Timeline (2020)

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A complete record of Daniel Larson's (or his relatives) life throughout 2020, the year Daniel would begin regularly posting on TikTok, and slowly begin gaining virality. No detail is too small to be added.

Bolded text represents a major event.

December 2020


  • Fans report Daniel has not posted for 3 days.[1]
    • Coincidentally, "Nathan Daniel Larson", a white supremacist from Virginia, is arrested in Denver on this day for pedophilic crimes. This led some fans to believe Daniel had been arrested without looking into the situation further.[2]


  • Daniel posts a video tagged as an AGT audition. Despite the "Please Stay Tuned" at the end, he would not post again after this.[3]
  • Daniel posts a video claiming he is single and if you wanted to date him, please contact him, then proceeded to say his phone number at the time.[4]


  • Daniel claims that all his phone calls and messages are being monitored by the Denver police.[5]


  • Daniel posts a video wearing a pink shirt, which has not been found yet. [6]


  • Daniel claims that there is video proof of Roach Records creating the Pinterest account. [7]
  • Daniel claims to be suing "The Diligent Broadcast" for blackmail and teaming up with Roach Records, purportedly ganging up against Daniel. This tweet was directed at The Delegation Podcast.[8]


  • Daniel duets a random little girl.[9]


  • Daniel posts video of himself singing in a car which has not been found.[6]


  • Daniel posts a video wearing a blue t-shirt, of which the contents are not known.


  • Daniel once again asks for YouTube subscriptions. [10]


  • Daniel asks for people to subscribe to his YouTube channel "@Daniel Larson"[11]


  • Daniel posts an extremely foggy video.[12]


  • Daniel posts at least 1 video which has not been found yet. He is wearing a red shirt.


  • Daniel posts at least two videos which have not been found yet. He is wearing a blue jacket / sweater.[6]
  • Daniel posts a video which has not been found yet. He is wearing a blue jacket / sweater and a white mask.[6]

November 2020


  • Daniel posts a video wearing his blue jacket. The video appears to be in a hospital, but has not been found yet.[6]
  • Daniel posts a video wearing his blue jacket. The video appears to be at home, but has not been found yet.[6]


  • @daniellarsonfans account is presumably reactivated or reinstated.


  • Daniel posts a video of him reading a script that says: "Hello everyone, this is Daniel Larson. I love C.P. They are one of the best companies. Go check out crub pengrin."[13]


  • @daniellarsonfans was said by fans to be banned, deleted or disabled.[14]


  • Fans report that Daniel disabled TikTok comments and privated his likes for a short period of time, as well as deleting multiple videos, especially ones about Grace VanderWaal.[15]


  • Daniel claims the media blew up the Pinterest situation and decided to come out with the truth; this being that it was his account and did not have access to it for years.[7]


  • Daniel's Pinterest account is deleted around 12:50 PM CST according to fan reports.[16]
  • Daniel's first apology/confession where he says he used "pictures of girls and masturbate[d] to them... a long time ago" and claims to have changed.[17]
  • Daniel's Pinterest account is leaked. The account contained boards of his "celebrity crushes," including Grace Vanderwaal and Darci Lynne, both of whom were around 16-years-old at the time.
  • Daniel is pranked by a fake Drake on Zoom and wanted to collaborate with him.[18]
  • A Zoom meeting occurs, of which the details are not known. However, multiple fan videos around this time imply that something incriminating was said in this meeting.


  • Daniel apologizes for an issue and claims he will need to reschedule a zoom meeting to the next day.[19]
  • Daniel posts a video calling out Fine Dining Records, implying he was being scammed by them to do porn.[20]


  • Daniel posts a video of a meal. Someone can be heard in the background asking to get "bedtime snacks"[21]
  • Daniel posts that he will make America's borders safer if he is elected president.[22]


  • Daniel posts a video of a meal, saying "The potatoes taste like water, the chicken tastes stale, and the vegetables taste like tree bark"[23]
  • Daniel posts a video thanking America's Got Talent[24]


  • Daniel posts an extremely foggy video asking people to wish him a happy birthday the next day.[25]


  • Daniel hosts a Zoom meeting.[26]
    • Daniel is asked if allegations of "sketchy things on his phone" are true, to which he responds to not believe anything as it is a scam.[27]


  • Daniel duets a random little girl.


