listen to him.

He then re-enters the situation, where man 1 tells him that they called EMS instead of police, saying that they were worried about his head, saying he put his head through the wall multiple times. Daniel complains to them, and "explains" his nonsense procedures if anything happens. It then escalates to an argument.

It then cuts to another clip of Daniel laying down his phone. He proceeds to get sternly questioned by a female police officer. He tries to go on to her about him being a singer and songwriter, but she tells him she already knows who he is and steers the conversation back on track where they talk about "what happened last night", referring to what was previously written.

It then cuts to him sitting and putting his camera face-down on a table. The police officer from before tells who is probably Miss P that he wants to leave the house, and that they would give him some necessities and a citation and send him on his way. This records the audio of Daniel getting his stuff, while man 1 tells the unknown woman and another man that he doesn't have any food and shouldn't be sent on his own.

Nothing happens until Daniel grabs his phone and leaves the house. He climbs into the back of a car with the help of a social worker, where the social workers confirm his information and ask him questions before the video cuts to him walking down a street.


Daniel's massive meltdown on the 16th of October 2022 started with Daniel recoding a video, like how he normally does way too much.

The video begins with Daniel in the living room and Miss P greeting two men and a woman from the Shields Foundation walking into the house, smiling and greeting him. They have a short and immediately hostile interaction at the fault of Daniel.

(Red is woman 1, blue is Miss P, black is Daniel)

What's up?

it's nothing to be, like, discussed.

It's nothing to be discussed?

I tried to call Reva, my case manager, and she will not cooperate.

Whatchu want her to cooperate and do? With?

Well, she's supposed to be... -I can't get security


And I can't get all my stuff set up without Reva and... my... shield company. Working all together.

What do you want her to get set up?

My- p- stuff for my safety! Popularity stuff that I've talked about at the meetings!

That's what you talked about at the meetings, but then you give the address out online? So what's your-

I- I never- I never gave my address out online.

You never gave your address? You haven't shared your location on videos?




So... people just randomly order stuff and send stuff to the house-

It's- It's- listen to me! It's because I'm so popular...


That I get spotted in this own fucking neighborhood.

You get spotted in th-

I- yeah! People... I- It's not my fault nowadays everybody could have a cellphone, okay? So all it takes is for me to go outside the front door, around the block through the school down here, let's say, and my location is fully breached because people are on their phones takin' photos of me. Because I'm that popular.

So you're not doing anything on your settings? You're not sharing your location-

I- I- I have already have all of my... uhm... *sigh* all of my notifications turned off, I have my phone... uhm, location tracking turned off- I have that off.

Uh huh

If the police wanted to track me down for any reason, they can't because I have my location tracking turned off.

You got it turned off?

I have-

So- so-

I have everything that I can possibly do, I have, like, set already.

-What happened when you broke the window upstairs?

That- that happened, I have already discussed this. That happened the first week I was here.

The rest of the conversation is mostly uninteresting and redundant, until woman 1 (probably not Miss P) discovers he is recording [3:09]. She asks why, and Daniel, agitated by her previous questioning, breaks after she tries to interrupt him.

(Red is woman 1, blue is Miss P, green is man 1, black is Daniel)

It- it looks like you're recording, so it's like, why does everything need to be so public with you? That's what I'm trying to figure out. He-

It's for my safety because-

You have to-

Because you guys-


BECAUSE YOU GUYS WANT to kick me out onto the street!

-Nobody wants to kick you out! If she wanted to kick you out, she would've then put a 30 day notice for you. I'm pretty sure-


-that you- you- broke the window! Miss P has been dealing with you!

Robert's not been trying to kick you out, I know-

I don't think-

I- I- Have his number.

Okay! But Robert's not trying to kick you out. You don't have to record anything.

I am required to, for my company, and for my protection.

What company?

Daniel then stands up at [3:46] in the video and, while it isn't caught on camera, seemingly kicks a metallic object.

Hey! Hey! You can't do that, Daniel, you can't bust someone's...

Daniel proceeds to run away from the people, going upstairs as Miss P and woman 1 try to get him to calm down. You can then hear them talking about calling the police as Daniel flees into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it.

It then cuts to him facing his camera down at woman 1, while they both try to interrupt each other.

(Red is woman 1, blue is Miss P, green is man 1, black is Daniel)

Yes, y-


Hold on- Hold on! Listen to me!


Hold on, listen to me! You said-



You're terrifying him, and-

LISTEN TO ME! Stop interrupting me!

It doesn't work like that!

Listen to me. You straight up-



-deal with that!

Daniel then turns around and starts kicking at what is either a wall or a door. He then drops his camera as we hear a second man tell him to stop, as everybody else is trying to get him to calm down. He picks it back up and continues arguing.


Get down from-



You can then hear, and partially see him punch a wall as Miss P and woman 1 tell him to stop. You can see both men down there, and they begin to get more involved in telling him to stop.


[He then turns the camera around and continues hitting the wall. You can now hear somebody call the police. Daniel's voice is audibly tired and rasping.]


No! 'cause what you're doing right now is des-

[Daniel starts hitting the wall again]

Hey! Chill out!

You- You straight up- You str- Listen to me!


[He punches the wall again]

I called the po-po! It's over, you finna stop doing that-

[Daniel then starts kicking a closet door behind him with the heel of his foot.]



We're not cooperating? You're not cooperating!

He then turns the camera around and starts jumping and audibly seething with rage. It then cuts to a shot, this time facing towards Daniel, of him recording himself and running around. He now seemingly hit the depression stage of grief, as he is starting to use his "sad voice", than cannot really be described, more of heard. [5:19]

You guys are not doing anything right! You guys are supposed to call my entertainment manager for security reasons...

[Daniel starts making long, exasperating sighs as man 1 inaudibly tries to talk to him]

You guys wanna blame me for everything! It's not my fault!

We're gonna blame you for the holes you put into the walls!


Yo, do you see your head?

[He then takes an overexaggerated breath inwards and starts kicking something metallic while making whimpering noises]

Oh my god!

You guys wanna blame me for- for just the fact that I'm popular! You guys don't listen to me!

[You can hear Miss P calling 9-1-1 in the background]

You guys don't listen to me at all!

[He starts crying as man 1 tells the 9-1-1 operator he has mental issues]

You guys straight up don't listen to me!

Man, we love you bro!


Because! I- I- I-

Daniel then puts the phone down and starts punching himself in the face repeatedly.


I've been working on myself. [Lolwut?]


I've been working on my- myself, and- listen to me! listen to me, 'cuz.


[6:39], someone else continue

Aftermath video

[21:50 of this video]

Daniel, after being kicked out of housing, talks about the police officer who got him to leave. He says she wrote every previous citation for him, hated him, and this time fined him for $1000 of damages. He says they refused to talk to his case manager Reva, called his management fake, and said he was a liar. This, in addition to people showing up to the property he says, is what made Miss P fear for her safety and is what got him kicked out.

[someone continue off of 22:44]
