Self Harm

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Daniel aggressively hitting himself during the Likee Meltdown.

Daniel Larson is a habitual self harmer. This manifests differently based on his intentions, and is likely caused by his mental disorders such as ADHD, Bipolar, and Autism. Suicidal behaviour is also common from Daniel. He has threatened to kill himself only when in distress, though he never follows through with these threats. What is more likely is that he is just doing it to express his distress, to obtain information, for attention, or in an attempt to stop something.


When Daniel actually hurts himself, it is usually because he is extremely upset at his current circumstances. When he is upset, he often does things such as slam his head into his hands, punch holes in walls, hit himself, and other minor forms of self harm. Evidence of such occurrences can be found after the Häagen-Dazs incident, as a result of which he slammed his head into his hands, or the destruction of the Airbnb, or punching holes into the Pink Room. His mental health issues almost certainly play a factor in why he does so. This is also usually accompanied by unusual movement / biting of his tongue, known as the "Angry Tongue" by fans.

In addition, it can also be Daniel trying to manipulate people, trying to get people to back off, take sympathy on Daniel, guilt trip them (mainly Bob), or other unknown motives.


Daniel often threatens suicide, but never follows through. He likely does this for attention, as he doesn't have anyone (beside trolls) to give him any, not even his own parents. An example of this can be seen when Daniel destroyed the pink room. In the description of a TikTok showcasing the destruction, Daniel typed, "Tonight is the end everyone." Another example is after Tina VanderWaal messaged him, asking him to leave their family alone, Daniel responded with a threat against his own life. Below are several messages from Daniel showcasing these tendencies.

"I understand

I'm ending my life tonight

Everyone has messed up everything.

I understand what you and your family..."

Other than suicidal threats, Daniel does not usually threaten regular self harm. It seems to be a spontaneous reaction, likely as a result of autism. Daniel often posts that he is hitting himself; but it is unknown if he actually is hitting himself when he makes these posts.

Other Examples

  • Punching himself during the December 10th Incident, to the point of his nose bleeding.
  • Picking his scabs, such as the the one he had received during the Bodega Incident, however many people pick their scabs.
  • A video from the June 25 Likee Meltdown video shows Daniel furiously punching himself before saying, “If you don’t let me on the team now,” before starting to cry.
  • Daniel hitting himself in the head very hard after Jakob VanderWaal told him to stop talking about his sister. [1]
  • Punching himself during the June 10, 22, and 23 meltdowns. Daniel punched himself the most during the June 22 Meltdown.
  • Punching and banging his head into the walls during the October 16 Incident.
  • Daniel hitting himself in some parts of the video during the Casino Bathroom Meltdown. The hitting in the video took place outside after he was kicked out.
  • Daniel punching himself in one of the videos recorded during the Häagen-Dazs Incident.
  • Daniel punching himself, slamming his head on the walls, and later a sidewalk during the August 29th Meltdown on YouTube live.
  • Daniel punched, kicked and rammed his head against several walls in a motel he was staying at while screaming "Bob just ran me over with his car" over the August 31st Incident.
  • Daniel hitting himself during the Panera Bread Incident. Daniel even used 2 hands together to punch himself at 1:52-1:54.
  • Daniel hitting himself after being drenched with fart spray.
  • Daniel hitting himself in the head and groin during the April 6th Meltdown.