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Before reading on please take into consideration the that DOXXING is immoral and is punishable by law before digging deeper than what is described on this page.

Andrews Job:

Andrew is Daniel’s case manager which Daniel confirmed several times. Case managers job is to oversee patients like Daniel. Most often the job is government funded. It is unknown for how long Andrew was Daniel’s case manager. According to himself Daniel has “mild case of autism”. Because of that the government provides Daniel with a case manager. However as much as Andrew tried to help Daniel it doesn’t seem to work.

Daniel’s relationship with Andrew:

Daniel tends to think that he is very famous and deserves everything in this world. Andrew is often blamed by Daniel for stealing money, destroying his career and etc. In many of his TikToks Daniel curses Andrew out and doesn’t use positive descriptions when talking about him. Daniel also tried making Andrew pay for his meals. Now weather what Daniel says about Andrew is true is left to interpretation.