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Combotter was one of Daniel Larson’s earliest Trolls and managers. He was a 13 year old boy, and his sole objective was to get Daniel to commit suicide. He is a manipulator and has made Daniel get naked and record himself.

Combotter never expressed any sympathy for Daniel, and when he was questioned in 2021, he would reply in a discord DM that he never cared if Daniel killed himself, and that he "fucked up his life more than it already is".
The community largely despises this specific manager, comparing him to that of Dylan Clark. Given the obscurity of Combotter, not too much information about his activities and what he had done to Daniel are fully known. He is often also compared to Blue Spike of the CWC Community.
One of Combotter's earliest TikTok accounts was called daniellarsoninnocent which according to a reddit post was a fake Daniel Larson account.[1] The account had not only reposted videos of Daniel Larson, but also reposted videos from the r/DanielLarson subreddit and most disturbingly, "random zoo videos on YouTube".
Papa Gut video/DanielLarsonNewz
One of Combotter's accounts was that of DanielLarsonNewz, an account meant to impersonate Daniel Larson's actions, by notably spam commenting in Grace Vanderwaal's TikTok videos pretending to be him, therefore framing him. This had gotten the community enraged, and in a rare moment had actually sided with Daniel.
On August 22nd, 2021, Papa Gut uploaded a video regarding Combotter's actions, comparing him to the trolls of Kiwi Farms.
In November of 2021, Combotter was eventually doxxed on Reddit for his actions. Many people within the subreddit had saw Combotter as the DL version of BlueSpike from CWC, given the similarity of the actions and even shows the extremes that managers had used to go to troll Daniel.