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Jonas, sometimes spelled as Jonaz or Jonez, is a former caretaker of a group home which housed Daniel and another client named Gavin. He is most known due to being featured in several of Daniels videos doing various things, most notably centering around him fighting with either Daniel or Gavin. Daniel has accused Jonas of mistreating him on several occasions, alleging physical abuse at the hand of him. Whether Jonas has actually engaged in a physical altercation with Daniel is unclear, but it seems likely.
It is unclear as to when Jonas and Daniel came into contention with each other, but it can be inferred that it started not long after Daniel had moved into the group home.
An example of their feuding can be seen in the Mac N Cheese Incident, where Daniel alleges that Jonas attempted to poison him. A frequent meal served by Jonas was macaroni and cheese, which Jonas had served to him. Daniel labeled Jonas as an asshole, claiming he poisoned it with jalapenos, "little things", canola oil, ranch, and honey mustard. Following a tirade, Daniel spat it out in the sink, hilariously claiming it tasted like "cow piss."
In a perceived retaliation against Jonas, Daniel engaged in very mischievous acts. He turned the stove on, let the water run in the sink, and played with the microwave clocks during the night to mess with him while making goblin noises and laughing in the process. He eventually turned off the sink, climbed onto the kitchen counter, turned the faucet back on, then sprays what appears to be a cleaning spray.
On November 25, 2021, Daniel said that he would send Jonas back to Africa once his live reached 6000 viewers.[1][2]
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