Template:Did You Know

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These usage notes will not be included in articles bearing this template.

This template sits pride of place on the Daniel Larson Wiki Main Page. It's a big list of Daniel-related facts, divided into blocks that get randomly displayed.

  • Before adding a fact, please make sure that it is a TRUE fact and not just something you made up.
    • Also try to ensure your fact isn't already covered somewhere else in the list. Your browser's "find" function (Usually accessed via pressing CTRL+F) can be useful in helping find similar entries.
  • To add your fact, edit this template and choose a section. Any section will do, but if you have the time, pick one with the fewest entries within it.
  • Start your entry on a new line, starting with *... that and then your fact.
  • Add at least one related link which explains your fact further and check your spelling before saving.

Here is the whole thing in action:

Group 0