Rectus Abdominus

Rectus Abdominus is an emo and pop-punk band created in 2020, most known for covering Daniel Larson's songs in 2022, that being Roaring Thunder and Something More.
While the exact origin of Rectus Abdominus as a band is not fully known, information that can be gathered through their Soundcloud can trace their roots back to sometime in 2019. They are known for making songs criticizing and parodying situations current at the time, as well as using juvenile humor and terms within their songs.
Graduate Records
According to a post made by u/timeturnedfragilee, they had discovered Daniel sometime in July of 2020 to sign Daniel to an indie record label that they themselves had started up in early 2020. He claims to have been the first individual to sign Daniel to this record label during Daniel's Presidential Campaign, and attempted to contact Daniel regarding this matter through a leaked phone number. After a conversation, the OP claims that Daniel was not interested in signing to the label as he claimed it was "not big enough", then on signing to Fine Dining Records. The OP concludes stating that Graduate Records had closed up shop after a lack of success from some music released, and with Daniel allegedly wanting to "blow up" the band.
Roaring Thunder and cutting ties
On May 23rd, 2023 Rectus Abdominus released a cover of Roaring Thunder on their Spotify without much context or announcement, with individuals discovering later on of this release. As of March 2024, the cover has about 19,500 listens. The cover has since gone on to be well-liked by the community, with many expressing their dissatisfaction with the original song. Their cover is seen in many of their albums within their discography, seemingly appearing once on nearly every album since its release.

On July 12th, following their realization of both Daniel's pedophilia and the events surrounding the Dog Arc, the band had posted on their instagram story that they were officially cutting ties and no longer associating with Daniel Larson, though had hinted on their cover of Something More being put on their following album.