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==== FlexBurger ====
==== FlexBurger ====
Please expand
In early 2021, FlexBurger began their operation posing as a manager for Daniel under the name of "Josh". In the beginning, things were good, as Josh got Daniel to comply with many crazy requests. Through working with Daniel, however, FlexBurger discovered that he was harboring a dark secret: his attraction to underage girls. FlexBurger shifted their focus to exposing Daniel, posing as an underage child and soliciting lewd messages and pornographic images. In May 2021, FlexBurger uploaded a video (see attached) that exposed Daniel as the sick pedo that he is, showing his search history and camera roll.
Daniel was not happy about this development, and told his care providers to call the police as a result of him being "hacked". Daniel later responded by putting his community on lockdown, denouncing FlexBurger and saying everything was faked, and eventually declaring war on all Hackers. Eventually, FlexBurger ceased all operations as a result of being "exposed" by the Youtuber PapaGut. At the time, FlexBurger was largely denounced by the Larsonian community, but has seen more positive reception as of late due to him being one of the first people to expose Daniel's truly insidious nature.

=== Weens ===
=== Weens ===
Anonymous user
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