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→‎Track and Field: archived video where Daniel talks about his old running habits
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(→‎Track and Field: archived video where Daniel talks about his old running habits)
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==== General jogging and running ====
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Alrighty, so back around the year 2020 and 2021, I used to live all the way up on this part of town, kind of near Buckley Air Force Base, which I will show here shortly, but back when I used to do a lot of jogging and running and I was doing [[Denver Colfax Marathon 2022|marathons and 5Ks]], which is like 3 miles and a quarter is like 5K races, I used to run all the way up here day and night, day or night, and I would spend like all night long out here running, like in the middle of snow, when the snow was like a foot back then, it doesn't happen very much in Colorado anymore because of global warming, but back when it used to be snow like an actual foot of snow, I would come all the way out here, so I'm gonna show you guys kind of where I am, but yeah, I used to run along here, and that was back when I was doing like 15 miles, 15 mile runs, and I would be gone like 5 hours, which by the way, my old care providers hated, but that's besides the point, that's part of the reason why they decided to kick me out of so many care provider homes, is because I would run and practice my jogging for like 5-6 hours at a time, and they said that was against the rules, but it doesn't matter anymore, they pissed me off enough, but yeah, once again, this is kind of the area, and I would come all the way up here, and I would run like crazy, practicing for my marathons.
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== Walking ==
== Walking ==
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