Monkeyman Interview
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On Jul 6, 2022, after hyping up an interview on the r/Daniellarson subreddit, u/Monkeyman56783, known by the subreddit as the "Daniel Larson Hunter", uploaded a ~12 minute three part documentary asking Daniel about his music career. Monkeyman, who was a minor (who should not be around Daniel for obvious reasons), was accompanied by his grandfather who, while seemingly genuinely engaged in the conversation, was clearly oblivious to Daniel's past and, most importantly, his history of pedophilia.

Some time in late June, a Reddit account by the name of u/Monkeyman56783 made a post to the r/Daniellarson subreddit, inquiring about how he could find Daniel in Denver, as he was going to be there soon. Most commenters dismissed the posts veracity, leaving comments telling him to check highway underpasses, find the scent of piss and follow it, or text Daniel telling him he's a minor.
The Interview
This interview was primarily conducted by a child and partially by an adult.
Part 1
"How long does it take to make your music?"
3-4 full days.
"Why are your songs so spread out?"
Money, 3-4 thousand per song.
"When is your next song coming out?"
Before December of 2022, October at best..
"Who funds your music if you've made only $400?"
Bob Proctor is funding his music, but will not past the song he is currently making.
"Who is your team and who is your producer?"
For roaring thunder it was (cut off from here)
Part 2
"Who is your team and who is your producer?"
(cont. from part 1) For Roaring Thunder it is 100% Daniel
Part 3
"How many fans do you have as an estimation and where are they from?"
10-15% of the world population (800M - 1.2B people), primarily from TikTok, mostly teenagers and starting to go up to the adults.