Frequently asked questions

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This page addresses frequently asked questions about Daniel Larson.

How do I contact Daniel? What is his phone number? Where is he currently located?

You don't, and the Daniel Larson Wiki will never provide that information. This wiki is for passive observers who don't make contact with Daniel of any sort. To become part of the Larsonverse or any part of Daniel's life is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, it will never be worth it. Keep a safe distance and watch from afar. Any user found trying to contact, spread Daniel's personal information, or meet up with Daniel or anyone associated with him will be permanently banned for the protection of yourself and the encyclopedic nature of the wiki.

What is up with this guy?

Daniel has a multitude of mental health issues. These issues manifest themselves often in Daniel's content, which is part of how he became "famous."

Is Daniel Larson a pedophile?

Daniel has been manipulated into doing degrading acts and saying disgusting things time and time again. However, there is evidence to suggest that he is a pedophile.