Travel Arc: Difference between revisions

No change in size ,  10 April 2023
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Daniel’s new managers, including [[IWishIHadADad]], aided Daniel in purchasing a ticket to New York City. Larson’s motivation for this venture is to meet up with [[Tina VanderWaal|Tina]] and [[Grace VanderWaal|Grace]] Vanderwaal, which he has been told requested his presence for an investigation. He also wishes to meet Grace face to face. The news of Daniels's flight spread around the community, and while he claimed his flight would be taking place on April 4th, the community inferred that it would be happening on the 3rd, Daniels's previous statement being a misdirection. At around 2:00, he is believed to have passed security. His plane had a transfer at the Charlotte Airport in North Carolina. His flight was due to land in Newark, New Jersey, where he planned to take a train from Penn Station into New York City.  
Daniel’s new managers, including [[IWishIHadADad]], aided Daniel in purchasing a ticket to New York City. Larson’s motivation for this venture is to meet up with [[Tina VanderWaal|Tina]] and [[Grace VanderWaal|Grace]] Vanderwaal, which he has been told requested his presence for an investigation. He also wishes to meet Grace face to face. The news of Daniels's flight spread around the community, and while he claimed his flight would be taking place on April 4th, the community inferred that it would be happening on the 3rd, Daniels's previous statement being a misdirection. At around 2:00, he is believed to have passed security. His plane had a transfer at the Charlotte Airport in North Carolina. His flight was due to land in Newark, New Jersey, where he planned to take a train from Penn Station into New York City.  
[[File:C0317F22-5F77-4801-BF68-DF0A47B9B7DF.jpg|thumb|Daniel’s plane selfies.]]
[[File:C0317F22-5F77-4801-BF68-DF0A47B9B7DF.jpg|thumb|Daniel’s plane selfies.]]
At 7:57 PM, April 3rd, Daniel shared photos of himself inside of an airplane to a Discord group chat. However, the validity of the photos may be questioned as the headrests appear different in two of five pictures, and Daniel looks much cleaner here than he has only a couple of days previously.  
At 7:57 PM, April 3rd, Daniel shared photos of himself inside of an airplane to [[Daniel Larson HQ]]. However, the validity of the photos may be questioned as the headrests appear different in two of five pictures, and Daniel looks much cleaner here than he has only a couple of days previously.  

Around noon on April 4th, Daniel uploaded multiple videos confirming his arrival to "New York". It is unclear if he meant to say Newark. Daniel uploaded multiple videos of him talking about his number and location being leaked. He posts an unsupported claim that the fire alarms were pulled at the airport as "an attack". Daniel then uploads multiple videos from a subway or train cart, where he is seen punching and kicking his surroundings while freaking out about his information being leaked. Later, a fan posted a video on Tiktok of Daniel in their car, with the caption "IN THE BIG APPLE". Reddit user u/Specialist_Sand8761 posted photos of himself and Daniel, taking credit for driving Daniel from the airport to Jersey City, where he dropped him off at the train station. The user also reveals that Daniel was actively on the call with Olivia Vanderwaal, or more accurately, the troll impersonator spawned from the [[3 Days War]]. Specialist_Sand8761 was subsequently attacked on Reddit for his support towards Daniel.  
Around noon on April 4th, Daniel uploaded multiple videos confirming his arrival to "New York". It is unclear if he meant to say Newark. Daniel uploaded multiple videos of him talking about his number and location being leaked. He posts an unsupported claim that the fire alarms were pulled at the airport as "an attack". Daniel then uploads multiple videos from a subway or train cart, where he is seen punching and kicking his surroundings while freaking out about his information being leaked. Later, a fan posted a video on Tiktok of Daniel in their car, with the caption "IN THE BIG APPLE". Reddit user u/Specialist_Sand8761 posted photos of himself and Daniel, taking credit for driving Daniel from the airport to Jersey City, where he dropped him off at the train station. The user also reveals that Daniel was actively on the call with Olivia Vanderwaal, or more accurately, the troll impersonator spawned from the [[3 Days War]]. Specialist_Sand8761 was subsequently attacked on Reddit for his support towards Daniel.