Denver Colfax Marathon 2022

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Daniel Larson completed a marathon on May 15, 2022 at the Denver Colfax Marathon.

A picture of Daniel running.
Daniel running the marathon.


See also: Daniel's Athleticism

Daniel posted his intent to run the marathon on March 24, 2022 on /r/Daniellarson.[1] The next day, he asked what charity he should support in the marathon.[2] On April 2, he restated his intention to run the marathon.[3]

Daniel was actually pretty athletic prior to his social media fame / the pandemic. Despite this, some fans speculated that Daniel was in such poor health that he would not even be able to complete the marathon.[4] It is unknown why he chose to enter the marathon but given his performance, he was clearly not focused on setting a record.

For reference, a marathon is 26.2 miles (42.1 kilometers).


Daniel arrived at the marathon appearing to wear a backpack, however he would end up removing it.[5]


Daniel placed 165th out of 166 who finished in his division of 20-29 year old men.[6] His pace indicates that he never ran any faster than a light jog. Almost all images of Daniel taken during the marathon show him with his phone in his hand, so it is safe to assume he spent a fair amount of the marathon interacting with fans.

Despite the fact he was second to last, the fact that he was able to complete a marathon is impressive in itself, especially given his homelessness, lack of preparation / training, and health. The fact is that he will probably never be able to do something like this again - mostly due to his trench foot and other health conditions.

Location Net Clock Pace
Start 00:00 2:59 -
6.4 Miles 1:08:08 1:11:07 10:28/mi
10.4 Miles 2:00:01 2:03:00 11:31/mi
16 Miles 3:33:15 3:36:14 13:20/mi
20.1 Miles 4:40:53 4:43:51 13:57/mi
Finish 6:23:40 6:26:39 14:38/mi


After completing the marathon, Daniel posted a video saying "Gotta love marathon because I just shit myself."[7]

Video finish

Daniel crosses the finish line at the 6:23:39 mark phone in hand, barely breaking a sweat.



More photos are available here.