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The following is a glossary of words and phrases commonly used throughout not only the community, but also by Daniel himself. These are also known as "Danielisms" or "Larsonisms".


AIOPM - AIOPM is a slang term (not an actual acronym) that was primarily used for TikTokers with developmental disorders/disabilities such as autism or down syndrome, or rarely for lolcows in general. As an example, Daniel and WorldOfTshirts would be AIOPMs.

Angry/Turtle Tongue - Used to refer to a face Daniel makes when he is angry, similarly to a turtle.

Arc - see Arcs. Different eras of Larsonian times.


Beak - Used to refer to Daniel's nose

Bullish ("I'm feeling bullish") - A term used by Daniel for no reason, usually on his community tab on YouTube.

Bull/Bear Market - Daniel would often use these terms when warning people of the economic state of the world

Burrow - Used to refer to the FBI.


Ceel - According to Daniel (dead link) himself, Ceel means "elect Daniel Larson," though some say it means, "Care, Empathize, Elect Larson."

Celebrity - What Daniel considers himself to be.

Code - see Daniel Larson Codes.

Confadencal - The word "confidential" as mispronounced by Daniel.

Currently - This word was frequently used by Daniel, making it a common term used by some fans. However, it was overused to the point where Daniel himself declared it to be banned.


Dan - Dan is a short version of Daniel.

Danderson - Danderson is a nickname for Daniel used by followers of Daniel Larson.

Danny - Danny is a short version of Daniel, a nickname. Daniel has said in a community post that he does not like it when people call him Danny.

Danny Boy - A derivative of Danny

Danny Phantom - A derivative of Danny, but was one of Daniel's nicknames in high school. This is a reference to the show of the same name.

Dan and Dash - A phrase used in substitution with Dine and Dash, a habit of Daniel.


Emergency - a term which is used to exaggerate a trivial situation, as Daniel frequently does. This can also be used as a way to grasp for attention or to express distress.

Era - Major time periods within the Larsonverse, usually lasting months to years.


Fuck ass Bob - Originally from a post made by Grace Vanderwaal on Instagram, Daniel has used this term when pinning many of his own actions on Bob Proctor.


Gatekeeping - A term used to refer to individuals, particularly his management when others believe they are withholding information about Daniel.

Get Ready - These are often used in posts made by Daniel when he believes that something is to occur within a future period of time.

Good morning everyone - Daniel starts the day with his posts on his community tab with this phrase.

Good night everyone - While this references Daniel's initial rise to popularity, Daniel often posts this on his community tab to end off a day.


Heralcopter - A mispronunciation of helicopter

Hitting myself - Used when Daniel Larson is either angry or having a meltdown where he hits himself.


Incident - When an event happens that affects Daniel.


Kreschin - Misspellings of the word "question" is making fun of Daniel's speech impediment when he says the word. This term is frequently seen on the Reddit page as well as TikTok comments.


Larstorian or Larsonian - An individual who is knowledgeable in Daniel Larson's lore.

Larsonverse - a term that talks about everything about Daniel Larson or a person, event, or Arc that is about or related to Daniel Larson. The name parodies Spider-man Into the spiderverse.

Latuda - an antipsychotic which Daniel is prescribed, however he refuses to take. This is not helped by the fact he, being homeless and usually broke (sometimes as a result of $40 nachos) doesn't have a great way to refill them.

Lockdown - sometimes used with Codes in indication of an Emergency.


Management - A group of people, usually teenagers, that pretend to manage Daniel, despite usually actually being trolls. See Management.

Mr. President - A nickname for Daniel in reference to his presidential campaign.


Not feeling well - A phrase used by Daniel when he had explosive diarrhea once.

Nachos- Daniel has a penchant for highly expensive nachos, despite usually being broke. When he comes into some money, it is often put towards expensive meals like this.

NOW - A word used by Daniel when he wants something done instantaneously.


"Ok, so" - phrase used by Daniel to start many videos in 2023.


PDF File - A version of the word "pedophile" used mainly by the subreddit to not violate community guidelines.

Peeing feeling - how Daniel describes his orgasms.

Please check out - Used when Daniel is promoting something, but mainly uses this phrase to promote his music and social media.


Regard - A version of the word "retard" used mainly by the subreddit to not violate community guidelines.

Roke - Roke is commonly used in the sentence, "I just roke up." This sentence is making fun of Daniel's speech impediment, specifically referencing a video where Daniel said it that way. This sentence is most commonly found on the Reddit page.


Schizoposting/Schizoposts - A phrase used by fans to refer to his community posts, usually nonsensical, delusional, or done every minute in long quantities.

#SHARE - A hashtag frequently used by Daniel in his early days of social media, specifically during and before 2020.

Spotted - Used to refer to posts of those who manage to spot Daniel.

Stay tuned - This statement is commonly said by Daniel on his YouTube Channel, and people on the Reddit page. This means Daniel is usually planning something big or stalling for time. Also known as "Please Stay Tuned". This was an especially popular term for Daniel in the earlier days of his internet career.

Supposedevly - A mispronunciation of "supposedly"


Warning - a substitute of "emergency" that Daniel would use.

Ween - a term borrowed from the Chris Chan community used to describe failtrolls, and in Daniel's case fans or enablers. Not used often except on the Reddit. (Not to be confused with the user "Ween" from the Dog Arc.)


Yes, Your Honor - During Daniel's appearances in court, he will often use this phrase a lot when talking to the judge.


😂 - An emoji that Daniel may add to the end of a YouTube community post which often indicates Daniel is not serious about his comment or is otherwise lying.

🤔 - An emoji Daniel may add when he is thinking about a specific decision or is unsure of his actions.

😠 - An emoji Daniel may add when he is displaying rage or anger.

⚠️ - An emoji Daniel may add when he senses a threat or declares an emergency.