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(Added new Sippy call. Please transcribe and archive (as well as previous call) as soon as possible)
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==== November 12 ====
==== November 12 ====
On November 12th, Clark called Daniel.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/1grlo64/november_12/?share_id=ZyzmL79_Iu5aOpcgpIv8m&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1&rdt=32995</ref>
On November 12th, Clark called Daniel.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/1grlo64/november_12/?share_id=ZyzmL79_Iu5aOpcgpIv8m&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1&rdt=32995</ref>
{{collapse top|result=Transcript}}
[transcript starts after 5 minutes into the call]
{{red|Daniel: …on, because you said that Grace blocked you, right?}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, as of right now, but I’m still trying to-}}
{{red|Daniel: How long- how long ago did she block you?}}
{{green|Clark: I mean, I don’t know if I’m blocked, more than not I just not get any answers. It’s been maybe like, two weeks probably? Since Bob hasn’t been answering, it’s been around the same time.}}
{{red|Daniel: So around the same time.}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah.}}
{{red|Daniel: Eh- are you still leaking the phone calls or did that stop? Because I know that the leaking of the phone calls was a big problem.}}
{{green|Clark: No, I- I have not, but I have- I did see the call that Nicholas put out the other day because you keep calling me Gri- like it’s Clark aka Griffin or Griffin aka Clark, I hear.}}
{{red|Daniel: Well, yeah, but your name is Griffin, yeah.}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, I know.}}
{{red|Daniel: It’s because- it’s because when, looking at it from a legal perspective, right? They need to know, if you know what I mean, so they don’t call me crazy.}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, oh yeah, no, I agree.}}
{{red|Daniel: I- I feel like I’m being, I’m feeling like this entire situation, the reason why I made the threats, I felt- I feel like Bob was, on purpose, in conversation with the VanderWaals. I believe he’s lied to me. I believe he’s in contact at this point all along, right? And he lied to me saying he wasn’t, and I believe that he pretty much chose as well as the VanderWaals to keep me homeless until I said something, which was the threats, right? And so I would get arrested by the feds. You see what I mean?}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, I don’t get why he would do that, though.}}
{{red|Daniel: So the courts could get me housing because the VanderWaals do not have charges against me for the threats I made, and we already know that Tina promised me that she would help.}}
{{green|Clark: Ohh OK. That is true, and MacDougall promised, I guess, you things- .}}
{{red|Daniel: Well, MacDougall promised but he was trying to falsely incriminate me. He was calling me a pedo and all this crazy stuff without even the proof, and I- I don’t know if… there is a conversation I guess in my legal discovery where I did say that I was (talking) to somebody claiming to be Tina, but I don’t think it was really Tina and at that point of the day, I didn’t eat in like, a week.}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, yeah, no.}}
{{red|Daniel: So, I like, literally was not even thinking straight. I just read the message and I just responded like immediately, I was in the car with Bob that day.}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, no, that- that’s-}}
[video cuts]
{{red|Daniel: I also told, on the phone call to Nicholas that I was going to sue Bob, which probably if he got word of that, it probably pissed him off. But-}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, that- that’s what the title of the v- I think, of Nicholas’ video is, that you wanna sue Bob.}}
{{red|Daniel: Yeah, the thing is I’m not going to do that when I get out. I mean, uh, if I don’t get out.}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, yeah.}}
{{red|Daniel: If I get out, then I’m not going to sue. If I go ‘cause I’m transferred and I’m if not out by December, then I will sue because I feel like there’s a bunch of illegal activity. And I’m in the monkey in the middle, so.}}
{{green|Clark: In- yeah, and it’s- there’s someone also, there’s a Roblox game that’s like about you right now that has like thousands of players on it, and they’re raising money on there and they’re selling like shirts and stuff, but I’m pretty sure they’re just taking the money for themselves.}}
{{red|Daniel: Yeah, and NIcholas told that was you, but if you are in contact or were in contact with the VanderWaals which we already know, they said, it’s clear that it’s not you. (unintelligible) like Bob or you know, it’s just like a planned thing to raise money, and this entire thing was, you know, publicity scene for me.}}
{{green|Clark: No, it’s not me. No, no, I’m in-}}
{{red|Daniel: But the thing is, I don’t know. I’m just the monkey in the middle, like I said and I’m pretty much framed in all this. It’s ridiculous.}}
{{green|Clark: It is a whole situation, so for now I guess, we just have to keep waiting and hopefully, for now I would say, just stop talking about Bob so that maybe he’ll call you again, you know? So you can get money again.}}
{{red|Daniel: I hope, I mean, today’s the last day I can get money for commissary. I mean, they keep pushing it out, so I’m fine right now, but today I think is the last day. So he really needs to get a hold of me today, because I’m trying to get new clothing in commissary. I have- I don’t have to put up with all the jail stuff. I can just, you know, get new clothing and be done. I get out, and then I have clothing.}}
{{green|Clark: Yeah, and get your- and have your tablet.}}
{{red|Daniel: Yeah, I gotta go, alright?}}
{{green|Clark: OK.}}
{{red|Daniel: If you- keep trying to get a hold of Grace, and like, literally, try- just try to tell Tina like, I’m sorry and I really need to talk to her to apologize and really try to talk to her.}}
{{green|Clark: OK. OK.}}
{{red|Daniel: If that’s even possible. If she says no, just ask her like, the reason and just get back to me so I know. (unintelligible) telling me.}}
{{green|Clark: OK, I’ll try. Yeah, stay positive for now, you got it.}}
{{red|Daniel: Alright, bye.}}
{{green|Clark: *weird noise*}}
{{collapse bottom}}

==== November 15 ====
==== November 15 ====
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