Larsoncoin is a fictional cryptocurrency developed by the following of Daniel Larson. The cryptocurrency is considered to be inflated by 6000% percent of usual cryptocurrencies, and Daniel Larson himself believes that the cryptocurrency itself indeed exists.
The website made to troll Daniel with this cryptocurrency can be found here.

u/joebidenisgaylol is considered to be the individual behind Larsoncoin, making the first mention of Larsoncoin in a fake tweet generator of Grace Vanderwaal stating "thank you bob proctor for sending 5 larsoncoins! love you bob!". This post, along with many others from this account would help gain a bit of popularity for the fictional cryptocurrency.
Eventually, the user would manifest the cryptocurrency into a reality, posting an exchange rate for the cryptocurrency on the 4th of March 2024.
Daniel's response
Through various community posts, as well as his financial spending on crypto, Daniel believes that there is a legitimate cryptocurrency that was named after him.