Daniel Larson Death Hoax
The subject or contents of "Daniel Larson Death Hoax" cover an ongoing situation/topic that is subject to change. This article may contain outdated or missing information as of 2024-04-15 due to recent events. This template was added over a month ago, does it still apply? |

On the April 14, 2024, following the creation of Daniel's new YouTube account and his discharge from the hospital, comments had been circulating claiming that Daniel Larson had died, despite him responding to comments in shorts within his YouTube channel. He later disabled the comments on his YouTube videos.
The Start
Following the Red Robin Poisoning that occurred on the 12th of April 2024, Daniel posted on his community tab on his previous account, daniellarsonfree2024 that he was in the hospital, along with accompanying images. He would a few days later, switch to his next account daniel larson monitored legal account, despite the fact that he created this account on his own accord.
A fake TikTok account, "danielarsonfree2024" had made a post telling people to stop saying "rip", but of course to the gullibility of the community, this was the start of the hoax.