Panera Bread Incident
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On November 10, 2023 Daniel had a public meltdown inside a Panera Bread. This incident was filmed both by bystanders and the managers he was on Discord with. The exact reason for the meltdown is unknown, though it appears to have stemmed from being recognized by fans. Just before the incident Reddit user banquetbangerv6 posted to reddit "Mr president at Panera bread"[1]
A member of the Discord Daniel was on a call with during the incident claimed that they weren't involved at all, and that this occurred naturally after a couple of fans had taken photos of Daniel.[2]

Before the incident it is reported that a group of trolls was following Daniel around between locations including Dave & Busters, Target [3], and a restaurant.[4] Earlier in the night Daniel posted an official looking document from Dave & Busters stating that he was banned from all locations, it's likely this document was fabricated but Daniel took it at face value [5]
Bystander Video
The peak of the incident was mainly caught on camera by a bystander. In the video, Daniel is dealing with two Panera Bread employees who are trying to get him to leave. Daniel refuses to leave and yells at them “try me bitch” multiple times, even throwing a round table in their direction. Daniel then starts shouting about his fans leaking his location, and at this point, another employee calls the police. Daniel is warned that the employee will press charges for assault, to which Daniel responds by repeatedly shouting “I NEVER PUT HANDS ON YOU BITCH!”. Daniel then starts punching himself multiple times and screaming. The employees just stand around recording before turning their backs on Daniel for a split second. Daniel then tries to sneak up on them with his arm raised but never follows through. The employee then raises his voice which causes Daniel to hit himself more and sit back down again, still shouting about never assaulting the employee. Daniel then uses a racial slur multiple times while also claiming to have a lawyer.
Daniel's POV
Daniel was on a Discord call with a management team at the time of the incident, who captured some of the events from Daniels point of view
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