Goated Mines DMs

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NOTE: Daniel was not directly involved in the following events.

This article contains notable DMs that Goated Mines, former Youtuber and member of Ceel Team 6, had with those who had interacted with Daniel in the wake of the Dog Arc.

Keith DMs

Goated Mines reached out to Keith on July 9th, 2023 following him recording a now-lost video of Daniel and Zola, the dog he adopted. Goated Mines accosts Keith for not taking Zola away from Daniel when he had the chance. Keith had been urged to take Music, even being offered. Keith never took this deal and shortly after blocked Goated Mines.


Goated Mines: You need to take that dog

Goated Mines: He is a 100 lb no muscle loser if you can't take a dog from him you are either a toddler or physically disabled

Goated Mines: This dude will get folded with any amount of force

Keith: i didn't wanna cause a scene plus he literally has papers for it, like it's his dog

Keith: i don't know how im supposed to go about that

Goated Mines: What's he gonna do? He's homeless

Goated Mines: He has no sense of the legal world

Goated Mines: Take the papers too

Goated Mines: There's bound to be at least one person in Denver area willing to take the dog off your hands too

Keith: yeah but it's in public, with other people around and i don't feel like causing drama over a dog, it's not my life, it's sad but he's not the first homeless guy with a pet

Goated Mines: If you post proof it's actually his and that you took it I'll Venmo u like 100

Goated Mines: That dog will die

Keith: everyone is acting like its my fault, i didn't choose this, i just stumbled upon him, it's not my fault he's an idiot

Goated Mines: "Stumbled upon him" you've taken like 10 videos with him over the past year

Keith: yeah

Keith: i stumbled upon him today

Goated Mines: Then lead him to an area away from people, say you're gonna get him a drink or sum, and snatch it.

Goated Mines: Look I bet if you do this you'd get a lot of people willing to help or even take the dog off your hands

Keith: he hasn't posted, i had no idea where he was, it was pure confidence lmao, it's not a very big town

Goated Mines: What town


Expo Productions

On July 10th, 2023 Goated Mines reached out to Expo Productions, a group of people who Daniel had filmed a live stream with, urging them to help him find Daniel's wherabouts in hopes of saving Zola.


Goated Mines: Yo man please if you know where Daniel is please help us find him. the dog is in danger, Daniel has hurt animals and other people before

Goated Mines: I'm really worried about the dog so if you have any information at all please respond

Expo Productions: hey man, didn't know about the dog stuff until after he left, we last saw him at union station but he definitely hopped on a train. we told the police there about the situation and they basically told us that they can't do anything about it and that it's a horrible situation. after we left daniel we cut ties with him and we will not be associating with him anymore, he will not be featured in any of our content. hopefully that helps with finding the dog, i feel horrible for being involved in this event


See Also

External Links

Dog Arc
The Players: The Events: