Video:Daniel Larson. last week information and what really happened? lawsuit and diagnosis.

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On July 21st Daniel live streamed a video explaining his stay at the mental health unit.

Account Daniel Larson NYC 13 (page)
Date 07/21/2023



Okay, let's try to get a couple more people in here.

I've already been spotted by TMZ News this morning. They walked up to me with their cameras.

Okay, let's try to get a couple more people in here. First, I want to say that I've already been paparazzi'd this morning by TMZ News. So we'll see if I end up on TMZ News here shortly. They walked up to me in person and wanted to know what college I was going to for TMZ News.

I also want to make this pretty clear as well. I did see the Papa Gut video that he made on me. So I did see that, the Papa Gut video from last week, about five days ago.

Let me actually try right now to get off this really noisy street. I'm on my way to the market right now. Let me see if I can get off this noisy street.

Don't forget to like and subscribe.

Okay, so back to what I was saying. TMZ News did actually spot me in person. That's no joke. Sorry guys, give me one second. So I am going to explain what happened.

So first I want to start off with saying that you guys only see things from your perspective. I only see things from my perspective. So that is where I want the focus of this video to be around.

My TikTok videos alone, we already know how many views they normally get. So I don't want to hear any more of this bullshit, Daniel Larson is not famous bullshit.

On TikTok, you guys can see a graph, it's called the creator area, or the creator information. On TikTok, everybody can do it. Everybody can use it.

Okay, so first off, I want to say that the TikTok creator page on my TikToks are almost always hovering at 6 million views or more a week. Now it's important to know that that says 6 million views a week. That's not counting the shares on how many views the shares are getting.

My YouTube channel and my music. So altogether, I could be around maybe 10 million, 15 million views a week. And that is on a slow week, when I'm not posting very much.

So once again, I don't want to hear any more of this bullshit, Daniel Larson is not famous, when I can literally look up the statistics on my creator accounts. And it tells me the information. There's only 8 billion people on earth. And the Daniel Larson hashtag is literally on TikTok at 1 billion views. So that's where I want the focus of this video to be around.

Once you get that information down, no wonder I am being spotted. Fans walking up to me, trolls walking up to me, news crews walking up on me in public. So that is where we're starting.

On days that, well I will actually say this, back in 2020, 2021, during the middle of COVID, my creator page on TikTok was saying 50 million views a week. Like no joke. I wish I had the proof to show you guys, but it literally said 50 million views a week.

Okay, so no wonder people were showing up to my caretakers. And yes, I'm actually going to say that. My caretakers' house. Okay, people were driving by literally on their way home in the same neighborhood. And they were stopping on my flippin’ porch. Like no joke.

Okay, so you guys have already seen the video from last week with the paramedics, the police officer where I called in, and all that craziness mess, okay? So I'm not going to go deep into talking about all that. You guys can watch the video for yourself.

Oh, sorry guys. Sorry. Hold on one second. I'm getting a couple spam messages. Hold on.

Okay, so yeah.

<p.So back to what I was saying is, I don't, like I said, want to hear any of this bullshit with the misinformation because literally I have showed proof to authorities of the amount of views I'm getting.

A matter of fact, one time when I was in New York, the last time I was in New York, which was the only time I was in New York, I went to, they call it the Fulton Street Station or Fulton, yeah, I think that's what they call it for the, something like that. But it's the Fulton Street Station for the subway.

And there was actually a police officer there that actually knew who I was. So, like no joke, I am famous. Get that in your head or, you know, you just don't know crap. And yes, I actually said that.

Now, Papa Gut is probably one of the most accurate people within my fan base that makes videos about me. Everything else is a bunch of bullshit. Okay. CurlyDaddy101, mostly bullshit. He should crap his pants, but that's besides the point. Papa Gut is fairly accurate.

There are some things that, yeah, he still does for his own fame and popularity, but that's normal. All YouTubers do that.

Now, first off, I'm also going to say, if I get arrested or if I go to jail and if my criminal charges don't get lifted, I will sue the entire fucking Colorado government. And I will make a massive, massive, massive scene on social media. And it will go down in flames.

