Red Robin Poisoning
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On April 11, 2024, Daniel checked himself into a hospital complaining of a "stomach bug", after making posts claiming without evidence that he was served poisoned food from a Red Robin location. Daniel made numerous posts in the hospital room claiming that he had vomited fluids that a person normally cannot throw up, such as urine and faeces, and also claimed that he was poisoned by someone from the subreddit and Discord. He was discharged, although later went back that evening for further testing after complaining about migraines and shortness of breath. The incident demonstrates his tendency to overexaggerate health conditions in order to garner attention and sympathy.
April 11th
The first mention of Daniel claiming to be poisoned came from a community post on the night of April 11th, where he claimed that some unnamed person poisoned his dinner at the Red Robin he was eating at. The post stated, "I might have to go to the hospital for food poisoning", also stating that he was throwing up for a large chunk of the night.
April 12th
Daniel would start off the morning of April 12th by making a post showing himself lying in a hospital bed with the caption, "I'm in the hospital for the stomach bug". He would continue his posting spree, claiming not only be on an IV drip but also claimed to be put on new sleep medicine. Continuing, he would complain that the medication given by the nurses in the hospital had given him migraines. Later on in the day, Daniel would state that he not only threw up stool and urine but also began panicking about the supplier of the Red Robin food deliberately poisoning him. Many speculated that Daniel believed Michael Quinn had a hand in this, given the location of the Red Robin meat supplier being close to New York City.

April 13th
Daniel was discharged from the hospital on the night of the 12th. Soon after, he decided check himself into the Longmont United Hospital after allegedly experiencing shortness of breath, claiming to feel worse after eating a bean burrito. Daniel would then obtain an after-visit summary from a doctor, where they diagnosed him with shortness of breath, acute nonintractable headache, and notably "delusional ideas". Daniel was discharged sometime later that day or the next day.
April 14th
Daniel believed fans were typing "rip Daniel" in his videos because of the Red Robin incident.