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The flag of the California Republic.

California, besides being a US State, has multiple ties to Daniel Larson, including (but not limited to) its status as his place of birth.

The original California arc was a period of time where Daniel Larson was in California. Daniel had taken a midnight train to California on August 20th, 2021 under the assumption his father would meet with him. This would not be Daniel's last time in California, however, as a new arc in the state would begin in December 2022.

Daniel in "LA" (Oakland)

Daniel got off the train at the Emeryville Amtrak Station on Horton Street and was spotted by fans that night.[1]

A screenshot of the @DanielLarsonInSoCal account.

On August 21, 2021, Daniel uploaded a video on a new TikTok account, Daniellarsoninsocal. In this video (which is one of the only ones still available from this account) he claims that he had been dropped by his disability services, and was homeless in Los Angeles. However, the community quickly realized that this was not the case.[2] In this video, Daniel is seen walking in front of the Hyatt House in Emeryville (near Oakland), where it can be presumed that he was staying. Fans claimed to have seen Daniel in the area having a meltdown in the streets.[3]

More videos posted by @daniellarsoninsocal.

It is unknown how exactly Daniel managed to get there, or if he was aware that the Oakland area was not, in fact, LA. However, it was speculated by some that his management team manipulated him into traveling there for some reason, which actually evoked negative reactions from r/DanielLarson members at the time.[4][5] Daniel also claimed that he had a court case the next day, and that he needed donations (possibly to get back to Denver, as he mentioned "if I'm not back, there will be a warrant out for my arrest."[6]). Daniel also posted various other videos, presumably of him walking around the area[7]. The account ended up being banned within the same day.[8][9] The first California arc ended with Daniel's manager, Samantha, convincing his care providers to transport him back to Denver. A fan spotted him looking nervous in the Oakland airport on August 24, 2021.[10]

Daniel in LA

Immediately following the December 10th Incident, Bob purchased a ticket for Daniel to be flown to Los Angeles on the last flight out of Colorado Springs that day. It was heavily speculated by the community that he would be institutionalized in California due to the 5150 laws, allowing for the involuntary psychiatric hold of individuals deemed a danger to themselves or others. Little information was given following his arrival, other than this statement:

"Well California was great I'm hoping back on the plane and going back to Texas now going to do a performance in Texas tomorrow night and then I'm going to be performing at a bar down there who knows where I'll be the next day in one week I'm going back to Denver Colorado see you all soon" - Daniel Larson on YouTube a community post.

Los Angeles Arc

After this message, Daniel would continue to claim that he was in Texas for a few days.

He ended up giving up on this lie though, upon the realization everyone was aware it was a lie. In LA, Daniel would go to strip clubs, visited Scientology centers, and considered enrolling in college.

In some YouTube community posts from this time, he would also claim that he wanted to drop his disability services and that he had no control over his life, while claiming the next day that being in California meant "[he could] be in control of [his] own life".

On December 17, 2022, Daniel would successfully host a fan meetup, having six people visit him on Hollywood Boulevard.


On January 17th, 2023, thanks to fans, Daniel was able to enjoy a day at Disneyland.

Daniel had been hanging around downtown Disney all morning spreading scabies to kids, when the the mod team within the DLR discord begins receiving reports that two of their friends who were at Disney could see Daniel. The two would buy Dan a ticket without being aware of the true extent of Dan's problems, and would hang out with him for a while taking photos.

One of the photos taken ends up in the hands of the DLR discord community who immediately claim ownership of this in what can only be described as an attempt to convince the wider community that they had trolled Dan by buying him tickets to Disney.

As is normal with Dan, the DLR discord's “trolling” went unnoticed and by all accounts Dan had a great time at Disney. While there Daniel uploaded many videos detailing his day. It started with a video claiming that he will need to collect donations for a $50 tour that was available in the park.

He later got a churro and ate it while on a merry-go-round.


When Daniel first arrived in Los Angeles, he had no luggage or belongings. As a result, he spent over 125 days with the same clothing on. This, paired with no showers & frequently sleeping in porta-potties and garages, was a catalyst for Daniel contracting scabies. Scabies is a disease where mites burrow deep in your skin and cause intense itching, typically contracted when one has poor hygiene. Daniel often roughly scratched his skin to relieve the itching, but his dirty fingernails only made the situation worse. Finally, Daniel went to the emergency room, where he was officially diagnosed with Scabies. He was prescribed an $80 lotion, but instead used his money to buy stocks and desserts at fancy restaurants.

Because scabies is a very spreadable disease, members of California became concerned about the public health threat Daniel was imposing. Warnings of Daniel went viral on Facebook, and members of his own community became concerned with the possibility of a deep infection.

The climax of the Scabies Arc began in late January of 2023. Daniel posted an ominous video of him having extreme itchiness due to the bugs living in his skin. His scratches were so ferocious, he caused himself to bleed severely. Within hours, Daniel sought medical help at an emergency room again, this time receiving a shot of Ivermectin and getting a washcloth bath from a nurse. As a result of the drugs being injected, Daniel made a goodbye post to the creatures that had been living under his skin for the prior month.

Following this visit to the hospital, Daniel did end up getting a new t-shirt, and symptoms have died down.