Caretaker Call

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The Caretaker Call was a phone conversation that took place on July 27, 2023, between an individual who claimed to be one of Daniel's former caretakers, and the Daniel Larson Curator. The Caretaker claimed that Daniel had stayed in his household from Fall 2019, until eventually being forcefully kicked out in Spring 2020.

After receiving a few comments from this person, the Curator set up a to discuss what caring for and living with Daniel was like. The call contained details such as Daniel's behavior around the house, and more information about Ryan, who had been thought to be one of Daniel's delusions up until this point. Additionally, the caretaker gives his opinion on the widely popular belief that the mental system had allegedly ‘failed' Daniel, and discussing how Daniel had horrifyingly (although, allegedly) almost sexually assaulted their physically-disabled cat.

The person who claimed to be Daniel's caretaker has yet to be identified, as no name or identifying information can be found. What should also be noted is that this person could be a potential troll or someone merely pretending to be one of his caretakers to stir the pot. Given this, it is important to take any statements made with a grain of salt until further confirmation is available.



  • The caregiver wasn't aware of Daniel’s popularity until the night prior when he stumbled upon his TikTok videos.
  • According to the caregiver, Daniel moved into his house in fall 2019 and got kicked out spring 2020.
  • Caregiver was told that Dan doesn't do well with females and that a male provider would be much better for him.
  • Caregiver claims that hell broke loose merely two months after Daniel moved in.
  • He says that if a patient is an adult and their own guardian, they legally can't do anything about the patient refusing medication, therapy or employment. The caregiver notes that Daniel denied all of these, therefore he could not force him to partake in any of these.
  • ''When you're working with an individual like Daniel who kind of has this delusional mindset of that he's gonna be famous, all these people love him, he's a movie star/singer, etc., he's just more focused on that and just throws away all the opportunities that are presented to him to help his mental health.'' Caregivers thoughts transcribed verbatim.
  • Caregiver says that Bob came over the house multiple times, says that Bob as a person is great and pleasant and cared about Dan's safety but enabled him and had absolutely no idea how to work with someone with a disability.
  • During Daniel’s stay the caregiver advocated for him to get SOB therapy which is therapy for people who engage in grooming, pedophiles, and people with terrible sexual boundaries.
  • Caregiver says that Daniel was trying to groom all of the other individuals in the home who were much less functioning than him. (He describes Daniel’s grooming behavior as in him manipulating others into doing favors, giving them things to get things in return, sexually grooming people and bribing them.)
  • Daniel got arrested at the caregivers house for assaulting his roommate. Caregiver had to restrain and hold him down on the front porch until police got there because he kept trying to bite him. Caregiver says that he has a massive scar on his left forearm from Daniel.
  • When the caregiver had to clean Daniel's room out, he found one of his used drumsticks which was all splintered and covered in feces, phone cords covered in feces and a barbie doll of Daniel's which was also covered in feces. He notes that Daniel is a very sexualized individual.
  • Caregiver says that all the physically aggressive, emotionally damaged, low functioning and high functioning individuals he took care of had, to some extent, a motivation to do better for themselves, but Daniel was the only one who didn't.
  • Caregiver says that Ryan, whom Daniel claims sexually assaulted him in the past, still lives with him. He claims that Ryan had similar sexual behaviors to Daniel, along with noting that Ryan isn't quite as high functioning and doesn't understand his actions as much. He says that Ryan will typically groom people but Daniel being the alpha, as in Daniel's IQ’s being higher than Ryans, would groom him instead.
  • There are multiple times when the caregiver would wake up in the middle of the night because Daniel would try to sneak into Ryan's room and the cameras the caregiver put around the house because of Daniel’s unpredictability would go off. This is extremely important, especially with the information that Daniel claims to have been assaulted by Ryan, there is a high chance that he himself was the one who sexually assaulted Ryan.
  • He notes that Daniel refused to go to day programs because of his devotion to his fans, claiming he always needed to be there for him.
  • Caregiver notes the constant terrible stench emanating from Daniel. Caretaker notes that during the time Daniel stayed with him, Daniel was very big into running and would run 10 miles a day and participate in 5k races and such. Daniel would refuse to take a shower after running, resulting in all the care provider could smell would be sweat and other bodily odors. Caregiver estimates that he might have taken three to four showers in the course of 8 months when he was living with him.
  • Caregiver says that there were some weeks when he had to restrain him multiple times in a single day because he was hurting himself, giving more context into Daniels self-harming tendencies. He would bash his head into the wall so much and bleed from his face. One time the care provider had to take him to the hospital because he was doing it so hard that he started bleeding from one of his eyelids.
  • Caregiver says that Daniel was obsessed with Macaroni n' cheese and would put holes in the walls if he didn’t get any, which escalated to the point where he had to be restrained.
  • Caregiver recounts the one time Daniel went ballistic and threw one of the kitchen chairs at one of his roommates. He even tried grabbing one of the kitchen knives. The caregiver had to hold Daniel on the ground because he kept saying he was going to kill him. From then on the caretaker was not allowed to have sharp objects such as knives and forks out in the open, always having to lock them up whenever Daniel was around.
  • The caregiver responds to the multitude of people saying “the system failed him” by acknowledging the fact that while there are issues in the system, it should be noted is that in states like Colorado, where Daniel spent much of his time in, it is the leading state in taking care of individuals with disabilities and the services offered in Colorado are far better than any other state.
  • He says that he worked with so many individuals and that it’s incredibly hard to get to the point where Daniel is.
  • Caregiver recounts the time when Daniel tried having sex with the caregivers three legged cat, which was 2 years old, an incident which enraged the caregiver immensely. Upon Daniel’s roommate reporting what he saw to the caregiver, he went into the room and saw Daniel putting on his clothes, as if quickly trying to hide something.


