Goldberg Shacklestein (also known as The Happy Merchant) is [ a fictional Jewish leader] of the New World Order- a racist caricature of a Jewish man made up by [[Samantha]], one of Daniel's ex-[[Management|managers]], who [[Daniel Larson|Daniel]] believes is trying to kidnap and attack him.
Goldberg Shacklestein (also known as The Happy Merchant) is [ a fictional Jewish leader] of the New World Order- a racist caricature of a Jewish man made up by [[Samantha]], one of Daniel's ex-[[Management|managers]], who [[Daniel Larson|Daniel]] believes is trying to kidnap and attack him. [[File:Racistcaricature.jpg|alt=Goldberg Shacklestein|thumb|"The Happy Merchant," a racist caricature of a Jewish person, nicknamed Goldberg Shekelstein (mispronounced as "Shacklestein" by Daniel)]]
Anus - butt
Arse - butt
Arsehole - butt
Ass - butt
Ass-hat - idiot
Ass-jabber - homosexual
Ass-pirate - homosexual
Assbag - idiot
Assbandit - homosexual
Assbanger - homosexual
Assbite - idiot
Assclown - butt
Asscock - idiot
Asscracker - butt
Asses - butts
Assface - butt
Assfuck - rear-loving
Assfucker - homosexual
Assgoblin - homosexual
Asshat - butt
Asshead - idiot
Asshole - jerk
Asshopper - homosexual
Assjacker - homosexual
Asslick - idiot
Asslicker - Buttlicker
Assmonkey - idiot
Assmunch - idiot
Assmuncher - butt
Assnigger - Racial Slur
Asspirate - homosexual
Assshit - idiot
Assshole - butt
Asssucker - idiot
Asswad - butt
Asswipe - butt
Axwound - female genitalia
Bampot - idiot
Bastard - illegitimate child
Beaner - Mexican
Bitch - female dog
Bitchass - idiot
Bitches - female dogs
Bitchtits - homosexual
Bitchy - mean
Blow job - sexual act
Blowjob - sexual act
Bollocks - male genitalia
Bollox - male genitalia
Boner - erection
Brotherfucker - homosexual
Bullshit - poop
Bumblefuck - homosexual
Butt plug - cork
Butt-pirate - homosexual
Buttfucka - homosexual
Buttfucker - homosexual
Camel toe - female genitalia
Carpetmuncher - homosexual
Chesticle - Breast
Chinc - Chinese
Chink - asian
Choad - male genitalia
Chode - small penis
Clit - female genitals
Clitface - idiot
Clitfuck - sexual act
Clusterfuck - mess up
Cock - penis
Cockass - Jerk
Cockbite - idiot
Cockburger - idiot
Cockface - idiot
Cockfucker - idiot
Cockhead - idiot
Cockjockey - homosexual
Cockknoker - homosexual
Cockmaster - homosexual
Cockmongler - homosexual
Cockmongruel - homosexual
Cockmonkey - idiot
Cockmuncher - homosexual
Cocknose - idiot
Cocknugget - idiot
Cockshit - idiot
Cocksmith - homosexual
Cocksmoke - homosexual
Cocksmoker - homosexual
Cocksniffer - homosexual
Cocksucker - homosexual
Cockwaffle - idiot
Coochie - female genitalia
Coochy - female genitalia
Coon - African American
Cooter - vagina
Cracker - Caucasian
Cum - semen
Cumbubble - idiot
Cumdumpster - prostitute
Cumguzzler - homosexual
Cumjockey - homosexual
Cumslut - dirty girl
Cumtart - idiot
Cunnie - female genitalia
Cunnilingus - sexual act
Cunt - vagina
Cuntass - idiot
Cuntface - idiot
Cunthole - female genitalia
Cuntlicker - homosexual
Cuntrag - idiot
Cuntslut - idiot
Dago - Italian
Damn - darn
Deggo - Italian
Dick - penis
Dick-sneeze - orgasm
Dickbag - idiot
Dickbeaters - Hands
Dickface - idiot
Dickfuck - idiot
Dickfucker - homosexual
Dickhead - phallace face
Dickhole - male genitalia
Dickjuice - semen
Dickmilk - sperm