  • Daniel creates the Twitter account @DanielL94025564.

October 2020


  • Daniel releases "Fake News."[28]



  • Daniel posts a TikTok where he says "I love C.P.", referring to Club Penguin. [31]


  • A zoom meeting is hosted, in which Daniel goes nude. Fans claim there were around 25 people in the Zoom, with most being minors. It is also said to be hosted by "Titan Co".[32][33]


  • A Zoom meeting is hosted with a lot of trolls, which makes Daniel laugh.[34]

Unknown date

  • Daniel creates the Twitter account @larson_daniel.
  • Daniel sings "Colder Weather" on a Zoom meeting, and in an unusually wholesome moment fans are supporting him.[35]

September 2020

  • Daniel reaches 1 million views on TikTok.

August 2020



  • Daniel uploads a happy video showing how he looks before his haircut, which he claims is for a photo shoot.[36]


  • Daniel creates the Twitter account @DanielL81345614.

July 2020


  • Daniel says that his first album is "in the making". [37]


  • Daniel claims he will make the world great again if he ran for president and essentially calls for world peace and unity.[38]


  • Daniel officially announces he will be running for President.
  • Daniel creates the Twitter account @DanielL85968118.


  • Daniel expresses his support for Kanye West in the 2020 US presidential election on Twitter.[39]


  • Daniel asks if he should run for president one day.[40]


  • Daniel expresses his support for mask mandates.[41]

June 2020


  • Daniel expresses his intent to visit Penrose, Colorado, a small town on the outskirts of the Colorado Springs area.[42]
  • Daniel tweets "I Can't Breathe" likely in reference to the BLM slogan.[43]


  • Daniel apologizes to "Penus Ajun Grill" that their restaurant burned down in the Riots, claiming he ate there 2 years ago and announced he would be back once they reopened
  • Daniel posts the infamous "Green Room Jumping Jacks for George Floyd" video.


  • Daniel reposts a video where he is headed to Roxborough State Park, Colorado.[44]
  • Daniel assures President Trump that he is ready to respond to "LAW AND ORDER".[45]


  • Daniel takes a jog, lasting 3:30 hours and 12.63 miles.[46]


  • Daniel tweets #AllLivesMatter[47]


  • Daniel asks to reach 10,000 Twitter followers in support of child abuse awareness.[48]
  • Daniel tweets at Drake asking for his opinion on the "gorge Floyd" movement.[49]


  • Daniel posts a TikTok of him singing while in a backyard. This video may have been posted on TikTok beforehand, but it was tweeted on this date.[50]

May 2020


  • Daniel expresses his support of voting out Trump, on Twitter.[51]


  • Daniel Larson expresses his opinion on the George Floyd situation. In a video, he says "we are all eqril" [52]


  • Daniel believes that the George Floyd riots are being done by his fans, and urges them to stop.[citation needed]


  • In a series of Tweets, Daniel shares his "first professional fashion show", again.[53]


  • Daniel posts a TikTok video of children jumping on a trampoline.[54]


  • Daniel posts his "first professional fashion show".[55]

April 2020


  • Daniel posts a video on Twitter, claiming he is represented by "Southwest Models and Talent Agency", making an announcement on their behalf that they were closed due to the coronavirus and would reopen virtually on May 1, 2020.[56][57]


  • Daniel tweets that a video unintentionally made public was going viral with over 3000 views. It's unknown what he video he was referring to at this time.[58]


  • Daniel posts a TikTok video of him with a young girl, as a "calab" with "Raina".[59] However, this video was Tweeted at least 1 other time after this date.


