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{{green|Lil Sippy: But they said that... just let me show you, let me- let me have you listen to it, they say that this- that this is the detective reading off your search history.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: But they said that... just let me show you, let me- let me have you listen to it, they say that this- that this is the detective reading off your search history.}}

{{purple|Detective (from recording): So there's, um... "fucking Puerto Rican", there is [REDACTED}...}}
{{purple|Detective (from recording): So there's, um... "fucking Puerto Rican", there is (very disturbing searches)... HIV positive... choking... going onto page 5...}}
{{red|Daniel: OK... can you hear me???}}
{{green|Daniel: Yeeha, is that real or...}}
{{red|Daniel: I- so I do have insider information that is also pretty sketchy, I was supposed to have court two different times and both times I was told it got cancelled after I was already taken out. And my lawyer-}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: So do you think they've been having court without you?}}
{{red|Daniel: I believe they might have been having court without me, none of that is true and I don't know why they're saying that. I think my- I think...}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Huh. Do you think's actually- do you think that's actually from a court date of yours or is that just fake?}}
{{red|Daniel: I- I don't know, but I do recognize the voice being...}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Do you wanna hear the rest of it?}}
{{red|Daniel: I don't- I don't know, but if-}}
{{blue|Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.}}
{{red|Daniel: It might be real, because I do know that one of the judges sounded similar, so I don't know but I do know that the actual court itself was leaked.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: OK.}}
{{red|Daniel: But what I can say is like, people are like, hacking my email. I believe Daniel MacDougall was trying to get actual access to my email, and was trying to like, stop my relationship. I believe people are trying to stop my relationship with Grace, and people are, people are trying to hack account to do so.
{{green|Lil Sippy: *overtalking* I think they- I think um, what's the dude's name? He goes by WorldofTShirts, isn't his name like Joshua or something?}}
{{red|Daniel: Yes, and also I've heard things before I got arrested from him, saying that he was going to... do- I don't know, but what he said was that he was going to try to mess things up.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: I think he's, um, I think he's trying to do something to basically steal your music, well it's obviously trying to steal your music, but I think he's trying to steal Grace through stealing your music. He just dropped this song and it sounds exactly like Roaring Thunder, I mean the cadence is exactly the same, you line them up on a DAW, they- you know, the cadence is, it's uncanny.}}
{{red|Daniel: Holy crap! So you're saying somebody might be impersonating me. No, that's right. No.}}

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