So, now that we got that covered, okay, and we don't want any of this media drama, okay, then you guys can go watch the video from last week with the paramedics.

Hold on. Sorry, give me one more second. I'm being spammed still.



Today is one of those days where it's just going to be a busy day. So, I also don't want to hear that I have a flippin' disability. Okay? Because autism is not real. And yes, I actually said that. Autism ain't real. It's literally in your head.

That being said, if you are dumb enough to put yourself into a mental health crisis, you're teaching yourself to do that. You have to teach yourself to come up out of the flipping gutter, out of the flipping ocean, and into the sky where you can actually learn and know what the heck you're talking about. I can't believe I actually just said that.

I think I'm better than Papa Gut. He could get his guts pulled out.


But, back to what I was talking about with the main part of the video.

Okay. So, we know I got paparazzi by TMZ News. We know I got, with my popularity, we know where that stands. Okay. Okay. And the numbers, you can't just call me a liar when the proof is literally on the internet. Okay.

Yes, I did quit TikTok. And yes, I'm going to say that too. I did quit TikTok because I was getting too many views. Like, literally, I was getting too many views. I decided it was not worth it. I was quitting TikTok.

Also, it's because TikTok is run by China and the Chinese government. So, I wasn't going to give little China money with my videos. So, I quit TikTok. And no, I'm not racist. I don't like drama and I don't like war.

Now, also, there's a couple more things I want to mention in this video.When I went to, so after the paramedics, okay, after the paramedics showed up, and the police, and after I did that video, and I was on the way to the hospital, once I got to the hospital, I saw a psychiatric doctor. I got put in their psychiatric unit, okay?

So I got put in their psychiatric unit at the hospital, and it was late at night, so what I ended up doing was I got dinner, a free dinner, and I decided I was going to go to sleep. They actually let me sleep, which was nice. They didn't wake me up.

In the morning, I got woken up to the sound of, oh, by the way, there's one more thing first before I go into that; I went into Lutheran Hospital. It's in Lakewood, Colorado, the suburb of Denver, Lutheran Hospital.

Not to mention, the doctor, it was, the doctor knew me from social media, was also too busy typing around on their phones, laughing at my videos, which I don't appreciate, okay? They should be doing care rather than typing on their social media or whatever, you know?

And they were also going off like, oh my God, this is, that video he posted, it's so not good. They were also saying that the hospital was getting phone calls, like, I don't know how bad it was, but that was what they were claiming, okay? I don't know if that's true, okay? I don't, like, literally, that's what I was told, okay, is that they were getting spam calls, okay?

Another very important thing is, now that we know that I was, like, the doctors, everyone there knew who I was, I want to say maybe 25% of the staff knew who I was at Lutheran Hospital. I said 30%, 30% of the staff at Lutheran knew who I was.

They literally said, you need to get your life straight, because we've been watching you this entire time, and we're getting to a point, if you come back to Lutheran, we're just not going to work with you anymore. We're not going to help. That's literally what the doctors told me.

So first of all, to everybody at Lutheran, you could go fuck yourself for saying that to me, because it's your job to help, okay? So like, no joke, that's actually what they said. So once again, I went to sleep, which was nice, they let me sleep.

In the morning, I got woken up to, hey, Daniel, we got you a place. You're going to Johnstown. I was literally, in my mind, going like, Johnstown? Why am I going to Johnstown? That's in the middle of the country. Like, Johnstown is a small town, if you don't know where it is, it's up by Greeley, Colorado, where I was at the Greeley Stampede.

That's not even a flipping suburb of Denver. It's literally a town in the middle of flipping nowhere.

So they basically took me by ambulance, because they woke me up with the ambulance and paramedics waking, well, basically waiting for me, okay? So they woke me up and said, okay, your ride's here, you're going to Johnstown. It was an hour-long ambulance ride from Denver to a mental health facility called Johnstown Heights, a mental health facility.

Just behavioral health is really what it is, which is kind of weird, because I wasn't having any crazy behavior if I was sleeping in the hospital, but whatever, I got woken up to that.

