Timeline (2022)

Revision as of 17:53, 9 October 2023 by imported>J
(None) 2022 (None)

A complete record of Daniel Larson's (or his relatives) life during the year of 2022. No detail is too small to be added.



  • Daniel claims he got a job.
  • Daniel gets kicked out of a Dave & Busters during a livestream.
  • The SUV continues to follow Daniel.


  • An SUV is seen following Daniel.
  • Daniel tells the Reddit, R/Daniellarson, to, "Go fuck themselves."


  • Daniel's currently has $50 saved. He is attempting to save $300 to go to back to Denver, Colorado.
  • Daniel says, "Fuck you Reddit."


  • Daniel says that Ivan (Ox) is unable to help due to fans constantly finding Daniel.
  • Daniel is spotted at a strip club in California (See Sightings and Fan Interactions).


  • Daniel has approximately $200 saved up.


  • Daniel goes live making faces, and singing roaring thunder. He later gets bitten by fire ants.
  • Daniel claims he is stranded in Austin, Texas (he wasn't).



  • Daniel has a meltdown in Bob's car, during which he strikes Bob several times. This culminated in Bob calling the police.
  • Daniel is heard repeating, "The motel threatened to kill me." Many users in the subreddit have made fun of his voice, comparing him to Gingerbread Man from Shrek.


  • Daniel is seen dumping beer cans so he can recycle them for money.
  • Daniel's livestream chat is seen saying the n-word twice.


  • Daniel does another sleep-stream. The stream was live for 7 hours, 23 minutes before Daniel ended it. It was very uneventful.


  • Daniel does a sleep-stream. The stream lasted 11 minutes before Daniel ended it. It was uneventful.
  • Daniel owes Bob Proctor approximately $420.


  • Daniel claims he will finish two songs within the month, and that two more songs will be released in January.


  • Daniel gambles all his money at a casino; Bob Proctor had to pick him up.
  • Daniel claims he is getting sexually harassed.
  • Daniel becomes a victim of identity theft.


  • Daniel claims he will be shooting a movie in January.
  • Daniel claims he will be starring in the TV show The Boys as the character Homelander.
  • Daniel claims he will be going on tour.



  • Daniel goes bowling at Lucky Strike, but later gets kicked out.


  • Daniel's hotel location gets leaked. It is estimated that 3-4 people are showing up at Daniel's hotel every hour.
  • Daniel claims that a person named Gary Ridgway is sending pizza to the hotel he is staying at.


  • Daniel mentions the wiki for the first time and tells people to check it out.


  • Daniel goes live claiming he was being shot at, or assassinated. However, it was likely just a 21 gun salute due to it being Veterans Day.


  • Daniel goes live from the hospital. He claimed that he could not feel his legs. The doctors thought it to be nerve damage from hypothermia.
  • Daniel almost gets into a homeless shelter, but later chooses not to as the location was leaked.
  • Daniel leaks his Medicare ID number, as well as Bob Proctor's phone number.
  • Daniel plans to stay overnight at a 24-hour iHop, however his intentions were discovered by staff and he was kicked out.



  • Ox meets Daniel in person for the first time.


  • Daniel sleeps in an elevator shaft with other homeless men.


  • Daniel refuses to go to a homeless shelter because he is 'too famous.'
  • Daniel is picked up by fans in Monument, Colorado and brought back home.


  • Daniel is brought out to Colorado Springs by "new friends" then abandoned at a Walgreens after getting into multiple arguments with them.[1]


  • Daniel has a meltdown in Ms. P’s house. He later was kicked out by the care providers and the police.
  • Daniel posts videos explaining the situation at Ms. P’s house.
  • Daniel posts more videos talking about Shield, he even one point said the hard r in 2 separate videos.
  • Daniel's TikTok account @famousdaniellarson is banned.




  • Daniel calls for world peace.[3]
  • Daniel decides to not get involved in the the Russo-Ukrainian War.[4]
  • Daniel wants to talk business with Donald Trump.[5]
  • Daniel addresses the nation on the Russo-Ukrainian war and hopes that everyone "makes the right decisions."[6]
  • Daniel states that Russia needs to be charged with first-degree murder due to Ukrainian War Games.[7]
  • Daniel refuses medications.[8]
  • Daniel declares that he has no, "worrent [sic]" out for his arrest.[9]
  • Daniel states that DLR Entertainment has a mere $110 balance.[10]
    • Despite the fact that this would mean he lost over $32,600 based on the previous figure.


  • Based on the previous financial 'update,' DLR Entertainment has gained $79 dollars in profit.