Caretaker: Daniel um.. he moved in fall of 2019, and he was kicked out spring of 2020

Caretaker: Uh.. I didn't even know that he was like, TikTok quote-unquote "famous" until last night uh.. I saw a random TikTok video with him in it, and I was like, "what the hell?"

Caretaker: He came to my house, because from what I understand, the last host home kicked him out because of just, mass amounts of property damage. Uh, just like headbutting the walls, kicking the walls, um.. I was told that he just doesn't do well with females, and that with a male provider he would be much better

Caretaker: Uh.. I probably had a good month and a half, two months, and then just hell broke loose. It's that the first couple months, we call that a grace period, when they kind of get settled in, they're like excited to stay with the new family, whatever. Um- but yeah I mean it was absolutely terrible. *laughter*

Caretaker: Um, kind of just putting a background first here before we get into the, the good shit, um.. so what else? Also, it's considered person centered services, it's different when they're an adult, um, you do not have the ability to, like, take their human rights away. So if he does not wanna take his meds, doesn't have to take them. If he's his own guardian, which he was.

Caretaker: Um.. if he wants therapy, he has the right to have it, you can refuse employment, you can refuse it's.. it's difficult, so like when you're working with an individual like Daniel who kind of has this delusional mindset of that, you know, he's gonna be famous, all these people love him, he's a movie star, a singer, he's more focused on that and just throws away all of the opportunities that are presented to him to help his mental health.

Caretaker: Um, and Bob, yeah, and Bob, he enabled that.

Curator: Oh, so did you get to meet Bob?

Caretaker: Yeah, he came over to the house multiple times. Honestly, like, as a person Bob's great, at least when I worked with him, um.. he's very pleasant, and obviously he cared about Daniel's safety, um.. but he had absolutely no idea how to work with someone with a disability.

Caretaker: I'm still trying to get, like I said, I just discovered this last night, so I'm still kind of watching all the videos and the documentaries and updates on Daniel, which has been extremely interesting to see, um.. but I mean, yeah, like, in the home, I- I advocated for him to get SOB(?) therapy, which is uh, therapy for individuals who engage in, like, grooming. Potential, like, pedophiles or people that have, like, really bad sexual boundaries.

Caretaker: Um, I can tell you just with living with me, uh.. he was trying to groom all of my other individuals, who are much less functioning than him. He kept, um, trying- grooming is just, sorry, grooming is like uh, you know, manipulating them into, like, favors. Like, giving them things to get things in return. Um.. he was doing that a lot, um, like sexually grooming people. Um.. bribing them.

Caretaker: Um, so this- I was able to get cameras installed in the home, which is a very, VERY difficult restriction to get in the state, but because of Daniel's behaviours, I- you know, I was able to get it through.

Caretaker: I also saw there was an incident, with like, a toothbrush? Um, that honestly doesn't surprise me, so uh, when he got kicked out of my house, uh, he basically was arrested at my house, um.. for assaulting his roommate. Um.. I'd like, restrain him and hold him, hold him down on my front porch until the police got there, cause he kept trying to bite me.

Caretaker: Yeah I have like, a massive scar on my, uh, left forearm from him *laughter* But as far as like, the toothbrush thing goes, uh when I had to clean his room out, um, I had found one of my used drumsticks, that was all splintered, and it was covered in shit. Um.. there were multiple phone cords that were also covered in shit, um.. he had a Barbie doll that was covered in shit. So that- yeah, i mean, he- he's a very sexualized individual *laughter*

Caretaker: I've taken care of so many individuals, like physical- like physically aggressive individuals, extremely, like, emotionally damaged individuals, low functioning, high functioning, um, they all to some extent have some motivation to, like, do better for themselves. Daniel is the only one that didn't. Like, everyone was a liar, everyone was against him.

Curator: Do you know about one of Daniel's old roommates, Ryan? Daniel claims he was sexually assaulted by him.

Caretaker: I- I know him very well, um.. do you know.. so Ryan lives with me still. Yes, I've had Ryan from the start. Ryan has some.. similar sexual behaviors to Daniel. Ryan isn't quite as high functioning and he doesn't understand his actions as much. Typically, Ryan will groom people, but Daniel kind of being more alpha in the sense that he is a little, you know, his IQ is a bit higher, he knows, you know- Daniel would groom HIM instead, and yeah.

Caretaker: That was one of the- that was one of the individuals that I was talking about earlier, you know, that he kept grooming in the household.

