North High
North High is currently under construction! This article will be unpolished, and/or missing information. |
North High was Cyraxx's high school, which he attended since moving to Akron, Ohio, in 2008-2009 until 2014. Although there is little information about his time there, the few testimonies from family members and former classmates reveal interesting insights into Cyraxx's pre-internet personality, as well his general potential in life.
Cyraxx greatly struggled academically, in no small part due to his learning disabilities and presumably his lack of drive for improvement. As a result, Cyraxx attended high school until he was expelled at 23 years old, and has never obtained his General Education Diploma (GED). Oddly enough, there are no accounts of Cyraxx being put in special education or given any sort of remedial support, although there are some rumors that he was given special, easier assignments by teachers.
Cyraxx was expelled from High School in 2014 following an incident which is still up to debate today. According to Cyraxx’s aunt, Cyraxx was expelled after he accepted a dare from his classmates who challenged him to jump off the second floor of the school. Unsurprisingly, this stupid stunt failed catastrophically and resulted in a broken arm. In the aftermath, he attempted to file a false police report claiming that he was pushed off the second floor by his classmates. Cyraxx was then presumably expelled from school when his lie was eventually ousted[1].
The second likely cause is an incident that occurred off-campus. For an unclear reason, Cyraxx had to spend the night at a classmate’s house, a legally blind boy nicknamed Blind Billy. In an interview with MusicBizMarty in 2021, Blind Billy recalls that in the middle the night, Cyraxx attempted to sexually assault him by rubbing his groin against his butt and fellating him without his conscent[2]. The next day, Blind Billy reported the incident to the school, presumably leading to Cyraxx’s expulsion. Although a very likely cause for his expulsion, Blind Billy claims that he saw Cyraxx in school after the incident.
Even if no wrong was committed, it is unlikely that North High would have kept Cyraxx anyways, as he had since passed the maximum age to be elligible for free compulsory education, and would have most likely been denied attendance next year.
Cyraxx likes to claim that he was “ripped off” of his high school diploma, claiming that he would have passed had it not been for some ridiculous made-up reasons.
The most notable, and by far outlandish excuse, was that the high school had a “selective passing” system that essentially barred all the students with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 or less from graduating to preserve the institution's image, making up some outlandish conspiracy theory about how the school director colluded with the school board to make sure he would not graduate[3]. This, of course, makes absolutely no sense. If the minimum GPA requirement was indeed of 4.0, this would mean that a vast, vast majority of students would be unable to graduate high school. Additionally, the school would have no interest in keeping Cyraxx any longer than needed, since this would mean spending resources on someone who had since passed the maximum age for compulsory education.
The minimum passing GPA in most high schools is of 2.0 throughout the 11th and 12th grade, or around a C average. Cyraxx claims that he had a GPA of 3.8, and that the missing 0.2 was the only thing preventing him from getting his GED. Considering Cyraxx's intellectual difficulties he still presents to this day, it can be presumed that his actual GPA was far lower than the 2.0 minimum.
On other occasions, Cyraxx claims that he was removed from North High for his own protection after the Blind Billy incident[4], because according to him, it was Blind Billy that raped him, and not the other way around. This reason obviously makes no sense, and Cyraxx being known as a pathological liar does not give any more credence to his version of facts.
As of this day, Cyraxx has made no attempt at obtaining his GED, claiming that the test was prohibitively expensive (although the test fee is $144, the state can subsidize up to $80)[5].