  • Daniel posts a TikTok video for "IMG Models" [60]


  • Daniel tweets a photo of him doing what is known as the "666 hand sign", in conspiracy theories involving celebrities / Hollywood and the Illuminati, albeit incorrectly. [61]


  • Daniel plays Monopoly on Easter.[62]


  • Daniel asks for a Quarantine Buddy with one of the hashtags being #EasterSex.[63]
  • Daniel expresses his support for Ansley Burns, an AGT semifinalist in a Quote Tweet[64]


  • Daniel Larson leveled up in 8 Ball Pool.[65]


  • Daniel tweets an "audition photo for img model's", however his head is cut off in the photo.[66]


  • Daniel tweets "Please follow my friend!" The "Friend" in question is none other than Grace VanderWaal.[67]


  • Daniel tweets that he has applied to be an "img model's"[68]


  • Daniel tweets a video of a young girl on a bike with a dog, with the caption "My family"[69]


  • Daniel tweets that he is currently making changes to his Twitter page and to stay tuned.[70]

March 2020


  • Daniel tweets that he uses WhatsApp.[71]


  • Daniel tweets a video of him reciting the "Rub-A-Dub-Dub" nursery rhyme, albeit incorrectly - saying "Rub Rub Rub", and appearing amused by it.[72]


  • Daniel tweets a random video of him eating a cracker, calling it french toast and listing other random foods.[73]


  • Daniel expresses his support in ending sexual abuse in "model's".[74]


  • Daniel tweets that he want on a 4 mile morning jog.[75]


  • Daniel tweets "Just got 15,000 dollars on Bitcoin!", for unknown reasons.[76]
  • Daniel posts a tweet referencing "Southwest Model and Talent agency".[77]
  • The state of Colorado is put in complete lockdown due to coronavirus. This means Daniel must now stay at home, and from this date forward,Colorado COVID lockdowns are in full effect.


  • A coronavirus stay at home order is declared in Denver County.


  • US President Donald Trump declares the Coronavirus to be a national emergency. Possibly in response to this, Daniel tweets "Life is ending. 😒😒😒"[78]
  • Daniel makes various tweets about the coronavirus situation.
  • Daniel calls for ending child sexual abuse.[79]


  • Daniel touts oatmeal as being a cure for the coronavirus.[80]


  • Daniel makes his first tweet about the coronavirus.
  • Daniel tweets that he is sick.[81]


  • Daniel tweets a low quality video of his "performance at Southwest Talent and Model agency"[82]

Unknown date

  • Daniel launches the account @daniellarsonfans on TikTok.
  • Daniel posts his first video on @daniellarsonfans, which is him recording his neighborhood. [83]
    • This was claimed to be posted on March 30, 2020, but this does not seem match up with other events on this day.[84]
  • Daniel puts his phone number in his TikTok account bio.[83]
  • Daniel posts the infamous video which kickstarted his TikTok career ("Good night everyone.")[85]

February 2020


  • Daniel posts an Instagram photo of a selfie (side profile) with the caption: "I am real."[86]
  • Daniel posts a tweet in which he fails to understand the concept of a rock.[87]


  • Based on tweets made on this day, it appears Daniel attended a children's birthday party.


  • Daniel tweets a photo of him, with the caption "I am Daniel Larson. Thank you so much for your time and consideration."[88]


  • Daniel tweets that he is being followed at Walmart by a stranger.[89]


  • Daniel makes his first tweet on @DanielL07587071, being of a sandwich.[90]
  • The Twitter account @DanielL07587071 is likely created on this date.


