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Photo of SlimJiMorrison

U/SlimJiMorrison is the main moderator/administrator of the r/DanielLarson subreddit. He is known to be both a controversial and a well-liked figure within the community. He is more particularly known for managing the warnings given to the subreddit by the moderators of Reddit themselves, but is known more for leaking many videos of Daniel Larson. After Daniel Larsons arrest, SlimJim admitted he was aiding Daniel MacDougall. Providing him with various screenshots of Daniel's conversation with management. Along with providing him with multiple videos of Daniel making threats to himself/others.

SlimJim is also known for helping set up a discord server that was dedicated to saving Zola known as Ceel Team 6, as a way to not get the subreddit taken down for doxxing.

Information leaked by SlimJim

SlimJim is known to be someone versed well within the Larsonverse, as he has given much information on posts within the subreddit, oftentimes correcting others or posting on his own accord old videos and especially previously lost/privated media.

One such recent leak from SlimJim were mugshots found from Daniel's April arrest, as well as locating the first video posted to the @daniellarsonfans TikTok account.

Infamous Hoaxes

SlimJim is known for being the individual to create the most infamous hoax within the Danderverse, that being the infamous Banana video, which he himself confirmed was fake, but in the aftermath told people to pretend it existed. The video itself was allegedly Daniel defecating into a bowl inside of a toilet, then dipping a banana in his own feces before eating it.

Subreddit Shutdowns

On many occasions, SlimJim has shut down the subreddit, mainly in the earlier months of 2024.