Noah Canada Interview
Noah Canada is an American YouTuber and streamer known for doing an interview with Daniel on July 12, 2022. Noah would call Brink using Discord on July 12, 2022 to do an interview with Daniel.[1]
"Noah Canada Interview" is incomplete or missing content. |
"Noah Canada Interview" is incomplete or missing content. |
Daniel: Hey.
Noah: What's up, Daniel? How are you, bro.
Daniel: I'm doing great! How are you?
Noah: I'm good, I'm good. This is awesome! Thank you for uh, thank you for letting me come talk to you, bro. I appreciate it. I just- I just wanna ask some questions.
Daniel: Sure!
Noah: Alright, so my first question... and for any reason you don't feel like answering the question, I know some of these questions people ask you literally like every single day, right? So,
Daniel: Right.
Noah: if for some reason, you just are tired of answering that question, it's all good, just let me know, but... I just got a couple questions I wanted to ask and then we... should be good. I won't take up too much of your time, I know you're a busy guy, mister... mister Larson. But uh, can I ju- I just wanna start off... Do you think you will ever get on TikTok again?
Daniel: Yes.
Noah: Yes? Okay. Do you know if you have like a specific timeframe for when you will make another TikTok account?
Daniel: I am currently on TikTok, I just posted earlier today.
Noah: Oh, you just posted earlier...
Daniel: Under daniellarsonsong.
Noah: Okay, wait... hold on, say that one more time. What's the handle? Just so I can...
Daniel: On daniellarsonsong.
Noah: Okay, awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Yo, okay, yeah, somebody typed it in the chat. Y'all go follow Daniel on TikTok, daniellarsonsong is his TikTok. How are you enjoying the... the new crib that you're in right now? Are you... are you liking it?
Daniel: I like it! I'm doing very well lately.
Noah: Heck yeah. Awesome, that's awesome to hear. Are you liking the Twitch, sleeping on stream thing and all that, are you liking it? Do you think it's fun?
Daniel: A- Eh- Deh- Ya- Gya-
Noah: You are? Sweet, sweet, sweet. I love that- I love that shirt.
Brink: Did we lose connection?
Noah: Uh, let's see.
Brink: No! Gosh darn it.
Noah: Hold on. I can still hear y'all.
Brink: Yeah, I- we got slow internet at this place, man.
Noah: It's all good, it's all good. I'll work with it, I'll work with it. Um, I like that shirt you got, Daniel. I like that, that's a funny shirt. (laughs)
Daniel: Aw, thank you!
Noah: So, another thing, Daniel, do you think- Do you know what Cameo is? Do you think you'll ever get on Cameo? I don't know if you've ever been on there previously, or...
Daniel: I really wanna get on there.
Noah: Yeah, I think that would be a really good for you to uh, you know, interact with people, and be able to, you know, make some money and stuff. I think that would be awesome to have you on Cameo. I do Cameo, I think it's pretty- it's pretty good. It's pretty fun. But, I think it would- I think that would literally be so big for you if you could get on there. But um, what's it called... what else... let me look, hold up, sorry about that. This is the first time I've ever interviewed somebody, I'm gonna be honest but- Let's see, okay, so we gotta ask this, we have to ask. Do you have any music that you're currently working on or any songs that are unreleased?
Daniel: I am currently working on some music.
Noah: Awesome. I'm not gonna lie, like almost every one of my streams, we listen to, uh, Roaring Thunder. I think that is a very- it's a very good song, Daniel. Very good.
Daniel: Aw, thank you.
Noah: Yes sir, yes sir. So, what else do I got for you... Okay, let me look. Do have- Do you have a favorite music artist that like inspires you to create the type of music that you do?
Daniel: I have... I have a couple.
Noah: Okay, can you name them off?
Daniel: I really like Luke Bryan.
Noah: Luke Bryan, okay. I like Luke Bryan, some country...
Daniel: I like um... I mean... I like- I like Reba McEntire.
Noah: Reba, okay! Do you ever watch the- have you ever seen Reba like the... the TV show?
Daniel: Yes.
Noah: Yes, that's a good show. My mom- my mom watches that. That's a good show, that's a good show.
Daniel: Um... I wanna say the artist that like really inspired me to really... get into the entertai- [video glitches] because I like how, because I like how she-
Noah: Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, who'd you say?
Daniel: Grace VanderWaal.
Noah: Oh okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What about-
Daniel: I like how very... like a lot of her music talks about like her- her real feelings.
Noah: Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's it called... um, do you have any favorite rappers? You listen to any rap music?
Daniel: Eminem.
Noah: Eminem, okay. You definitely give me Eminem vibe. I feel like you could definitely rap like Eminem, Daniel. I feel like you could definitely rap like Eminem. What about, uh, what about-
Noah: (laughs and claps) Lets go, Daniel! Lets go! That was good, that was good. What about- do you like- do you like Lil Yachty? Do you know Lil Yachty, Daniel? That's my favorite rapper personally.
Daniel: I like Lizzo.
Noah: Lizzo, okay. You like Lizzo?
Daniel: [talking to someone else in the room] What are you laughing at?
Noah: Lizzo... Lizzo's... Lizzo is pretty good.
Daniel: I also like JoJo Siwa when she raps... I like JoJo Siwa when she raps.
Noah: Would you do a song- would you do a song with Lizzo, if she offered? [Daniel nods yes.] Okay, okay. Lets go, Daniel! That would be fire. What about Eminem? Would you do a song with Eminem?
Daniel: Hell yeah!
Noah: Hell yeah. Alright, yo, wait... uh, hold up, yo spam- Nitro, spam his Cashapp in the chat. Um...
Daniel: (singing) On the first page of our story, the future seemed so bright, and this thing turned out so evil, I don't know why I'm still surprised.
Noah: You- I'm not even- I'm not joking, I know people make a lot of jokes on TikTok, but you actually have a really good singing voice, Daniel. I cannot lie. You are very good at singing.
Daniel: Oh, thank you!
Noah: Did you evers- did you ever- did you sing like, um, when you were younger or anything? Or did you just start singing or...
Daniel: Yes!
Noah: How long have you been singing?
Daniel: I've been singing for 15 years.
Noah: Oh, dang! Yeah, that's another question I wonder, how- I see- there's a lotta like misinformation about you on TikTok I feel like, it's a lotta just bullcrap you know? How old are you, currently?
Daniel: 23.
Noah: 23? Okay, okay. You're only- I'm 22, so you're only a year older than me. What's it called, so... I'm not gonna lie, okay, this is another thing I wanna ask. Roaring Thunder, is that your favorite song you've ever made?
Daniel: No.
Noah: What is your favorite song you've ever made?
Daniel: Something More.
Noah: Something More, okay. That one is very good. Everyone in my chat always tells me to play that one. That's a good song, I feel like it has a good vibe to it, very vibey. Um, would you ever make, uh, album? Just an album of a bunch a songs, drop a bunch of songs at one time basically.
Daniel: Yes.
Noah: Okay, I like that. What- okay here's another one, what's your favorite genre of music?
Daniel: Um... Pop Country.