  1. ↑ as discussed in the comments of this video https://www.tiktok.com/@scr33nrecords/video/6908433273739889925
  2. ↑ https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/20/us/virginia-kidnapping-12-year-old-fresno-denver/index.html
  3. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@moe_lesterrecords/video/6909565297334832390
  4. ↑ Remove if necessary but this is very old so https://www.tiktok.com/@moe_lesterrecords/video/6907332515502083334
  5. ↑ Duetted https://www.tiktok.com/@scr33nrecords/video/6906911724562124038
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Montage https://www.tiktok.com/@moe_lesterrecords/video/6912533346673331461
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 https://www.tiktok.com/@scr33nrecords/video/6905458161143123205
  8. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@moe_lesterrecords/video/6905417018560744710
  9. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@moe_lesterrecords/video/6905066197822360838
  10. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@moe_lesterrecords/video/6904296159116840197
  11. ↑ duet https://www.tiktok.com/@managementusa/video/6903315287320431878
  12. ↑ dates confirmed by:https://www.tiktok.com/@canceldaniellarson/video/6891846555201015045
  13. ↑ date confirmed by:https://www.tiktok.com/@canceldaniellarson/video/6891810003934514437
  14. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@scr33nrecords/video/6898902400409554181
  15. ↑ No proof was given. https://www.tiktok.com/@scr33nrecords/video/6898106445758303493
  16. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@scr33nrecords/video/6897282305786711302
  17. ↑ This video was supposedly listed as being from the 23rd. However, duets have been found of this video on November 21 and the 20th. https://www.tiktok.com/@nathan.helbling/video/6897646097116695813
  18. ↑ Duet BY A Troll of a Troll / Fan post https://www.tiktok.com/@fishtank_records/video/6897196546933181702
  19. ↑ Duetted https://www.tiktok.com/@fishtank_records/video/6896839582487170310
  20. ↑ Duet https://www.tiktok.com/@fishtank_records/video/6896901049261526278
  21. ↑ Duetted 11/18/20 https://www.tiktok.com/@fishtank_records/video/6896457459205000454
  22. ↑ Duetted 11/18/20 https://www.tiktok.com/@fishtank_records/video/6896458710080556294
  23. ↑ Duetted by fans; meaning video was posted on or after November 17, 2020. https://www.tiktok.com/@fishtank_records/video/6896095442551983366
  24. ↑ Duetted on 11/17/20 https://www.tiktok.com/@fishtank_records/video/6896130882671774982
  25. ↑ Duet found https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfueckme/video/6895224419585740037?
  26. ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiOIKNTlw7k
  27. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL81345614/status/1324539929737760769
  28. ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fabVwlmtYHQ
  29. ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grmNl0cTaDw
  30. ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/
  31. ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcavop7q70w&list=PLru94IaNy8vbgMzjtIiLFnyQ2FwBPCtQL&index=27
  32. ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/w5je9i/does_anyone_else_remember_when_daniel_exposed/
  33. ↑ (NSFW!) https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/w6ap5n/daniel_larson_10272020/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
  34. ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/14jmlc8/from_2020_this_guy_hyping_him_up/
  35. ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/ozpdqj/wholesome_throwback_oct_2020_fans_wave_hands_and/
  36. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@larsonater/video/7036457835877682437
  37. ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcavop7q70w&list=PLru94IaNy8vbgMzjtIiLFnyQ2FwBPCtQL&index=27
  38. ↑ Proof: https://www.tiktok.com/@moe_lesterrecords/video/6903992813625560326
  39. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1280879783942017026
  40. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1280228177919512576
  41. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1279576834443751427
  42. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1274386399152791555
  43. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1274422729136123905
  44. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1272636392158494720
  45. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1272724191222149120
  46. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1272296246544302084
  47. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1271971832615362560
  48. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1271612692063813633
  49. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1271547324528037892
  50. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1270546329597607937
  51. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1266533162043269121
  52. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1266142686471389184
  53. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1263259137863045127
  54. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1258532804989607936
  55. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1257442946598744064
  56. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@larsonater/video/7036213811392679174
  57. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1254253443881021442(archive)
  58. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1253737947905642499
  59. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1251545554817081346
  60. ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcavop7q70w&list=PLru94IaNy8vbgMzjtIiLFnyQ2FwBPCtQL&index=27
  61. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1250272358272655361
  62. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1249485490664939528
  63. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1249161255056801794
  64. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1248991735818194946
  65. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1248703517864361985
  66. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1247718717284384768
  67. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1247264712682856448
  68. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1246541210581426181
  69. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1246138819881185284
  70. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1245802751545806848
  71. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1245122966981087232
  72. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1244687618819993602
  73. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1244407076174082048
  74. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1243968629835730945
  75. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1243570309644550149
  76. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1242809106886524930
  77. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1242981732275695619
  78. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1238538160923181056
  79. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1238473843129356290
  80. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1238161190607630338
  81. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1236013524100489218
  82. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1234575610015600640
  83. ↑ 83.0 83.1 https://www.tiktok.com/@larsonater/video/7039117556237503749
  84. ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/rje5rq/does_anyone_have_daniels_first_video/
  85. ↑ https://www.tiktok.com/@larsonater/video/7034901697562529030
  86. ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/143svjl/post_from_daniel_larsons_old_instagram_been/
  87. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1232005374259101696
  88. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1228091378229563396
  89. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1226667658080325633
  90. ↑ https://twitter.com/DanielL07587071/status/1226254774028337154