March 19th Arrest
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On March 19th, 2024 Daniel Larson was issued a warrant and once was again, arrested, this time on the charge of being a Fugitive of Justice.
The Arrest
In the morning, sometime prior to noon Daniel was arrested. [1] According to a subreddit user who took the photos of Daniels arrest, he was at the FlatIron Crossing, which is a shopping mall in Broomfield, Colorado. [2]
It is unknown as to what happened, however Daniel was arrested under the charge of Fugitive of Justice from another state. Daniel was arrested a month ago on the same charge.
Daniel was booked in Broomfield County Detention center, and held at a bond of 1,000 dollars.

Daniel's Response
Allegedly, Daniel said that he got into an altercation with Dylan Clark, one of Daniel's many managers. The altercation was physical and occurred at a shelter, which resulted in them being kicked out. According to the subreddit user who stated this, it was in violation of his probation and Daniel was arrested again. [3]