Eviction Saga

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Starting on June 12, 2023, Sally, who was sick of the trolling, lied to Cyraxx by saying their landlord was threatening to evict them if they didn't shut the internet off.

Initial Exposure

Cyraxx made a livestream on Kick titled "URGENT CALL TO ACTION !!!!!" where he told his audience that they faced eviction if they did not shut off the internet by threat of their landlord. He claims it started when Marty sent someone to rip down their fence. Their landlord notified their property management and insurance, who in turn notified the police.

This resulted in them being threatened into shutting off the internet, which apparently made him and Sally incredibly depressed, with Cyraxx claiming that Sally was crying all day.

He then begged his audience for legal counsel, asking to hire an out-of-state lawyer to represent them for $100 to pursue legal action against the trolls, the out-of-state location of this lawyer presumably being from Mars as no sane lawyer would represent someone for $100. What's funnier is that Cyraxx, if he did find one that would represent them for $100, still could not afford their services.

Cyraxx also talked about the cops, saying that he called the police and the FBI to deal with the trolls, in which they obviously declined, stating that they told him that online arguments are not real and to get off the internet.

He also made the insane claim that Marty lost him out of 10 million dollars of ad revenue due to the trolls, saying that he loses 2 million just in a year. Completely insane, and probably the best display of his financial illiteracy.

//Sourcedump (unchecked): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6uYqEn2jGw&t=29s&ab_channel=WilliamGloryhole