  • Daniel declares that he has 'no time for games' after seeing his bitcoin investment.[11]
  • Daniel 'shows' that DLR Entertainment is bleeding money and that they have lost $2,000 in a week.[12]



  • Ox accidentally orders pizza to Daniel's old address, which greatly angers Daniel.
  • Daniel announces that he has received housing.



  • Daniel is seen working out at a Planet Fitness in the Denver area.


  • Grace's mom, Tina, leaves a comment on Daniel's YouTube.[13]


  • Daniel states that his discord will cost money, $5 a day.[14]
  • Daniel gets donations to start a stream, but does not follow through.
  • Daniel's TikTok account is banned again.


  • Daniel spends the night in a motel.


  • Daniel uploads a video announcing that he had been diagnosed with trench foot.[15]
  • Daniel uploads a video in a hospital wearing a mask warning about a terrorist attack in "paul warma."


  • Daniel announces that he has called the police and FBI on Ox about the prank from the night before.[16]
  • Daniel fires Ox again.[17]


  • Daniel's Twitch account is banned.
  • During a live stream Ox makes a donation goal of a Nuclear Attack prank message for Daniel.


  • Daniel says the n-word on stream. Ox convinces Daniel to apologize, but Daniel fails to do so without laughing.
  • Daniel finally gathered the required documents to get an ID.[18][19]



  • Daniel uploads many videos directed at Ox and Brink, very upset that they are not responding / showing up.[20]
  • Daniel gets a single cookie from subway.
  • Daniel Announces his Cash-app was hacked. He speculated that the hacking was, "...probably by one of those quacko guys."
  • Daniel begins his many videos of searching / complaining about Brink.[21]
  • Ox tells Daniel that he can not get a hotel room without Brink helping by showing his ID.[22]
  • Daniel announces that he was turned down from a job due to his internet presence.[23]


  • Daniel is visiting DDRC (which stands for Developmental Disabilities Resource Center) seeking shelter and help.


  • Daniel announces that he is homeless again. This time however the situation was far more dire, as without a working phone, Daniel had no means of wireless communication.[24]
  • Tiffany and Kelly tell Daniel that they found housing for him, however it would be a couple of months before he Daniel could move in. Despite their benevolent intent, Daniel told them that he did not want to be associated with them. Stemming from their annoyance of being disrespected by Daniel, Tiffany and Kelly chastised Daniel for not following housing rules. In retort, Daniel accused them of breaking more rules than he had.[25]
  • Daniel explains how he broke his phone during an argument, resulting in him being forced to use a $300 tablet. While explaining this, he drops the tablet, breaking it.[26][27]
  • Daniel reaches out to Brink to see if he wants to meet up. Brink tries to find him but does not have any luck.
  • daniellarsonsong is banned, Daniel creates a new account named "daniellarsonluck."[28]


  • Daniel apparently makes contact with Grace's mom.[29]


  • Daniel goes to hooters with Brink.[30]
  • Daniel breaks his $400 headphones while escaping his "fans."[31]


  • Daniel buys $400 headphones with the money donated to him via Twitch.[32]


  • The video of Daniel's toothbrush incident is posted on Reddit by user u/dandersonattackteam. The video shows Daniel inserting a toothbrush into his anus and brushing his teeth with said toothbrush.


  • Daniel hangs out with Brink. They go bowling and play mini-golf.[33]
  • Daniel announces that in October he will be moving to New York.[34]


  • Daniel has an all expenses-paid stay at an Airbnb.
  • The Twitch is started but ends up streaming on TikTok with Brink.


  • Daniel stays in a hotel room paid for via his Twitch.[35]
  • Daniel streams on Twitch.


  • Daniel takes a shower.
  • Daniel announces that Andrew has been fired and is no longer his case manager.[36]


  • On July 6, Reddit user /u/Monkeyman56783 interviewed Daniel about his music career. There are two parts on YouTube: Part 1, Part 2.
  • Daniel tried contacting Andrew but is directed to his voicemail several times.
  • Daniel tried contacting again despite knowing she is out of office for a week.
  • Daniel tried contacting his advocate but was also directed to their voicemail.


  • Daniel posts 49 TikToks in just 24 hours.
  • Daniel announces the creation of his Twitch channel on his YouTube channel.
  • Daniel walks around a Walmart despite his previous ban.
  • Daniel asks his viewers to vote for electric cars and says the gas prices are too high.
  • Daniel cannot get his social security number unless Andrew or another representative is with him.
  • Daniel complains about the bottled water prices in Denver.


