Mac N Cheese Incident

On November 18th, 2021, Daniel was given a plate of Kraft Mac n’ Cheese by his caretaker, Jonas. Prior to this, Daniel had several arguments and falling outs with Jonas, and was severely antagonistic towards him. As such Daniel, he grew a great distaste for this mac and cheese, eventually claiming it to be "poisoned" with Jalapeños, honey mustard, spicy ranch, and canola oil.

This incident most notably showcases Daniels paranoia, most likely brought on by his several mental health issues.



Daniel: -going to now ask my care provider if I could get macaroni and cheese because that's all we fucking have in this house.

Daniel: This tastes like cow piss. Literal fucking cow piss. I want to know who the fuck put jalapenos in this. Holy fuck, my mouth is on fire. Holy fuck!

Daniel: I know why this taste different, it's got something in it that's like sour as well. And if you look its got like little things in it, I don't know what it is. I've never seen that-

Daniel: Well that makes a lot of sense. We don't have the fucking milk, so the asshole care provider didn't do the fucking milk. Um, the only thing they could've done was water, but that's not the taste, but whatever.

Daniel: Like, I'm going to be straight up serious. Why does it, the mac and cheese taste a lot like, like ranch, but with like a tangy taste, like, that doesn't make any sense. Like, honey mustard-

Daniel: The mac and cheese tastes more of like honey mustard, which is really weird. And if you look, bingo! It's got the, it's got the s-

Daniel: I want to see how much honey mustard they actually used.

Daniel: Most of it.

Daniel: -could see actually a little bit of a line how much has actually been used, and you can't hear anything when you shake it.

Daniel takes a bite of the mac and cheese and runs to spit it out.

Daniel: Fuck! Fuck!

Daniel: -because it just tastes so fucking bad and it's, it's been sitting here for like about an hour now, and I never thought I would be this angry to where I would be putting this fucking shit all over the fucking media. But guess what, it's starting to effect my family, and my girlfriend, and I'm not going to put up with this.

Daniel tosses the mac and cheese into a trash can.

Daniel: There! Fucking asshole! Put that all the way into the trash. Fucker.

Daniel: I think they added canola oil too, which is why it tastes so fucking bad. Fucker.

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