College Arc
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“ | I'm a fucking student! | ” |
“ | Hi, this is Daniel Larson, and you guys should Phi Kappa Tah! | ” |

On September 10th, 2023, Daniel claimed that he would be enrolling in college, specifically CU Boulder. In the following days, Daniel would write several community posts regarding his enrollment process, as well as a livestream where he discussed which subjects he would major/minor in. When "enrolled" in the college (which is just code for Daniel loitering around the campus, which he wasn't a student at), Phi Kappa Tau, a fraternity of CU Boulder, had become "friends" with Daniel, which engendered his delusions that he was a student. Daniel's interactions with them while at a frat party would begin to be posted to his TikTok and YouTube channel.
On September 12th, 2023. Nathan, one of the members of the fraternity, posted videos on TikTok under the username @twentytwodope. In these videos, Daniel can be seen holding up a Phi Kappa Tau shirt saying: "Hi, this is Daniel Larson, and you guys should Phi Kappa Tah!", mispronouncing the name of the fraternity. Though, Nathan quickly set his account to private following the backlash from several people, accusing him of purposely becoming "friends" with a known pedophile.
During his "attendance" at the college, Daniel would report that he would need to leave for Golden, Colorado to appear in court. However, his time at CU Boulder would be cut short following an arrest for a 3rd degree assault, after Daniel attacked someone, under the impression that coach Deion Sanders wanted to visit him. The College Arc lasted from September 10th, to September 16th, 2023, making it the shortest arc in the Daniel Larson story after the Dog Arc, lasting a mere 6 days.
Time in college

On September 13th, 2023, Daniel was filmed at Taco Junky Tequila Bar with members of Phi Kappa Tau, a fraternity at CU Boulder. In this video, Daniel was recorded kissing an unknown woman's cheek. This is the first documented instance of Daniel having any kind of intimate interaction with the opposite sex. Or at least, least with anyone of age. On the same day as Daniel being kissed, Daniel would upload a video of a person at the college whom he believed to be Flexburger. There is no proof that this was Flexburger, and was most likely someone lying to Daniel. "Flexburger" flipped him off repeatedly while saying, "Fuck you, Daniel!". The full video of this incident was posted by LarsonLeak, a channel which is owned by the real Flexburger
On September 14th, 2023 several videos were posted to the R/Daniellarson subreddit by Clear_Value6404, a throwaway account created by an unknown individual. It is uncertain when exactly these videos were recorded, as many of them take place at night. Despite the nighttime setting of these videos, they were posted at approximately 8:00am Daniel time. It is likely that they were filmed the night prior to being uploaded.
In these videos, Daniel can be seen attempting to bench press an empty bar, receiving an interview from some of the trolls and a dorm tour during which Daniel is ridiculed.
Mayaswag69/Grace's Sister
Mayaswag69 is a TikToker who uploaded a couple of videos with Daniel. The group convinced Daniel that the TikTok account owner was Grace's sister. Maya was also present at the bench press attempt and captured a second angle of it. On one of her videos, TikTok user hpto commented "Imagine you get Daniel Larson as your roommate" to which Maya responded, "i would burn the room, kill all gbe scabies"[citation needed]
Folsom Field Arrest
On September 16, 2023, Daniel was taken away from Folsom Field in handcuffs, which was filmed by bystanders. Daniel was arrested for third degree assault [1] after allegedly directing his aggression towards a security guard while attempting to access the field with the intention of meeting and joining Deion Sanders on stage [2][3]
TikTok user angelopira600 captured some videos just before Daniel was put into handcuffs. In the video, you can hear Daniel exclaiming that he was a student there as he is being walked away by security.
On the same day, Reddit user Ok_Lemon_6626 announced they had sent in an information request for the arrest. On September 20th, 2023 he would share the arrest report with the subreddit and 2 days after that, on September 22nd, 2023, he would release the bodycam footage for all to see. This was uploaded in parts on his YouTube channel, before eventually being compiled into one large video [4]

