Bob is/was a long-time mentor of Daniel, and an important figure in his "professional" career and overall life. Daniel and Bob first came into contact through a reading buddy program at the Tennyson Center, a facility Daniel went for schooling and living in his teens. While Dan was living at the Tennyson Center (at the time of his ongoing custody battle), he had the opportunity to attend a reading buddy program once a week. Daniel reports that him and Bob "Really hit it off", enough so that the Tennyson center permitted them to have a relationship outside of their program. Dan's grandmother, Nancy Shimer, developed a friendship with Bob, seemingly platonic according to Dan, where they'd play board games and spend time together.[1] After her passing, Bob served as somewhat of a patron for Daniel, paying for the production of his first and most famous song, Roaring Thunder, as well as Something More. Bob has also paid for some of Daniel’s food and travel expenses, but Daniel has done nothing but take his generosity for granted by frequently getting into arguments with him, publicly throwing him under the bus for his own problems, assaulting him, and gambling away money Bob gives him to take care of his needs.


July 9th, 2022

On July 9th 2022, Daniel Larson posted a series of cryptic videos claiming that he and Bob had gotten into a physical altercation outside a movie theater that resulted in extensive damage to Bob's car.

Daniel Later claimed that Bob had driven away from Denver, and was heading south away from Colorado. He also claimed that Bob was selling his residence in Denver and moving out of the Denver Area, though it is uncertain how true these claims are. Daniel blamed his "fans" for the fight, claiming that people taking photos of them caused the fight, but there is no further or confirmed proof that these claims are true, and the real cause of the incident is unknown.

After the fight, Daniel posted a TikTok Video claiming that Bob was missing. He hadn't heard from him in days, and he once again started blaming the fans for the fight/disappearance. Although it seemed likely that Bob had for the near future cut off all contact with Daniel and was trying to distance himself away from him after the violent incident, he would later come back in contact with him.

December 10th, 2022

Main article: December 10th Incident

Daniel would end up fighting Bob yet again months later. The reason for the altercation breaking out is still unknown. Daniel became hysterical in Bob's car, claiming that the motel he planned to stay at "Threatened to kill me". This time the results would be a lot less favorable for Daniel, ending with Bob threatening to call the police if Daniel refused to leave his car after he physically assaulted him. Ironically, this incident also occurred in a movie theater parking lot. Because of this, Bob would end up flying Daniel out to Los Angeles, the reason for this still being unknown.
