The Police

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  • Following the trend of many other political activists, Daniel Larson is extremely anti-police due to his numerous negative interactions with the police in California, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, and New York.eadigmg
  • ie4uduruedging in nevada
  • proffesional gooner

Arrests & Fine skibidid livvy dunne in forntite eating big hamburger

[see Daniel's Criminal History]

Fines & arrests Notes
Eating hamster Public m@s 1 million dollars 6 Months of community service
Hard Rock Cafe Dine and Dash $950.00
Miss P's home Destruction of property $1000.00 See this P
Warrant fees Warrant fees $300.00
Bond paid Bond paid $100.00
Subway Station Trespass $100.00 Nyc Arc
School of Mines Wall Destruction of property $500.00 Charged live on stream during Dog Arc
Miss P Death he killed her with spork 5 years in azkaban Killed by dementors


  • Interactions are in chronological order*

September 11, 2024

Threw a tantrum at Wendy's, payed for two baconators and got one. Put his fingers in his shirt and went up to employee pleading for his other baconator.

January 9, 2024

January 5, 2024

Daniel claims that the police talked to him about his complaint about people following him, the police tell him that it's all made up.


Alrighty, so the police showed up and they said that the two people that were filming me, following me around, weren\'t following me around and weren\'t taking videos of me and weren\'t sending me text messages and they called me a liar.

December 16, 2023

Daniel is trespassed[1] at an IHop after not being able to pay his bill [2]

December 11, 2023

Daniel interacts with the same officers from December 10 after getting kicked out of an Old Chicago. Daniel explains his entire situation to them.

December 10, 2023

[see Olive Garden Incident]

After pulling the fire alarm at Olive Garden the police are called who show up and trespass Daniel as well as charge him for false reporting to authorities.

August 13, 2021

Daniel was responsible for smashing a car window in August 2021. The charges were later dropped.

May 13, 2022

The address for this ticket was the address of a Hard Rock Cafe- leading most of the community to believe that, considering the charges, Daniel was responsible for dining and dashing here. He received a 950 dollar fine.

October 16th, 2022

[see Miss P]

Daniel had a meltdown in Miss P's house when members of the Shields Foundation arrived to the house and talked to him about him smashing a window and destroying things in the house. He would flee upstairs and refuse to listen to the social workers, and eventually, EMS and Police would be called to the house.

Daniel would be interrogated by a police officer over his online career and the incident. He would be fined $1000 by her, and would be removed from the house.

December 10th, 2022

[see December 10th Incident]

On December 10th, 2022, Daniel had a meltdown over trolls calling him and telling him that the hotel he was staying at was threatening him with a gun. He would break down in Bob Proctor's car as Bob tried to calm him down, and beat both Bob and himself as Bob tried to get Daniel out of his car.

EMS and police would arrive on the scene, and Daniel would record himself in an ambulance lying to an EMT about what happened, blaming the whole situation on the motel and Bob.

March 30th, 2023

[see March 30th Incident]

On March 30th, 2022, the first day Daniel was in Houston, Daniel had the police called on him multiple times in completely separate scenarios. The police were called by bus station employees when he tried to steal a ticket, and by restaurant employees in three separate restaurants in downtown Houston when they were spam called by trolls.

Daniel, when in the second restaurant, was interrogated and escorted out by bike cops. When they eventually left after questioning them, Daniel was upset at their lack of action against the trolls, and hurled slurs and the phrase "Call fucking dispatch!" as they cycled away.

May 15, 2023

On May 15th, 2023, Daniel posted that overnight he was given a citation for sleeping in a MTA subway station. He said that it was a $100 fine, and posted a video that briefly shows the ticket on his TikTok page.

July 11th, 2023

[see video page]

Daniel was live streaming when a police officer charged him with disorderly conduct for kicking a wall at the School of Mines. The charge came after Daniel had called 911 multiple times and was waiting to go to the mental health unit in an ambulance. The charge was for $500.