So I thought, oh, I was going to a new care home. That never happened. Like I said, they took me to Johnstown Heights. You guys can Google it, you guys can look it up.

What I wanted to try to do was I wanted to call 911, and I wanted to go to a safe house, where I can focus on making my money from social media, since that's how I make most of my money is my music sales, which is on distribution, so I don't want to hear any bullshit that, oh, you're not making money from your music, when I do, okay?

And the cameo sales, because boy, have I made about $6,000 a month, $6,000 a month with the cameo sales. So thank you to everyone donating, I just, I don't like saying any of the bullshit stuff in cameo, like happy birthday to Dick Ryder. I don't want to say that anymore. I want to be professional.

So that is what basically happened. Now, when I got up to Johnstown Heights Behavioral Health Mental Health Facility, they took my phone. They put it in a locker, so I didn't have access to social media or my phone, okay? So I couldn't tell anyone if I was safe or anything like that.

Now, I waited about four flippin' days, four flippin' days before I even saw their psychiatric doctor, or a case working team, or like social workers, what they call them, okay?

So after four days of literally sitting there doing nothing, if anything, there's a TV, I could watch TV, but that's about it, okay? They have a little tracking device that they put on your ankle and you walk around kind of like it's a prison. So that is what it was like, okay?

So I don't want to hear any of this bullshit anymore, like I said, that I don't know what I'm talking about when I do, you know? My popularity and fame is really an issue.

So back to what I was saying about being at Johnstown and just sitting there watching all the TV, kind of doing nothing, okay?

After four days, I literally talked with the psychiatric doctor for five minutes. Okay, you feeling suicidal? You feeling homicidal? Um, no. And no. I, yes, I make about $6,000 a month. And the doctor's writing this down, right? The social worker doctor. They're writing it down.

Okay, so that was literally what happened on the fourth day. Five-minute conversation, that's it. I go back to watching TV, okay?

On the sixth day, they are like, okay, we want you with willpower, okay? Willpower is the same people that I did the diversion program with, which I guess is kind of good if the fans don't dox my location, if the fans don't cause any issues with the motels to where the motels want to kick me out. But it is what it is, okay?

There are some things that are out of my control. Now, I want to say that, first of all, the security thing, never once was any of that accomplished. So they didn't even help with that, nothing. I don't have security. I don't. Okay?

Still, to this day, that was never even talked about, other than my one video where I was demanding it, calling fucking 911, okay? So if anybody wanted to cause any major issues, they could still do that, okay? That's a problem, okay?

But on the sixth day at the facility, Johnstown Heights, okay, the doctors and the, I guess you want to call them social workers, they walked up and they said, okay, you're being discharged tomorrow. I literally went like, okay. Do we even have the paperwork? Do we have anything, like, what, where, like, what is the plan, pretty much? Like, there was zero plan.

All that they did was they scheduled an appointment with Whale Power, the same company that was that I did the diversion program, for literally an intake meeting, which is next week. So that is next week.

So I waited a week, when I could have been making my money from social media, which I wasn't making, and yes, I have bills to pay, so my bank account went down into the negative, no joke. So all the money I had saved prior is now gone, because I have bills now, like, I am a full working company, so I don't want to hear any of this bullshit, you know, I have music on distribution, just like any flipping artist out there, you know, it's literally how much music I put out on how big I want to be in the industry.

So yes, I want to go on music tours, okay. So this is actually very, very serious, because I, like, literally, like, am a singer-songwriter, like I'm famous. This is true.

Okay, and I don't care how angry my fans get, you know, I'm fucking innocent. I did all the property destruction, I did everything with, you know, these criminal charges that I have, to try to get my popularity heard, because, like, literally, people were showing up to my goddamn fucking caretaker's house, like, no joke, people were showing up to motels, Bob, Bob, my mentor, is even afraid, like, no joke, afraid to be with me in public, because people walk up to us if we're eating at Olive Garden, and they have their cameras, thinking it's a game.

