
Revision as of 14:28, 5 January 2024 by imported>TheCreator (Ryan is known to exist based on old TikTok videos of Daniel Larson in 2019.)

Ryan was one of Daniel's friends and buddies who stayed with him between 2018-2019. He is featured in a few old TikTok accounts, sometimes walking with Daniel and going places. It is likely that he was in the same disability housing as Daniel. It is unknown what happened to Ryan after 2019.

Daniel alleges that Ryan had sexually assaulted him sometime in 2018, while he was staying in a caretaker's home. Daniel has made numerous mentions to Ryan by name, as well as alluded to his sexual assault at other times, though not mentioning any perpetrators by name. With Daniel's history as an unreliable narrator, it is uncertain if these claims have any veracity.

Flexburger stated in a Reddit AMA in May 2023 that it was made up, and that he remembers when the lie was invented. Considering it is Flexburger, there is no way to know if this claim is true or not.

Flexburger’s response to the question

First Mention

Preface to video here. This video was posted the night of June 10, 2022, as a part of Daniel's June 10 Meltdown.

*Insert Video Here*

Transcript: "Do people even know that I was sexually assaulted in my own caretaker's fucking home back in 2018 by somebody named Ryan?"