Health and Appearance

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Cyraxx has a laundry list of physical health problems that inhibit his daily activities (such as complaining on the internet or sipping sludge), with most of these problems being entirely preventable.


A predominant reason behind Cyraxx's internet following, or a catalyst for it, is his appearance.

Cyraxx is about ~5 foot even, his actual height being unknown but speculated to be from 4'8" to 5'3". His weight isn't known either, but is probably from 90 to a little over 100 pounds. His body is very underdeveloped, probably due to his premature birth - he has an underdeveloped collarbone and severe issues with the development of his face, such as being wall-eyed and having a "refusing to go bald" skullet. He has stated himself that his organs are underdeveloped, having one lung and one kidney.

The cause behind these are still mostly unknown, but is probably a blend between FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder), a premature birth, cleidocranial dysostosis, and bad genetics. Contrary to popular belief, he is not inbred, although this is a pretty reasonable thing to assume.


Cyraxx has terrible hygiene, even for a attic dwelling goblin such as himself.

The most obvious sign of awful cleaning habits is his teeth. He appears to never brush and the decaying contents of his overcrowded maw are actively rotting away. Cyraxx seems to never shower and always appears to be in state of constant filth. In the dingy essence of his attic light, we are subjected to his sweaty, grime covered skin and greasy, sticky hair. There is a rumor that he takes baths occasionally but does not use soap or shampoo and instead just sits in the bathwater for his scab wounds.

His lack of cleanliness has caused a number of health problems such as a fungal infection as described below.

Primary Issues


Cyraxx has FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) from Connie's drinking and drug use. This probably being the reason behind his many other health issues, and especially the cause of his premature birth.

Cleidocranial Dysostosis

Cleidocranial dysostosis is a birth defect that mainly affects bones and teeth, and is known to cause a plethora of issues for the afflicted. This includes collarbone development issues, issues with the formation of the skull and face, scoliosis, short height, and the failure or disruption of the eruption of permanent teeth, all symptoms which Cyraxx shows.[1]

Premature Birth

Cyraxx had a premature birth, which has been confirmed by his aunt,[2] as he was born at just 26 weeks. Apparently, he has born so prematurely that melanin had not formed in his skin, resulting in his skin being somewhat transparent.

Confirmed Disorders


Scoliosis is the misalignment of the spine, and may be caused by Cyraxx's cleidocranial dysostosis. Cyraxx has confirmed to have this, but his confirmation really isn't needed as this is very easily and visibly diagnosable, as there is a large bend in his spine visible with a 360p camera across a room. It's honestly a miracle that he can stand.

Fecal Incontinence

Cyraxx is incontinent, or in simpler terms, is known to shit himself. There is an incident where he crapped himself on stream, as well as other videos of him wiping himself on stream in his bedroom.

Bugs / Forehead Scabs

Cyraxx is visibly covered with bedbug bites, most notably on his forehead and infected dick. He picks these bites, making them bleed and turning them into even more disgusting scabs. Because of how often Cyraxx picks at these scabs on his forehead, the "Skull Scabs" are now a defining characteristic of his psychical appearance, right next to his skullet. Cyraxx has denied that these are bedbug bites and either refers to it as dead skin or a stress-induced rash. Despite this, testimony from Jasmine as well as video evidence disproves this. There are various other times Cyraxx has been seen having bugs crawling on him, including two other times he's had moths flying out of his beard.

AIDS foot

Cyraxx routinely gets some sort of foot infection which makes his foot swollen, mildly misshapen, and red. Trolls like MusicBizMarty have called it his "AIDS foot", saying he got AIDS from Jake and that it has been eating away at his foot. While the AIDS part probably isn't true, the cause of the infection are unknown, most likely being a fungal infection caused by poor hygiene.

Fungal Infections

Cyraxx has been documented having several fungal infections on his penis, as well as occasionally on other parts of his body.[3] He most notably had to end a stream early with JaymeNicole due to his wee wee suddenly expanding which required him to go to the hospital for. As a result, Cyraxx needed to have a cream placed on his weiner, and allegedly, he couldn't put it on correctly, so Sally was forced to do it.

Dental Problems

Cyraxx's poor dental situation is extremely apparent the moment you look at him. His teeth are severely overcrowded with an overbite to the point where he has "shark teeth" and is unable to fully close his mouth.[4] Some of them seem to be rotting and there is brown buildup on his lips/orange buildup on his tongue because he doesn't brush. When he and Heather kissed, Heather visibly gagged probably because of his breath.

Vision Problems

Cyraxx vision is, like most measurable characteristics of his, severely lacking. He has a visible lazy eye and is basically blind in one eye (according to Cyraxx) making him most likely legally blind. He has been seen on a few rare occasions sporting glasses most notably during one of the stylus streams although he probably uses them to appear smarter rather than to actually help with his vision.

Speculated Disorders


Eczema is a skin disorder where the afflicted periodically get skin rashes and irritation. Cyraxx says that he has eczema, and that it is so severe that he cannot sleep properly and that he is in constant pain.[5] He even states at one point that it might eventually cause him to be unable to walk... somehow. On several occasions Cyraxx has stated that it is "stressed induced" from online harassment as well, in order to gain sympathy from people online.

Whether or not he has is this debatable, but it's not unreasonable to assume he has this considering how many other disorders he has and the commonality of eczema. Although if he does have it, it is most certainly not as severe as he says it is.


Progeria is a very rare genetic disorder that causes rapid aging, and Cyraxx is known to look a lot older than he actually is (despite him saying he looks 14 lmao). The speculated cause for this is him having a very mild case of progeria (people with more severe cases of the disorder rapidly age even faster and usually don't live past their teen years). Cyraxx began balding in his late teen years, and has visible wrinkles on his face despite being in his mid thirties. People with progeria tend to be short, which may be a cause of Cyraxx's height.

However, this is unlikely as progeria is an extremely rare genetic disorder that manifests once the child is around one or two and is very quickly detected in those afflicted, and Cyraxx would've definitely made a huge deal out of it by now to gain pity points. Also, those with progeria only live around to their late teens/early 20's and considering Cyraxx has lived up to his 30's it's likely a combination of his mom drinking/doing drugs and also horrendously shit hygiene.

Organ Development Issues

Cyraxx, on multiple occasions, has said that he has underdeveloped or non-functional organs. He has claimed to be entirely missing a kidney and to have an underdeveloped lung. This is most likely due to his premature birth as the lungs and kidneys are some of the last organs to develop during pregnancy.

Surfactant is created to keep the air sacs open, and when a baby is born premature not enough surfactant is created, such as in Chance's case, he'll be unable to fully inflate his lungs. This deformity doesn't seem to stop his incoherent screaming, though.

His weak immune system, nonfunctional kidneys, and eyes could be a product of premature birth.