Dickmonger - homosexual
Dicks - penises
Dickslap - sexual act
Dicksucker - homosexual
Dicksucking - sexual act
Dicktickler - homosexual
Dickwad - idiot
Dickweasel - idiot
Dickweed - idiot
Dickwod - idiot
Dike - homosexual
Dildo - sexual toy
Dipshit - idiot
Doochbag - idiot
Dookie - poop
Douche - female hygene product
Douche-fag - idiot
Douchebag - female hygene accessory
Douchewaffle - homosexual
Dumass - idiot
Dumb ass - idiot
Dumbass - idiot
Dumbfuck - idiot
Dumbshit - idiot
Dumshit - idiot
Dyke - homosexual
Fag - homosexual
Fagbag - homosexual
Fagfucker - homosexual
Faggit - homosexual
Faggot - homosexual
Faggotcock - homosexual
Fagtard - homosexual idiot
Fatass - a fat person
Fellatio - sexual act
Feltch - sexual act
Flamer - homosexual
Fuck - fornicate
Fuckass - idiot
Fuckbag - idiot
Fuckboy - idiot
Fuckbrain - idiot
Fuckbutt - butt
Fuckbutter - Sexual fluids
Fucked - had intercourse
Fucker - fornicator
Fuckersucker - idiot
Fuckface - idiot
Fuckhead - butt
Fuckhole - jerk
Fuckin - sexual act
Fucking - freaking
Fucknut - idiot
Fucknutt - idiot
Fuckoff - go away
Fucks - sexual act
Fuckstick - male genitalia
Fucktard - Moron
Fucktart - idiot
Fuckup - idiot
Fuckwad - idiot
Fuckwit - dummy
Fuckwitt - idiot
Fudgepacker - homosexual
Gay - homosexual
Gayass - butt
Gaybob - homosexual
Gaydo - homosexual
Gayfuck - homosexual
Gayfuckist - homosexual
Gaylord - homosexual
Gaytard - homosexual
Gaywad - homosexual
Goddamn - goshdarn
Goddamnit - goshdarnit
Gooch - female genitalia
Gook - Chinese
Gringo - foreigner
Guido - italian
Handjob - sexual act
Hard on - erection
Heeb - Jewish Person
Hell - heck
Ho - woman
Hoe - Woman
Homo - homosexual
Homodumbshit - idiot
Honkey - white person
Humping - sexual act
Jackass - idiot
Jagoff - idiot
Jap - japanesse person
Jerk off - masturbate
Jerkass - idiot
Jigaboo - African American
Jizz - Semen
Jungle bunny - african american
Junglebunny - african american
Kike - Jewish Person
Kooch - female genitalia
Kootch - female genitalia
Kraut - german
Kunt - female genitalia
Kyke - Jewish person
Lameass - loser
Lardass - overweight individual
Lesbian - homosexual
Lesbo - homosexual
Lezzie - homosexual
Mcfagget - homosexual
Mick - irish
Minge - female genitalia
Mothafucka - Jerk
Mothafuckin' - mother loving
Motherfucker - mother lover
Motherfucking - fornicating with mother
Muff - female genitalia
Muffdiver - homosexual
Munging - sexual act
Negro - african american
Nigaboo - African American
Nigga - african american
Nigger - african american
Niggers - African Americans
Niglet - african american child
Nut sack - male genitalia
Nutsack - male genitalia
Paki - pakistanien
Panooch - femail genitalia
Pecker - Penis
Peckerhead - idiot
Penis - male genitalia
Penisbanger - homosexual
Penisfucker - homosexual
Penispuffer - homosexual
Piss - urinate
Pissed - urinated
Pissed off - angry
Pissflaps - female genitalia
Polesmoker - homosexual
Pollock - polish person
Poon - female genitals
Poonani - female genitalia
Poonany - vagina
Poontang - female genitalia
Porch monkey - african american
Porchmonkey - African American
Prick - penis
Punanny - female genitalia
Punta - female dog
Pussies - Female Genitalias
Pussy - female reproductive organ
Pussylicking - sexual act
Puto - idiot
Queef - vaginal fart.
