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==== November 30 ====
Daniel called Lil Sippy on November 30, revealing that he may be losing his phone privileges.
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{{blue| Automated voice: This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. To accept this call, press 5. To bl-}} {{green|*Lil Sippy presses 5 *}} {{blue|You may begin speaking now.}}
{{red|Daniel: Hello?}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Hello? Hello?}}
{{red|Daniel: Hey, um, just to let you know this may be the last time I can call.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Oh, why’s that?}}
{{red|Daniel: Um, yesterday I got called out by the SIS, which is like the head investigators and I guess the head team of the jail….}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah.}}
{{red|Daniel: …who deals with investigations. You probably know what SIS is because you’ve been to prison before. I got called out by them, they said they contacted Grace on my behalf when I told them not to, but that’s besides the point. They went ahead and did that, uh, behind my back and Grace is threatening a restraining order now.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: The real Grace is threatening a restraining order? Why’s that?}}
{{red|Daniel: That’s my understanding, I don’t know, just because the CO’s are calling. I don’t know any other information other than that, I’m just going off of what SIS has told me and then they’ve also told me to stop contact with everyone or they will be shutting off the phone, and to be that’s a deliberate threat, not only towards me but that’s a threat to the VanderWaals, Grace. Um, especially if my public defender is not telling who I can and can’t contact, that’s my public defender’s fault and then I also got threatened last night, uh, over two things, Um, one thing is that um, if I contact anybody they will throw me in the SHU if I use the phone, which goes against my amendments, my amendments, and to go along with that, they are also saying that um, Grace is not involved in my case when she is, because she’s in my legal discovery and she’s a big part of my case. And to go along with that, I also got um, told last night by the night shift to go ahead and pack my belongings because I’m getting out, I’m getting my case dropped. But then, after I packed up they came back to my cell, the night shift here at the jail, and they told me, “Oh, we’re just playing around” so I started freaking out last night going like, “why are the CO’s the last couple days just on purpose doing everything in the world to try to piss me off?”, saying I’m getting out, they came on the intercom a couple times last night telling me to back my stuff, I’m leaving, which never once happened, they were just going all haywire for some reason, like throwing me on purpose into the spotlight in front of these other inmates.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yes.}}
{{red|Daniel: I don’t know the reason behind it, I don’t know why I’m getting the blame…}}
{{blue|Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.}}
{{red|Daniel: Especially being targeted by me trying to just do my time and get out, and all I want is just to know what’s going on with me and Grace, that’s all I want and nobody is even helping me and psychiatric here at this jail is telling me that my mental health is doing better, but I’m in my cell every single night punching the living crap out of myself on purpose beating myself up to where I have cuts and bruises all over my skin and all over my body because psychiatric is just telling me that, “oh, you’re doing great” when I’m not, and I’ve told them that, like I told them like, I don’t know who to believe anymore. My public defender is not doing his job,  I don’t know why I got deemed incompetent and they’re not talking to me about my case. I’ve been sitting here six months and then psychiatric tells me that “oh, you’re doing great” and I just start punching myself in my face till I have a black eye because I feel like they’re just playing me on purpose trying to piss me off, and I feel like I have a lawsuit against that.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, you don’t-}}
{{red|Daniel: But also, I sent in the BP-8 or whatever it is, the paperwork, the um, Prisoner Complaint Form and um, mail sent it right back to me. They are refusing to send it out.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: You talking the uh, the suing paperwork or like, a grievance form?}}
{{red|Daniel: Yes, the suing paperwork. They’re refusing to even mail it out.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Wow.}}
{{red|Daniel: And then they’re threatening to throw me in the SHU over it.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: It sounds like the CO’s and them are trying to sabotage your relationship with Grace.}}
{{red|Daniel: That’s what it sounds like too, and then also Bob is, um doing the same thing, he’s not answering the calls. Griffin said um, a couple days ago now that he thinks I should be getting out. He’s in agreeance with that, that I should be getting out, but then he hung up the call on me. He refused to talk anything else and he said, “I don’t know why you’re not out” and hung up the phone, that’s literally all he said. And then, also he, Griffin, admitted to being in contact with Bob.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Hmmm. So, what are they doing? Are Griffin and Bob..}}
{{red|Daniel: So I don’t know. Bob is telling me, or he was telling me that um, last time I talked to him that he was not in contact with Griffin, but Griffin and Grace’s mother I know for a fact ARE, and I have proof of that, I have actual proof of that on my phone, not in jail, but my phone that Bob actually has, I have proof of it. To go along with that, um, I just don’t know why I’m being targeted in general, but I’m being like, actually targeted for some reason, not in a criminal way or- they’re not breaking the law as of right now, but they’re just on purpose doing things that they know they can get away with just to make me as angry as possible. I don’t know why.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Definitely sounds like that.}}
{{red|Daniel: Yeah, and then they’re trying to say, “Oh, you’re incompetent. You’re going to be transferred.” They can’t transfer me if they’re on purpose trying to make me angry as possible. Like, deliberately that- that’s actually a- that’s a lawsuit that I can do, because that’s illegal. And then, also Bob keeps blaming in my legal discovery and just over the phone calls in general, and-}}
{{blue|Automated voice: This call is from a federal prison.}}