We can't literally, like, Bob and I can't go out and have a normal Saturday like we used to do.

People are legitimately coming up to us in public, filming us on camera, and Bob is paranoid, let alone he's got fucking cancer, he could die at any time. Like, I'm just saying this, and yes, I'm cussing, because it's serious.

The issues that my popularity in the early days caused is insane. So yes, I'm putting out more music, yes, I'm putting out an album this year, or I'm hoping next year, and yes, in 2024, I am going on what I'm hoping to be a world tour.

Yes, I want to get a driver's license, yes, I want a car, and all of that is the truth. I am working on getting my apartment.

I'm not going to say what type of cancer it is. It's kind of embarrassing, but I'm not going to say it.

But yes, all of this stuff is a major, major issue with the popularity. It's created, I don't know how bad it is. Like, you guys remember, probably, if you guys watched my fanbase the past three years, you guys would know.

I got banned from most restaurants in the state of Colorado. I'm technically banned from the entire Las Vegas Strip and some restaurants out there. I am technically banned, like permanently banned from all these locations. Hollywood Boulevard, the Target on Hollywood Boulevard, they don't want me there anymore. Literally because of my popularity.

People were going in with, like the Reddit trolls, pretty much, they went in with flyers, like no fucking joke, they went into Hollywood California with flyers telling these restaurants that I was a federal criminal, which is not even true, telling these businesses to permanently ban me so they accidentally did.

So, no joke, I am actually banned from most places because of that. Like, this entire thing swept the country.

So, the U.S. government will be sued here in a little bit once my career catches more fire in the next couple weeks. Weeks.

So, once again, I don't want to hear any of this bullshit that Daniel's not famous, when literally the proof is right, right in front of us.

I did find out that everything the Daniel Larson subreddit, which you guys can go check out, the Daniel Larson subreddit said that, you know, hey, we should get flyers. We should get people in tuxedos that go up to Daniel and start trolling him, claiming to be fake security.

Yes, I actually see everything. Yes, I see everything that you guys are putting on the Reddit. And yes, it did actually happen.

So, everything the Reddit is saying is actually real and it is happening.

My entire fucking family is fearing for their goddamn motherfucking life. So, no joke, this is serious. My entire family, Bob, is now looking for permanent security, on-ground transportation security bodyguards, because he's so fucking paranoid now, okay?

I will actually talk about me and Grace VanderWaal on the next fucking video, but that's besides the point. But yeah, I will actually put that into the next video about me and Grace VanderWaal. I'll answer most of everybody's questions.

Also, I found out World of T-Shirts. World of T-Shirts, Joshua, is actually Joshua from Past Management, Josh, and Joshua, World of T-Shirts, are two fucking different people. They're two different people, and I can't believe everybody got that mixed up. But they did.

Also, I want to say that the mental health facility was nothing but shit. It was terrible, and if I ever go back, I will end up suing the government.

And also, I never even liked children. I never liked children sexually, never once will I, and so all of that bullshit needs to fucking end before there's more issues. Because all of that bullshit is misinformation. Because all of that bullshit is misinformation.

Now, also, back to the mental health facility, and while I was there, I actually, other than what I just said, that's literally about it. Okay, the final diagnosis, first of all, let me say this.

They didn't put me on medication. They did not. They did not. So I'm not on medication. They actually refused to put me on medication and said that I think normal, and I don't need medication.

What they did say is that I've been heavily, heavily, heavily traumatized, and I have reason to be. So I have reason to be upset, okay, and confused, okay.

Okay, with also, let me say this as well, with now that we know I wasn't put on medication, the final diagnosis, so the report that the paramedics and the, so the paramedics and the police officer put in before I went to Lutheran, because there's like, the paramedics, whoever comes during a 9-1-1 call, they have to put down, they have to put down, like, the reason why you're going to the hospital, the reason for the 9-1-1 call.

I can't fucking believe that it said this. Okay, the 9-1-1 call, and the report that the paramedics made, the reason for the so-called M1 hold, which ended up going into a 90-day hold, up to 90-day hold, voluntary, which by the way, I'm signing voluntarily to be there up to 90 days.