  • Daniel attends a fireworks show.
  • Daniel goes to Five Guys for a free water.[37]
  • Current bank account: $10.
  • Daniel says, "I can start paying back my housing, for my SSI money that I lost."
  • Daniel collects $0.01 from his music sales.
  • Daniel cancels dinner with Luke due to lack of energy.
  • Daniel compares his $40 a week to the "low-income" salary in Colorado of "$55,000 - $65,000."
  • Daniel lets us know that his coma from the other day was not fake.
  • Daniel claims that he would get the maximum sentence if he turned himself in.
  • Daniel posts a video in which he says, "It's kind of stupid, I am the one with the legal chargers, which means I can be held responsible...for what Andrew is doing." He also claimed that the Colorado crisis center called Andrew a bigger threat. During the video he tells the person spamming his phone that he will be adding it to the court case.
  • Disability lawyers tell Daniel that there isn't much to be done for his court case. Daniel claims that his main problem is that even if he did show up to court, Andrew wouldn't, thus leaving him stranded there.
  • Daniel releases this fun fact: he gets rashes from grass.
  • Daniel claims to be turned away from another job interview.


  • Daniel announces he needs $10,000 to continue his music career.
  • Daniel claims that homeless shelters have turned him away because of his fans.
  • Daniel posts many videos of white text on a black background talking about many things, from his music, impersonators, stating emergencies, asking for help, blaming Andrew for things, himself impersonating Bob, etc.


  • Daniel posts a series of videos claiming he is in a coma from heatstroke.
  • Daniel claims kanye556 had leaked his number. In response to this, Daniel stated that he is declaring war on kanye556.
  • Daniel posts a video asking if Papa Gut to review his new song, "Something More."[38]
  • Daniel announces that he is extremely upset with everyone's behavior from the night before during the discord fiasco.[39]
  • Daniel explains that he is using the n-word with an "a" and not an "er."


  • Daniel announces that he might turn to drugs in order to cope with the stress.[40]
  • Daniel goes on discord where he is then bombarded with hundreds of people trying to manipulate him into getting them into their own server, some people legitimately wanted to help Daniel while others did not. Daniel began constantly leaving and joining different discords, creating great confusion in doing so. At one point Daniel was given full control of a server, even with full control he left, came back, then left again.
  • Daniel lists dozens of restaurants that he is banned from in Denver Colorado.
  • Daniel gets kicked out of a hotel room for, "just trying to use the bathroom".
  • A security guard tells Daniel that he can't go anywhere near downtown. A police officer then told Daniel that he can't charge his phone anywhere downtown.[41]
  • Daniel reveals he has $200 in his bank account, but is unable to do anything more than a $50 transaction due to having a rep payee.[42]
  • Daniel leaves Bob a voicemail talking about the situation and, "how everything is starting to move fast."
  • Daniel releases "Something More."
  • Daniel has a breakdown at night about Quacko and calls his phone the n-word.



  • Daniel joins the "/r/DanielLarson 2" (not associated with /r/DanielLarson) discord voice chat to do a Q&A. Based on Daniel's comments, it seems the discord told him that Grace had made the server, as well as its rules.[43]
  • Daniel reminds us that his music premier of "Something More" is coming out at midnight.
  • Bob tells Daniel that he can no longer afford his music career and housing.[44]
  • Daniel confirms that daniellarsonsong is his new TikTok account.
  • Daniel uploads video in which he really takes in the situation that he is in with decent clarity. He ends the video by whispering, "It's like I'm nobody... it's like I am a nobody."[45]
  • Daniel streams on YouTube.[46] Notable moments include:
    • Daniel states that Bob had told him Andrew isn't the problem, Daniel doesn't understand how Bob believes that.
    • Daniel tells a story about how he was kicked out of the school (that he is sitting in front of in the stream) because he went in to see his friend who works there, "but the other guy isn't there."
    • Daniel spends a lot of time just reading the chat and saying people are crazy.
    • Daniel talks about joining, "a discord."
    • Daniel goes into a shop and gets an ice water then chills a bit while on his phone.


  • Daniel opens a business bank account (this was revealed during a live stream on June 30).
  • Daniel uploads a video in which he alludes to Andrew stealing "$3,000 a month that's coming into my name."[47]
  • Daniel announces there will be major lawsuits against current and former management, as well as some impersonators.[48]


  • Daniel does a live stream with Brink, during which Daniel asks for a one night stand with a female aged 18 to 20 25.[49]
  • Tiffany gets a vacation.[50]
  • Daniel announces that he needs $1,000 in cash only for court, but that Andrew was dealing with it, "for the past week."[51]
  • Daniel announces that once his court situation is under control he will be able to move to New York to get back into the studio.[52]


  • Live stream with TikTok User, Briiiinks.[53]




  • Daniel first posts 2 normal videos that he will make.
  • Daniels third video was yet another meltdown about Andrew, this time, the meltdown was short but more intense. He is shown hitting his head onto things and saying the n-word.