Caretaker: Um.. I mean there are multiple times where I would wake up in the middle of the night cause my cameras would go off and Daniel would try to sneak into Ryans room

Caretaker: Yeah i-it went back and forth but with no doubt in my mind, Daniel kind of controlled that situation.

Curator: So was he delusional about his fame when he lived with you?

Caretaker: Yeah! Yeah, I mean, he always used the term "his fans", like oh, "my fans need to know what I'm doing", or "my fans are waiting for me", um.. thats why he refused to go in, like, day programs. They're kind of like a day rehabilitation center. Um, he- he didn't wanna engage in any of that, because he was too devoted to, you know, his fans.

Caretaker: He did smell absolutely terrible. He would, never shower, ever. Um, and when he lived with me, uh, he was really big into running. He would run 10 miles a day, uh, he used to like 5K races and other stuff like that. He would, he would run like 10 miles and then just refuse to take a shower and all I could smell was, just, sweat throughout my house.

Caretaker: Yeah, I think when he lived with me he maybe had taken three or four showers? And that was over the course of, like I said, maybe eight months. Um.. we are certified, it's called NVCI, Non Violent Crisis Intervention,[1] um basically we can go hands on with an individual, like if they need to be restrained. Some agencies, they're hands off. I don't know how that would ever work with Daniel.

Caretaker: Um, but I mean, there were some weeks where I was restraining him multiple times a day, and I'd restrain him because he was hurting himself. He would bash his head into the wall so much. Yeah, just bleeding from his face. I mean, one time I took him to the hospital, he was doing it so hard and he literally started bleeding from, like, one of his eyelids.

Curator: Other than when he bit your arm, was there any incidents where you had to call the police on him?

Caretaker: I try not to call the cops in my home. Some providers they basically have 911 on speed dial. Um.. I only call, like, when it's truly out of my control. Um.. I think I only called the cops on him twice. Um.. most of the time it was truly like, uh, like for example he was obsessed with mac n' cheese. If we no longer had mac n' cheese and I had to make him something else, it'd become extremely escalated and just start like, kicking over and over and over again, holes in all the walls, um, that's kind of the farthest extent it came.

Caretaker: Sometimes he was like, he'd be mad at me, again for any, like, the most pointless things, like it's- anything that's just an inconvenience to him, he would get frustrated, um. I mean, yeah, like every day, just looked like he would get frustrated, i would have to restrain him, then he'd get pissed, and like, he'd run away for a couple hours, go for a run, come back, then he'd spend the night in his room. Then the next day we wake up and everything seemed like, you know, he'd act like nothing happened.

Caretaker: And then later that night, it'd happen again, um, and I guess one time he went ballistic, uh.. hit his head on the wall. He took one of my kitchen chairs, threw it across the room at a, uh, another roommate. Um.. as I was trying to grab him, to kind of just protect myself and everyone else around him, and himself, um.. i remember he went to- he tried grabbing one of the kitchen knives, um.. and that was pretty scary.

Caretaker: Um.. I had to like hold him on the ground, because he kept saying he was gonna kill me. Um.. and then shortly after that he had a sharps restriction, so I was not allowed to have any sharp- I couldn't have knives, I couldn't even have forks out in the open, everything had to be locked in my house. You know, I guess- I guess I just kind of like wanted to silence all, like, the people out there. It's like, "you shouldn't judge him", like, "our systems so broken", "we need to help these people".

Caretaker: it's like, there's issues in the system, but like Colorado specifically, as I- I would say it's the leading state as far of taking care of individuals disabilities, the services offered in Colorado are far better than any other state. So it's like, for some of these people saying the system failed him, that's.. no, and it's - it's very, like, I work with so many individuals, it's so hard to get to the point where Daniel is.

Caretaker: I mean actually one big incident, I- I've said quite a bit of them already. I don't know if I said this, um, the biggest incident that I had with him that really emotional, just, enraged me, um.. I have a three-legged cat. At the time, it was maybe, two years old, and Dan was there, um, he tried having sex with my cat. Yeah, he, um.. his roommate reported to me- yeah, so um.. his roommate walked in his room, yeah, and luckily the roommate loves my cat, and like, actually takes care of him.

Caretaker: Um.. so when he saw that, he freaked out, ran in my room, got me, I went in there, Daniel was like, putting on his clothes and like, the cat was there. So like, I mean, I didn't see it happen, but I would have no reason- his roommate would have no reason to make that type of allegation being how that cat was in his room, which it shouldn't have been.

Caretaker: Because how he's putting clothes on, I mean, I'd have to it was, you know, that's what happened. Yeah like, at my house, the rule was, I didn't want my cat in either of their rooms.



It is heavily theorized that the person behind the caretaker call is a troll, mainly due to the fact that there have been many malicious individuals who have attempted to impersonate important people in Daniel's life, or Daniel himself. However, it is plausible that the man behind this call was legitimately one of Daniel's caretakers, as the Daniel Larson Curator soon posted their findings after him the caretaker spoke more.[2]

Despite the unverified caretaker saying that they were going to send the curator the footage they'd accrued, nothing came of this, which leaves their credibility up in the air.