I think that that's fucking ridiculous. I can't just leave. That's beyond the point. So I'm basically volunteering to give up 90 days of my life. What? But let's don't go deep into that.

Now, the reason why I would say the threats that I said is because of how serious this is. My life is actually in danger.

My life is in danger because the things I say, the popularity is a real fucking problem. And I will definitely be bringing this up to my lawyers for the court cases coming up and the criminal charges. I will tell those lawyers everything that I'm saying in this goddamn video. Okay? And if I end up going to jail, I will light that jailhouse on fucking fire.

Now, yes, I actually said that. Doesn't mean I will do it, but just remember that, that I can. Okay.

Now, also, I want to make this clear as well, is we know that I wasn't put on medication at the Johnstown Heights. The final report, and here we go, the final or the report that the 911 call was made. Okay.

So this was the reason for the 911 call. Singer, songwriter, social media star, psychosis, or psychosis, which basically means, psychosis means in the middle world, it basically means delusional. It basically, so it means delusional or schizophrenic. It basically means the story's not adding up.

The story doesn't make sense, which is crazy. In other words, the paramedics didn't believe my story about my popularity and fame in the first place. Like they did not believe it.

So they're just kind of going, like, he's lying. And the easiest way to claim that, like, he's lying on paper is psychosis or psychosis or whatever they call it. So it's pretty much easier.

It's easy enough to put down on paper to say he's pretty much lying about it than to actually help. It's ridiculous. But that's what it said is singer, songwriter, social media star, psychosis or psychosis.

So the final result, the final report, the day that I left Johnstown, literally, they were able to prove everything wrong. So the reports that were given first, the singer, songwriter, psychosis or psychosis, they were able to then prove that wrong. And they claimed me as sane, not insane, but the opposite, sane, which means I know what I'm talking about and I'm being honest. But that's what they were finally able to put down.

And as far as the report and the steps moving forward, as far as where I'm going now, I have a meeting set up with Wellpower.

And so, yeah, Papa Gut is right that I just wasn't taught in my early childhood how to really do life. Crazy enough to say that.

But yeah, I'm actually sane. I don't need medication. And I just need to learn from pretty much the beginning how life works. It's fucking crazy.

But yeah, that is literally the ins and outs. So here I am now trying to still get security. I'm still trying to get an apartment. Yes, I'm still homeless. And Bob has been helping out any way that he can. But we're also not made of money. We're not a money tree.

We're just really trying right now to, like I said, just get things on the right track. So yeah, that's the entire story with the mental health facility. Okay, and what happened with that?

Also, I want to say that my dog Music, my dog Music is still trying to find. Bob really wants me to still have that dog. I still want the dog.

And I do actually do motels. Bob and I both are doing motels every night. Not literally him, but he's helping with the motels for me.

And I am literally, I want to say about two days away, or even a day away, maybe from starting to fill out the apartment applications. And I should be in an apartment within one to two weeks. We are smack dab on schedule.

And I am planning to have more music coming out by the end of the year. Unfortunately, I have to start paying for my own music, my own recording studio time, which is an added expense. That does take a lot of effort.

So that's where everything is. I will keep everybody in the loop. I also want to say one more thing.

The reason why I can't go back into a group home is because of my popularity. Motel Power is aware of that, and they are saying that I have to get my own apartment. So I do have to get my own apartment.

I do qualify for motel vouchers, but since I still have my intake meeting next week, I don't get the motel vouchers or anything like that until after the intake next week. So I do get food stamps, but that's the same thing. It will be next week.

So Papa Gut, please make a video on this. Everything that I put down in this video is accurate, and I will on my next video try to clear up some stuff about me and Grace VanderWaal.

I can only put out some information. I can't put out everything because it's its own big, massive problem as well. There is some stuff that is still going on with that, and then there's a whole massive legal problem on top of that.

So I will be making a video trying to clear up some of that here in a couple hours. In the meantime, don't forget to like and subscribe, and see you all on the flip side.