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Cyraxx (Chance Wilkins) is a fellow lolcow (or horrorcow) that first appeared in the Daniel Larson story on April 25th 2023 when Daniel mispronounced Chance’s pseudonym as "Cryaxx".

Daniel's opinion of Cyraxx is vague at best, with Daniel seemingly believing that Cyraxx is both a YouTube villain who was an ex-manager that leaked his nudes, someone who just talks about trolls[1], and a victim that Ivan manipulated. Daniel hilariously wanted to have a "rap battle" with Cyraxx.[2]
Chance's opinion of Daniel is also pretty vague, Chance has mentioned Daniel multiple times saying he's a victim just like himself, even wanting Daniel and World of TShirts to contact him to stop the trolls[3]. More recently Chance has been using Daniel as a human shield, telling the trolls to attack him instead, while on many occassions he defended Daniel, calling him a "good dude"[4]. He has claimed Daniel "punched a cop in the face".
On the 9th of August 2023, Cyraxx had actually made a video calling Daniel his friend, with Daniel actually commenting on it.[5]
Cyraxx's history
[as of 10/13/23 the WanceChilkins Wiki has been closed]
Cyraxx was born under the name Patrick Smith in Alaska with numerous health complications. His father was jailed after his birth for rape of a 14 year-old girl, and he was handed to his grandmother, Sally, in Ohio, who changed his name to Chance Wilkins.[6]
Cyraxx is similarly controversial to Daniel but manages to be worse in many ways. Cyraxx has not only beaten up an elderly caretaker like Daniel but also is a pedophile who allegedly raped a blind kid,[7] is extremely racist and constantly says the n-word, threatened his trolls with a gun,[8] and is a notorious art and music thief[9][10]. one example of Chance's thievery is a poem he stole about a child that was pimped out by her mom called "lost innocence" He turned the poem into a rap song and twisted the meaning to be about the many abusive relationships he hasn't been in.
The community of Cyraxx, particularly r/OfficialMusicBizMarty, named after Cyraxx's constant manager has had feuds with the Larson community, mainly after Daniel's arrest.
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