Queer - homosexual
Queerbait - homosexual
Queerhole - homosexual
Renob - erection
Rimjob - dirty sexual act
Ruski - Russian
Sand nigger - middle eastern
Sandnigger - middle eastern
Schlong - male genitalia
Scrote - male genitalia
Shit - poop
Shitass - idiot
Shitbag - idiot
Shitbagger - idiot
Shitbrains - idiot
Shitbreath - Bad Breath
Shitcanned - Fired
Shitcunt - idiot
Shitdick - idiot
Shitface - pooface
Shitfaced - Drunk
Shithead - jerk
Shithole - idiot
Shithouse - bathroom
Shitspitter - butt
Shitstain - poop
Shitter - defecator
Shittiest - worst
Shitting - pooping
Shitty - bad
Shiz - poop
Shiznit - poop
Skank - dirty girl
Skeet - semen
Skullfuck - sexual act
Slut - sexually popular woman
Slutbag - sexually popular woman
Smeg - poop
Snatch - female genitalia
Spic - mexican
Spick - mexican american
Splooge - ejaculate
Spook - White person
Suckass - idiot
Tard - mentally challenged
Testicle - male genitalia
Thundercunt - idiot
Tit - breast
Titfuck - sexual act
Tits - breasts
Tittyfuck - sexual act
Twat - female genitals
Twatlips - idiot
Twats - vaginas
Twatwaffle - homosexual
Unclefucker - homosexual
Va-j-j - female genitalia
Vag - femail genitalia
Vagina - female genitalia
Vajayjay - female genitalia
Vjayjay - female genitalia
Wank - sexual act
Wankjob - sexual act
Wetback - Mexican
Whore - hussy
Whorebag - idiot
Whoreface - idiot
Wop - Italian[[File:Racistcaricature.jpg|alt=Goldberg Shacklestein|thumb|"The Happy Merchant," a racist caricature of a Jewish person, nicknamed Goldberg Shekelstein (mispronounced as "Shacklestein" by Daniel)]]
==Who is Shacklestein?==
==Who is Shacklestein?==
Revision as of 23:08, 3 January 2024
Goldberg Shacklestein (also known as The Happy Merchant) is a fictional Jewish leader of the New World Order- a racist caricature of a Jewish man made up by Samantha, one of Daniel's ex-managers, who Daniel believes is trying to kidnap and attack him.
"The Happy Merchant," a racist caricature of a Jewish person, nicknamed Goldberg Shekelstein (mispronounced as "Shacklestein" by Daniel)
Goldberg Shacklestein is a fictional Jewish man from New York, represented by the hate symbol "The Happy Merchant", an antisemitic meme depicting a man with hyperbolized stereotypical Jewish facial features who is rubbing his hands together.
The meme was created by an artist using the pseudonym "A. Wyatt Mann", who eventually was exposed as being the notorious white supremacist, illustrator, and filmmaker Nick Bougas.[1][2]
Association with the Alt-Right
Typically, the caricature of "Goldberg Shekelstein" has been used on the less mainstream parts of the internet by Neo-Nazis and the Alt-Right to propagate hate towards Jewish Americans, and Jews in general.
Daniel has accused Shacklestein of a plethora of crimes, including attempting, commissioning, committing murder, kidnapping, collaboration with the Mafia, and political corruption.
Daniel accused Shacklestein of pairing up with and collaborating with the New York Mafia, the Jews, Jonas, and a man named Tony (not to be confused with Tony Martinez) to kidnap Daniel. Daniel claims to not be afraid of them, despite having made videos pleading for them to back off.[3]
New World Order
Daniel has accused Shacklestein of being the leader of the Jews and the New World Order, with the common goal of kidnapping him.[4]
The New World Order is a conspiracy theory that a totalitarian shadow government controlled by the elites, the Jews, and the elite Jews has complete control over every world government. This theory is not very substantial and does not have solid supporting evidence.
Jonas, a former caretaker for Daniel whom Daniel assaulted, has been accused by Daniel of cooperating with the New World Order and secretly pulling strings from the background.