- Texts with "Coach Deion Sanders"
"College Arc" has video(s) that are in need of transcription, or need to have their transcript checked for quality so it can be to the standards of the wiki. See Daniel Larson Wiki:Transcripts for more information. |
On September 19, 2023, Daniel was released from Boulder County Jail. He began posting again on his community tab as well as going live on his bus ride back. During the bus ride a fan recognizes him and asks if he really is a student to CU to which Daniel responds "Not anymore". Daniel then explains what happened to the man and afterwards he grants him a photo. After some minutes pass Daniel begins explaining the situation again to the live. He explains how two security guards who were "just trying to use Daniel's fan base for their publicity" and that they didn't believe that Daniel was a student. After Daniel tried to explain what he believed to be the truth, that he was a student, and that he had a dorm on campus, they called the Boulder Sheriff on him leading to his arrest.
Fan: Are you Daniel Larson?
Daniel: I am, Yeah.
Fan: Are you actually a student at CU Boulder?
Daniel: What?
Fan: Are you actually a student at CU Boulder?
Daniel: *Shaking head* Not anymore, no.
Fan: What happened?
Daniel: Uh, trolls got me...
Fan: Oh really?
Daniel: ... like banned, yeah.
Fan: So where you headed to right now?
Daniel: I'm headed back to Denver.
Fan: Oh...
Daniel: Yeah.
Fan: So how'd they, like, get you banned. Like, what happened?
Daniel: Well, I was supposed to be working at the CU game this weekend and from my understanding somebody... someone at the school called the security on me... and then claimed that I was causing a scene, when I clearly wasn't... and then the security told me that I had to leave the school campus... but I had a dorm on campus, so I can't just leave campus if I'm a student and I have a dorm... and then the security guy, rather than verifying with anyone or getting on the walkie talkie with anyone, told me I was a liar, called the Boulder sherrif on me... and then got me arrested.
Fan: Damn, sorry [inaudible].
Daniel: *laughs* Yeah.
Fan: Can I get your picture real quick?
Daniel: Uhm... sure.
Fan: Thanks, it was nice meeting you!
Daniel: Nice meeting you too.
Some minutes pass and the same fan asks Daniel again what happened. In this conversation, Daniel divulges more information on his perspective of what happened that day.
Fan: So, what happened again?
Daniel: ... Oh what?
Fan: What happened... again?
Daniel: So, I was at the game, uh... CU game this weekend... and I was supposed to be singing the national anthem... and, uh, one of the... one of my fans, uhm... or I should say haters, from my fanbase, called the security at the CU game on me. Said I was creating a scene... uhm, which I wasn't and it was just two security guards trying to use my fanbase for their publicity... and it got to the point where, uhm, I told them I was a student... they told me to leave campus, but since I had a college dorm I can't leave campus if I want to go to my college dorm, right? So I tell them I have a college dorm and I am a student... they told me that was a lie without verifying if that was true or not and all they did was they called Boulder sherrif and they got me arrested... and now I'm banned from CU... and it's under investigation. *laughs* Yeah... kinda bullcrap to say the least.
Panera Bread interview
On September 14th, 2023 Daniel uploaded a video of himself in Panera Bread having an interview with a man named Dylan. This was originally uploaded with the title "Daniel Larson interview" but the same video was reuploaded shortly after with an alternative title, "they called the police on me". Dylan stated on Discord that he had been in Panera Bread in Boulder, CO with friends when he spotted Larson, then approaching him and conducting an interview. While interviewing Daniel, they talked about a range of things, including Larson's prospects to become President, his plans for a future record label, and how he would run the country.
When asked about the war in Ukraine and how he would resolve it, he answered, "I would nuke a very small country..." further explaining that this would make everyone "... wonder what's going on and who did it..." while at the same time acting as a warning to Russia, showing a very profound lack of knowledge on war and how it works, not knowing that this would only engender issues. When the interviewers question the thought behind this, since it is unlikely for anyone to support the use of nuclear warheads for the first time in over 70 years, Daniel's response is that he would "pair up with UK..." and "... wait and see what happens."
September 13th phone call to CU Boulder
On September 13th, 2023, Discord user S.T.O.A.T (also known as IceeBawls or Callum Gatwick) made a call to the university to find if they had known of Daniel's presence on campus. It was gathered that some of the staff members had seen posts floating around online that mentioned or showed Daniel wandering around campus. These staff members were also made aware of Daniel's situation as well as the name of the fraternity that was involved with Daniel.[citation needed]
At the end of the call, the members of staff advised to contact the police, and they would do the same. S.T.O.A.T did not reach out to the authorities and it is currently unconfirmed whether or not the campus police were called at all.
On November 30, 2023, Daniel appeared in front of a judge and pleaded guilty to attempted 3rd degree assault which is a class 2 misdemeanor. Daniel was placed on 12 months of probation, ordered 48 hours of community service, anger management classes and a fine. Counts 1 and 2 of his charges were dismissed by the judge. The Judge also states that Daniel must stay away from Folsom Field. [5]
Despite being banned from the field, Daniel asked the judge if he could apply to CU. The judge confirmed that it was allowed.
Daniel remains adamant about going to college, partially because it's one of the requirements of his probation.[6] On December 22, 2023, Daniel announced that he had applied for college, starting March 4, 2024 [7]. A couple of hours later Daniel posted another video saying that he was accepted.[8]
January 11 2024 Update
Daniel claims to have "called college" and says that he will start in a month in a half and that he will be getting his equipment soon.
I just got off the phone with college, and I start in about one and a half months, and I will be getting my equipment shortly.
Early Start
“ | Clark and grace vanderwaal just told me that I could get credits for my other college classes with yesterday's college class | ” |
Despite it not being a month and a half since his last announcement, around January 22 2024, Daniel began to mention college more often again, even stating that he was starting classes that day [10]. A user asks Daniel what he is majoring in and he says "Entertainment business/"[11] Daniel claims that he owes Clark money for college [12] despite immediately after claiming that Clark is the one paying for classes [13].

On January 24 Daniel revealed some PowerPoint slides from a "class he was taking" on "Ancient Texas" [14][15] These slides contained fictional information about "Ancient Texas" like how the first king was "Ishid Anfarded". Daniel posted many of these slides on his YouTube community pages all with text such as "I learned about the timeline of Texas today in college"[16] and "I learned about giants today in college"[17] Daniel unfortunately does not understand he is being "trolled" and that his classes are not real. When questioned what he learned about Shakespeare he claimed that he learned that "He had autism".
Recorded sessions
Flexburger leaked recordings of Daniel attending "class" on February 5 and February 6 while Daniel was in jail.
See Also
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- ↑ A video exists where Daniel explains that he either needs to go back to school or get a job.
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