Video:"I broke a gas station window with a rock"

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On July 26, 2023, Daniel posted a bizarre video accusing his label of "tell[ing him] to fuck Bob," as well as other accusations. Daniel's phone seems to to have various technical issues multiple times, making him somewhat incoherent throughout. He also admits to throwing a rock at a gas station window, breaking it. It appears that after Daniel broke the window, the police were called and he was given a trespassing order. This means that Daniel will have to appear in court on an undetermined date. Little is known about this incident due to the lack of footage, however, after the unknown court date, we may know more details.

Account Daniel Larson NYC 13 (page)
Date 7/26/2023



Daniel's phone glitches and stops recording for a few seconds multiple times in this video. This will be indicated with an ellipsis (...)
This is because...label doesn', and tells me to fuck Bob.
I broke a gas station window with a rock.