  • Daniel has massive breakdown over disagreements with Andrew.
  • Daniel is shown by a highway hitting himself, mildly crying hysterically, and claiming that Andrew “destroyed his life” and “ruined him financially”.


  • The first photo from a series of bathroom content surfaces. In one of these pictures, Daniel is shirtless in a bathroom stall. Later videos surface of Daniel being completely nude and masturbating.


  • Daniel posts a series of videos showing him having a short meltdown and mostly ranting about Andrew and making nonsense via frequent racial slurs, false claims of “damaging people’s lives”, etc.





  • Daniel uploads a video saying he wants to make it very clear that he is still a virgin.
  • Daniel claims that Grace had falsely assumed that he had already lost his virginity and that is why they are not dating anymore.



  • Daniel posts a video of himself punching his genitals in a parking lot.


  • Daniel posts a video apologizing to Grace Vanderwaal for masturbating to her.


  • Daniel uploads a video of him crying in a bathroom stall.



  • Daniel makes a brief live appearance in an orange shirt before changing into a green shirt. Daniel wears these in an attempt to make 'modeling videos.'


  • Bianka quits being Daniels manager after repeatedly being mistreated by him


  • Daniel comes out as bisexual on Tiktok Live.


  • Daniel declares that there will be "no more mister nice guy" and "all of the hate will go down the drain."
  • Daniel uploads video of him humping the camera while moaning Grace.



  • Bianka becomes Daniel's manager.


  • Daniel threatens to break down his apartment wall due to another resident playing loud music.
  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02dZwCsTO0k
  2. http://archive.today/2022.10.02-084300/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u01tagYfxWw&lc=Ugx_c2GXT7XzwKACUuN4AaABAg.9ge4uuaYoSZ9gf5hNWXv3x
  3. https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxx3hXE-ubWQRsvduru82V2Gv1NreTma48
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jchYI3RrWI8
  5. https://www.tiktok.com/@famousdaniellarson/video/7149347861854031150
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp72iayDAZM
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOK7BwFweV4
  8. https://www.tiktok.com/@famousdaniellarson/video/7149332313594187054
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOpp4IGu7GE
  10. https://www.tiktok.com/@famousdaniellarson/video/7149271897748950315
  11. http://archive.today/j4SpL
  12. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUh2yY_o_UCgRbi2if-mRA/community?lb=UgkxzqEKOlg2y5HxxwNNm6xCL_jN5oLaNQqi
  13. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wokdxf
  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/wmas09/daniel_larson_discord_subscription/
  15. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsontwitch/video/7128112795039681838
  16. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsontwitch/video/7127634574678445354
  17. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsontwitch/video/7127634400543608106
  18. https://archive.org/details/7126901663818075438
  19. https://archive.org/details/7126957679494335787
  20. https://archive.org/details/7126264519084625195
  21. https://archive.org/details/7125908546599832874
  22. https://archive.org/details/7125963664452062507
  23. https://archive.org/details/7125849139501485358
  24. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonluck/video/7124858559568940330?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
  25. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonluck/video/7124849640045808939?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
  26. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonluck/video/7124849990526045486?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
  27. https://old.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/w91t6g/daniel_spends_300_on_new_tablet_after_breaking/
  28. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonluck/video/7124828060314029354?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
  29. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/w7z9cu/not_mine_from_our_discord_daniel_has_spoken_with/
  30. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w6n1gh
  31. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoIf7-8GjfA
  32. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w3emec
  33. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonsong/video/7120012198205836587
  34. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonsong/video/7119920396694064426?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
  35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ-WAzPzRks
  36. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hx-ZpVp5Tnc
  37. https://old.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/vrp1f1/same_5_guys/
  38. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonsong/video/7115782876049722670
  39. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonsong/video/7115766281659403566
  40. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonsong/video/7115626616205823278
  41. securityp1.PNG
  42. https://archive.org/details/7.1.22-update
  43. https://archive.org/details/gracemadeserver
  44. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonsong/video/7115069747594595630?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
  45. https://archive.org/details/tik-tok-video-7115069747594595630-7115069747594595630
  46. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfHCTmqxL9g
  47. https://archive.org/details/daniellarson-gracevanderwaal-healthadepopit-7114758209755221291
  48. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uMqRDAKsf-Y
  49. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/vn6b46/daniel_asks_for_a_one_night_stand/
  50. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PtHKEMzxXAw
  51. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYtBmBxKdbU
  52. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9qS_gbNQ4M
  53. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/vmd8mw/recorded_a_bit_of_the_livestream_daniels_wiggin/