{{red|Daniel: Also in police reports prior to my arrest, anything that in my legal discovery talks about him, right? He is blaming that it’s all AI. Now AI robot, AI voice, AI pictures, they can- they are actually a thing, but the thing is, feel like Democrats nowadays, I’m not a Democrat but I feel like, well, I’m independent, but I feel like Democrats are blaming their mistakes on AI. That’s how I feel, and Bob is blaming everything right now, all of the videos, all of the phone calls with him that has ever been leaked on social media with Clark aka Griffin, with Grace, with Tina or people claiming to be them, he ends up coming back later and saying “Oh, it’s AI.” Now it’s already been confirmed here at the jail that, by the correction officers because I got called out by SIS and other people, but they’re telling me that it- I shouldn’t trust even my own family at this point because they’re lying. I’m actually correct, and I’m being the victim of my own family. That’s what I’m being told now, and the reason why I’m thinking that this might be my last call is because the jail staff are threatening to stop all calls from this day forward.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, that sounds like- I don’t know what they have against you. I don’t know- it definitely sounds like they’re targeting you.}}
{{red|Daniel: I don’t know what they have against me. They’re targeting me, and my public defender doesn’t give a fuck.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, wow, so… *exhales *}}
{{red|Daniel: And I feel like I should be able to have contact, and if I’m in the wrong, my public defender can always come visit me for like 30 minutes and tell me like, “we have proof of this, here’s the proof, if you can cease contact with this person.” They’re not even doing that, so I don’t have the proof to be able to verify what anybody is saying at this point. It’s all just words and it’s driving me literally insane.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, definitely. Sounds very frustrating, I don’t know what- I don’t know why they would wanna- So, it’s only- you’ve only been in contact with me and Griffin and your dad and Bob, right?}}
{{red|Daniel: Well, he’s my- he’s kind of like a stepdad to me, he’s not my biological dad. But yeah, um, that’s about it since I’ve been arrested and not even- not even my public defender really, but since like, early October like October 3, October 4, I haven’t been in contact with. I’ve been trying to call him, he’s been refusing to answer, I don’t know if he’s dead or alive. Nobody will tell me.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, he was sick though.}}
{{red|Daniel: In the meantime- right. In the meantime, I’ve been talking with you the most because Griffin is not even answering his phone much, and Griffin wants to give me a number of his friend, but the SIS here is telling me, “Don’t do that”.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Huh.}}
{{red|Daniel: Because that’s gonna add to, I guess whatever is going on and I guess as well, Tina is in communication with somebody here at the jail on a regular basis, because SIS told me this, is contact with the jail staff trying to get a restraining order on me because I’m talking on the phone about her, but yet nobody is sending me the proof, nobody is sending me anything to even match what they’re saying. All it is is just words, and that’s why I’m to a point I don’t give a fuck anymore about what’s going on. I’m just in complete violation of things myself because it’s clear everybody’s just violating whatever they feel like, and I’m just- I’m more of a guy that is like, I will do what I’m going to do until there’s proof on paper}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, it just doesn’t make sense why she would want a restraining order, ‘cause you can’t get a restraining order against somebody, um, unless they, you know, threaten you or something. But you never threatened her, you just want to make amends with her and uh, you know, get back on her good side and get back with Grace.}}
{{red|Daniel: It unless, unless- um, right. That’s all I want is to get back on her good side, and try to figure out what’s going on and I haven’t even talked to her since I’ve been here and she’s trying to say that I either have or something, and SIS is getting in the middle of it, but yet they’re not sending me, or they’re not showing me the proof of their phone call because they’re the ones that are saying we made the call, meaning SIS made the call to Grace and Tina. I don’t even know if Grace and Tina even want that call. You see what I mean?}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah.}}
{{red|Daniel: I don’t- I don’t know if they’re- if they were threatening SIS with a restraining order or if they were threatening me, but until I have either something on paper or I talk with Tina to try to sort this out, it’s just empty threats.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, I don’t know, I don’t know what SIS’s problem is, I don’t know why they’re messing with you, but…}}
{{red|Daniel: And it’s not just SIS, like last night after lockdown the CO’s like I said, told me to pack my stuff and I was leaving, I- my case was dropped, I was getting out. I packed up everything and then after I packed up, I started banging on my cell door and woke up my cellie because he was asleep, it was like midnight, and then at midnight here comes the CO back to my cell and is like, “Oh, we were just playing around with you.” and I’m like, “Fuck you! You guys woke me up, told me to pack stuff, now I’m thinking I’m getting out, like you guys were saying, and now you guys are joking about everything?” so I just sat in my cell and just started punching the living crap out of myself, and my cellie told me it’s not worth it. They’re just trying to piss me off. }}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, it’s- it’s definite-}}
{{red|Daniel: And I was like, I was like, “I understand that, but it’s not OK what they’re doing.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, it’s definitely not OK what they’re doing but hurting yourself isn’t gonna change anything. Yeah.}}
{{red|Daniel: It’s not gonna help myself either, and I mean, even on top of that, um, psychiatric is saying that like, “Oh, you’re doing great.” They’re not helping, they’re not doing anything, so I’m just to a point I’m just kind of letting it escalate which isn’t good.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Yeah, that’s not good, you wanna keep yourself safe. If you start hurting yourself, it’s just gonna make things a lot worse, so.}}
{{red|Daniel: Right, and I’m also not- like, psychiatric is not gonna put me suicide watch or anything because I’m not suicidal, so they can’t do that and I’ve already talked to psychiatric and they’re not gonna do it because they already know I’m not suicidal.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: OK.}}
{{red|Daniel: But anyways, I gotta go, alright? This is absolutely crazy.}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Alright, hopefully I talk to you soon if they don’t cut off the phones.}}
{{red|Daniel: Alright, alright. Sounds good. Alright, bye.}}}
{{green|Lil Sippy: Alright, bye.}}
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